《Ghost World Academia》87-The Rumored Ryuga!


About 5 years ago,

“Blasting his shotguns came the hero shotgun. Once again he saved the day and-“

A teacher was teaching history in a class. In the front seat sat a young Ryuga. He sighed.

“I already did learn all this from father.”

He whispers.

A teacher came in and whispered something in the ears of the teacher that was teaching history.

“It seems that there is a teacher who is going to be teaching the students magic today. She is said to be a graduate of Suzuki High.”

A familiar figure walks in with a staff.


Ryuga straight away looked at her and sighed. On the other hand, everyone looked like they had been charmed by that familiar person’s appearance.

“My name is Felicia Celestine, I am your teacher for today.”

The familiar figure said as Ryuga looked quite uninterested in her.


Ryuga held onto the broom while he and Felicia are passing through the portal that leads to the others world.

“Something on your mind, Ryuga?”

Felicia asks Ryuga.

“How in the world did you enter the tournament? Wasn’t it supposed to be between us students? You’re like a 90 year old hag.”

Ryuga asks the question while insulting Felicia.

“Ryuga, want to say that again?”

Felicia asked Ryuga in a calm voice. Though, Ryuga felt a chill go down his spine.

“Nope, I am good.”

Ryuga says.

“Well, I have connections. That’s all you need to know.”

Felicia says.

“Connections huh? Is it Suzuki high’s owner?”

Ryuga asks.

“Technically, yeah. Well, the owner’s father to be exact. Suzuki Kira’s grandfather. He was the one who started the school but that school has alot of discriminations. Good thing you’re in GWA or else you would be discriminated till death.”

Felicia says to Ryuga.

“Did you discriminated?”

Ryuga asks Felicia.


“Do you think they are capable of discriminating me?”

Felicia asks with a calm voice.

“Knowing you, nope.”

Ryuga says. Felicia smiles.

“Anyways, we are here.”

Felicia says.

“You can jump from this height, right?”

Ryuga asks Felicia.

“Pretty much.”

Ryuga says.

“Are you not coming?”

Ryuga asks Felicia.

“I have a little business here, you go ahead.”

Felicia replies.

Ryuga nods.

“Give me like an hour or two, I will be back.”

Felicia says.


Ryuga says as he stands up.

“Take care, Ryuga.”

Felicia says with a smile.

“Like I need you to care for me.”

Ryuga looked annoyed at Felicia’s comment.

Felicia kept smiling.

Ryuga took a leap as Felicia watched him go.

“Oh, what am I going to do with that guy?”

Felicia smiles.

“I should bring Miya with me. I have a feeling that we will need massive firepower to do what Ryuga is about to do.”

Felicia says as she looks in the direction of the dark elves village.



A sad Kil seems to be holding onto her chest.

“There is a human in the town.”

A young fox person says.

“A human? Why would they enter our town?”

Kil hears the commotion and moves out of her house.

“What’s with all the com-“

She looks that Ryuga is in the town and seems to be lost.


She leaps onto Ryuga with a happy face.

“Wohhhh! Kil!”

She starts to lick Ryuga’s cheeks.

“Kil, stop it! Hahaha! It tickles.”

Ryuga seems to be enjoying it too.

“Master, I thought I wouldn’t be able to see you again…”

Kil says.

“Yeah, me too.”

Ryuga says as he smiles.


Kil takes Ryuga to her house.

“It’s weird though, I couldn’t listen to you speak.”


Ryuga says.

“It must be the emotional state.”

Kil says to Ryuga.

“Emotional state?”

Ryuga asks.

“Remember what, your teacher Myra said to you?”

Kil asks Ryuga.

“We are not only connected through body but also mentally.”

Ryuga replies.

“Exactly, I am guessing because I got depressed, you must have stopped hearing my voice.”

Kil explains as she smiles nervously.

“I am sorry.”

Ryuga looks upset.

Kil shakes her head,

“I am sorry, Master. I wasn’t strong enough to protect Master.”

Kil says as she lowers her head.

Ryuga takes a deep breath.

“What’s past is in the past. I have to think about the present and the future.”

Kil nods to Ryuga’s statement.

“We have a month before the Nine-Tail Fox goes berserk. That Little Lucifer has bought us enough time to give us a fighting chance against them. No…”

Ryuga clenches his fist.

“I will definitely defeat Suzuki Kira and his group and save Tachibana-Senpai. This time, I will get stronger and not fail in the mission that I was given.”

Ryuga says as he stands up.


Kil looked confused.

“Kil, I am going to do something crazy.”

Ryuga says.

“Master, you always do something crazy.”

Kil says with a nervous smile.

“I am going to ask that little cat god to be my contract.”

Ryuga says in a determined tone.


Kil screamed at Ryuga’s commitment.

“Take me to Alicia.”

Ryuga says he goes ahead.

“Right now?!”

Kil is in disarray.

“Yes, right now!”

Ryuga says as he walks ahead of Kil and opens the door.

Outside the door, waited a massive surprise for Ryuga.

“What the fuck?”

Ryuga looked surprised at the amount of animal people that had gathered here.

“Tell me something, why has everyone gathered outside your house, Kil?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“Well…It’s because, it’s the second time a human has ever entered these lands.”

Kil says with a nervous smile.

Ryuga sighs,

“Are you the rumoured, Ryuga Aragi?”

A goat person asks Ryuga.

“Yeah, I am…”

Ryuga says.

“You shouldn’t be here…You are the reason our Princess stays sad in her palace.”

A flying bat person says to Ryuga.

“Fucking hell, I will go deal with that problem with your Princess, alright? Just give me some time.”

All the animal people looked surprised.

“And no, I didn’t have sex with your princess. In fact, I am a virgin.”

Ryuga walks past the animal people after he is done talking. Kil follows Ryuga with a happy smile.

“Master, the palace is left from here.”

Kil guides Ryuga.

“He is actually pretty fearless…”

The flying bat person says.

“Yeah, unlike that armoured dude.”

The fox girl says.

“If he really can make the Princess happy, let him. If he succeeds, we might even think of lending him our princess. Of course, if it is her own will.”

A strong intimating lion says.

“Who are you lending my property to?”

A familiar strong gruff voice says.

“Tsch! Didn’t expect him to show up…”

All the animal people looked surprised.

“Hey, how long can we hold him all together?”

A buffalo asks silently to the lion.

“I give it about 20 minutes.”

The lion whispers

“Tsch! Hope that kid can make whatever he is here for quick…”

The lion whispers.

“Right…We were just saying that we shouldn’t lend our Princess to just anybody, Mister McLean…”

The lion seems to be buying time as he walked up to the familiar Roger, “This better work…” The lion thought to himself while he spoke.

“Is that so?”

Roger walks past the lion.


Roger says as he punches the lion in the face.


The bat girl looked surprised.

“Roger, what are you doing?!”

The bat girl asks Roger.

“Who is the other human in this land?”

Roger asks the bat girl.

“We don’t know…”

The fox girl says.

“Fine, then I will just get the information the other way.”

Roger gave an evil smile.


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