《Ghost World Academia》98-People Who Will Wait For You


There are always moments in one’s life where one thinks that they are right without knowing the truth. They always think that they are doing the right thing but instead, they don’t realize that they are in the wrong. For Alicia (The Cat God) One such moment appeared right in front of her when Felicia dropped the act and spurted out the truth.

Somewhere within Alicia, she knew she was wrong but she just couldn’t help but ignore the truth. Somewhere deep down she didn’t want to accept it because it was the first time she felt the feeling called love. However, when Felicia drop her barrier with the spell called truth, she just couldn’t handle it and didn’t know what to do with it. Even now, she blindly stares at the ground as if she is dead.

Ryuga our hero sighs from the headache he has to go through to fix Alicia while preparing his suit for the upcoming battle against The Black Jaguar who has teamed up with the Fallen Nobles. Ryuga’s suit is almost complete but there is a minor requirement that his suit misses that is flight. Ryuga’s previous suit he used to fight Akuma Jin had flight because that suit was built using materials that suited a strong hero who could handle a massive amount of mana capacity.

Since Lucifer is still asleep from the massive burden while using her spell to save people during the stadium incident, she can’t return Ryuga his mana capacity.

Ryuga is still capable of using magic, just not at the level that he was using during the time he infiltrated Alucard’s domain.

“Hey, don’t you feel angry, frustrated…I don’t know, left out from all the shit that your boyfriend has been doing? I certainly would feel angry about all that shit.” Ryuga says as he is now capable of somewhat walking with a stick. He is talking to Alicia (Cat God) while holding two cups of coffee.


“Still no response huh?” Ryuga keeps a cup of coffee next to Alicia. “You gotta talk someday Alicia, you can’t be quiet and treat it like nothing happened. You are a queen, princess, god, I don’t know how many things to how many people. If you stay like that, it will affect the people around you. Those people who are waiting for you and the people who shall wait for you in the future.” Ryuga says as he takes a sip of the coffee that Felicia made for him.

Ryuga saw Alicia look at him for a second, “People?” She asks Ryuga. “What people Ryuga?” She continued asking Ryuga. “Those people didn’t tell me anything…Instead, they just decided to go spread some otherworldly rumors about me.” She said to Ryuga.

“Is that so? Well, as far as I know, those people wouldn’t be here if they didn’t care about you. As for the rumor shit, you should just ask your people who did it. You will know better.” Ryuga says to Alicia. “Another thing, if don’t like being bound in this half-contract, let’s break it. I don’t want to be a burden to you.” Ryuga says after taking a sip from the cup of his coffee. He leaves right after.

“People…People who are waiting for me and who shall wait for me…Do such people…Really exist?” Alicia questioned herself.

Her question though was instantly answered when she went out of her tent and found a bunch of people waiting outside her tent.

“Princess Alicia?!”

“It’s our Goddess!”

“Is she finally alright?”

“Our queen has finally come out after a long week, let her take in the air first. Everyone get back to your work.” Kil commanded. “Understood!” Everyone got back to their work.

“Do you need something my majesty?” Kil asks Alicia. “Nothing…I got what I came for.” Alicia says. Those words leave Kil confused.

“The people…Who will wait for me and people who shall wait for me…I see…You are one of the interesting people, Ryuga Aragi.” Alicia smiles.


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