《Ghost World Academia》69-Burden


Ryuga looked sleepy,

“Man…I couldn’t get any sleep.”

Ryuga sighs.

“I feel your human emotions…Those girls invaded our room like it was their own house.”

Clayton who also seems to be sleepy says as both of them stand in front of their locker room.

What happened was, when Ryuga got back to his room after the bath, Jau, Mizuki, and Ellie all entered Ryuga’s room and sat on Ryuga’s bed playing a game of cards.

Both Ryuga and Clayton tried sleeping on the same bed but they couldn’t get any sleep because of the girls. They didn’t even have the keys to the girl’s room so that they could sleep peacefully.

In the end, both Ryuga and Clayton failed to have any sleep even after the girls slept because Ellie was sleep talking, Jau hit Ryuga in the face and Mizuki got up to go to the washroom every hour.

“Those girls are part of your harem, why do I have to suffer too?”

Clayton sighs.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Ryuga sighs.

They don’t even have the energy to talk about anything. They just get into their locker room and sleep.


“Those two are seriously sleeping in the locker room?”

Ellie says as she looks at Ryuga and Clayton.

Along with Ellie, Jau and Mizuki also make their way to the locker room.

“We have a match in like 10 minutes and we don’t have any strategy…What do we do?!”

Jau looks troubled.

“Well, I guess there is only one strategy that we can use…”

Mizuki says.

“What strategy?!”

Jau and Ellie both ask Mizuki.

“The strategy is called…Punch the shit out of your opponent!”

Mizuki says with a proud smile.

“Wait…Wait…Would that strategy even work?!”

The author asks.



Ashley announces.

“I guess it does work…”

The author admits the strategy works.


About an hour later, Ryuga and Clayton wake up.

“You gotta be kidding me, right?”

Clayton looked surprised but his facial expression didn’t change as he watched the highlights of the girls on their team beating the other team without any problems.

“Those girls are…Something on another level.”

Ryuga says with a nervous smile while sweating.

“Of course, this was an easy victory for us.”

Ellie said with a smirk.

Jau nodded.

“I was commanding the team. There was no way we would lose.”

Then, Ryuga turns on the highlights for the finals of the main rounds.

“Hey…Tell me something. What the hell happened during the finals of the winner's bracket?”

Ryuga asks.

The girls look at each other’s faces.

“Aragi…Team Suzuki…They were annihilated by Roger and Sashimi…”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

“Annihilated? This wasn’t annihilation…This was straight-up murder.”

Alicia says as she looks at the footage that Ryuga was watching on his phone.

“Why were neither of them disqualified?”

Ryuga asks.

Everyone looks away.

“I guess since they arrive from a noble family that Ashley couldn’t afford to offend them, just like how he couldn’t afford to offend Suzuki Kira.”

Ryuga says.


Kira smashes his hand on a locker.


The girl with glasses says.

“Those guys…They injured my people.”

Kira says.

“I won’t forgive them!”

Kira says as he grits his teeth.

“Suzuki-Senpai…The strength those two exhibited, it seems that both are way beyond your C-Rank status.”

The girl in glasses says to Kira.

“Even if that’s the case, I will fucking kill them for injuring my precious people. We of the Black Jaguars don’t take this lightly, Fallen Nobles.”


Kira angrily bangs the locker door again.

“They were just some members of your school, Kira-Senpai.”

The girl in glasses says to Kira.

“For you they are but for me, they are still my and father’s loyal students.”

Kira says to the girl.

The girl sighs.

“Whatever, before we deal with the Noble Fighters, we have a match against Deadly Fields in about an hour.”

The girl in glasses says to Kira.

“Huh? Right…That team…I want to fight that person Aragi Ryuga too but…I don’t feel like going all out, so you and Aisha fight the rounds and get us the victory. I will ask Ashley to rig all battles singles.”

Kira says to the girl in glasses.

“As you wish, Suzuki-Senpai.”

The girl in glasses watches Kira leave.

“I have a feeling…You will be needed because Ryuga and his team are also pretty strong.”

The girl in glasses smiles.

“That, we shall see. If I am needed, I will just test the waters to see whether he is that powerful or not.”

Kira smirks.


Ryuga checks on the infirmary on the team of Suzuki High’s two injured participants. One of them seems to be Zeniel Colt while the other is a black man with long hair and a few piercings in his ears. He is named Tobias Jackson.

Both Zeniel and Tobias seem to be in bad shape.

“We are trying everything we can to save those two but it seems that there is something within their body that is rejecting every treatment we are giving them.”

The old doctor standing near Ryuga, Doctor Andrew Matthews says to him. Dr. Matthews was also the part of the conference that happened not too long ago.

“Dr. Matthews, did you create reports? If so, what did the reports say?”

Ryuga asks.

Dr. Matthews sighed,

“Just because you are Athena’s son, I will let you know.”

He stated.

“The reports say that there is some kind of parasite that has latched inside their body. We are not sure what kind of parasite it is but it’s not as dangerous as the parasite that was used to kill the S-Rank Hero Star Mace.”

Dr. Matthews says to Ryuga presenting him the reports.

“By Star Mace, you mean Alicia Arkwet?”

Ryuga asks.

Dr. Matthew nods his head.

Ryuga looks at the report.

“This is a different type of parasite, huh? Well, it has to be since the doctors can see them through scans.”

Alicia who is hovering over Ryuga says as she looks at one of the scans in the report showing a parasite inside one of the injured people’s bodies.

“I mean, the parasite used to control me was so small that it wasn’t even visible through a telescope. You needed bandana man’s second key or mana vision to see those things.”

Alicia says to Ryuga.

“What parasite, Master? I can’t see it. Just summon me so even I can see it!”

Kil looks to be pouting on the other with an upset tone while speaking.

“Doc, can you cure them?”

Ryuga asks Doctor Matthews.

“Of course I can. It will take me some time but I can find a cure for them. I don’t want to see those young talents die. So, I will find the cure for them.”

Dr. Matthews says.

Ryuga smiles.

“It seems that Athena and you are quite similar in a lot of ways.”

Matthews says.


Ryuga looks confused.

“She came here with Bleeds and The Hidden Blademaster not too long ago. It seems she found it strange too, so she gave me some tips on how to build a cure. Your mother is truly quite knowledgeable in medicines as well.”


Dr. Matthews says to Ryuga.

Ryuga smiles,

“That’s my mother for you, doc.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

“Anyways boy, you have to go out there and fight for the final spot, don’t you?”

Dr. Matthews asks Ryuga.

“Oh shit! Thanks for the reminder, Doc. Message me if you need anything and call me if it’s something important.”

Ryuga waves his goodbye as he runs away towards the tournament.

“My, my, the new generation sure are going to be something, aren’t they, Madman?”

Dr. Matthew sighs and then smiles.


“Welcome everybody! For the finals of the loser’s bracket! This will be our final daytime match. Whoever wins this match will fight Team Noble Fighters in the finals at 12 AM sharp!”

Ashley announces.

“So, let’s welcome from the left side, the team that is said to be the underdogs for this tournament. The ones who haven’t lost a single match in the loser’s bracket since they were knocked out in the first round of the winner’s bracket. Here comes Team Deadly Fields!”

Mizuki Tachibana, Jau Shiezel, Aragi Ryuga, Ellie Norvich, and Clayton The Demon all have made their way to the arena. They had their faces and name on the big television in the stadium.

“This is the first time we are seeing all five of the participants of Team Deadly Fields arrive in the arena. It will be fun to see what plans their OST, Aragi Ryuga has planned.”

Ashley says.

“From the right side, we have the team who knocked out Team Deadly Fields in the very first match. The very team faces them again but this time, they only have three players. Team Suzuki High!”

Kira Suzuki, Aisha Milk, and finally the girl with glasses, Felicia Celestia. They were all on the big television screen with their names under it.

“That name…Felicia Celestia…”

Ryuga thinks.


Ryuga laughs.

“What’s the matter, Ryuga?!”

Ellie asks Ryuga.

“Nothing, I just saw an old friend.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

Ryuga walks across the arena to Kira’s team.

“What the-“

Kira looks surprised as so does the audience as Ryuga gets close to Felicia.

“It is you, Witchy! I haven’t seen you in 5 years.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

“Nice to see that you remembered me, Ryu-Ryu.”

Felicia says to Ryuga in a calm voice and smiles.

“However, right now, I am your enemy. So, let’s talk after the tournament, Ryu-Ryu.”

Felicia smiles.

“Aight Witchy!”

Ryuga says with a smile and jumps to the other side where his team is.

“I guess you guys have another love rival.”

Clayton says.


Ellie and Jau synchronize together to scream at Clayton.

Inside the judging room,

“That Ryuga…When did he meet that girl…”

Mayumi bites her nails.

“She defeated you in the sparring match, didn’t she?”

Bleeds ask Mayumi.


Mayumi looked annoyed.

Alicia pouts at Ryuga.

“Witchy?! What kind of nickname is that?”

Alicia looks away from Ryuga.

Mizuki chuckles,

“What a childish nickname…Ryu-Ryu…Witchy…”

Mizuki couldn’t hold her laughter.

“Well, she calls me Ryu-Ryu because she finds it cute but I call her witchy because she is a witch.”

Ryuga explains.


Everyone looks confused.

“Ryuga…Witches aren’t real…”

Mizuki says.

“Yeah, yeah, there is no such thing as witch…”

Ellie also ignores Ryuga’s statement.

“Witches are just myths and legends. Are you trying to say that she can only be killed by fire and is pretty much resistant against everything else?”

Jau asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“You are reading too many novels, Ryuga. Let’s just focus on the tournament.”

Mizuki sighs and says.

“I believe what you are saying even if they don’t.”

Clayton pats Ryuga’s shoulder.

“Hmm? Alright…”

Ryuga says.

“Well, it’s a surprise that she is here. I mean, I haven’t seen any other members in action except for the members from the first round. Even then, I had formed all theories without knowing their abilities.”

Ryuga says.

“You are kidding me, right? You formed all the tactics just like that?! Without even understanding their team structure or even their abilities?”

Clayton asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“It seems that Team Suzuki High is sending out Felicia Celestia to fight. Who is it going to be from Deadly Fields?!”

Ashley looks at Team Deadly Fields along with the audience.

“Ryuga, since you like that witch so much, why not fight her?”

Mizuki is the one to say it but all the girls on Ryuga’s team look at Ryuga with the look that you must fight her or else we will kill you.

Ryuga sighs.

“I won’t fight her…The one to fight her will be you, Tachibana-Senpai. If you want to win this match, fight her and we will win.”

Ryuga pointed at Mizuki.


“Fine but what about Kira…I am sure he will fight the second round if I wi-“

Ryuga interrupts Mizuki.

“You won’t.”

Everyone looks at Ryuga.

“In fact, none of us can win against her. Not even me. So, simply put it, I am sending you because you will be a burden on the team captain.”

Ryuga says to Mizuki.


Jau tries to step up for Mizuki.

“Senpai, you realize it too, right? After you lost against Suzuki Kira, your confidence has been at an all-time low. Don’t take anything I am saying out of context Senpai but right now, what you need is another loss to understand that you can’t hide from your true self forever. You must realize that your limiter ability is yours and no one else’s. So, if you want to win, use your limiter ability or else face a loss.”

Ryuga says to Mizuki.


Jau was about to punch Ryuga but Mizuki stops her.

“It’s alright Jau…He doesn’t know anything. So, it’s alright for him to criticize me for not using my ability.”

Mizuki says with a sad smile.

“That’s not true at all! Ryuga knows you are the host of The Nine-Tailed Fox, Mizuki! Ryuga knows it all!”

Alicia tries to speak to Mizuki but Mizuki can’t hear or listen to her.

“It’s no use, she can’t hear us.”

Kil says to Alicia.

“Tsch! Why are you quiet Ryuga?! Say something!”

Alicia says to Ryuga.

“No, our mission is to guard her and keep out for suspicious activities.”

Ryuga telepathically communicates.

“Ryuga! You idiot!”

Alicia pouts.

“Aragi, don’t worry, I will win this battle and I will make sure to win it without using my limiter ability.”

Mizuki says.

Ryuga sighs.

“You will lose.”

Ryuga says.

“I won’t.”

Mizuki says.

“Umm…Team Deadly Fields, please send a participant.”

Ashley says to Team Deadly Fields.

“I am coming.”

Mizuki says as she enters the arena.


“Are both the parties ready?!”

The crowd erupts as Ashley asks.

“I won’t be as ruthless as Suzuki-Senpai…But, it won’t be an easy battle either. For you of course.”

Felicia says.

“The battle begins in 3…”

The crowd begins to count down with Ashley.

“I will defeat you and prove Ryuga that he was wrong.”

Mizuki says.


The crowd continues counting down with Ashley.

“Did Ryuga tell you that you can’t win against me? I see he is just as intelligent, calm, and collected as 5 years ago. Maybe even more.”

Felicia looks at her staff.

“I wanted to fight him in all honesty because I thought he would give me more of a challenge than anyone here but it seems that he didn’t want to fight me.”

Felicia sighs.


The crowd continues counting down with Ashley until the final 1.

“Don’t look down on me. I am still the team’s captain, you know.”

Mizuki says to Felicia.

Felicia smiles.

“Will you succumb or will you not?”

Felicia asks Mizuki.


Mizuki looked confused.

“Nothing, I just want to see if you will live up to the name of the captain or not.”

Felicia says to Mizuki with a smile.


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