《Ghost World Academia》93-The Mischievous Fairy


Someone claps their hands right in front of Ryuga’s face.

“The fuck!”

Ryuga looked confused.

“Are you alright, Ryuga?”

A familiar voice asks Ryuga as he looks around him before turning and looking at Alicia who is flying above him.

“Alicia? Where have you been?!”

Ryuga asks Alicia The Ogre.

“Ryuga, what were you doing?”

Alicia asks Ryuga.

“Eh? What was I doing? I was…”

Ryuga seems confused.

“Right! Clayton! He's in trouble!”

Ryuga says.

“Calm down, Ryuga!”

Alicia says to Ryuga.

“But Clayton…”

“You didn’t seem in a right mind. You were smiling, running, and all. You were not responding to me at all. That is so not like you. You always grumpy and depressed like an old man but right now you seemed to be enjoying your youth.”

Alicia says to Ryuga.

“Alicia, what kind of image do you have of me in your mind?”

Ryuga asks Alicia giving her a suspicious look.

“Nothing great…”

Alicia says as she tries to avoid eye contact.

“Anyways, I met a dwarf who said that Clayton was in danger. I needed to help Clayton.”

Ryuga explains to Alicia.

“A dwarf? Here? No way!”

Alicia looked confused and surprised at Ryuga’s comment on dwarves.

“Why are you surprised?”

Ryuga asks Alicia.

“It’s because dwarves are a rare race. You barely see them anymore.”

Alicia says.

“Legends say that dwarves used to be well-built short people with beard as long as their chest and hair, long enough to reach their toes.”

Alicia explains.

“That…Totally is not a dwarf then.”

Ryuga thinks.

“Can you describe what you saw, Ryuga?”

Alicia asks Ryuga.

“It was a short boy. He looked very young like about 8 years old.”

Ryuga gives a short description.

“A short boy? And you were acting unusually funny…”

Alicia thinks.

“I sense someone ahead. Someone strong!”

Alicia says as she looks ahead into the Dark Elf’s lands.


“Someone strong?”

Ryuga quickly runs towards the Dark Elf’s land.


Alicia looks confused.


Ryuga finally reaches the land of Dark Elves.

There stood the young boy with an evil smile and around him scattered were people of the land, the Dark Elves, and the people from Animal Kingdom.


Alicia the Cat Goddess looked angry at the young boy while being tied up.

“A fairy…Not a normal fairy, a mischievous fairy.”

Alicia says.

“Mischievous fairy?”

Ryuga looked confused.

“I didn’t expect you to figure out I was a mischievous fairy. Usually, humans don’t know about us, so I am surprised you know…”

The mischievous fairy observed Ryuga carefully.

“I see now, you are not alone. Someone…”

The mischievous fairy shakes his head,

“No, something is protecting you. That’s why my aroma’s effects faded away.”

The mischievous fairy says to Ryuga.


Ryuga looks confused.

“Fairies, in general, tend to have a strong aroma. Their aroma tends to put illusions in a person’s mind.”

Alicia explains to Ryuga.

“As long as I am here, he can’t hurt you Ryuga.”

Alicia says.

“What about her?”

Ryuga points at Alicia the Cat Goddess.


Alicia The Ogre looks at Alicia The Cat Goddess.

“She is feeling the effects of the aroma as well but hers is different. She is facing some kind of rage inside her unlike you who was smiling.”

Alicia The Ogre explains.

“I see.”

Ryuga takes a deep breath.

“Is there a way to save her?”

Ryuga asks.

“Two ways, number one, to kill that mischievous fairy. Killing him will stop the aroma from flowing. Another way is for you to form a contract with that person.”

Alicia The Ogre explains.

“Hey, what are you mumbling about?”

The Mischievous Fairy asks Ryuga.

“What if the contract is incomplete?”

Ryuga asks Alicia The Ogre.

“Huh? Why would the contract be incomplete?”


Alicia The Ogre asks Ryuga with a confused face.

“Just tell me, what if the contract is incomplete?”

Ryuga asks Alicia The Ogre.

“Umm…All she needs is a little body touch. The soul of your body should be more than enough to calm her down.”

Alicia replies.


Ryuga looks suspiciously at Alicia The Ogre.

“How did you stop my illusions?”

Ryuga asks Alicia.

“Just used some magic, haha.”

Alicia says with a sweaty face but deep down she thought,

“It’s because my soul is right now connected to your soul but I can’t tell you that or else The Illuminati will stop my contract with you…”

Alicia says as she holds her heart.

“When time is right, please do tell me.”

Ryuga says.


Alicia The Ogre smiles.

Ryuga rushes towards The Mischievous Fairy,

“So you want some? Let me tell you, you won’t be able to defeat me!”

The Mischievous Fairy says with a smirk.

Ryuga goes past the Mischievous Fairy and tries to get a hold of Alicia The Cat Goddess.

“I won’t let you!”

Says The Mischievous Fairy as he joins his palm pointing towards Alicia The Cat Goddess. The rope that was binding The Cat Goddess breaks.


The Cat Goddess quickly kicks Ryuga in his guts.



Alicia The Ogre looked quite worried when Ryuga got kicked by The Cat Goddess and was sent flying towards a tree.

The Mischievous Fairy stops The Cat Goddess using the same technique he used on her earlier.

“Even if the aroma doesn’t affect you, it will affect the people around you. You can’t stop their illusions. Only I am the one who can stop their illusions and only I am the one who can show them what I want them to see.”

The Mischievous Fairy turned his neck back to Ryuga.

“I am their King and they are my servant. Just like Master is my King and I am his loyal servant.”

The Mischievous Fairy says to Ryuga.

Ryuga gets back up,

“Tsch! Now I understand why that witch and Miya didn’t want me to fight that Little Cat.”

Ryuga sighs.

“I guess I have no choice.”

Ryuga says.

Ryuga takes a sword fighting stance,

“I call upon you, my strength and sword, KIL!”

Ryuga chants as a sword starts forming in his hands just like how the sword formed during the tournament.

“Master, I am here.”

The sword says.

“Kil, we have a real trouble in our hand.”

Ryuga says.

“Master…What happened here?!”

Kil asks.

“I will give you the brief detail later. For now, let’s just say, we have to stop your Princess, Queen, Majesty, whatever before she goes and kills everyone in this kind place.”

Ryuga says.

“Understood Master!”

Kil says.

“Ryuga…He seems different. I wonder what happened after I left.”

Alicia The Ogre talks to herself.

“A contract…I didn’t know that our target had a contract. Master, he didn’t mention anything about a contract…”

The Mischievous Fairy looks confused and scared at the same time.

“Kil, how long will take for Felicia to get here?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“About 15 more minutes, Master.”

Kil replies.

“How long do you think we will last against her?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“I will say, at best 3 minutes.”

Kil replies.

Ryuga takes a deep breath.

“Kil, I am going to try something crazy. Something that my teacher, Myra taught me. I think that will help me give at least 10 minutes. Please ask Felicia to make it within 10 minutes or else I might not be able to survive.”

Ryuga says as he gives a big smirk.

“Understood Master!”

Kil says.

Ryuga raises his sword over his head with both his hands and takes a deep breath,

“Do you think that this will stop this so-called Goddess from attacking you?!”

The Mischievous Fairy asks Ryuga.

“I will only know after I try it.”

Ryuga smirks.

“Fine! Your death! Go, Cat Goddess Alicia, finish him!”

The Mischievous Fairy commands as he releases the Cat Goddess from her shackles again by using the same technique he used earlier.

“Let’s go, Kil! Silver Wind Style, Seventh Form…”

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