《Ghost World Academia》104-Kronos Arrives!


Inside the Corpse Filled Room,

Jau is panting heavily. She is looking to her left and right constantly. “FROM BEHIND ME!” Jau says as she uses her mace to protect herself from the back. The pressure from whatever hit Jau was so hard that it pushed her a little forward.

“I must say…You are holding yourself, pretty well out there.” The sad man in the room says. “But for how long can you hold yourself? If you don’t give away the name of the person who killed my precious fairy…You have to die. That’s just how it works here, in my realm.” Jau continued looking to her left and right.

“I still don’t understand his ability but I can feel whatever it is that is coming after me. It’s like…Another lifeform but…Smaller, small like a bacteria or something.” Jau thought while focusing on whatever it is that is attacking her. “If I lose even a second of my concentration, that small thing will pierce through my whole body and I just know it.” Jau thought once again as she sweated and took deep breaths. She kept on blocking those attacks.

“This situation is bad for me because I am starting to feel exhausted. Like, really, really, exhausted.” Jau thought. “My lungs are starting to give up and my chest is hurting because of the amount of strength it takes to handle the strength of this small lifeform.” Jau continued her thought process. During this process, the lifeform gets a small hit on Jau’s right hand.

“Tsch! I am even starting to react slowly now.” Jau says. “Do you still not what speak, ogre?” The sad man in the room asks Jau. “Even if I knew who did it…” Jau took a breather due to her exhaustion, “I wouldn’t give that person away.” Jau continued.


“Is that so?” The sad man frowns, “Die.” He says as an arrow pierces into the ground behind Jau. “Are you alright, Jau Shiezel?” A familiar figure asks Jau. “Who are you?” Jau asks the familiar figure.

“My name? It’s Kronos.”

“Kronos? You are the one who helped us during that castle incident!” Jau remembered. “I guess, Ryuga has told you about me?” Kronos asks Jau. “He did. He said you had a crazy time-stopping ability.” Jau says. “I do but I can only use it once a day.” Kronos says. “And it only lasts for about 15 minutes.” Kronos continues. “I see…” Jau looks surprised. “Don’t worry though. You can go after that guy. I have your back.” Kronos says to Jau. “That thing he produces with his ability, I can easily spot it and kill it.” Kronos says.

“You think you can stop me just because you spot my goo?!” The sad man asks Kronos. “Sorry to say this but, your game is over.” Kronos continues. “First you intrude my privacy. Then you don’t even know who killed my fairy and now you say you will kill me?! I will make sure you don’t come back from the dead for intruding my sad time!” The sad man says to Kronos.

Kronos chuckles, “Never expected you were the one who sent that fairy…I have to make sure you don’t make it alive out of here.” Kronos says as she moves forward. “What are you talking about?” Jau asks Kronos. “That fairy…It hurt someone close to me. Someone I care about. For that, I won’t forgive you!” Kronos says while leaking out her enormous mana. “This person…They are strong.” Jau says as she readies herself.


“WELL! BRING IT ON! I WILL END BOTH YOUR LIVES! But before that, I will make sure to get everything out of you, masked bitch!” The sad man gets angry.

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