《Path》The Prologue


In a room with a huge round table, 28 people and the King are holding their breath, the other 27 people each wearing cloaks with different symbols written all over it.

“My King, our Kingdom! I have very grave news that--”, exclaims a cloaked figure while running and panting.

"Sir, this cannot happen! One of our caravans were--!", another cloaked figure reports in anger.

"Your Majesty, our scholars believe that this is the work of--", another cloaked figure asserts.

“Damn, How did this happen? We, the strongest Kingdom are on the verge of collapsing”, another one of the hooded figures exclaims.

“We can't hold on anymore, it's been a week and in this war of attrition we’re clearly on the disadvantage with these multiple kingdoms attacking us on all sides”, said by another cloaked figure. "Very much indeed, some of those kingdoms I haven't even heard of before.", another hooded figure agrees quickly.

"Silence! All of you!", the lead councilor reprimands the 26 cloaked figures. They quiet down, and swiftly at the moment they were reprimanded.

Loud roars, Metallic objects going against another, explosions, crumbling noise from a building, rocks falling, even incantations of such can be heard outside. It can be said that 'The embodiment of chaos is everywhere as of this very moment'.

“We only put down our defense a little and this happens. A war with one kingdom is easy to determine, but if we were to skirmish with the others!--”, a cloaked figure hushes over, but he was cut-off mid sentence.

“We've no use for regrets now”, said the King, he then stands up from his throne and gets an orb of some sort with mysterious engravings on it. He then said,”What we can do now is fight until death to uphold the glory of our race and the dignity of our Kingdom but I wont force all of you to join in this fight of taking down as much enemies as you can. I would just want all of you to have a choice either fight to death or run. I can't put the burden on you guys on this moment of despair. I apologize to all of you for my short-comings bringing upon to you this disaster.” Then the King kneels down in front of his council.

All of the 27 cloaked figures were shocked in what they have seen. They were overwhelmed of such actions of the man sitting on the highest place of hierarchy. Even though they'd known that the King has a kind-hearted, honest personality, they didn’t expect him to do such an act of humbleness. The man leading this kingdom suddenly kneels.

All of what the King did was projected to all the minds of every people of the Kingdom. In this time of despair, they only felt gratitude from their heart even in this situation because they remembered how the King personally went out to defend the Kingdom, and saved people before. They knew that he single handedly took charge of the political problems happening because few leaders of the Kingdom have already abandoned their duties. They knew that the King could've done the same but instead did what was more righteous.

With their King, the people of the Kingdom felt at ease in their hearts. Even though, the King did a most humbling act, almost embarrassing even, for the people of this Kingdom. But, he felt proud of what he did because he knew how his act could encourage his people.

Suddenly, all the cloaked figures stands up. Then one of them said, “Your Highness, I shall order my men to defend the outmost gates." Another one follows, "Sir, I'll be readying our heavy defenses." And another, "Highness, me and my guys are gonna go do some scouting." The King nodded to each one of them, and they all disappeared at once. The 27 cloaked figures then went to do as what they should.


When all of them were gone, the King was left to his lonesome. “Destruction is going to happen to us no matter what resistance we offer. But, for all the worth this Kingdom has, it would not go down without a fight. We’re going to show them the strength of our Kingdom!", he monologues, and outright storms out of his throne room.


In an undisturbed part of the Kingdom:

A humming sound echoes through the walls of Etienne. The sound feels like it carries life and anyone that'll hear it will be renewed of vigor. The sound feels so angelic that it can be said that the very sound is coming from a goddess. After a while, the sound stops.

In a room, a woman is sitting in a corner watching how the battle unfolds outside, the woman was carrying a baby and was singing him a lullaby. This woman was the Queen, her beauty was unparalleled to the world even though she have aged through the years it can still be said that her beauty’s boundless because of how young she still looks.

The Etienne is a private mansion owned by King of the Kingdom. It disguises itself as a large cabin, where in truth it is a place of natural and artificial beauty. Wooden, mundane, and uninviting on the outside; a crystallite and ivory wonder on the inside. It is located in a safe place, just within the outskirts of the Kingdom. Its location is unknown to anyone other than the King, the Queen, and the King's personal messenger.

Suddenly a man barges in the room. This man was the King, “You need to go now, destruction upon our kingd--” the king solemnly said, but he was cut-off shortly. "Shush, shush... He's sleeping, you wouldn't want to wake him up, dear." The Queen hushes at the King while smiling beautifully at the baby,”My King, you haven't forgotten that my life was bound to this very room the very moment I was almost killed here when I was pregnant, have you?" "No, I--", the King tried to answer back quickly but he was cut short again. " Although the attempt failed, I was almost dead, if not actually dead. I would have rather been, if I had a choice then. The assassin used that special poison that disperses the life essence and Ki of the target as time passes by; the target was me, of course."

"The poison made my body reject Ki which just makes me useless, in every respect. If it were not for that Master Shaman that was passing by I wouldn’t have lived for another day. He laid out runes all over the room, some I haven't even seen before, that sustained my life and nullified the poison permanently, but with the condition that I stay here.", she pauses for a few seconds. She then peers over at the king, and slowly tears up, "He saved our little treasure."

The King, with the eyes burning with conviction, “But dear, if we push out the runes' ability you can still extend your life for a decade or two, outside of our Kingdom. You can raise our child and live happily for years.”, he urged.

"Are you being stupid? 'Push out the runes' capabilities'? Are you proposing that you'll carry this room full of runes somewhere? How smart of you. Yes! Yes, I’ll live but I’ll be bed-ridden. Now, how am I supposed to raise our child? If he was a plant, then I might have agreed to that. No problem, no problem at all.” replied the Queen with disbelief and anger.


The King was speechless, he did not know how he would react to the Queen's outburst. Shortly after, she continues talking but this time with composure and calmness. “We’ll just part him with special gifts to complement his special body. His path is already engraved to greatness, with or without us.”

The King looks at the queen with care and love, “If you’re really insistent on your part then I can’t argue with you anymore, but let me accompany and protect you with the kingdom until the end.”

The two look and nods at each other, then the King says, “If we’re going to abandon him somewhere, we need to find a suitable place where it's currently peaceful and wars scarcely happen. Most suitably, a faraway town or village. Before I forget, we need to chain his body’s special abilities until he reaches a level where he can protect himself. Although this will take a huge bite in his potential, this will be a safeguard for his own safety.”

“I don’t have any complaints about that since simply being an [Anomaly] already has its dangers; how much more for a being that exceeds an [Anomaly]. Let’s give him the [Ancient bracelet of Thesis] and store a parting memory of him and a little guidance when he reaches the age of 12, seal it so no other can ever reveal it. Also, lets part with him the 8 cultivation manuals that we had collected from our travels. Although we hadn't mastered all of them, if it’s him, I’m sure he’ll master it and surpass us greatly.", said the Queen.

The [Ancient bracelet of Thesis] is like a spatial ring but can store a lot more variety and is like a storage shelf where you can organize and classify things. It can store memories, soul and living things and addition to that, it has a storage space comparable to a size of a kingdom.

The Queen was still unsatisfied then ends up giving a lot more of things like weapons, armors, talismans, scrolls, potions, pills, beast cubes, soul orbs and many more and all of it was stored in the [Ancient bracelet of Thesis]. The King just scratched his head while looking how his wife was preparing everything for their child.

The Kingdom's King and Queen; known as the God-King of Madness, Ralom Orascion, and Valkyrie’s Descendant, Queen Zila Orascion, then begin their farewell to their little treasure.

“Your mother spoils you too much already!”, said Ralom while laughing at the baby.

“Well then it's decided. We’ll immediately teleport him to the continent of Alexandria!” said King Ralom. Queen Zila, while carrying the baby, immediately stands up and walks towards the King, “Although, we can’t observe on how you grow up. I would just like you be happy with your life, little Draenol.”

King Ralom then made a circle made of runes then puts their son on it. Then before doing the teleportation spell, he embedded 3 kinds’ runes to his son. These runes were invisible but its effect is the real deal. Although he’s not as great as the Master Shaman, he can still be called a great Rune Master. The runes he embedded to his son is a shielding rune, where it repels any living beings with malicious intent against him and this includes any objects that puts him in any kind of danger. The second effect is to detect whether a person is suitable to raise his child or not and this detection occurs to the soul of the person whether its intention is good or not, if the person is suitable then the first rune shall not be effective on him. Lastly its function is simple, when the person is suitable and touches his son, Draenol's name(first name only) shall be engraved onto that person's consciousness immediately.

“I guess this is it, little Draenol.” says the King with poignance.

“We'll keep you close to our hearts, little one...” says the Queen, almost tearing up.

“What’s the use of this farewell message again?” the King breaks the moment.

The Queen then punches his right shoulder softly, while hiding an impulsive smile, "Oh, you..!"

"Whaaat? Let's not be too teary-eyed here, I mean--", he reasons jokingly but he is, again, cut off.

“What’s wrong about it? He’s our child so its only natural for us to act this way, you old-bearded brute!”, protests the Queen. “Well, I guess it is unnecessary but since we're already here... Wait, you're recording this, right?” she continues while hiding her laughter.

"Yes, I am. Obviously.", the King responded. "Okay, don't include the part where we're just talking with nonsense. Like this part.", the Queen commanded. "No, I'm going to keep it. I don't have a lot of time to take out some parts.", the King reasoned.

Then another quarrel between the royal duo started, but was outright stopped by the cries of Draenol. The Queen approached the baby and said, "It's okay, it's okay. We're just making you laugh, little one. In due time, you'll find our conversation to be funny."

The King and Queen stand side by side, looking at their son and then the King starts the teleportation incantation, it took quite long since it’s a super long type of teleportation and it’s a living being, to top it of it’s a child so the king did the teleportation with the utmost concentration to teleport his son with the most friendly-natured transportation that won't bring any harm to his child.

After teleporting their son, the King’s face suddenly turn serious then said to the Queen, “I need to go now, dear.”, then kisses her on the cheeks.

“Yeah, I need to go now too. Onwards!”, the Queen burst out of the door, and rushes to the Etienne's armory.

“What?!!! No, you're poisoned and your body’s been damaged severely!”, said the King while going after her.

He catches on to her immediately. “I’m dying sooner or later anyway, I should at least take out an enemy general or two.", states the Queen. "Are you sure about this? I mean--", the King tried to reason but was cut off, again. "You mean a lot of things, actually. I know what you're trying to say, but I've made up my mind.", the Queen asserts.

“What--well, okay, fine. I guess. I really can't stop you, you're too stubborn. But if you’re really insisting, then we fight side by side, okay?”, said the King. "Not a chance!", the Queen took off. The King chases after her, "Are you really okay, right now? Is the poison too strong that it messes up your mind?"

"No! We can't fight side by side because you can't keep up with me! I can already see it not happening!", the Queen jokingly responds. The King just smiles, and lets her off this time around. The Queen's dress then transform into a battle armor and looks truly like the Goddess of Battle, Valkyrie.







The Kingdom struggled for 2 more weeks before it completely fell. The invaders, however, weren't too lucky either. Two small kingdoms were crushed by the Kingdom, while the others sustained heavy damage to their military and economy. Great names have fallen from the attackers, including the feared leader and spear-head of the invasion, Mythic General Kruss.

After the war, the news about it soared throughout the whole world. A most shocking phenomenon; the greatest battle the world has ever known, yet. The Ratossa Kingdom truly stood to its name as the strongest kingdom in the world. An alliance of many kingdoms, however, was able to conjure its downfall, but that was just the inevitable. Any other kingdom, in their lonesome or dozen, could not have been able to win a war against the Ratossa.

The place where the Ratossa Kingdom stood before, only a large pit hole can be seen that seems to reach the bottom of underworld.

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