《Ghost World Academia》70-Felicia Vs Mizuki



The match between Mizuki and Felicia begins as Mizuki straight away launches herself towards Felicia.

Felicia takes a deep breath,

“Earth Golem.”

She says as a massive monster made out of the earthen element rises in front of Mizuki.

“What the-“

Mizuki backs off from attacking Felicia.

“She chanted Master level spell without even chanting the whole incantation of the spell.”

Alicia looked surprised.

Even Jau and Clayton had a shocking look on their face.

“I thought that only Grandmaster mages could use spells without even their incantations.”

Clayton says.

“Ryuga, do you remember what the levels of magic are?”

Suddenly out of nowhere, Myra scares Ryuga.


Ryuga says as he is shaken by the sudden appearance of Myra behind him.

“Miss Myra? Why are you here?”

Jau looked surprised.

“Madam Lucifer asked me to keep Ryuga company. That is why I am here.”

Myra says to Jau.

“I see…”

“Anyways, answer my question, Ryuga.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs,

“It goes from Novice, Apprentice, Expert, Master, Veteran, Grandmaster and then World Class.”

Ryuga gives Myra the answer.

“What Felicia Celestia just used was a Master level spell without an incantation. That makes her a very powerful opponent.”

Myra points out.

“I see…”

Ellie looked at Myra and understood why Ryuga had become so different. By the looks of things, Ryuga had taken some of Myra’s personality in him as well while training through what Ellie saw.


“Now, please feel free to battle.”

Felicia says to Mizuki.

“Woh…That’s one big golem.”

“She’s one powerful mage.”

“Isn’t she a human? She’s still this powerful?”

The crowd seems to be surprised.

“Ryuga’s team doesn’t stand a chance.”


Mayumi who is standing next to Bleeds in the judging room says.

“Is that so? I think that team is very capable of handling the situation even if they lose this match.”

Bleeds says as he looks at Ryuga.

“What are you saying, father? Don’t you see? They only have Power Idol as their best chance at winning a match. The rest…They are no way close to beating anyone in that team.”

Mayumi says.

“Looks can be deceiving…”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Now what are you trying to imply here?”

Mayumi asks The Hidden Blademaster.

“Let’s just say that our little flower Blademaster had a little special interaction yesterday night.”

Lucifer says with a smile.


The Hidden Blademaster blushes.

“I just had a little talk…Nothing else.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Jeez, Orcie, calm down. It’s not like I was indicating anything. So, why are you so flustered?”

Lucifer says with a smile.


As the judges were having a conversation between them, a massive THUMP is heard by them in the middle of the stadium.

The massive THUMP is the golem smashing his hand in the stadium and Mizuki dodging it.

“Shit! Didn’t expect her to have such a trump card in her pocket. But…If it’s just a golem, I can take care of it.”

Mizuki thinks as she runs circles around the Golem trying to use the big body it has to her advantage.

“In terms of strength, I have the same amount of strength that Jau has in her normal form. That should be more than enough to smash past that golem. The moment I see the opening-“

Just when Mizuki decided to use the opening that the golem gave her to the advantage.


“Mizuki has got this!”

Jau says with a smile.

“It’s over…For Mizuki.”

Ryuga says.


All his team looked confused.

“I would say the same thing.”

Myra says.

“The moment I see an opening, I shall attack the golem and win. That is what you are thinking, aren’t you Mizuki Tachibana, Captain of Deadly Fields?”

Felicia gives a smile as she looks at Mizuki who has leaped mid-air to destroy that golem.

“Sadly, this is where your journey ends.”

Felicia points her staff towards Mizuki.


Out of nowhere, she summons a small ball that hits Mizuki in the guts at tremendous speed and sends her flying out of the arena.

“The winner of the first round is Felicia Celestia! She sent her opponent out of the arena.”

The crowd erupts in cheer for the OST of Suzuki High.

“Ryuga, I was hoping to fight you but you didn’t come. This makes me sad.”

Felicia says with a disappointed tone but she had a smile.

“I don’t fight a losing battle.”

Ryuga says.

“Is that why you asked your captain to fight? Don’t you know that someone whose morale is already at the bottom of the drain will only have negative effects if you decide to send them in a losing match?”

Felicia says to Ryuga.

“I do, that is why I sent her. So that she can realize that not all battles can be won.”

Ryuga says.

“I see, the more I look at it, it seems that you are more of a leader of this team than she is. The way you command your comrades, the way you control their every move. You plan everything for them, don’t you Ryuga? In addition, you make sure that the plan is successfully executed no matter what happens. Just what I would expect from someone who has worked under the famous Akuma Jin.”

Felicia walks away from the arena.


Alicia looks at Ryuga.

“That girl…She may be someone I knew from my middle school, but…She’s far more dangerous than anyone who is participating in the tournament.”

Ryuga says.


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