《Path》Chapter 2 The Travel



Cultivation techniques are in two kinds(I’ll be adding more as the story progress, I guess):

Cultivation refining techniques – gathers and refines ki then transforms your body accordingly(not recommended to be practiced before the age of 8 since it might damage your profound veins, dantian(qi reservoir), body because its still undeveloped. Since in this world 8 and above is maturity stage of the body)

Breathing techniques – gathers ki and circulates it throughout the body but it only makes the body stronger not changing it in anyway(so its like refining techniques but without the changes it gives)

P.S. if you got anymore clarification please do message or comment or send me a review. Thanks


At the break of the dawn, the sky that was dark blue turning slowly to crimson-orange to orange to yellow then finally to morning sunshine blue.

Streaks of morning light going through Draenol’s room. Then suddenly someone’s calling him, “Draenol, wake up already. Eat your breakfast then we’re going immediately to the city of Cronea. It will be quite far so you need move a bit faster.”shouted by his Father from the downstairs which can be clearly heard from upstairs. It can be said that shout was quite loud but there was no hint of anger on it, just some doting affection can be felt through it like how all Fathers in the world.

Meanwhile in Draenol’s room, Draenol woke up then,“What?! What?! What’s that dream all ‘bout? Who was that beautiful Lady?” Draenol thought in his mind

“Oh shit! Father’s calling me already!” he hurriedly stand up, fixed his bed then rush to the dining room.

“Goooood Morning! Mother, Father, how’s your sleep?” He joyfully asked but it can be seen that he got some hidden agenda behind Draenol’s greetings. The couples were confused, “What happened to Draenol? He seems so excited this morning. Might it be caused of the aptitude exam? Well, it might be since he’s still a kid.” The couples train of though were somehow similar like this but not the same(A/N: Duuuuh).

They didn’t know that Draenol was like so excited and so happy this morning was because of his adventure in dreamland last night. “I cant wait to try out this movement skill I got, I still don’t know if I can execute it even though I can feel like I can do it instinctively” he thought to himself.

“What are you waiting for?” said his Father then continued, “Hurry up and eat your breakfast, we still got a long way”

“Why are you hurrying our son to eat his breakfast, huh?” teasingly said by his Mother

Then she continued,

“Draenol, are you ready for the exam? Just do your best, okay?” doted by his Mother

“I won’t just do my best, I’ll do better than best” he joyfully replied with full of energy

When the couple heard of this, they couldn’t hold themselves and then laught. They were happy how their son was full of energy, how their son wants to make them proud. “You’re really a blessing to us, It was worth it to sacrifice the life of being an adventurer and then to be a full-time parent to raised you and give our full attention to you.” They thought(Still different thought but same ideas).

After a joyfull conversation while eating breakfast, Rose was making a lunchbox for all of them then departed from home.

The Family walk to the town then go out to the gate where city of Cronea was directed.

“Where’s the carriage were riding?” said Draenol was tugging his Mother’s clothes


“Hahahaha!!” Loudly laugh by his Father, “We’re not riding a carriage, that’s too slow” his Father said while having a smile on his face.

“What?!” confusedly replied. “Are we riding magical beasts? Like dragons and unicorns? YES! YES! YES!” he thought in his mind with excitement on his face that he can’t hid.

“Hahaha, don’t worry child, we’re running to the city”said his Mother with a grin on her face

“Eeeehh?! It’s like 500kilometers away, and there’s beasts and bandits that we might encounter. Furthermore, we’ll surely be late for the registration of the exam. I thought we’re riding some sort of magical beast like a Mighty Dragon or a Majestic Unicorn.” Said Draenol with a somehow disappointed face.

“What are you spouting brat? Dragons and Unicorns are mostly Dominator level beings. Even seeing beings like them is a treasure, not to mention riding them. You can only dream about it. By the way, where did you learn these things anyway?” said his Father with teacher like tone, like passing knowledge to his son.

“In the library, I read a lot of things, like about the 9 Continents, legendary beings” said Draenol then he continued, “I even read about the existence of Gods and Ancients but there’s nothing that describes them. “ he said

“Oh, we got a bookworm of a son” said his Father with a happy face

“Do you like reading, Drae?” said his Mother

“Yes, I learn about a lot of new things. I want to travel all over the world and learn about everything” he answered with eyes twinkling with earnesty and passion

“Then I’ll tell you a lot of things about the adventures of your dad and me, back in the days. We were quite the famous adventurers too” said her mom.

“Eeeeh? How come I only heard about this now? I just know dad as some low-leveled adventurer but you too Mother?” he said in surprised but with a hint of mischieviousness

“You cheeky brat” said his Father while pinching his cheeks

“Ouuch!” exclaimed by Draenol

These conversation of their family seems long, it only took for a while.

“Are we really running there?”said Draenol to his parents

“Yes, now get on your father’s back” said his Mother

Draenol was on his father’s back. Then the couple release their Ki, enshrouding their body with white like gas.

“Are you ready?” said his Father with a big smile on his face

“I’m Draenol Renza, I’m always ready” said Draenol

(Their Family name is Renza)

“Then hold tightly” said the couple, then they immediately disappear into thin air. They were running so fast but you can’t feel any resistance against the wind on their body. Even Draenol was astonished of the speed of his parents.

“Wow, we’re travelling so fast. We’re going to arrive to the city of Cronea in no time” he thought in his mind

“Mother, Father, You guys seems pretty high level, why did you quit being an adventurer?” curiously asked by Draenol

“To be parents of course, so we can give full attention to you” said his Mother

“But can’t you do being parents and being adventurer at the same time?” Draenol replied

“Then there would only be one person to attend to you every now and then, and if both of continue then bring you then

that would expose you to a lot of dangers.” Said his Mother

“Then how come you didn’t taught me any martial skills or cultivation technique?” said Draenol

“Martial skills would harm your undeveloped profound veins before the age of 8 so we didn’t taught you any and about cultivation technique, we taught you the highest form of qi gathering breathing technique we know of, the [Qi Vortex circulation breathing technique].” Said his Mother


“Eeehh?! I never thought that that breathing technique is that great. Mother and Father is gonna be sooo mad when they found out I do not practice it that frequently” he thought in his mind

Although what his Mother said is true and Draenol’s been slacking of and not practicing the breathing technique, there’s a natural occurrence in Draenol’s body which is gather Ki all over his body and letting all of his body absorb the Ki around the world and his dantian gathering Ki separately and refining the Ki multiple times. If Manje and Rose inspects Draenol’s body or any expert then they would be astonished on how miracly Draenol’s body works.

Draenol’s body works with like a built-in system that’s similar how a person do cultivation refining techniques. Although, what it does is similar to simple refining techniques, he do it like he’s breathing and constantly doing it unconciously and that’s what make it freakishly suprising and in addition to that he’s body is doing it in perfection unconciously.

So even though, Draenol doesn’t practice breathing technique, he’s body has been refined unconciously in constant.

Although what his body does is similar to refining technique, it doesn’t hurt his body in any way because he’s body is doing it instinctively not like when practicing refining techniques and inserting refined power to your self forcibly.

“We were planning to teach you a simple martial skill when we got back to the from the aptitude exam” she said

Draenol got out from the shocked he got then he said, “Oh so that’s why its so easy gathering Ki in nature, then I cant wait to finish this exam” He mischieviously lied but with excitement on his face because of learning a martial skill.

And then,

“I can’t let them know that I didn’t practice the breathing technique they thought me, almost to none. It didn’t affect me in anyway though that’s why I didn’t practice it.” He thought in his mind

“Father, Mother, can you let me run on my own?” he asks

“Dear, Me and your Mother’s in Peak Heaven realm” his father said,”Its impossible for you to keep up with us even though we’re not executing any movement skills or not running with our full power it still hard for a Master realm practitioner to keep up with us, not to mention you an 8 year old, who’s in early intermediate realm” said his Father

Being in Intermediate realm while still an 8 years old can be classified as a great genius. That’s why they want to take Draenol to take the aptitude exam and let those sects or schools see his talents, so they can foster him and let him cultivate with the best resources.

They know that a kid with talents like Draenol will surely be flocked with invitations from top schools or sects.

“I still want to run with you guys so I can atleast exercise for a bit until we arrived. Just use half of the current speed so I can still keep” said Draenol

The couple were shocked of what Draenol said, “Half? That still too fast for an early intermediate realm” the couples thought in their mind

The couple stopped running then Manje put Draenol down, “Hohoho, your challenging us, you cheeky brat?” said by Manje while having a big smile on his face

“Yup”honestly answered without hesitation by Draenol

“Then you start to run first and we’ll adjust our speed depending on yours. If you’re too slow for us, we’re going to stop you and let your Father carry you again, okay?” said his Mother

“Okay”said by Draenol with no hint of hesitation and seems to be full of confident

As he picture the first form of [Wolf God’s Dance • First Step:Earth Rush]. He looks at the azure blue morning sky; he feels the air and the ground. Then he looks at his parents from left to right.

He stomp to the ground first, A loud boom can be heard and then he executes the [Wolf God’s Dance • First Step: Earth Rush]. “Ooops! I messed up, I put too much Ki, in my memory it said that it should be fierce, unmoving, strong yet gentle. Well, I guess it’s a good first try but I still should practice this more” he thought in his mind

The couples were stupefied on what they’re seeing, their son is running comparable to Master realm practitioners. Intermediate and Master realm are a realm apart. so it should be said that an early intermediate realm practitioner being comparable to a Master realm practitioner is great feat not to mention the one doing this is an 8 year old kid.

The couples were having wide smiles on their face, it can be seen that they were overjoyed from what they’re seeing now, “Our son’s not only a genius. He’s a genius of genius they thought” they thought in their mind

Although this took time to explain, it only took a moment in the real time.

While overjoyed, the couple then followed Draenol going ahead and instantly now besides Draenol.

“Hahahaha, you really surprised us their son, we didn’t know you know any martial skill and it seems its a great movement skill for you to move this fast.” Said his Father, the couple seems to ignore the fact on where did Draenol learned this movement skill.

“I can even go faster, if I want to”Said Draenol with a smile on his face

“What?! Then show us” said the couple

Draenol enshrouding himself with Ki like what his Mother and Father did. And then, he balanced out his Ki all over his body. Circulating his Ki according to the instructions [Wolf God’s Dance • First Step: Earth Rush]. Even though, its his first time executing this movement skill, he got the memory embedded to him and now it seems he’s been doing it for years so what he needs is get used to doing it constantly.

"He's even copying us from what he just saw, enshrouding ourselves with Ki to deflect the wind" they thought in their minds.

An hour passed by and Draenol seems to be on his peak speed. That’s comparable to a peak Master realm. Draenol suddenly stops from running. The couple were happy of what Draenol showed to them.

“To be able to run in that speed for an hour, you’ll be able to find a great sect or school to foster you, it might even get the attention of the Royal Family and foster you because of your great talents. We want to be with you always but your talent would be wasted if we keep you from the world where they offer greater things than us.” They thought in their minds.

Draenol now was sweating, large beads of sweat were dripping from his face and his clothes seems to be soaked by sweat.

“I can’t run anymore, Mother, Father” Draenol said while panting

“Hahahaha, we didn’t even expect you to run that fast, not to mention to keep that speed for an hour. You almost gave us a heart attack.” His father said and then he goes near to Draenol then lowered his back, “Come on now, we need to hurry to register you then stroll around the city if we got an extra time” his Father added.

Draenol hops on his father’s back. The couple stares with each other with happy smiles on their face that can be vividly seen.

The couples enshroud their selves with Ki, it seem they were using a lot more Ki than when they started.

And in instant they rush through the roads going to the city.

In just 15 minutes after they stopped because Draenol was already tired, they arrived to the entrance of the city of Cronea.

a total of 1hour and 15 minutes, they arrived to the city gates.

In short, the Renza family travelled for at least 400km/hr. Which shows that these couples are experts, since riding a normal carriage pulled by horse would take days to arrive to the city and if they travelled using magical beasts then it would at least take a lot more.

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