《Ghost World Academia》68-Hero/Ghost Conference


“What beast is it that is said to be released in this tournament?”

Mayumi asks Lucifer.

“The entity that you Japanese people are well-versed of, Nine-Tailed Fox.”

Lucifer says.

Everyone looked serious and then…There was Kaori.

“What are you doing, Athena?”

Chilli Ranger asks Kaori.

“I am just watching my boy’s match.”

Kaori says with a smile.

“Who would your boy be?”

Chilli Ranger asks.

“See, that’s him.”

Chilli Ranger looked shocked.


Chilli Ranger screams out of shock.

Bleeds facepalms his face.


Kaori says with a pout.


Chilli Ranger looks confused.

“Miss, how old are you?”

Chilli Ranger asks Kaori.

“It’s Missus Kaori Aragi and I am only 46 years old.”

The other heroes and Ghosts except Lucifer, Bleeds, and Mayumi laugh at Kaori.

“That’s funny, like that I am also 70 years old, lady.”

An A-rank hero Blue Blaster says.

“Yeah, I am 69 years old.”

Another S-Rank Hero, Roderick says.

“You guys really think that she is young. Well, that’s a common mistake when people meet the great Athena.”

Lucifer says.


Chilli Ranger looks confused.

“She really is 46 years old and Aragi Ryuga is her son. She is the wife of Hiro Aragi.”

Lucifer says.

“That’s bullshit! Ryuga is the son of that crazy villain Madman.”

Chilli Ranger responds to Lucifer’s comment.

“What if I say that she is Athena as well as Madman?”

Bleeds ask Chilli Ranger.


The heroes and Ghost start getting wary.

“Yes, I am Athena, once a great hero now retired. As well as the ex-leader of the Old Illuminati, Madman. The wife of the once known famous hero Shotgun who has also retired. You have any problems with me, my husband, or my son?”

Kaori looked quite serious this time.

Nobody had any guts to say anything because this time, it felt like a scythe of a reaper was over their throat.

“Let’s get back to the main topic, what I have learned is there is an organization, an old enemy of us Heroes and Ghosts that are trying to bring back the Nine-Tailed fox to live via its host.”

Lucifer explains.

“Our old enemy? We have many of them, who are they?”

The Hidden Blademaster who had calmly watched the whole event standing from the corner asked Lucifer.


“Just like Illuminati and Shadow Sins, another organization up there with them. The fifth most powerful evil organization, The Black Jaguar.”

Lucifer points at a photo on a hologram of a logo that looked like a Jaguar in black with white stripes.

“I have already made sure that heroes and Ghosts like Kira Suzuki, Jau Shiezel, and Roger Mclean know about the situation just in case we need to evacuate the students. They don’t know who the host of the Nine-Tailed Fox is but they know that there might be a breakout.”

Lucifer says.

“Even my boy Ryuga knows about the situation. It’s very vague but he knows that the host of Nine-Tail Fox is in danger. So we can depend on him to keep that person safe.”

Kaori says.

“Who is the host?”

Mayumi asks.

“The host of the Nine-Tailed Fox is none other than Mizuki Tachibana, the daughter of the famous Misa Tachibana.”

Lucifer brings up Mizuki’s ID photo on the hologram.

“She is the holder of the Nine-Tail Fox. I believe that Misa tried to get her out of this stadium but the girl is stubborn and YOUR boy Aragi Ryuga, convinced her to stay.”

Lucifer looks at Kaori with an angry smile.

“What did he do wrong? He didn’t know anything at that time. So he couldn’t do much.”

Kaori says with a smug smile.

“You fucking bitch! If you weren’t my master, I would have fucking sliced you.”

Lucifer thought to herself.

“Try me bitch.”

Kaori used telepathy to talk to Lucifer.

“No, Master! I am sorry!”

Lucifer looked guilty.

“So, all we have to do is find the Black Jaguar members and kick their ass, right?”

Roderick asks Lucifer.

“Yeah…But it isn’t going to be that easy.”

Lucifer says.

“One of us could be a member of Black Jaguar for all I know.”

Lucifer says.

“If someone was suspicious then it would be this girl here.”

Blue blaster points at Kaori.

“I believe she is suspicious but not for the same reason as you. I see something else that’s quite suspicious about her.”

The Hidden Blademaster says to Kaori.

“I don’t know what you would talk about, Miss Grou’Tha. I believe you are only 19 and for an Orc, you are quite beautiful, would you like to marry my son? He is quite a capable boy.”


Kaori asks The Hidden Blade Master.

“W-Wha-Please refrain from saying such things that stray away from our investigation!”

The Hidden Blademaster says to Kaori with a flustered face.

“Exactly my point.”

Kaori says with an evil smile.

“She is pure evil…”

Lucifer thought to herself.

“I guess with that, I will ask everyone to report to me if there is any suspicious activity. Dismissed!”

Lucifer orders.

Before everyone gets out though,

“Hidden Blademaster, Bleeds, Athena, and Chilli Ranger, can I ask you all to stay?”

Lucifer messages them personally on their phones.


As everyone left the 4 others left with Lucifer stayed.

“My first question is why did you write everyone’s name? You could have just written, “can I ask you to stay?” That would have been that.”

Kaori says to Lucifer.


Lucifer looked quite angry.

“We need an inside man who can act when the time calls for it and someone who we can trust, a student specifically. An intelligent student.”

Lucifer says with a smile.

“Wouldn’t Jau Shiezel be the first choice?”

The Hidden Blademaster asks Lucifer.

“She doesn’t have a big brain to outplay her opponents. All she has is pure strength. In that case, we need someone who has spent almost 4 months studying under the famous hero who turned into a villain. The student of Mad Scientist is who I present you as well as my precious assistant’s student .”

The door to the conference room opens.

“You called me Loli Lucifer?”

Ryuga who just entered says to Lucifer.


Ryuga looked kind of confused as Lucifer who is pointing her finger at Ryuga and screaming.

“What’s with her?”

Ryuga asks Kaori.

“That’s just the normal her.”

Kaori says.


After Lucifer calmed down, Ryuga took a seat and Lucifer explained everything to Ryuga.

“I see…Alright, if you say so? I will be sure to keep an eye on Black Jaguar…Wait, is it Black jaguar or White Jaguar?”

Ryuga asks.

“White Jaguar are mercenaries. They are not evil nor good. They just do deeds for money. Black Jaguar on the other hand does many evil deeds. Extortion, slavery, drugs supply, organs marketing, and much more. They are core deep evil people.”

Kaori says.

“I see…”

“I believe Ryuga has exhibited enough strength to impress you all during the first match of the tournament.”

Lucifer says with a smile.

“I would have had more strength if only you hadn’t taken it away from me.”

Ryuga looks at Lucifer.

Lucifer looks away from Ryuga and smiles.

“I have a question…”

Chilli Ranger raises his hand.


Ryuga looks at Chilli Ranger.

“Why is it that his team is fighting a battle in the loser’s bracket right now but he is here?”

Chilli Ranger asks Ryuga.

“I am the OST of the team. Therefore, I just gave them some instructions and that’s about it. My job is to form strategies, not fight the main battle. Plus, I need to reserve my strength for the finals.”

Ryuga says to Chilli Ranger.

“What confidence…He didn’t have that kind of confidence when I saw him go up against Ryan Arkwet…”

Chilli Ranger thought after looking at Ryuga’s determined face.

“It does seem like the situation is quite dangerous…”

Alicia says.

“I know…”

Ryuga says telepathically.

“Kil…Lend me your strength when I ask for it, would you?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“You don’t need to ask for it Master. You are free to use my strength whenever you want. After all, until the very end, I will continue to serve you for you are my master and I am your sword.”

Ryuga smiles as he hears Kil say those words.

“Thank you, Kil…”

“I guess the boy has grown up a little.”

Lucifer thinks.

“Anyways, you know your role, Aragi Ryuga. If you see any suspicious student activity, please inform us.”

Lucifer says to Ryuga.

“I will.”

Ryuga says.

“With this, let’s keep Ryuga’s involvement a secret. No one needs to know that he is our inside man except us 5.”

Lucifer says.


Lucifer says as everyone gets up to leave.

Kaori taps The Hidden Blademaster’s shoulder,

“Please, be sure to protect Ryuga. Bleeds may not be fast enough. Lucifer and I may be away from the situation. You are the only one who can protect him when the time comes.”

Kaori says to the Hidden Blademaster.

“What do you mean?”

The Hidden Blademaster asks Kaori.

“You are one of his future wives after all.”

Kaori says to the Hidden Blademaster with a smile.



In a room,

“What was that vision…?”

Misa is talking to herself.

“Seven women including Mizuki?! That man is nothing less than…Tsch!”

“But what was that other vision…Like he was unable to save someone…”

Misa looks to be in deep thoughts.

“Should I tell him or should I not?”


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