《Ghost World Academia》71-Feelings


After the first round of the loser’s bracket finals, Mizuki entered the locker room all frustrated from the match she lost.

“I lost…”

Mizuki sighs.

“First against Suzuki and now against Felicia…I lost all the major battles so far. Jau and I are pretty strong but at the same time, the difference between her and me is huge.”

Mizuki says.

“So, when are you going to start using your Limiter Ability?”

Ryuga asks Mizuki as he enters the locker room.

“Aragi?! What are you doing here?!”

Mizuki looked surprised.

“Don’t you have a match to command on my behalf? I am away and you are the vice-captain, remember? You should be there commanding them!”

Mizuki stands up and tries to push Ryuga away.

“I already gave Jau instructions to fight Aisha, it shouldn’t be a big problem. She can win against Aisha.”

Ryuga says.

“Aisha?! Jau should be fighting Suzuki, not Aisha!”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

“Nah, don’t worry about Suzuki Kira, I will be fighting him.”

Ryuga says.

“Ryuga?! Do you have a death wish or something?!”

Mizuki asks Ryuga.

“Nah. I can win against him.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

Mizuki pouts,

“You are just showing off your confidence just like I was a few minutes ago.”

Ryuga pats Mizuki’s head and soon she turns red.

Alicia looked surprised,


Alicia screams at Ryuga.

“Wha-Master is patting someone’s head?! Who?! Who?! Who are you patting, Master?!”

Even Kil was trying to pop out.

“Ryuga…What are you doing?”

Mizuki was all red.

“Why are you always so afraid, Senpai?”

Ryuga asks Mizuki. This surprised Mizuki.

“What do you mean?”

Mizuki asks.

“Every time I look at you, you try to cover it up with that edgy look of yours but it’s clear that you’re afraid of something. I mean look at you, your all funky looking that people will be afraid to go near you.”


Ryuga laughs.

“Shut up.”

Mizuki pouts.

“But…There is nothing to be afraid of.”

Ryuga says.

“You…You don’t know anything.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

“That is true…I don’t know anything. In all honesty, I am fine with not knowing anything.”

Ryuga says as he sits on the couch next to the locker room.


Alicia says.

“Yeah, master knows everything! Madam Lucifer explained everything to him.”

Kil says.

“Would you two please shut the fuck up?”

Ryuga asks Kil and Alicia via telepathy.

“There is something you should know Senpai. Even though I don’t know anything, even if I will never know anything. You should know, I will be there for you when you need me. So, just ask for my help when you need it.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

Mizuki smiles,

“That makes me happy…”

Mizuki says.

“But Ryuga, you shouldn’t say things like that to me.”

Mizuki says with a chuckle.


Ryuga looks confused.

Ryuga realized as he turns red.

“Yeah, great job genius. You just made it look like you have fallen for Mizuki Tachibana.”

Alicia says to Ryuga.

Mizuki chuckles,

“Thank you, Ryuga, I feel better.”

Mizuki says.

Ryuga gets up,

“R-Right! I need to get going…My match will be soon up.”

Ryuga says as he tries to cover his nervousness.

Ryuga gets to the door of the locker room and puts his hand in the pocket.

“Oh, I forgot.”

Ryuga says.

“Senpai, for you.”

Ryuga says as he throws a bubble-gum packet towards Mizuki.

“Jau told me you like it, so I bought a pack for you. There is 10 inside of it I believe.”

Ryuga says.

“What an idiot you are.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.



Ryuga looks confused.

Mizuki pushes Ryuga away,

“Go! You need to go fight Suzuki Kira, Ryuga, don’t you? Go fight him and defeat him.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga as she moves him out of the locker room. Alicia follows him.

Mizuki holds Ryuga’s jacket,

“Bare your fangs in him, alright dragon?”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

“Woh…That’s new.”

Ryuga says with a surprised tone.

“Now go!”

Mizuki pushes him out and closes the locker room.


Ryuga smiles.

Alicia pouts,

“This isn’t right…”

Alicia says.

“What isn’t?”

Ryuga asks Alicia.


Alicia says.


Inside the Deadly Fields locker room,

“My heart! My heart! Why is beating so fast?!”

Mizuki blushes as she holds the packet of bubble gum.

“Don’t tell me…With that little interaction…No, no, no, it isn’t love. I only felt attracted to him. That’s it, nothing else…Nothing else. But, why can’t I stop thinking about him. Why does my heart not stop beating so fast?! Oh god! Someone! Anyone! Can anyone explain what is happening to me?!”

Mizuki didn’t realize it but with that very little interaction, she had fallen in love with her Kouhai Aragi Ryuga.

She also didn’t realize, something vicious was waiting for her soon.

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