《Ghost World Academia》96-Waking Up!


It has been almost 2 days since Ryuga used his power.

He finally opened his eyes and looked around.

Ryuga feels a wet towel on his head,

“It’s wet…I am guessing someone has been taking take care of me.”


Ryuga slowly gets up.

“My whole body hurts.”

Ryuga says.

“Of course, your body would hurt. After all, you used the seventh form.”

A familiar face walks into the room with a bowl of water and a new towel in it.


Ryuga looked surprised to find her.

“Are you the one who has been taking care of me?”

Ryuga asks Miya.

“Who else would? There is no good doctor in our little village. Aunt Myra isn’t here. She was called up by the police force. Felicia or Ecio would just mess things up and I don’t want that cat near you.”

Miya says as she keeps the bowl on the table.

“Now, get back to your bed.”

Miya points at the bed Ryuga is sleeping on.


Ryuga smiles as he lays back down.

“You bandaged my wounds as well…”

Ryuga looked quite surprised.

“I trained under Aunt Myra to use the medical supplies when needed.”

Miya says as she changes the towel on Ryuga’s head.

“Your body was boiling when I bought you here. So, compared to then it has toned down quite a bit.”

Miya says to Ryuga.

Ryuga keeps on smiling.

“What’s the matter?”

Miya asks.

“Nothing, I just never thought of you as someone this caring.”

Ryuga says.

“Who said I care about you?!”

Miya looks away.


Ryuga smiles.

“What does that mean?”

Miya asks Ryuga with an annoyed tone.


Ryuga says with a smile.

“By the way, you shouldn’t be using such a dangerous technique.”


Miya says.

“I wanted to help that little kitty.”

Ryuga says.

“What about you though?”

Miya asks.


Ryuga looks confused.

“You acted rashly. What would have happened if you would have died?”

Miya asks Ryuga.


Ryuga looked upset.

“Exactly. You didn’t need to put your life on the line. We would have arrived in time if you just didn’t do anything crazy like that.”

Miya says to Ryuga.

“You do reckless things, Ryuga and I don’t mind it but please do not put our life on the line when it’s not necessary. It’s because there are people who care about you…”

Miya added.

“And I am one of them.”

Miya whispers.

At this very moment, Ryuga looked at Miya and was surprised by her expression. The only word he could describe Miya’s expression at that point was,


“Did you say something?”

Miya asks Ryuga.

Ryuga shakes his head.

“I did not…”

Ryuga’s mind wasn’t in the right place after watching Miya’s expression. All he could do is silently think about it repeatedly.

An awkward silence took place after that little conversation between Miya and Ryuga as Miya continued to change towels.


Outside where everyone was rebuilding some of the damage that was done to the village, Felicia was cooking food.

“I don’t understand why you are helping us? For someone who greeds for knowledge, what knowledge would you get by sticking to Ryuga?”

Alicia (Ogre) asks Felicia.

“Wasn’t it clear 2 days ago?”

Felicia asks Alicia (Ogre)

“You are telling me you love Ryuga? Hard to believe considering you're about 100 years old and also someone who went against Ryuga when The Nine-Tailed Fox was taken away.”

Alicia (Ogre) Says.

“That was my job, darling. Don’t worry, I don’t intend on betraying Ryuga anymore. After all, he was the only one who accepted me for who I was back then.”


Felicia says to Alicia (Ogre)

“Oh right, you two met back in middle-school, right? I heard you were visiting that school of his or something.”

Alicia (Ogre) thinks.

“Also, I am 91 years old. Please refrain from putting me over 100.”

Alicia (Ogre) felt a chill go down her spine.

“One thing that Tiger Clan woman said right was that he deep down is a kind person. Even if he doesn’t admit it.”

Felicia says.

“I see…”

Alicia (Ogre) doesn’t look surprised and keeps a calm face.

“I also have a question for you.”

Felicia looks at Alicia (Ogre).

“What question?”

Alicia (Ogre) asks.

“I cover Ryuga’s seal on his back but that seal, you know something about it, don’t you? I felt your soul’s mana in that seal. In many years I have lived my life, I have never seen a seal like that. What exactly is that seal? Also, why was I the only one surprised to see his seal? No one else looked surprised to see Ryuga’s seal on the back except me and Kil.”

Felicia says to Alicia (Ogre).

“Normal people can’t see that seal. You have to be contracted to your owner to see that seal or be dead like me.”

Alicia (Ogre) says.

“Felicia, did you by any chance form a contract with, Ryuga?”

Alicia (Ogre) asks Felicia.

Felicia didn’t say anything and just continued stirring a pot.

“Huh?! Why did you ignore me?!”

Alicia (Ogre) looks quite surprised.

“No way…You actually formed a contract with, Ryuga?! And Ryuga let you form a contract?!”

Alicia (Ogre) went in a shock state.

“Felicia, Ryuga woke up.”

A familiar voice says to Felicia.

Felicia turns around and smiles at Miya,

“Understood, I will get him some soup soon.”

Felicia says with a smile.

“That’s why she ignored me…”

Alicia says with a sigh.

“Let’s just say that just like how you have your little secret, I too have some.”

Felicia says.

“I will tell you everything when the time is right. Until then, please do protect Ryuga.”

Alicia says.

“Protect Ryuga? That’s what I intended to do since I met him again after all these years.”

Felicia smiles.

Alicia smiles as well.


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