《Ghost World Academia》103-Timely Arrival



“What’s the matter, Kirio? Are you not able to figure out what you can do?” Rogers asks Kirio who seems to be exhausted.

“It’s true. Right now, my mind is blank. I do want to use that crazy thunder power I used when I fought that angel but…I doubt it will work against that shield. That shield is a good conductor of electricity which makes it hard for me to use that thunder attack.” Kirio thought to himself while thinking of a way to fight Rogers.

“Kirio, Kirio, Kirio. You know, your biggest weakness is that you think too much during your battles. If you think that much…” Suddenly, Rogers slams his shield to the ground, “It will just bring you in trouble.” Rogers smirks as the shield he slammed produces a massive amount of wind that blows away the land right in front of him along with the trees behind Kirio.

Kirio tries to hold onto the ground by digging his legs in it but the wind keeps pushing him back. “What the-“ Suddenly, Rogers appears in front of Kirio. “Kirio, if you don’t have time to think, you can’t fight a battle.” Rogers punches Kirio and Kirio goes flying towards a tree that is still intact. Kirio felt a great pain in his back as he crashed onto the tree and fell to the ground.

“You know, you would have been such a good part of my team as my underling but, you just had to go ahead and take the side of all those Heroes and Ghosts. Ain’t that right, Kirio?” Rogers asks Kirio as Kirio tries to get back up with massive pain in his back.

“Don’t even try, Kirio. You had your chance to defeat me but right now, you don’t stand any chance of defeating me.” Rogers says. “We will just have to see about that.” Kirio says as he takes a deep breath while holding his back.


“Kirio, you should stop holding your back. You won’t be able to defeat him with a broken back.” A familiar voice says to Kirio.

“That voice…” Kirio turns around, “CLAYTON!” Kirio knew straight away who had appeared behind him.

“You are that teleporter demon…So, you came here to die as well.” Rogers smirks.

“Nice to see you again, Clayton. Where have you been?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Training…With someone really dangerous.” Clayton says. “Eh?” Kirio looks confused. Clayton touches Kirio’s back. His hand turns green. “What’s this? I don’t feel any pain.” Kirio says. “I healed you. I used one of thirty enhancement magic that I can use. I have healed your pain with enhancement magic, so let’s make it count.” Clayton explains.

“You betcha. I will take him down!” Kirio says with a smile. “We will.” Clayton says. “Hmm?” Kirio looked surprised. “Right now, on this battlefield. Just like that time, we are a team. So, we will take him down.” Clayton says. Kirio smiles, “I see. So, I guess, we will take him down.” Kirio says. Clayton adjusts his scarf.

“Now, now, is it alright to go two on one on me?” Rogers asks with an evil smile. “Of course, we can take you down.” Kirio says while pointing at Rogers. “Why don’t you try taking me down, then?” Rogers seemed like he was mocking Kirio and Clayton.

“That’s what we plan to do.” Clayton says while he holds a small crystal ball in his hand that he puts inside Kirio’s pocket. “Let’s do this.” Clayton says. “Yeah.”


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