《Transported To A Different World While In A VR Game?》Chapter 14: An Unexpected Meeting


When I regain my consciousness, the first thing I see is the figure of Lilia beside me. She stands on her knees as her hands hover above me. I see light coming from her palms, most likely a healing spell of some sorts.

"U-uuu, that hurts."

"Akira-sama, you're back!"

With tears in her eyes, Lilia hugs me as hard as she can, giving me a face full of her breasts. Ah, it's been a while.

I look across the room to see Eleanore fighting on front of the room's entrance. I squint and I notice that monsters are blocking the exit.

Damn, we didn't really defeat their leader so they're now trying to finish us while we're weak!

I rise up, to the protest of Lilia, who insists that I should stay rested a while longer.

"How can I rest while she is fighting alone? No, I'm joining her.


"Do not worry, my dear princess. This wound... it's nothing at all."

That's a lie by the way. I can feel my muscles screaming with pain every time I move them. And I don't know whether to blame it to some magical properties her hair had or it's just the fact that the pain from wounds is more prominent now after this world "becomes reality".


As I run as fast as I can to Eleanore, I see her slashing a big ogre in two, while simultaneously defending against the barrage of arrows shot by the skeleton archers.

Then, I notice it. The dampness of her leather shorts. It spreads from the crotch all the way to her inner thighs.

"W-what are you looking at?" she glances backwards, noticing from the corner of her eyes that I've been staring at her butt.

"Oh, nothing. Just noticing how sweaty your thighs have gotten."


"Y-you pervert! I-it's your fault they got that sweaty in the first place!"

Her face gets beet red. As a noble knight, she must be really embarrassed that she had an "accident" in public, let alone in the front of a hero.

"Oh? I had thought a proud knight like you, the shining example on chivalry and purity, would be able to keep her composure and stave off her lust even in situations like that." I tease her even further.


Before she can finish her sentence, she is interrupted by a loud roar from the back of the demons blocking our way.


"What the--"

I see a horde of hugely-sized demons making its way through the crowd. They have no care about its friends whatsoever, as they simply use their big claws through anyone standing in its ways.

"W-what are those things? I've never seen anything like them before!" Eleanore remarks.

As for me, I know perfectly what those are.

Baal. It's an Event Boss that appeared a while back when there's this event about the demons invading a certain human town. Even though its size isn't terribly huge, it has a powerful combination of speed, strength, and toughness. It takes a whole raid to fight even just one.

And now we have to fight a horde of them.

We're so screwed.

"...Lea-chan, I want you to take the princess with you and run away from this place as fast as you can. If you can find our horses outside, then that's even better. I will make a path for you and distract these guys while you make your escape."

"W-what? What are you talking about? With that wound you're going to act as a distraction? You're just going to get yourself killed!"

I see Eleanore's angry yet worried expression, something that strikes deep into my soul.


...It feels nice to be worried over.

"I-if someone's going be the bait, then I'll do it."

"N-no, L-Lea-chan, it's too dangerous! You're going to get yourself--"



...Wait, how she feels? Does that mean--

She also realizes this, it seems, as she blushes beet red before turning her face away from me and go to slash more demons.

And I can feel my face heating up too.

I-is this how it feels when a girl confesses her crush to you?

If it is, then it's a nice feeling indeed.


...Oh crap, I forget that Lilia is here.

"I-I see that Miss Eleanore is quite fond of you, isn't she?"

Her face looks like she's about to cry.

"H-hey, this is not the time to be talking about this! We have to think up another way to get us all out of here alive" I clumsily change the subject of the discussion.

However, just when my brain starts to do their job, I see something. Something that will become our salvation.

A figure is fighting the demons in the distance.

Two figures, in fact. One of them seems to be the melee of the group since it stays in the front while the other stays in the back.

The Baals, seeing that the path to the two figures is much easier to access since they've decreased the number of demons in the path before when they get to where they are now, chooses to go after them instead.

As the demons clear even more, I can see that the two figures are, in fact, a man and a girl.

The man is using a rapier as his weapon. He dodges and sidesteps between the demons' attacks easily, always counterattacking in between. It's like watching an elegant yet deadly dance.

The girl though is a unique one. She seems to be a psychic, someone that can use her mind to control objects without using any mana. It's a class that is only available to NPCs alone and even then, it's pretty rare.

The girl easily stops all the particle attacks heading her way, even the magical ones. And then, she sends them back to their sender as her attack.

"R-reinforcements? Did the king send us reinforcements?" Eleanore says, still in disbelieve at what her eyes are watching.

When the Baals get to where they are, the man performs some sort of skill that makes dozens of rapiers appear out of thin air near them, stabbing them with impudence and paralyzing their movement. And then, the woman lifts one of them onto the air, before twisting its arms, legs, and necks to unnatural directions. Seeing that the Baal still hasn't died, she makes the Baal stab its own throat with its claws. The other Baals, not going to stand for the torture of their comrade, break free from the paralyzing rapiers. However, the man simply summons another set of rapiers to paralyze their movement once more.

This way, they pick off the Baals one by one on their own.

Too OP. That is definitely too OP.

After that gruesome play, the rest of the demons flee. They don't dare facing someone who massacres five Baals just like that.

We approach them, intending to thank them for saving us from this pinch.


"What the... you... You're Kenji, aren't you?"

The man's face is exactly like my classmate Kenji in the real world.

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