《Ghost World Academia》102-Dangerous Enemies




“What is this place?” Myra looks around the room while questioning the room. “It’s like some kinda hacker’s lair or something.” Myra says.

“You might be right on that one.” A familiar figure walks behind Myra. “You are that cop Marie, aren’t you?” Myra asks Marie. “Chief Aragi told us to stick together. Yet, you and the chief’s wife separated.” Marie says. “I separated from the team because I felt someone with a massive mana capacity over here-“

“GET DOWN!” Myra screams as a wind slashes throughout the whole room and cuts the computers in the room in half.

“What the fuck was that?!” Marie asks Myra. “Thank god it’s not that crazy woman I have to deal with but looking at you two, you two have a big amount of mana yourselves. Still, it’s not as big as that woman.” Another familiar figure takes the stage.

“One-Eyed Pirate, Naomi.” Marie looks at her and recognizes her at first glance. “She was the one who led those guys during the tournament, wasn’t she?” Myra asks. “Yeah, according to the reports, Athena severed her right hand but…” Marie looks at the metal hand that Naomi has now attached to her right side of the body. “Oh I didn’t want to be armless, that is why I had this here. Plus, this thing can do many things like…”

The metal turns into a hook while extending itself and passing past both Marie and Myra while they both dodge it.

“Oh, you dodged it.” Naomi smirks while she gets back her metal hook arm that she extended.

“A wind ability that can cut through anything and a hook that can extend…I bet she even has a second key that she isn’t using. I have a feeling…I won’t have an easy time as my teacher had.” Myra thought as she tried to find a way to fight against Naomi.




“Where am I?” Jau says as she looks for a button to turn the light inside the room on. “I tried to search for Athena but ended up over here…Even in her late 40’s, why the hell is Ryuga’s mother so fast?!” Jau looked quite frustrated as she turned the switch to the light of the room on.

What Jau found in front of her wasn’t a normal view. It was filled with bodies. Some bodies cut in half, some half-eaten, some had their intestines hanging over the ceiling and some were alive and twitching. Some of them were elves, orcs, ogres, and other races while some were just normal humans. Some bodies were just street dogs and cats while some were wild animals like tigers and lions.

“What is…This place…?” Jau stood there in disbelief. She couldn’t understand who could have done such a thing.

“Alas, my little fairy didn’t return, did you see my little fairy miss?” A man with a sharp sword stood in front of her. That man didn’t look stable. It was almost as if he had lost something precious to him and had been crying for days.

“Who are you?” Jau asks the man. “Who am I? I lost my identity the day I lost my fairy, miss. That precious little fairy that I had…Someone killed him. SOMEONE KILLED MY FAIRY!!!!” The man angrily screamed at Jau.

“I will find out who killed my fairy. Doesn’t matter who did it. I will kill them. Decide whether you will tell me who killed my fairy or are you interested in joining them.” The crazy man gives a big creepy smile.

“You…Something is wrong with you. To kill so many innocent people…I would say something like ‘I won’t forgive you.’ But more than that, you need a fucking doctor…” Jau says as she smacks her mace on the floor.


“So that’s your answer, so…Die.” The crazy man said as Jau felt something.

She quickly swung her mace at full speed. Jau’s mace broke.

“What just happened?! This feeling…I don’t know what that was but his limiter ability is kind of broken.” Jau thought to herself. “If I get hit by it, it’s the end for me.” Jau thinks as she looks at the bodies around. “May god forgive me…” Jau says as she takes a huge breath. “Taking this guy down won’t be an easy task.” Jau continues.

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