《Ghost World Academia》76-Monster


Alicia realizes something is wrong in the building.

“Shit! I need to inform about this to Ryuga.”

Alicia says but as she was moving out a familiar figure pops up behind her.

“I didn’t expect an actual ghost of a dead person to be roaming freely here. Not especially close to Ryuga.”

The familiar figure says.

“You can see me…Felicia Celestine.”

Alicia looked quite annoyed.

“Of course I can! I am a witch and you Illuminati’s number 3, Alicia Arkwet. I didn’t expect to find you here. Not when you should be dead.”

Felicia smiles.

“You…What are you planning?”

Alicia asks Felicia.

“Me, nothing. But my client, many things.”

Felicia says as she snaps her fingers.

“What the-“

Alicia looked confused as she starts warping.

“What’s happening?!”

Alicia asks Felicia.

“Enjoy your time off from staying close to Ryuga. By the time you come back, my client’s mission will be done.”

Felicia says as Alicia starts disappearing.


Alicia completely disappears.

“I hope that Kira better does things quickly. After all, Ryuga will need all the emotional support he needs after he fails and I will be there to support him.”

Felicia says with an evil smirk.

“He’s mine and no other girl shall take him away from me.”

Felicia keeps on smiling while moving out.


Ryuga was about to enter his locked room while he felt a chill go down his spine.

“What the fuck, dude? I just felt an unnatural chill.”

Ryuga says.

“What master? Is someone trying to kill you?”

Kil asks Ryuga.

“Not really…How do I explain this…I don’t know, it was pretty unnatural though.”

Ryuga says as he goes inside the locker room.

He realizes that only Clayton and Ellie are in the room. The first thing he asks is,

“Where are Jau and Tachibana-Senpai?”

Ryuga panicked.

“What’s the matter, Ryuga?!”

Ellie asks Ryuga.

“Jau went out of the stadium crying and Captain followed her.”

Clayton replies.


Ryuga realized something and he quickly dials the first number he sees.

“Mayumi? I remember Mayumi was in the same room as Bleeds.”

He quickly dials her number.


“Ryuga? Why is he calling me?”

Mayumi looked confused.



Ryuga said in a panicking voice.


Mayumi didn’t have time to react. She just did what Ryuga said.

“What’s with him? He seems scared.”

Mayumi thought.



Ryuga panicked as he asked everyone.

“What’s the matter, Ryuga?!”

Myra looked concerned.


Ryuga looked at the clock on his phone.

“In about 15 minutes, Mizuki Tachibana will become the Nine-Tailed Fox we all feared.”

Ryuga informs.

“Ryuga…Knew about the Nine-Tailed Fox?”

Mayumi looked confused.

Lucifer gets up and tries to move out but was surprised because the door didn’t budge.

“Tsch! No good, it seems someone shut the door with some kind of magic. It will take me at least 30 odd minutes to unlock this door.”

Lucifer says.

“Ryuga…I will assign you a new mission!”

Lucifer orders.

“A mission?”

Mayumi looked confused.

“You might have to fight several strong enemies but I am sure that those two will assist you as well.”

Lucifer says.

“Who are you talking about?”

Ryuga asks as he stops running and behind him, Kirio along with Ellie and Clayton run.

“I am talking about, your mother and The Hidden Blademaster. Luckily, The Hidden Blademaster wasn’t here either. She said that she found something odd and stayed on the lookout.”

Lucifer smirks.

“Hold whatever comes at you for the next 30 minutes Ryuga. That is your mission.”

Lucifer orders Ryuga.


Ryuga cuts the call.

“You guys…You guys followed me all the way here?”

Ryuga asks them.

“Of course we did! We were concerned because you were so scared. I also bought Kirio since I found him on our way.”

Ellie says to Ryuga.

“Hey, dude, what’s wrong?”

Kirio asks Ryuga.

“Are you guys going to help me?”

Ryuga asks.

“Of course we are!”

Ellie replies without any hesitation.

Ryuga sighs.

“We don’t have time. Let’s find Tachibana-Senpai and Jau first. I will explain everything to you guys on the way.”

Ryuga says.

“I saw Tachibana-Senpai going out of the stadium behind your Ogre chick.”

Kirio points out.

“Let’s go then.”

Ryuga says.


“Jeez, that Aragi…He made you cry huh?”

Mizuki seems to be consoling Jau.

“Well, it wasn’t entirely his fault. He just didn’t want me to be injured.”

Jau says.

“Oh right, you did mention something about him doing humiliating things to save…Do you like him, Jau?”

Mizuki asks Jau.

“Wha-I mean…I-I…I-“

Jau looked flustered and couldn’t answer properly.

“It’s written all over your face. You want to be his lover, don’t you?”

Mizuki asks Jau with a sad smile.

Jau buries her face in her knees as she looks embarrassed.


“I am happy that Jau found someone she likes but…What is this feeling…This feeling of something stinging my heart?”

Mizuki thought to herself. She looked unhappy.

Suddenly, Mizuki felt something inside her heart.

“Mizuki, are you alright?”

Jau asks Mizuki as she holds her supporting her.

“No…Not again…This is just like that time.”

Mizuki thought as she looked at the second moon that was red. The second moon covered the white moon.

“What strange color for the moon to take…”

Jau says.

“No…It’s happening again….I can’t control its desire…I can’t control its desire anymore. It wants to come out…It wants to come out once again.”

Suddenly, a tail pops out of Mizuki’s back.


Mizuki growls as her teeth grow longer.

“What’s happening, Mizuki? Speak to me-“

Mizuki bites Jau’s hand. Jau falls back and holds her right arm.

Mizuki growls again as her ears turn peach and stand straight almost like a fox.

“Something is wrong…What’s happening to her?”

Jau looked scared, confused, and didn’t know what was happening.

Mizuki’s eyes started turning red and her tongue started to go sour.

Even her nose started to grow longer almost as if she is a dog.

Slowly, fur started to grow all over Mizuki’s body but it wasn’t only the fur. Mizuki’s own body started to grow massive in size. As her body grew, her tails started to pop out behind her back. In total, there were nine-tails.

“Woh! What the heck is that?!”

A vendor got scared and ran away and so did the size of the monster standing in front of Jau scare many other citizens nearby and send them running and screaming away from the place.

What stood in front of Jau was a massive fox with nine tails, red eyes, massive teeth, paws big enough to crush a human, and a terrifying-looking monster.


Ryuga and the others came out themselves to find the nine-tail fox Mizuki’s transformation themselves.

“You gotta be shitting me, dude…How the fuck do you intend to fight her for 30 minutes?”

Kirio whom Ryuga had filled in on everything asks Ryuga.

“Ryuga, Kirio, Ellie, Clayton, what are you guys doing here?”

Jau asks.

“No time, can you fight Jau? We have to fend that thing off for 30 minutes-“

“Tsch! Tsch!”

A person walks in between The Nine-tail fox and Ryuga’s group interrupting Ryuga.

“Ryuga, my friend, I am sure you and your friends can fend off Mizuki from completely transforming into Nine-Tail Fox but you should know better, it won’t be easy.”

The person was none other than Suzuki Kira.

Ryuga looks around him,

“Felicia Celestine, Roger McLean, Ashley Freeburg, Blue Blaster, and Roderick…”

Ryuga sighs.

“Finally, you as well, Suzuki Kira. So, you all were a part of this plan.”

Ryuga says as he looks around.

Suddenly, it looked like Roderick was going to attack Ryuga with a sword while covering himself with a shield but The Hidden Blademaster appeared out of nowhere and blocked Roderick’s attack.

“I got this, Ryuga, you go for the Nine-Tail Fox.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

Ryuga nods.

Ryuga runs at Mizuki and from above blue blaster uses a laser to shoot Ryuga but Ryuga teleports back to his place and Clayton uses a magic shield to protect himself.

“I will fend him off.”

Clayton says.

“When did he put his ball in my pocket-“

That’s when Ryuga realized Clayton didn’t put anything inside his pocket.

“I just need to snap my finger to change positions now.”

Clayton smiles.

“Thanks, Clayton!”

Ryuga says as he walks past Clayton.

Ashley creates multiple of his clones and attacks Ryuga. Both Jau and Ellie stand in Ashley’s way.

“Leave this guy to us, Ryuga. You go ahead!”

Ryuga nods as he keeps running forward.

Roger stands in front of Ryuga with a massive hammer.

“I have this one under my control Ryuga.”

Kirio says as he walks ahead of Ryuga.

“Felicia, please take care of Ryuga.”

Kira says to Felicia.

“Hmm? Sorry, that’s not possible.”

Felicia says.

“What?! Are you telling me you are not going to help us?!”

Kira asks Felicia.

“Umm…I think you got it wrong. I helping you but I am not fighting anyone. Especially not Ryuga. After all, our contract only says that I need to help you get the host of Nine-Tail Fox safely. That I will accomplish.

Felicia says as she calmly smiles and watches Ryuga walk towards Kira.

Kira sighs,

“I guess I will have to be the one fight then…If only you weren’t such trouble, Felicia.”

Kira says as he activates his flames again.

“I guess you and I are the ones fighting.”

Kira says with a smirk.

“If you don’t want to get hurt you better not get in my way and let me through to Mizuki.”

Ryuga says.

“My, you have some confidence. I hope you can live up to that confidence of yours, Aragi Ryuga.”

Kira says with a smirk.

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