《Path》Chapter 1 The Beginning


After the fall of Ratossa Kingdom

8 Years later

A small town in the continent of Alexandria called Alacreya

This town is settled besides a medium-size, mountain forest-type Hunt zones; Hunt zones can be deserts, swamps, forest, mountains or dungeons and classifies size and danger levels by small, medium, huge, tyrant, empire-size Hunt zones.

And the most commonly use standards in gauging these Hunt zones are (But may vary due to special circumstances):

Small-size – Monster level ranges 1–20

Medium-size – Monster level ranges 10–40

Huge-size – Monster level ranges 20–60

Empire-size – Monster level ranges 30–70

Tyrant-size – Monster level ranges 70 - ???

Additionally, Hunt zones are further classified by the beast’s natures as you venture to the Hunt zones: Green, Yellow, and Red. Green represents the outer circle of the Hunt zone and as long you’re not going to intrude any beast’s territories they’re not going to attack you. Yellow represents middle circle and some aggressiveness of beasts. Red represents the inner circle and that most creatures if not all will attack you as long they see you as prey.

Even though Alacreya is situated besides a Hunt zone, the Hunt zone is surrounded by monster repelling runes to prevent future problems cause by deviant monsters which would go out to the Hunt zone to wreaked havoc.

“I got a pretty good harvest right now, I can at least sell this 23 level 1 monster cores in the market for 50silver each” said a man. This man was Manje, messy hair, looks in his middle-age, and a retired warrior. Although retired, he still hunts out monster for day to day consumption. As he walks to the marketplace, he was humming and got a huge smile on his face.

Most of the people he passes by seems to call out his name and greets him, showing familiarity of some sort to him. As people calls him out and greets him, he greets back too as a show of giving back respect.

As he arrives to the sundries shop to sell his goods.

“Hello again Mr. Bob, I’m going to pass you all my loads again” said Manje.

Bob is an old guy looks like he’s in his 70’s and the owner of the sundries shop.

“Hohoho, It’s great on how you sell what you hunt to my shop and even selling it cheaper than the standard price” said Bob with a gratified face.

“Well, it’s my way of showing thanks on how you help my family when we were in peril” said Manje while smiling a bit.

“In the past, if anyone met you in that state I’m sure they’re going to help you too. It’s just that I was the first person you met that night. Well now, let’s cut the chit-chat I know you still have some errands to do. So, what do you have on you now?” said Bob.

“I got 23 Level 1 monster cores for 50silver coins each” said Manje

Coin denominations for all continents is:

100 copper = 1 silver

100 silver = 1 gold

100 gold = 1 purple gold

100 purple gold = 1 thunder gold

“It seems you got a good harvest. Here’s 12gold, the 50silver is bonus because you’re selling your stuff to me at a really low price” said Bob. What Bob said was true, because merchants will buy level 1 monster cores at 75 silver and sell it with a retail price of 1gold. So Bob getting these cores for 50 silver is a really good bargain.

“I wont refuse your offer then, so then see you again Mr. Bob” said Manje


“Then I’ll be waiting for great buy coming from you” replies Bob

After going out, Manje then goes to a meat shop. “Since I earned quite a lot today, we’re going to have horned-rabbit meat tonight” Manje says to himself. Horned-rabbit meat is an expensive delicacy and usually nobles buy this stuff.

Although it’s a low-level beast, it’s constantly hunted by someone stronger than them in the Hunt zone and due to that its hard to hunt it.

Horned-rabbit meat cost around 1 gold/200grams. Manje bought a total of 500grams of rabbit-horned meat costing him 2 gold and 50 silver.

After buying the meat, he goes straight to his house. His house is on the outskirt of the town, living traditionally with the trees and animals.

“Honey, I’m home “Manje joyfully greets her wife, Rose.

“Hello dear, have you seen Draenol?” said Rose with a hint of worry while saying it.

“What! He’s not back yet? It’s almost dinner time. That mischievous kid always gives us worries. Well, don’t worry; I’m sure he’s just running around somewhere.” said Manje with a restless face that can be vividly seen.

“But, tomorrow is the Aptitude exam for school admission, testing every kid of years 8 – 12, aren’t we going discussed it to him today as early as possible?” said Rose

“Don’t worry, we still got time.” Manje said while laughing.

Meanwhile in the Hunt zone besides Alacreya. Countless howls can be heard. A kid can be seen being chased by pack of Fanged Brown wolves; this kid is just around 7-8 years old and being able to out run Fanged brown wolves is a great feat considering his age, and this kid is none other than Draenol. They’re three-times bigger than normal wolves and they got thick fur like a Mastiff. Fanged Brown Wolves is only level 8 but faster than monster at their level and their speed is comparable to level 11 - 13 adventurers.

Yet these wolves cant go ahead to Draenol, even keeping up with him is great challenge for this wolves.

If anyone had seen what Draenol did, then their jaws would drop instantly.

“Hahahahaha, these wolves are no match for me. They can’t even get closed to me” Draenol said to his mind.

After a while, he got out of the forest.

“Even Fanged brown wolves cant chase me, how much more anyone in the same age as me?” Draenol haughtily said

“It’s been almost 3 years since I noticed that my body started absorbing the energy in nature and absorbing it using my muscles and bones and almost 2 years since it’s been going on in my dantian on its own and refines it until the white colored energy is refined to gold fluid” Draenol thought.

“I wonder what’s my level now, considering I can outrun a Fanged brown wolf which is in level 8” Draenol added

“What?! Its almost dinner time! Father’s so gonna scold me for going home late again” Draenol rushed to their house like it’s the end of the world. Draenol’s speed was even faster than when he was chased by Fanged brown wolves. Normal people wouldn’t see anything because of how fast Draenol is running right now. If cultivators sees Draenol, they’d be stupefied how on earth a kid can go that fast without showing any signs of difficulties.

In just a while, he’s almost at home and when he’s near enough he stopped then walk towards their house.

Then said,

“I’m sorry, I got late for dinner” says Draenol worriedly said then bows

“Sit down already, we got horned-rabbit meat for dinner tonight” says Rose


Draenol with a happy smile on his face said, “Really?! How come we’re eating something extravagant?”

“We’re going to make you take the aptitude exam for kids 8 – 12 years old, so you can start to cultivate as early as possible” replied his Dad Manje. Cultivation usually starts when their 8 and starts to grow constantly and the body, profound veins, dantian starts to mature. So, being an 8 years old is the optimal start of cultivating seriously. Since doing it as earlier than 8 would tend to give damage to the kid’s foundation and permanently damage the profound veins and dantian.

So instead of giving them cultivation techniques that change the body structure, parents usually teach their child breathing techniques to gather energy in nature and refine it. The difference between the two is cultivation techniques refines ki and changes the structure of your body and enabling them to surpass human ability according to the technique you practice but with a breathing you’re just gathering Ki and making it your own but there’s a: all cultivation techniques is a breathing technique but not all breathing techniques are cultivation techniques.

What Draenol did to his body cannot be considered a cultivation technique since it’s a natural occurrence, just like what’s breathing to normal people.

“In the aptitude exam, they’re going to test your Ki level, nature, elements, and Body form.” Said his Father

While looking at his son, “Ki levels are divided into 10 realms, from lowest to highest realm: Elementary, Intermediate, Master, Heaven, Great Heaven, King, Emperor, Saint, Supreme, Dominator.” Then continued, “And Body forms are divided into 7 types respectively: Dragon, Tiger, Phoenix, Turtle, Whale, Wolf, Monkey.” And then continued, “There are also Ki natures and elements”

“You can learn all about it tomorrow from the Facilitator of the exam” said his Father

“Me and your Father is going to accompany you to a city early in the morning” says her Mother with stern look

Added his father, “So after you eat your dinner, sleep immediately since we’re travelling quite far tomorrow”

“So what happens after the aptitude exam?” curiously asked by Draenol

“You will be invited either by sects or schools. All of this depends on your performance during the exam. If you did great

then the top schools and sects will invite you” says his Father

“Then I’ll do my best so that you’ll be proud of me, shishishishi” Draenol joyfully said

The parents merrily laughed because of what Draenol said. No parents will not be happy if their child says something like that, then both people said, “Then we’ll be expecting great results from you tomorrow”.

The night went on. The family was chatting merrily together. There were laughs and smiles.

After eating dinner Draenol went straight to bed. The couples just smiles in each other.

When they were about to sleep, Rose suddenly said, “What if Draenol found out about the truth?”she asks to Manje

He lightly touches her cheeks then said, “No worries, after all these years do you not think that Draenol doesn’t loves us?

“But that’s for now since he doesn’t know yet that we’re not his real parents. What if he hates us because we kept him from the truth? I might not able to take it.” She replied worriedly

“Then we’ll tell him the truth when we first found him. Although, we don’t know where he came from, but the time we touched him we knew what his name” said Manje

“I just hope that Draenol’s love for us won’t change. He’s the only reason I stop being an adventurer” replied Rose

“Then let’s hope for the best, that Draenol would still sees us still his parents after that moment” said Manje

The couple stops conversing and continued to sleep.

The darkness of the night gets deeper and the glow of the stars glow brighter.

In Draenol’s room, something is illuminating brightly. Draenol is still fast asleep during this happen then he suddenly feels a warm touch to his chest. He wokes up and saw a glowing bright orb.”What the hell is this?” he thought while he’s still in shocked.

Then after he calms his nerves, he slowly approached the ball of light with his hand and touched the ball of light. His mind suddenly goes blank like going through a place at instant. The next thing he knows he’s standing in a world just white. He sees a beautiful woman sitting on a chair, this woman is none other than Queen Zila Orascion.

“Uhmm Lady, who are you? And where am I?” he curiously asks

“I’m sorry child, I can’t tell you who am I now but in the near future I will surely tell you”then she continues, “You are in the space of memories subjectively for you, which is conjured by your mind the moment you touched the ball of light”

“Wooooaahh! So why I am here?” Draenol asks

“You’re here because I have a little gift for you.” She replies

“What?! Really?! But my mother said that don’t accept things from a stranger.” Replied childishly

“Well, you cant refuse me. As long you don’t accept my gift you cant get out of here, so your only choice is to accept it.”

“What!? Is there really no option? My mother would endlessly scold me if I do that”

“Don’t worry, this will be our very own little secret” she replied while pinching his cheeks and then smiling

“Ouucccccccccchh! That hurts Lady, you’re so mean and also telling me to lie to my mother” He cutely and sarcastically replied

“So what’s your gift to me?” He continued.

“Before you were like not going to accept my offer but now you’re really excited child.”She doted to Draenol.

“You said I can’t leave this place as long as I don’t accept your gift, so I am forced to accept your offer Lady” mischievously replied by Draenol.

“You mischievous little runt” She replied while pinching Draenol’s cheeks until its tomato red

“Ouch! So what’s your gift Lady?”he excitedly asks

“I’m going to give you a Movement skill” she said

“What? So it’s a skill, Lady, I’m still not cultivating anything and I only learned breathing techniques to gather Ki. So its

not good for me doing martial arts skills before I cultivate any techniques or reached a certain level or else it will be harmful in my way of cultivation in the future, that’s what my father said to me” He proudly said

“Don’t worry child, this Movement skill is made specifically for you so isn’t harmful to you in any way and don’t worry about not learning it since I have a special method for you to learn It immediately. I just have one condition before anything else, is that you won’t tell anyone about what specifically happened here. Do you promise?” she said

“Instantly learn?! I promise! I promise! So what movement skill it is? Give me, give me, give me the movement skill” he hurriedly and excitedly said

Zila Orascion taps Draenol’s forehead then Draenol’s forehead has a dot that glows. It took sometime then wakes up from stupor

“Wow, what a great movement skill, its million times better than reinforcing Ki in my steps and release it” he thought inside

“[Wolf God’s Dance] I instantly learned the first form of it, [Wolf God’s Dance • Earth Rush]. With this, I can be recruited in top schools or sects. Even more if there’s a battle examination, I hope there is” he continuedly thought

“Thank you for this wonderful gift Lady” he said then bowed

“I guess its time child. See next time” She said then kisses his forehead

Draenol disappears from the world made of nothing but white. “See you again in the near future my Son, Your Father’s going to get angry because I tweaked his runes a bit”she insidely thought then slowly disappears.

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