《Ghost World Academia》88-Contract Talks


Ryuga and Kil walk in a big palace.

“Is there no body here?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“We have a mayor, an accountant, a guardian of the palace and such but they all were outside our house.”

Kil says to Ryuga.

“Is that so?”

Ryuga asks.

“Yip, like the lion you saw outside, he is Leon. He is our mayor. The bat girl, she is Belta. She is the accountant. I am the guardian of the palace. The fox girl is, Rumi and also the personal maid of our majesty but…In the recent days, our majesty hasn’t asked for her.”

Kil says with a sad face.

Ryuga pats Kil’s head,


Kil looked surprised.

“Let’s go talk to your little Princess, shall we?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

Kil nods.

Kil opens the door to the throne room.

“Kil is that you?”

The familiar voice of Alicia the cat god is heard outside the room.

Kil opens the door,

“Yes, my majesty.”

Kil and Ryuga both enter the room as they look at a half-naked cat god.

“Wow, she is actually bigger than I thought.”

Ryuga says.


The cat god screams as Kil slams the door shut.

“Sorry, my majesty!”

Kil apologizes.

“I must say, I didn’t expect her to have decent chest size since her body was pretty small.”

Ryuga says.

“Master, you pervert.”

Kil says to Ryuga.

“What?! I was just admiring her body, nothing else.”

Ryuga says as he tries to hide the fact that he actually is a pervert.

Kil doesn’t buy it for even a bit.

Ryuga realises something is wrong,

“Kil…Can you go out and check on something for me?”

Ryuga asks Kil as he looks at the window.


“What’s the matter, Master?”

Kil looked at Ryuga’s expression and understood he was not joking anymore.

“I suddenly felt a drop in mana level of your people. That isn’t normal…Can you go check on them?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

Kil nods,

“Understood Master. Please be careful with, my majesty though.”

Kil says with a nervous smile.

“Yeah, I will.”

Ryuga says as Kil runs to check on the problem.

“Someone attacking? Maybe…But who would attack the people of this animal town? No, the first question is why would someone attack this town?”

Ryuga was in deep thought when he heard, “Come in.”

Ryuga walked inside the palace’s throne room.

“Sorry about the intrusion earlier.”

Ryuga as the cat god sits with her cold face.

“Where is Kil?”

The cat god asks Ryuga.

“I sent her to check on something.”

Ryuga says.

“In other words, you wanted to speak with me alone?”

The cat god asks Ryuga.

“Not really, she already knows why I am here.”

Ryuga says.

“Do you mean to make me happy or something like that? Forget about it. No one but he can make me happy. You are just a random stranger who just knew my name and formed a half contract with me, nothing else.”

The cat god gives Ryuga a cold face.

Ryuga sighs,

“I am here to complete that contract.”

Ryuga says but suddenly, the cat god’s nails were near Ryuga’s throat.

“You think that you, a random stranger can complete a contract that was a cause of some coincidence. If I wanted to, I could kill you here and now and our contract would end.”

The cat god says.

“I thought that you saved me back in Alucard’s castle because your life would have been in danger.”


Ryuga says to the cat god.

“If an incomplete contract lasts for over 20 days without any of it being complete, it can be severed by any of the individuals who are in the contract. That means that if I kill you here I can severe our incomplete contract.”

The cat god explains while threatening Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs.

“You seem pretty calm for someone whose life is in danger.”

The cat god looks quite surprise.

“It’s because…I just had a life threatening experience like a day or two ago.”

Ryuga says as he looks right into the cat god’s eyes.

“What kind of crazy shit did you get into again to put yourself in danger?”

The cat god asks Ryuga.

“What? You care about that?”

Ryuga smiles.

“N-No, I don’t!”

The cat god flusters at Ryuga’s comment. She pouts.

“Hey, it’s alright if you don’t want to form a contract with me but what if I asked you to spend a week with me?”

Ryuga asks the cat god.


“Who dares to spend time with my honey?”

A familiar voice struck Ryuga’s nerves as he felt a surge of anger within him after hearing that voice.


Ryuga looked like he was about to explode out of anger.


Alicia the cat god went and hugged Roger.

“Roger, I missed you!”

She looked quite happy.

“Now, who are you? Turn around and tell me. If you don’t know who I am, I am the hero of Justice, Paladin.”

Roger says.

“Hero of Justice? Hero of Justice? Hero of Justice?!”

Ryuga starts to laugh.

“What the-“

Roger and cat god Alicia both seem to be taken back by Ryuga’s reaction.

“Roger…I am so fucking going to kill you.”

Ryuga turns around and shows Roger his face.


Roger looked surprised to find Ryuga here.


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