《Ghost World Academia》99-The Second Contract!


“So, are you telling me that you want to complete our contract?” Ryuga asks Alicia (Cat God) who had just entered his room and asked him to complete their contract. Alicia nods.

“Are you sure?” Ryuga asks. Alicia nods. “Why so sudden, though? Just a week ago, you were trying to kill me?” Ryuga asks. “My people trust you. If my people trust you, I trust you as well. Remember now, this contract is like a marriage to me. So, if you complete this contract, it’s like I am married to you. Remember that!” Alicia says to Ryuga. “Eh?” Ryuga looks confused.



“How much more time until we get control over her?” Kira asked Naomi. “The Nine-Tailed Fox is slowly consuming her soul. If her soul doesn’t get any kind of disturbance for a week, I am sure, we can control her.” Naomi says to Kira while checking a computer.

“What about your hand?” Kira asks Naomi. “You should know something, Kira…If you see a woman who smiles at you even after you release all of your mana…Run. Run far, far away from here, or else she will fucking kill you.” Naomi says with a terrified tone. “What kind of woman is she? Is she someone who can even surpass our leader?” Kira asks. “Surpass? Surpass is an understatement. She is far stronger than anything you have ever seen or felt. Nah, I should say she is nothing less than a fucking monster.” Naomi says. “Even stronger than that dark elf you were fighting.” Naomi continued. “Anyways, I gotta go and check on our little foxy. Take care.” Naomi says as she walks out of a room. “Who could be that strong?” Kira questions himself.



“So…I have a question…You said marriage. I am still just 17, you know. I am still young and I feel like I will be robbed of my freedom…” Ryuga is trying to convince Alicia (Cat God) to not get married.

“Do you want this contract or not?” Alicia asks. “I…” Ryuga sighs. “I do want this contract but before all this marriage stuff, I just want us to start as friends. How about it? Once we know each other better, let’s think about that.” Ryuga says. Alicia takes a deep breath. “Fine, if that’s how you want it but remember this, I will be your wife in the future. So, for now…” Suddenly, Alicia pulls Ryuga’s shirt and with that, she kisses him on the lips. This catches Ryuga off-guard as he wasn’t expecting this.

Alicia leaves Ryuga as she covers her lips, “Umm…” Ryuga looked confused. “That was my first…” Alicia whispers. “Eh? Wait…You never kissed Rogers?!” Ryuga asks. “I did not. Wouldn’t I be in a contract with him if I did?” Alicia asks Ryuga.

Suddenly, Ryuga starts to feel a great surge of pain in his body. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” He screams in agony. Everyone rushes to the room.

“What did you do to him?!” Felicia angrily catches Alicia by her collar and asks. “I just completed our contract. That is all.” Alicia says. “Huh? Contract? You mean…You did it with him?!” Miya asks Alicia. “I just kissed him, that’s all!” Alicia says. Felicia left a sigh of relief. “Let’s take him to the bed. He will be like that for the next 24 hours.” Felicia says. “Why though?” Alicia asks. “His body is not used to having massive mana capacity stored within it. I am sure it happened to him when he made a contract with you as well, Kil.” Felicia says while looking at Kil. Kil nods. “Just because you are contracted to Ryuga, doesn’t mean that I am ready to forgive you for what you did to him.” Felicia says as she picks Ryuga in her arm. “I will find forgiveness from you and everyone else.” Alicia says but Felicia ignores her and walks past her.


Kil smiles, “Keep up, my majesty, and everything will be fine.” Kil says. Miya sighs.


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