《Transported To A Different World While In A VR Game?》Chapter 5: On The Privilege of Seeing A Pure Maiden's Undergarments


"Behold! The Maze of Air!"

"...It's... beautiful!"

I smile as I look at Lilia's amazement as we stand in the entrance to the maze.

It is indeed a marvelous building, something you would never find anywhere else in the game world. Its walls, floors, and ceilings are all made out of pure white decorated with intricate runes that blink in and out of existence periodically. White pillars with floating blue orbs stand beside its entrance, which slopes towards the ground, giving the understanding that the maze is located underground.

The entrance is wide open, with no doors or gates blocking the way, so we can just go straight into it.

Inside, the pathway is only illuminated by the lights from the runes, but since they brighten and dim periodically, they create an eerie atmosphere to any adventurers, puzzle-solvers, and princesses walking their halls.

First, we descend some stairs that stretch downwards for as far as the eyes can see; our footsteps echoing in this perfectly silent realm.

Noticing Lilia's nervous expression, I grab her hand, reassuring her that everything's going to be just fine. She blushes a little bit, though I notice her posture has become more relaxed.

When the endless stairs end, we arrive at a huge, bright room. The light comes from a gigantic blue orb shining in above us.

And we notice we're currently standing at nothing but air.


Lilia grabs into my arm, once again making me able to feel her ample breasts.

At this point, I'm beginning to feel I'm getting used to it, really.

"Calm down, Lilia-chan. The floors are just invisible, that's all."


"Yep. It's the main puzzle of this place. The Maze of Air. It's a maze made out of air, with floors made of air, walls made of air, and ceilings made of air. They're solid air, not some magical barriers, so you can't dispel them. And the Phantasma somehow made them really, really tough that you can't really just blast your way through (an obvious excuse to justify the game mechanics, really)"


"O-oh," she replies.

Then, I take out the map I've made myself when I first visited this place. Thank God I have a habit of making maps, since it's pretty much impossible to remember all the ups and downs and turns you need to make in this place.

'Let's see... so we go here, and here, and here, and then after that we go up here..."

After making out our route, then the fun part begins. We get to walk, climb, and jump all over this big invisible maze inside this big room.

Though this time, I don't mind it as much.

Why you may ask?

There are two reasons. The first that we won't encounter any monsters, since you'll only meet them if you take the wrong path.

And second...

"U-umm, Akira-sama is telling me to climb over there?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? If you can't make it by your own, I can lend you a hand."

"O-oh, no need for that."

Lilia jumped towards the invisible cliff in front of her, cutely exposing her panty clad butt to me.

And she does it over and over again, since she can't quite reach the top of the cliff.

"Please, let this humble servant of yours help, my lady."

I crouch, telling her to climb onto my back. She hesitatingly obeys. It seems she thinks it would be quite unseemly for a lady to put a man's head between her thighs.

"S-sorry," she says as she rests her bottom near my neck.

Then, I feel it. The dampness of her panties.

It seems they're still not quite dry after all, even though some time has passed from when she had her little "accident".

Or could it be that she had done another "accident" in our way here? Maybe she wasn't quite finished yet back then?


The possibility really excites my perverted mind.

As I lift her towards the cliff, I can smell the faint sweet scent coming from that soaked spot.

And when she's in a crawling position when she's climbing up the cliff, the sweet scent becomes stronger, since she fully exposes said wet cameltoe on her yellow shimapan in front of my face.

Man, I really need to thank the king later for giving her that dress.

"U-uhh, did you... did you see them?" she asks after I've climbed up after them.

"See what?" I respond.

"My... underwear..." she trails off.

Oh, she must be feeling ashamed that the way she climbs the cliff requires her to show her panties to me.

This is not good. We'll have to do this act multiple times to go through this maze.

I put on my regretful face and begin my speech.

"I apologize, my lady. I confess. I really did see your undergarments. However, like I've said before, I consider it a privilege. To see the unmentionables of a noble princess like yours truly is not a thing any man can experience.

"But, if my lady doesn't wish to grant me this gift, then I am perfectly willing to close my eyes every time I lift my lady up."

"...N-no, i-it's fine. I-I don't mind at all," she says with a blush and a guilty look on her face.

Could it be that she's a closet exhibitionist at heart?

And so that's how we go through this place, with the princess, in her generosity, grants me, her humble servant, to see her panties over and over again. And not just when climbing up. When I receive her when we jump down to a lower floor, I get the full glorious sight of them from below.

Finally, after spending one hour in that maze, we arrive on our goal. A certain floor where it contains a teleporter that will transfer us to the inner depths of the maze.

However, before we can move on to the next puzzle, we have to take care of a little... let's say mini-boss.


A white golem stands in the middle of the corridor we're walking through. And he isn't going to let any of us through without a battle.

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