《Ghost World Academia》84-The Need To Get Stronger-I


What is it that makes one weak?

Is it their allies?

Is it their weak body?

Is it that they have no limiters?

To counter your greatest weakness,

You have to find your greatest weakness.

That is what will make you stronger, my son.

Ryuga slowly opens his eyes as he gets back up on an infirmary bed.

“Where am I?”

Ryuga looks a little lost

“It seems you are back up and kicking.”

A familiar figure enters the room.

“Ellie? What happened? We were fighting Mizuki…”

Ryuga takes a pause and leaves out a disappointed sigh.

“I remember what happened…”

Ryuga looked quite upset.

“I lost…”

Ellie pours tea in a cup.

“Should I pour tea for you as well?”

Ellie asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods and Ellie takes the cup next to Ryuga’s table and starts pouring tea in it for Ryuga.

“How long was I out for?”

Ryuga asks Ellie.

“Almost 4 days, Master.”

Kil answers from within Ryuga.


Ryuga sighs from disappointment.


Ellie gives tea to Ryuga.

“Thank you.”

Ryuga thanks Ellie for the tea.

Ellie sits next to Ryuga and tries to act normal.

“Jau hadn’t slept for almost 2 days. She didn’t want to leave your side.”

Ellie chuckled.

“We had to pull her away from you so that she doesn’t grab you all of a sudden.”

Ellie says with a smile.

“Miss Lucifer is still unconscious after using up all of her mana to save you and the people with her.”

Ellie says.

“Clayton is missing and so is Mizuki. But we came to know that Clayton is training, so he won’t make it back for a while.”

Ellie continues.

“Sashimi, Cash, Kirio, Sir Bleeds, Miss Myra, even your mother, all of them are investigating with your father and Captain’s father. They are working on finding where those of Black Jaguars took Captain. After all, The Hidden Blademaster did catch one of the criminals in that encounter.”

Ellie explains.

“Captain’s mother was furious with you. She blamed it on you for not saving her daughter.”

Ellie sighs.

“What about you Ellie?”

Ryuga asks Ellie.


Ellie gave a sad smile.

“I was worried about you, so I couldn’t sleep…”

Ellie says with a sad smile.

“I am sorry…”

Ryuga looks at the window.

Right now, all I can think of is that time.

The time when my father trained me.

The time when my father asked me, what my greatest weakness was?

My response then and now is still the same.

I don’t know my greatest weakness…

Until I figure out my greatest weakness, I can’t get stronger.

Until I figure out my greatest weakness, I can never protect the people I care about.

I can never get stronger.

That’s when Ellie said something that sparked my interest.

“Ryuga, are you trying to figure out how to save Captain?”


Ellie asks Ryuga.

“No, right now…I am trying to figure out how I can get stronger. I am weak. Even if I can defeat Kira, I doubt I can defeat Roger or that one-eyed, one-armed chick.”

Ryuga explains.

“By the way, Ryuga, I know this is out of the blue but…I hate your father.”

Ellie looked quite annoyed.


Ryuga asks.

“It’s because of the thing he said when you were in the bed.”

Ellie says.

“What did he say?”

Ryuga asks.

“He was all like, I didn’t train such a weak son.”

Ellie imitated Hiro.

“Almost as if he was indicating you could take on the Nine-Tailed Fox.”

Ellie looked quite annoyed.

I thought that Ellie was being funny at that time.

But there was more to it.

What she said was the truth.

My father didn’t train a weak son like me.

Whom he trained was someone who could take on people who used limiters.

Someone who can defeat even the toughest people.

If I want to figure out my weakness, I will have to go back to the basics.

To go back to the basics, I will have to go back to learning martial arts.

And to learn martial arts, I will have to find a calm place.


Ryuga looked at the window.

“What is it, Ryuga?”

Ellie asked Ryuga as the atmosphere in the room intensified.

“I am going to go train until we get any information on Tachibana-Senpai’s whereabouts.”

Ryuga says to Ellie.


Ellie thought about retaliating but she realized it was of no use.

“Alright…But, there is one more thing I want to say to you.”

Ellie says as she blushes.


Ryuga looks confused.


Ellie blushed as she smiled.

“I lov-“

The window to the infirmary opened.

“What the-“

A familiar figure appeared at the window of the infirmary.


Ryuga’s face filled with anger as he saw that familiar feminine figure.


A familiar figure appeared at the window of the infirmary.


Ryuga’s face filled with anger as he saw that familiar feminine figure.


“I know, I know, I have done a lot of bad things and you don’t like me. So, how about this, as redemption for my sins, I will help you get stronger, Ryuga?”

Felicia says with a smile.


Both Ellie and Ryuga looked confused.

“Trust me, we have enough time before the Nine-Tailed Fox goes on a rampage. So, think about it. I am willing to help you if you listen to me.”

Felicia says with a smile.

“Why would we even believe in you?”

Ellie asks Felicia.

“If anything, we should take you down right now, right away.”

Ellie says as her hairs starts to float in the air.

“Wait a minute, Ellie. You can’t defeat her.”


Ryuga says.

“Then you defeat her!”

Ellie says.

“You think someone who defeated Tachibana-Senpai can be defeated by me?”

Ryuga asks Ellie.

“So, call someone to defeat her!”

Ellie says to Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs,

“Felicia, I am more angry than anyone right now. I am so angry that I could break my limit just to fucking kill you.”

Ryuga looked right into Felicia’s eyes.

“So, when I am calm, you can leave right now Felicia or else I won’t know what will happen to you if you don’t.”

Ryuga looked at Felicia with his aura leaking.

The aura that Ryuga left had Ellie shaking in her boots. Felicia looked quite calm though.

“In the future, this guy could even surpass Sharron and Freya.”

Felicia thought.

Ellie holds Ryuga as she shakes.

“You are scaring me, Ryuga.”

Ellie says.

Ryuga realises that his dangerous aura was scaring Ellie. Ryuga calms down.

“I am sorry, Ellie…”

Ryuga looked quite guilty.

“I can tell you where the base of the Black Jaguars is but you will just fail to produce results.”

Felicia says as she regains her thoughts.

“Why would you sell out your own people?”

Ryuga asks Felicia.

“Who said I am their people?” Felicia pouted as she looked disappointed at Ryuga’s comment. “I am my own thing I will let you know.” She added.

“What does that mean?”

Ryuga asks.

“What I mean is, I am the Original Sin of Greed from the Shadow Sins.”

Felicia says with a smile.

“That should be more than enough for you to put your trust in me, right?”

Felicia asks Ryuga with a smile.

“Original sin of Greed…Impossible…”

Ellie looked shocked.

“What’s the matter, Ellie?”

Ryuga asks Ellie.

“Mother told me that the Original Sin of Greed lost her position in Shadow Sins a few years ago to a new Sin of Greed.” Ellie took a glance at Felicia. “She also said that the Original Sin of Greed was the most cunning and intelligent out of all the Original Shadow Sins.” Felicia kept on smiling while Ellie stared at her.

“It could explain why you are so powerful but let me ask you something just to confirm it though.”

Ellie wasn’t quite sure that Felicia was the Original Sin of Greed.

“Is it true that there are 3 people who have played the role of Wrath in your Sins community?”

Ellie asks Felicia.

“My, I didn’t expect you to know this information.”

Felicia smiles.

“That information is more private than your special case lingerie which you brought for your lover.”

Felicia continues.


Ellie looked flustered.

“Don’t worry, he won’t know.”

Felicia says with a smile.

“You have a lover, Ellie?”

Ryuga asks Ellie.


Ellie looked annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.

“So you haven’t confessed to him yet, I see…”

Felicia gives Ellie a smug look.

Ellie sighs,

“She is definitely the Original Sin of Greed.”

Ellie says.

“Huh? Just because she told you about some lingerie, she is the Original Sin of Greed. What kind of questioning is that?!”

Ryuga looked confused.

“You don’t understand how important those piece of lingerie is to me, Ryuga. The Original Sin of Greed had a limiter ability. In my opinion, the worst type of limiter ability.”

Ryuga looked invested in what Ellie was saying.

“She can read minds!”

Both Ryuga and Felicia couldn’t handle Ellie’s stupidity.

“I don’t know why people think I can read minds. I just read what’s written on your clear face.”

Felicia says.

“You don’t read minds?”

Ellie asks.

“I don’t.”

Felicia replies.

“My limiter ability is Greed. That’s all you will get about my limiter ability. If you want to see how that limiter ability works. You will have to trust my words and let me help you.”

Felicia says as she puts her hand forward.

“What are you planning on doing, Ryuga? If she really is the Original Sin of Greed, she isn’t a bad person but…There are definitely some things that are really bad about her.”

Ellie asks.

Ryuga closes his eyes as thinks carefully. He looks at Ellie and at the door while thinking about protecting Ellie and the others.

“I will be honest with you, Felicia. 5 years ago, I didn’t trust you and even now, I don’t. So, you will have to earn my trust. Right now, I still feel like punching your face to the ground until I kill you.”

Ryuga looked right into Felicia’s eyes as she speaks.

“Now that I have taken that off my shoulder, I want to go to the animal kingdom. I have not been able to hear Kil since the moment I woke up. I feel like she might be unstable after what happened.”

Ryuga says.

“Understood, a ride to animal Kingdom coming right up!”

Felicia says as a broomstick comes right out of the hospital window.

“You seriously are a complete witch.”

Ryuga says as he looks at the broomstick.

Felicia just smiles as she sits on the broomstick.

Ryuga sighs and joins right behind her.

“Are you coming too, vampire girl?”

Felicia asks Ellie.

Ellie smiles,

“As much as I would like to be next to Ryuga, right now, I have a different thing to do. So, no, I am not coming.”

Ellie replies.

“Alright, get stronger girl because when Ryuga comes back, he will stronger than any of you. That’s one thing I can guarantee you.”

Felicia says with a smile as she left.

“She said that Ryuga will be stronger than any of us…But here is the problem, he already is stronger than most of us. He just doesn’t realise his potential. At least, that’s what mother said.”

Ellie sighs.

“Time to handle, Jau. Once that’s done…I need to train and there is only one person who can train me…”

Ellie looks at her palm.

“She is…The woman who Ryuga left me with, Airi Rishi.”

Ellie looks out of the window.


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