《Ghost World Academia》89-Ryuga Vs Rogers?


“Something isn’t right…”

Kil looks around the town.

“What happened here?!”

Kil looks at the Mayor, Leon. He is lying on the floor along with a several people who are injured pretty badly.

“Sister Kil!”

The fox girl Rumi comes out of hiding to find Kil.

“Who did this?!”

Kil asks Rumi.

“Roger…Sister Kil! You have to inform the Princess, don’t let Roger take her. He is here for her! He has headed for the palace right now.”

Rumi says to Kil.

“Tsch! Master! He is in the palace as well. I have to go help him. Rumi, take the injured and evacuate out of the city. Through master’s memories, some back up might be arriving soon. Tell them to treat the injured. I will go help Master.”

Kil says to Rumi.

In The Palace,

“Ryuga…I didn’t expect to find you here.”

Roger says to Ryuga.

“Get away from him, Alicia.”

Ryuga’s eyes were cold as he told the cat god to get away from Roger.

“Do you two know each other?”

Alicia asks Roger.

“Of course we do…Ryuga is a criminal, Alicia. We need to take him down before he does any more heinous acts. He even injured all of your animal people outside!”

Roger points his fingers at Ryuga.

Ryuga started walking forward.

“Ryuga…Did what…?”

Alicia looked at Ryuga with an angry cold face.


Suddenly, someone chops Ryuga on the neck,

“You should calm down, Ryuga. You can’t defeat him even one-on-one.”

A familiar feminine figure says as she takes down Ryuga.


Another familiar figure appears and catches Ryuga.

“Take him and get as far as possible, Kronos. I will take the other one.”

The familiar figure says to the person who caught Ryuga with a smile.


“I know, Felicia. You don’t need to tell me that.”

Kronos says to Felicia who was the other person.

“Felicia, what are you doing?!”

Roger asks Felicia.

“Our contract has ended, Roger. Now, I don’t work for anybody. I am just doing what I want to out of free will.”

Felicia smiles.

“I am not going to let you escape!”

Felicia points her staff at Alicia who was going after Kronos and Ryuga and uses a spell to stop her movements.

A white light pierces through the wall.

“What are you waiting for?! Run!”

Felicia scolds Kronos.


Kronos runs with Ryuga.

“Now than, Roger and Alicia, was it? You see, Ryuga was not in the right state of mind to battle you two. So, I will be the one to take on both of you. Feel free to fight me.”

Felicia says as she smiles.

“You dare to let them escape!”

Alicia tries to punch Felicia but Felicia dodges Alicia.

“What the-“

Alicia looks surprised at Felicia’s graceful movements.

“I have her Alicia, don’t worry!”

Roger smashes Felicia’s head with both his hands and blood splatters all over the ground as Felicia’s head is no more to be seen.


Alicia the cat god says.

“And you were supposed to be strongest out of us all. Getting caught off-guard by such a simple trap.”

Roger mocks Felicia.

“Let’s go after Ryuga and that other guy.”

Alicia the cat god says.


Roger looked surprised at Alicia’s commitment of hunting Ryuga.

Both of them walked back to the door but suddenly, a voice said,

“Now, now, don’t just go away from the battle that hasn’t even properly started yet.”

Both Alicia and Roger turn around to find Felicia fine. The only thing that was missing was her glasses.


“What the hell?! I definitely smashed your heads in pieces…How the hell are you still alive?!”

Roger looked scared more than shocked or surprised.

“You can’t kill me no matter what.”

Felicia says to Roger.


The cat god pierces her right through Felicia’s chest and pulls out her heart. She smashes her heart.

“If the brains won’t kill you, the heart definitely will.”

The cat god says.

“Is that so?”

Felicia said as her body regenerated that part of chest exposing her left breast a bit.

“I told you, you can’t kill me.”

Felicia smiles.

“What kind of monster are you?!”

Even Alicia the cat god couldn’t believe at what she was seeing.

“It seems that they are out of here.”

Felicia feels something around her. She takes a deep breath.

“Ryuga finds you important, that is why I will spare you and also…”

Felicia suddenly appears in front of Alicia the cat god.

“Take you with me.”

Felicia smiles and carries Alicia.


“As for you.”

Roger falls to the ground.

“There is a more suited opponent rather than me for you. He will face you the next time you see him.”

Felicia walks past Roger.

“Roger help me! Tell her to put me down! Now!”

Alicia kept on screaming but Roger looks to be frozen in one spot.

“A more suited opponent? Who was she talking? Ryuga?”

Roger thought to himself.


Ryuga was on Kronos’s back when he woke up.


Ryuga looked confused.

“Where am I?!”

Ryuga asked as he felt something soft in his hands.

“Ah…Wait…This familiar feeling…Miya?!”

Ryuga looked confused.

“Wait…You are Kronos…No, your definitely, Miya. I remember those small breasts. They are definitely hers.”

Ryuga says.

“Shut up! What if they are small?!”

Kronos says.

“Wait…Miya is Kronos…”

Ryuga sighs.

“You are not surprised?”

Miya asks Ryuga.

“Not really, I was expecting it considering both of you had similar height and body.”

Ryuga says.

“Is that how you figured about it now?”

Miya asks Ryuga.


Ryuga says.

“Let’s just get to our Dark Elf lands. I am going to give you a good homecoming treatment.”

Miya says as she hops from tree to tree with Ryuga on her back. Ryuga felt a chill go down his spine once again.

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