《Ghost World Academia》91-Clayton Returns!


“It seems that the situation has calmed down since the last week but the Heroes and Ghosts have not let out a statement on who the culprits are yet. All we know about the culprits are that they were part of Black Jaguars and according to some people around the stadium they had a huge creature with nine-tails.”

Ryuga was working on a design while listening to the news on the television.

“It’s the right thing to not release any official statement. Even though, Tachibana-Senpai was the one to kill all those people in the stadium she wasn’t in the right mind. It would put her in risk and most probably, people will want her dead.”

Ryuga sighs as he thinks about the incident.

“Another thing that concerns me is those people who made their escape right before the blast. It was almost as if they predicted this.”

Ryuga was thinking about the time when he was taking on the blast and felt as if the number of people he was protecting suddenly went down by at least 10.

“According to Felicia, about 50 people survived if we exclude the people that were associated with the Black Jaguar.”

Ryuga looks at his phone.

“My design is almost done, I just need to tweak it a bit and it shall be all good.”

Ryuga says as he looks at paper he is using to make a design for his new armour.

“So far, I am making a light armour so that I can freely move and also use flash-step. I realised something when I was thinking about the armour back at the academy. That something was that whenever I fight, I have a good chunk of offense but when it comes to defence I have nothing to protect myself. The armour I have at home is a heavy armour and I can’t use it unless I have a huge amount of mana capacity. It’s hard to move in it and the only reason I won against Akuma Jin was because he also had an heavy armour. If I were to fight someone fast like Miya or Felicia, I most probably won’t stand a chance.”

Ryuga continues to think.

“If only, I can somehow implement flight in this armour as well. I believe if I were to add fuel to it with some fire magic…Nah…It will blast off the armour the moment I use it. Tsch! If I were to go head to head against Tachibana-Senpai’s Nine-Tailed form, I will need flight the most. The only problem is, I don’t know what magic element will work the best with. Wind magic? How will I implement wind magic in an armour without me knowing to use it? Moreover, I am a water mage. If I don’t have a high mana capacity, I can’t use wind magic properly.”

Ryuga is in deep thought.

“Even if I sent Miya to gather all the materials for my project, what I need the most is a way to fly…”


Ryuga than has a bright idea,

“Actually, if that cat goddess were to form a contract with me than I have a perfect weapon I want in my mind. If what teacher said to me is truth than forming a contract will mean that I will get the weapon I desire to most…Only if the Cat Goddess joined me…”

Ryuga sighs.

“Whatever, back to work.”

Ryuga says.

Outside Myra’s house,

“How long am I going to be tied to this tree?”

Alicia the cat god asks Ecio who seems to be guarding her.

“I dunna, ask that witch who tied you.”

Ecio says.

“Huh?! If you don’t know than why are you guarding me?!”

Alicia takes a bite from a spoon full of soup that the Mayor of the Animal Kingdom is providing.

“First you take my people in as your prisoner and then tie me to the rope. What’s next? Are you planning to give me to that monster so that he could rape me and complete the contract?!”

Alicia looked quite angry.

“Princess, please refrain from being so vulgar to the people of this land. They have shown us great hospitality.”

The mayor Leon says to Alicia.

“The same people who destroyed my Kingdom!”

Alicia looked angry as she spoke.

“Tsch! I am going for a walk.”

Ecio says as he walks away.

“That idiot Ryuga…”

Ecio looked quite upset.


“You don’t want to tell the Princess about Roger?!”

Miya, Ecio, Felicia and a few others were in the same room as Ryuga. Even Myra was listening to the conversation.

“Yeah, if she is this Princess or Cat Goddess or whatever, she needs to know whom she should trust. If not, how does she have the right to rule the country?!”

Ryuga questions.

“Please refrain from saying anything rude about the Princess.”

Rumi the fox maid stops Ryuga.

“Rude or not. That’s a fact, she is a ruler of the country. Her country was in danger and she couldn’t do anything. All because she trusted the same person who harmed her citizens. All because she is in love with that same person who will go to great extent to get that power of hers.”

Ryuga says in a disappointed tone.

“Are you saying that you want our Princess’s powers?”

Leon asks Ryuga.

“I would lie if I said I don’t but if she doesn’t want to lend me her power I won’t force her. I do not intend to upset you, your people or the princess. I just don’t want that power to go into wrong hands.”

Ryuga replies.

“Here is a thing though, if she doesn’t realise that the person she is siding with is the wrong person. She will definitely be my enemy in the near future and won’t show any mercy to her.”

Ryuga continues.


Everyone in the room looked either upset or disappointed except for Felicia who was just smiling. Even Myra seemed like she understood what Ryuga said and smiled.


“Umm…By any chance, do you know where I can find a boy named Aragi Ryuga?”

A familiar person stops Ecio on a stroll.

“Hmm? You are?”

Ecio asks.

“My name is Clayton. I am Aragi Ryuga’s friend.”

The familiar figure says with a cold expression.

Ecio and Clayton make their way to Myra’s house, on the way Ecio asks Clayton a few questions.

“Did you Ryuga tell you about this place?”

Ecio asks Clayton.

“Not really, it was Missus Shiezel who told me about this place.”

Clayton says.

“Missus Shiezel? Jau Shiezel’s mother?”

Ecio asks Clayton.

“No, no, I am talking about Shura Shiezel, Mearid Shiezel’s wife.”

Clayton replies.

“Oh right, did they get officially married?”

Ecio asks Clayton.

“No…I don’t know. I just thought they were husband and wife from their behaviour.”

Clayton says.

“What behaviour?”

Ecio asks.

“They were kissing when I was asleep.”

Clayton says.

Ecio spurted out in laughter.

“What’s so funny?!”

Clayton looked confused.

“You caught them when they were secretly getting all romantic!”

Ecio couldn’t help but laugh.

“Secretly? Are they not married?”

Clayton asks Ecio.

“No, they are not but you could call them lover. In fact, Shura used to be one of the most beautiful Ogres to exist about 20 years ago or so.”

Ecio says.

“I got that impression when she said that in my old days I could easily take on 100 S-Ranks like you. I also saw a photo of her old days. She was quite beautiful.”

Clayton says.

Ecio smiles.

“You seem to know a lot about her, so I have to question, how old are you?”

Clayton asks Ecio.

“Me? I am 34 right now.”

Ecio says to Clayton.

“I see…”

Clayton looked surprised.

Ecio stops near Myra’s house,

“Guard that little cat girl for a few minutes, would you? I will go and call Ryuga.”

Ecio points at Alicia.

Clayton nods.

“That little cat girl looks familiar…”

Clayton says as he walks to Alicia.

“Oh…Now I know why you looked familiar.”

Clayton says.

“You? Your that demon who was at the Vampire Party, weren’t you?”

Alicia asks Clayton.

“I am, I am Ryuga’s good friend.”

Clayton replies.


Alicia screams.


Ryuga slams open the door to Myra’s house in anger as Ecio stands there without losing his smiling expression.


Alicia kept screaming.


She continued.

“Ecio, can you tape her mouth again?”

Ryuga asks Ecio.

“Yeah…But, there is someone who is waiting for you.”

Ecio says.


Ryuga looks behind Ecio and finds Clayton standing near Alicia. Clayton smiles.

“Clayton?! CLAYTON!”

Ryuga quickly goes down the stairs and meets up with Clayton.

Ecio tapes Alicia who continues to struggle.

“Are you alright, Clayton?”

Ryuga asks.

“I am alright but what about you? I heard that Mizuki Tachibana did some crazy things after I left with my ability!”

Clayton looked quite concerned.

“I am alright thanks to Lucifer. As much as I hate her for taking away my powers, she saved me.”

Ryuga says.

Clayton sighs.

“Anyways, there is no time Ryuga, I was here to inform you about something.”

Clayton says.

“Inform me?”

Ryuga asks Clayton.

Clayton lays down his bag and wears white gloves on both his hands,

“Assassins from Black Jaguar are coming to hunt you Ryuga. We will need to prepare for them.”

Clayton says.

“Huh? Hunt me?!”

Ryuga looks confused.

“All I know is there are three assassins I saw enter this jungle before I came in. They were wearing black clothing with that black jaguar symbol behind on their back.”

Clayton says.

“It must be Roger who must have contacted them to take you down.”

Ecio says.

“All that is alright but how did they find me?”

Ryuga looks confused.

Alicia the cat god’s tape falls off her mouth,

“Roger is a member of White Jaguar. It’s obvious that he has access to every single thing in the White Jaguar database.”

Alicia says.

“White Jaguar? That’s wrong, he is a member of Black Jaguar.”

Ecio tries to correct Alicia.

“Black Jaguar? Does a group like that even exist?”

Alicia asks.

Both Ryuga and Ecio look at each other for a few seconds.

Ryuga doesn’t question much. It’s like he finally understood that Alicia doesn’t know about Black Jaguar.

“For now, we three are here to protect this land.”

Ryuga says.

“The other elves are here as well who can fight, they will not let them enter.”

Ecio says.

“We will protect this land as well.”

Leon says.

“If push comes to shove, release Alicia. She will protect you all.”

Ryuga says as he looks at Alicia. Alicia angrily looks back. Ryuga sighs in disappointment.

“Miya has gone to gather metal and other ingredients for my armour, she will be back soon and Kil and Felicia are building back the animal kingdom I will contact Kil to let her know.”

Ryuga says.

Everyone nods.

“Kil, can you hear me?”

Ryuga asks.

“Yes Master, do you need anything?”

Kil asks Ryuga.

“Yes, please inform this to Felicia as well. Three Assassins are coming to hunt me. They might try and target the village as well. Please get here as soon as possible.”

Ryuga says.

“Understood Master!”

Kil replies.

In the Animal Kingdom,

“You say that Ryuga is in trouble?”

Felicia sighs.

“I didn’t even bring my broom. It will take us about 30 minutes using flash step to get there though. So, doesn’t matter.”

Felicia says.

“Yeah, let’s make it quick.”

Kil says.

Both Felicia and Kil run towards the direction of the dark elf’s land.

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