《Ghost World Academia》74-Suspects


Right after the match between Kira and Ryuga was over, Lucifer called Ryuga over to the conference room.

Ryuga made an excuse and avoided all the questions that his teammates had for him. Even he didn’t know, how he could answer those questions but there was something that caught Ryuga’s attention that made him think a bit about the situation.

Ryuga entered the room where he saw Bleeds, Chilli Ranger, his mother Kaori, The Hidden Blademaster, Lucifer and this time even Myra who was standing next to Lucifer attended the conference.

“Have a seat, Ryuga. We have a lot of time. So we can discuss things here.”

Lucifer says.

“Just get to the point, Loli.”

Ryuga says as he takes a seat.

Lucifer sighs,

“When will you stop calling me with those insulting names. You know, right? I am like 500 years older than you are. That means I am almost the age of your grandma.”

Lucifer says.

“I doubt my grandma is even alive.”

Ryuga says.

Lucifer looks at Athena’s face.

Athena looks away.

“If you two are done chit-chatting, please tell us what’s wrong, Madam Lucifer? Why the sudden meeting? And please make it quick. Every minute we lose the danger that is the host of Nine-Tailed Fox is waiting to be triggered. ”

The Hidden Blademaster asks Lucifer.

“Oh, there was a thing I wanted to ask before we start our discussion.”

Ryuga raises his hand.

“Go ahead.”

Lucifer says.

“Why is the Nine-Tailed Fox ability dangerous, again? Wait…That’s not the right question. What I mean is what does it mean that Tachibana Senpai is a host of the legend Nine-tailed Fox?”

Ryuga asks.

Lucifer sighs,

“Someone wanna explain this kid about it?”

Lucifer asks. Everyone looks away.

“Jeez and here I thought you all were adults.”

Lucifer sighs.

“It’s just that you are the one who knows most about such things, it’s right if you explain it, madam Lucifer.”

Myra says.

Lucifer pouts,

“Whose side are you on, Myra?”

“Anyways, Ryuga, did you know that gods exist?”

Lucifer asks Ryuga.

“I mean, demons exist and angels too. So, I guess it would make sense gods exist as well. Be good or evil.”

Ryuga says.

Lucifer nods.

“The limiter ability can be said to be a blessing or curse given to you all by the gods.”

Ryuga stops Lucifer right there.

“You”? Does that means that you weren’t given any limiter abilities?”

Ryuga asks Lucifer.

“Why would I be given any limiter abilities? Did you forget who I am? I am a deity, the great Lucifer. The ones you make out to be evil and stuff, remember? I am born limitless, unlike you humans.”

Lucifer looked proud of herself.

“That would make you a fallen angel, not a fallen queen.”

Ryuga says.

Lucifer looked surprised, so did Kaori and Myra.

“Would it?”

Lucifer asks as she sweats.

“It also means you are a man under that mask, not a Loli.”

Ryuga says as he points his finger at Ryuga.


Lucifer raged, as Myra had to hold her down.


“Ahmm, sorry about that.”

Lucifer says.

“Well, there are times when gods themselves come down the earth to walk between humans and form contracts with them. When that contract is formed, they stay dormant inside their host’s body until the time comes when they explode and the host loses control.”

Lucifer brings up Mayumi’s picture on a hologram by swiping left on it.


“In this case, Mayumi, every single day that passes by, the dormant deity, Nine-Tailed Fox, it is trying to consume her day after day.”

Lucifer says.

“What do you mean by consuming?”

Ryuga asks.

“If she doesn’t accept the Nine-Tailed Fox part of her, that Nine-Tailed Fox will consume her and she will become the very thing that she feared of.”

Kaori says.

“If the situation is so serious, why the hell did no one train her to control that power?”

Ryuga asks as he grits his teeth.

“It’s because of her father.”

Bleeds says.


Ryuga looked confused.

“She first transformed into Nine-Tailed Fox on the day of the red moon.”

Bleeds says.

“Exactly 7 years ago, the day when the red moon appeared was the day when Yuu was kidnapped.”

Ryuga says. Ryuga realized that Yuu’s mention slipped out.


Ryuga apologizes to Myra.

“It’s alright, you are my current student. I have to take in the fact that you are naïve, can easily break anyone’s heart, love to hold a lot of women by your side, and are a straight-up stupid idiot.”

Ryuga felt every word that Myra said.

“I was at least considerate, Master…”

Ryuga felt like he was about to break down.

“They are a funny pair of Master and student.”

Alicia smiles.

“Well, she is strong and I wouldn’t expect anything less from my master’s master. She is every bit of brutal as I thought she would be.”

Kil says with a smile.

“What in the hell do you think all time about Kil?”

Ryuga thought.

“But you aren’t wrong, the day that Yuu got kidnapped and the red moon appeared was the same.”

Myra says.

“Sorry to interrupt you, Sir Bleeds. You can continue.”

Ryuga says.

Bleed sighs,

“Where was I at again?”

Bleeds asks Ryuga.

“The whole she transformed into Nine-tailed fox thingy.”

Ryuga replies.

“Oh right, her father was the first one to notice it. He was going to little Mizuki’s room to give her some food since she wasn’t feeling well on that day.”

Bleeds says.

Ryuga thinks carefully while Bleeds continues.

“Lucifer got there and suppressed Mizuki in time but her father lost his arm restraining the little Nine-Tailed Fox.”

Bleeds says.

“Oh, even I didn’t know this. So, Yoshiro lost his arm trying to free Mizuki. It has been a long time since I haven’t seen him.”

Kaori says as she lays back.

“Mizuki’s father, he must be strong to restrain the Nine-Tailed Fox.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Well, I would even say he can go head-to-head against the famous retired hero Shotgun.”

Bleeds says.

“Even now, with just a single-arm, he still is quite strong. Able to fend off a couple of S-ranks Heroes/Ghosts all by himself. I would say, he is at least an SS-Rank Ghost at this stage. He might have been an SSS-rank Ghost though back in the day.”

Bleeds says.

“I see…”

The Hidden Blademaster looked surprised.

“That still doesn’t answer why she didn’t learn to control her power.”

Ryuga seems in deep thought.

“Well, it’s because of her father like I said. He didn’t want his daughter to feel guilty over what she did to him. He said to Mizuki something like, “The day when you get over this fear, this guilt of harming the people close to you is the day you will truly become a hero.”

Bleeds says.

“What’s the matter, Ryuga? You look in deep thought. Did you find the story confusing?”


Chilli Ranger asks Ryuga.

“That’s not the case, I just feel that the Yuu kidnapping case and Mizuki’s berserker case happening on the same day might not be a coincidence.”

Ryuga says as he seems to be getting somewhere in his mind.


Kaori hits Ryuga with chalk.

“Ow! Where did you get that from, mother?!”

Ryuga asks Kaori while holding his forehead which he got hit on.

“Don’t overthink. You are still a kid, understood? Let the adults do the overthinking. You just do you, Ryuga.”

Kaori says to Ryuga with a smile.

Ryuga nods.

Lucifer sighs,

“Well, any more questions?”

Lucifer asks.

Nobody seems to have any questions.

“So, let’s begin the meeting's real purpose. The suspects!”

Lucifer says.


“It seems that everyone has their culprits. So, please feel free to share them with us.”

Lucifer says.

“I have been keeping an eye out on the two Ghosts who pointed directions at Athena. They seem to be doing something fishy. Those are my culprits.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“I wanna keep my suspect as well, Roger McLean from Noble Fighters group.”

Bleeds says.

“I agree with Bleeds, Roger seems to be very suspicious with that strange ability of his.”

Chilli Ranger says.

“He has put some kind of weird disease on those two kids from Suzuki High. It seems that Dr. Andrew is trying his best to get them back to normal but it seems like for now at least, they are in a coma.”

Chilli Ranger says.

“My suspect is Felicia Celestia. I believe she is a witch and witches cannot be trusted easily.”

Kaori says with a smile.

“A witch? Hey, is this some kind of fairy tale or something to you, Athena?”

The Hidden Blademaster questions Athena’s suspect.

“No, I agree with Athena on this one. It’s weird though. She is obsessed with your son rather than Mizuki it seems.”

Lucifer says as she looks at Ryuga.

“Don’t look at me like that. She was only my classmate for 3 years. That would be, elementary and middle school. Oddly though, she left right when Mayumi joined our school.”

Ryuga says.

“I see…”

Bleeds look at Ryuga.

“I am not interested in your daughter anymore, Sir Bleeds. Don’t look at me like that, please!”

Ryuga says while he looks quite nervous.

He also seems to be checking the phone at the same time.

“Well, Ryuga, don’t you have any of your suspects?”

Chilli Ranger asks Ryuga.

“You are going ask him too?”

The Hidden Blademaster looked confused.

“Yeah, he is a part of the meeting, so why not? Plus, it’s better because he is always close to the target.”

Chilli Ranger says.

“Hmm…Alright, go ahead Ryuga, tell us what you think.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Before I announce who I suspect, let me give you all an assessment on the situation.”

Ryuga says as he joins both his hand in a triangle shape and closes his eyes.

Kaori smiles.

Ryuga takes a deep breath.

“That’s a surprise…I have never seen Ryuga do this.”

Alicia says.

“I have never seen this either, Master is doing something unusual.”

Kil says.

“That boy…He resembles Shotgun way too much in that pose.”

Lucifer looked annoyed.

“That pose…”

Bleeds looked surprised.

“As much as he hates to admit it, he got his intelligence from his father even some of his habits. You will find Ryuga doing this only when “he has cracked open a case” if I had to put it the way my husband would say.”

Kaori smiles as she says.

“I can see that.”

Bleeds says.

Ryuga releases out his deep breath as he opens his eyes.

“First thing is first, I want to say that through all the information you have gathered I can assure you one thing. All your suspects are correct.”

Ryuga says.


The Hidden Blademaster was the only one who looked confused.

“The two heroes or Ghosts or whatever who pointed their fingers towards mother, what were they doing?”

Ryuga asks.

Chilli Ranger smiles.

“It looked like they were setting something up inside a purse.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“That was most probably mother’s purse. They couldn’t handle the fact that mother was the famous Athena and they most probably want to frame her in the chaos that might occur in the future to blame that chaos all on my mother.”

Ryuga says.

“The second culprit is the one who set up those two to set my mother up. That’s right, Roger McLean is the one to set this up.”

Ryuga says.

“What?! Wait, I am even more confused about things now.”

The Hidden Blademaster says with a confused face.

“Roger McLean might look like a hero or a ghost from the outside but he is the member of the 4th most dangerous organization in the world, The Fallen Noble Houses.”

Ryuga says.

“What makes you say that?”

Lucifer asks Ryuga.

“I searched around on the internet a bit and found that the black substance found inside the bodies of the two injured students of Suzuki High used to be secret arts used by the nobles called Earlvoid.”

Ryuga says as he shows his phone to everyone.

“Last but not the least, mother’s suspect, Felicia Celestia. I don’t know what her motives are and why she is here but there is one thing I can assure you, she is after Mizuki.”

Ryuga says.

“What did you say?!”

Lucifer suddenly jumped out of her seat.

“Calm down, I only said she is after her not that she will be the one to take her.”

Ryuga says.

“She said something along the lines of, “Show me whether you will succumb to your desires or not.” Well, at least I heard something like that.”

Ryuga says.

“How did you hear that when we couldn’t?!”

The Hidden Blademaster asks Ryuga.

“Having an Elven Master is always helpful.”

Ryuga says.

Myra smiles.

“Finally, the person who will try to take her I believe will be Suzuki Kira himself.”

Ryuga says.


Everyone looked confused except Kaori.

“Suzuki Kira is the true culprit behind all of this planning. He has hired many people to get Mizuki. I believe this is because of how his organization is going down the ranks with each day passing.”

Ryuga says.

“What do you mean, Ryuga?”

Chilli Ranger asks.

“I am talking about, Black Jaguar. The masterminds.”

Ryuga says.

“What made you suspect him?”

Kaori asks Ryuga.

“Mother, you know that I know what a person is thinking when I look at their smile and I have never been wrong about it. I did the same with Kira. I went out of my to catch him off-guard and said that he was a good person. He smiled. That smile said, “You walked right into my trap.”

Ryuga explains.

“It’s just a hunch though.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Loli Lucifer, have you ever told anyone other than the group of people available here who Mizuki is?”

Ryuga asks Lucifer.

“No, I only told you guys.”

Lucifer replied.

“Then how did Kira know that Mizuki is the host of Nine-Tailed Fox. He also tipped me something, he said that someone will attack Mizuki during our match at midnight.”

Ryuga says.

“That’s a lot of information there…”

Lucifer looked surprised.

“I believe he wanted me to take Mizuki with me and run away from here. He wanted to catch us off-guard, kill me and take away Mizuki. He would have done the same with her mother as well if Mizuki left yesterday.”

Ryuga says.

“So, his plans got delayed because of that.”

Bleeds says.

“But I am sure that Mizuki’s mother might have realized that when she got here. I mean her vision ability, it helps her have visions of the future giving her some kinda hint of the future.”

Ryuga says.

“That’s my case.”

Ryuga says.

Ryuga laid back as he felt tired after telling everyone about what he had figured out.

“Wow Ryuga, you were pretty good.”

Alicia says with a smile.

“There is one more thing that bothers me…Red moon, what is the red moon? Usually, earth only has a single moon. So, where did the red moon come from? Was it made…Artificially?”

Everyone looked at Ryuga as he spoke about the red moon in his tiredness.

He fell asleep in the chair.

“He…Wasn’t wrong you know.”

Lucifer says.

“Red moon…Made artificially? If that is the case, how can one stop Mizuki from transforming?”

Lucifer looked confused.

“Back then…Someone must have destroyed the red moon.”

Kaori says.

“Who though? Who was strong enough to destroy that red moon?”

Kaori can’t put her finger on it.


“Yoshiro, it’s been some time.”

Someone is meeting a man who is wearing glasses. He also wears casual clothing with a shirt, a coat over it, and trousers. It also seems that he doesn’t have his right arm.

“It’s been some time, Hiro. I thought that since I came back to the City, I would meet you. It seems you are balding Hiro. What happened?! Did too much stress get rid of your handsomeness?!”

Yoshiro seems to be teasing Hiro.

Hiro sighs,

“You never change.”

Hiro says.

“Have you seen my daughter or my wife? No one in the company would allow me in because they said I look suspicious.”

Yoshiro says.

Hiro laughs off.

“Well, you are a noble dressed in such a normal dress. Anyone would feel like that.”

Hiro says.

“You used to be part of my family too Hiro, remember?”

Yoshiro says.

“True, I was adopted into your family Yoshiro but…I am still an adopted child unlike you, who is noble by blood.”

Hiro says.

“Anyways, let’s go. I am sure my wife and son would be there as well.”

Hiro says as he leads the way.

“You have a son?”

Yoshiro gives Hiro a smirk.

“What’s with that look?”

Hiro asks Yoshiro.

“I have a daughter. You have a son, how about we get them together?”

Yoshiro asks Hiro.

“I would love to but isn’t your daughter going to marry someone from a noble household?”

Hiro asks Yoshiro.

“Huh?! Who said that?”

Yoshiro asks as Hiro shows him the post of Yoshiro’s wife.

“You fucking serious, what is that idiot thinking? I go on a business trip for a year or two and this is what is happening?!”

Yoshiro sighs.

“Take me to my wife and child. I need to talk to them.”

Yoshiro says to Hiro.

Hiro smiles,

“Let’s go then. It will take a day or two to go from here to there though.”

Hiro says.

“That’s fine, let’s just get going.”

Yoshiro says.


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