《Ghost World Academia》95-Felicia's Anger


“I got you.”

Felicia arrives and catches Ryuga in her arms.

“Sorry for being late, Ryuga.”

Felicia says as she smiles.

She looks at Ryuga’s back which has a massive symbol of an ogre.

“You…That’s why you didn’t die, did you? Someone contracted your soul with his, didn’t they?”

Felicia asks Alicia The Ogre.

Alicia nods.

Felicia takes a deep breath.


Kil rushes to Ryuga.

“Please take care of him.”

Felicia says to Kil as she turns her attention towards The Cat Goddess.

“Kill all humans! Kill all humans! Kill all humans-“

Felicia slaps The Cat Goddess.

“Kill…Wha-Where am-“

Felicia looked quite angry.

“Hahaha! Hahahaha! Now you are here, I will just kill all of you!”

The Mischievous Fairy appeared from the forest.

“Were you the one who did this?”

Felicia asks The Mischievous Fairy.

“What if I did?! You all will be under-“

In an instant, all everyone saw was that The Mischievous Fairy’s head was on the ground feet away from his body.

“Nobody…I repeat nobody dares to hurt the person I love.”

Felicia angrily states.

“Now that I have dealt with you, let me get back to you.”

Felicia says as she starts walking back to The Cat Goddess.

“The great, queen, princess, goddess, whatever the fuck you are.”

The people of the land start returning with Ecio who is holding Kris in his hand.

There is also, Clayton who dragged another person related to Black Jaguar with him.

“Let me tell you something, you’re only alive because Ryuga doesn’t want to harm you.”

Miya arrives leaping from the trees.

“What happened here?! Ryuga?!”

Miya looked surprised and quickly started to treat Ryuga.

“What do you mean-“

The Cat Goddess tried to talk but Felicia stopped her,

“Don’t you dare open your fucking mouth! You have been yapping your mouth since the last week bad-mouthing Ryuga and how he tried to destroy your land and we all have been hearing it over and over and over and over and I am just done with this now!”


Felicia says with an angry tone.

“You said Ryuga is a criminal! You said Ryuga kidnapped you! You said that Ryuga is trying to come in the way of your love! YOU SAID THAT HE SHOULD GO DIE IN HELL!”

Felicia punches the tree behind The Cat Goddess breaking that tree in the process.

“You said that Ryuga doesn’t know anything about you…DO YOU EVEN KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT RYUGA?!”


Miya tries to interrupt Felicia.

“NO MIYA! Not today…Today, Ryuga’s life was in danger. The moment when he asked Kil to go, I started getting anxious. I started to feel that something bad might happen to Ryuga. I tried my best to get here as soon as possible but…I found him in this state. He might not be dead but…He almost died.”

Felicia says.

“He might be stupid and can’t control his emotions but that doesn’t mean that you can say whatever you want about him. EVEN SOMEONE LIKE RYUGA HAS FEELINGS! HE ISN’T JUST YOUR TRASHBAG FOR YOU TO TRASH HIM LIKE THAT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY!!!”

Felicia says. She looked quite angry.

“I don’t know what Ryuga sees in you that he wants you to be his second key so badly but it was his decision to guide you to the right path. He told us that we should keep it a secret that Roger was the one who destroyed your kingdom. He said that it would make you sad or even worse angry. He said that he does not want you to choose your contractor based on what happened in the Animal Kingdom. He wanted you to choose your contractor after you had known a bit of him. What he wanted was just to be friends with you! Was he wrong to think that?! No…I shouldn’t be asking that…I should be asking, where did he go wrong? He never did anything to upset you. Even in the village, he made sure to take care of you. Even though you were binded by my spell, he made sure you had a comfortable resting place. He even took your fucking people in this village and gave them shelter and now…He asked me to rebuild your Kingdom for you. Yet, why do you treat him as if he hasn’t done anything for you?!”


Felicia walks to Ryuga and feels his cheeks.

“Why does he always have to be the one to suffer for the things others do?”

Felicia looks quite upset.

“Isn’t it simple?”

Kil asks Felicia.


Felicia looks confused.

“It’s because even if Master doesn’t admit it, deep down my Master is just a kind-hearted person.”

Kil says with a big smile.

Alicia The Ogre as well as Miya smile.

Ecio and Clayton smile in distance as well.

“That is true, Ryuga is the kindest human I have met.”

Clayton says with a smile.

“He might be an idiot but he always wants to fight for his friends. Maybe that’s why, he is an idiot.”

Miya says with a smile.

“He is my adorable student too even though he doesn’t admit it, so I would know him better than anyone and I can guarantee you little kitty, that our Ryuga here is not someone who would harm you unless you hurt the people he cares about.”

Ecio says with a smile.

“Master Ryuga has been very kind to us. He treated us as if we were his own friends and even talked with me when he had time to. I will guarantee you, Princess Alicia, he doesn’t mean any harm to you.”

Leon steps up and says with a smile.

“I see…I didn’t realize. Ryuga, you have made some really fine friends.”

Alicia The Ogre smiles.


Some dark place,


Roger looked quite angry.

“Ryuga used some kind of special technique. I doubt even I would be able to survive that. Not to mention, there was a demon and a crazy powerful Dark Elf as well who just destroyed our other two people.”

A man with a black sheathed sword says to Roger.

“How strong was Ryuga that you couldn’t even defeat him?!”

Roger asks the man.

“Ever heard about the Original Sin of Sloth, Freyja?”

The man asks Roger.

“What about her?”

Roger asks the man.

“Just a little bit weaker than her.”

The man says to Roger.

“What the-“

“That’s exactly the same expression I had when I saw him fight. I couldn’t even see him move. Thankfully, it seems that the technique takes a huge toll on his body. So, we can guarantee he won’t be using that when he meets us.”

The man says to Roger.

“Meet us?”

Roger seems confused.

“I believe that boy, as well as the police force and a few heroes and Ghosts, have already decided to infiltrate the base of Black Jaguars and since we are still contracted with them, we will be fighting with them in about 15 or odd days.”

The man says.

“I see, that’s when I will get my chance to finish him off, you say?”

Roger asks.

“I didn’t say that but I will warn you this much. If you want to kill that boy, make sure no one is around. Especially, that witch or else you’re fucking dead.”

The man says as he leaves.

“That witch…I definitely don’t want to fight her.”

Roger says…


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