《Ghost World Academia》64-Ryuga's Arrival


“Silver Wind Style, First Stance, WINDSTORM SLASH!”

A massive wind strikes throughout the stadium as Ryuga slashes right through the flaming sun of fire with a sword that shined brighter than silver and looked sharper than any sword one would ever see.


Mizuki looked shocked at Ryuga’s arrival.

“Yo captain! Sorry I was a little late. I ran into some problems outside the stadium.”

Ryuga says with a nervous smile.


Mayumi who was in the same room as Bleeds, Lucifer, Myra, and The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Why do you look so shocked? He would always be my top pick for this tournament.”

Lucifer says with a smile.


Mayumi looked quite angry.

“Is that true, Lucifer?”

The Hidden Blademaster asks Lucifer.

“That is true.”

Lucifer smiles.

“But even you saw what he is capable of doing, didn’t you Blademaster?”

Lucifer asks The Hidden Blademaster.

“He did cause a massive wind canceling out the fire. After all, the wind is fire’s greatest weakness.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“But what’s with that blade style? I have never heard about the Silver Blade Style before.”

The Hidden Blademaster continues.

“Blademaster, that’s a rare blade style that is only taught to the Tiger Clan.”

Lucifer says with a smile.

“I see what you did there Myra…”

Lucifer whispers to Myra.

“I did not do anything. Ryuga was the one who chose this.”

Myra says with a smile.

“That’s the first I have seen you smile in years.”

Lucifer says with a smile.

“It’s because…of Ryuga, isn’t it?”

Lucifer asks Myra.

“Indeed, he has become like an important part of the family in just a few days.”

Myra says with a smile.

“I see…”

Suddenly, out of the blue, Bleeds starts laughing,


Mayumi looked surprised.

“That boy, well done training him Lucifer.”

Bleeds says those words to Lucifer but looks at Myra.

Myra nods.

“Of course.”

Lucifer responds.



“This match is disqualified since there was an interference from an outside participant.”

Ashley declares.

Ryuga’s sword disappears from his hand.

“Hey wait a minute now, how is this a disqualification when I saved her life?! Isn’t that your job?! Didn’t the rules say that if someone’s life is in danger or if someone gets severely injured, the attacking party gets disqualified?! So what the hell is with all this bullshitry of disqualification on our team?! Shouldn’t we win this round?! This is our round, right?!”

Ryuga went right into Ashley’s nose.

“No matter how you see it, the captain of your team is fine though with minor injuries.”

Ashley says to Ryuga.

“I see…So, that’s how it is. Arguing with you would be useless since you are being paid to overlook such things, isn’t that right?”

Ryuga says with a smirk.


Ashley looked surprised along with the crowd who seems to talk to each other right now.

“So, you are just a corrupt individual, who is hosting this tournament, I see.”

Ryuga says as he moves around the ring.

The crowd seems to be getting more and more behind Ryuga with every moment.

“If you think that way, why don’t you fight me here and now?”

Kira says to Ryuga.

Ryuga smirks,

“Dude, don’t worry, I understand, you want to beat me down and then make sure that I can’t get up from all your beatings and never participate ever again.”

Ryuga says.

“You are the scum of scum. Since you know you can easily win, you just want to beat everyone in your way as brutally as possible while the host just babbles on without giving a single damn in the world for you only.”

Ryuga points his finger at Kira.


Kira looked quite angry.

Ellie has a little chuckle behind Ryuga.

“He seems different.”

Jau says. Even she tries to hold her laughter in.

The only one who isn’t laughing is Clayton,

“You know, he actually has points that can’t be countered easily.”


Clayton says.

Even the crowd is behind Ryuga now,

“I like this kid.”

“Who is he?”

“I heard he has no limiter.”

“What?! And yet he is standing up against the one and only Suzuki Kira.”

Looking at the crowd’s reaction, Kira decides to challenge Ryuga.

“If you can talk, I hope you can fight as well! I will make sure you get beaten to a pulp just like you wished for. I will also pay your bills-“

Ryuga stops Kira from talking,

“Sorry, since I have to abide by the tournament rules, we lost. See you in the Semi-Finals once we get out of the loser’s bracket. Byeeee.”

Ryuga carries Mizuki in his arm.


And gets off the stage.


Ryuga turns around once Kira calls him.


“You said Semi-finals and not finals, why?”

Kira asks Ryuga.

“Isn’t it obvious? The finals will be between Team Deadly Fields and Team Noble Fighters.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.


Ryuga walks back to the locker room along with others while carrying Mizuki.


Inside another locker room,

“So, he said that the finals will be between us.”

Kirio smiles.

“That’s just like him.”

Slips says.

“Calculating everything that happened, I doubt they could make the finals if they continue like that.”

Sashimi says to everyone.

The other two second years quietly watched Ryuga leave the ring.


Inside Deadly Field’s locker room,

“Alright, listen up here, Clayton and Ellie well played for the first round. Jau you needed to control your strength other than that, there aren’t any problems.”

Ryuga says that he walks up to Mizuki who seems to be quite sad.

“Captain Tachibana, you are this team’s Captain. So, you best know when to give up and when not or you might cost not only your life but also the lives of those who are around you if you keep doing that.”

Ryuga says to Mizuki with a smile.

“Wow…When did Ryuga become so mature?”

Ellie asks.

“I told you he seems different.”

Jau says.

“You…Ryuga, you contracted a Second Key, didn’t you?”

Clayton asks Ryuga.

Everyone in the room looked quite shocked.


Ryuga commands.

“Yes, master!”

Ryuga makes the sword reappear.

“I did contract a Second Key. I made a contract with the leader of the Tiger Clan.”

Ryuga says as he shows his sword to everyone who is supposed to be Kil.

“Wohhh…Hold up just a moment…With Kil?! Our Kil?!”

Ellie looks quite surprised.

“I guess…”

Ryuga looks confused.

Ryuga makes the sword disappear again.

“Anyways, that’s how it is.”

Ryuga says.

Clayton looked quite disappointed.


Ryuga turns around and butts his head with Mizuki’s. Both Jau and Ellie’s face turn red as well as Mizuki’s face turns red.


Ellie looked too flustered by Ryuga’s actions.

“I don’t…Know…”

Jau seemed the same too.

“Listen to me carefully, I know you are under pressure and you need to win no matter what. But, you know, you gotta trust me. After all, you are the captain and I am your OST. I am your backbone and I will make sure we go there and win that tournament. I will free you of that shackle called faith and prove to you that even if someone predicts something and it’s 99.99% true then there is always a chance that there is a 00.01% chance that the prediction can be changed.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

“How do you know, Aragi?”

Mizuki looked surprised.

“Everyone reads the news here, so I am sure that everyone knows, right guys?”

Ryuga asks as he turns around to see everyone’s confused faces.

“You gotta be kidding me, right?”

Ryuga sighed as he looked disappointed.

Mizuki has a little laugh.


“Hey, Ryuga…Can we win this tournament?”

Mizuki asks Ryuga.

“Who the fuck do you think I am?”

Ryuga asks with a smirk.

“Your…Aragi Ryuga?”

Mizuki says as she smirks.

“You are not supposed to tease me. It’s the other way around.”

Ryuga sighs.

“Of course, you are my OST and my backbone and I am your captain. So…As your Captain, I command you to form strategies to win the tournament.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

Ryuga smiles,

“As you say, Captain Tachibana.”


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