《Ghost World Academia》63-Loss


“So far, Team Deadly Fields have won one round and Team Suzuki High has won one. It seems that the decider round will be between two captains!”

The crowd erupts as the captain of Suzuki High School Suzuki Kira enters the ring.

“Do your best, Captain Mizuki!”

Ellie says with a smile.

“Go get him.”

Clayton says.

Mizuki nods.

“I clearly won that match. How was my force deadly?!”

Jau looks quite sad.

“I think so she doesn’t exactly realize how strong she is yet…”

Ellie says with a nervous smile.

“Good thing Ryuga keeps her under control or else, if she went on her Ogre rampage…Even I don’t know who can stop her.”

Clayton says.

“I think you are overthinking, Clayton.”

Ellie says with a nervous smile.

“Are the competitors ready?!”

Ashley raises his hand.

“Let us begin!”

“Finally, you and I are fighting each other again, just like last year.”

Kira says with an evil smile.

Mizuki takes a fighting stance.

“And just like last year, I will end this battle with a decisive victory.”

Kira says with an evil smile.


Ashley signals the start of the fight signal as the crowd erupts again.

Mizuki quickly rushes Kira and goes for a kick to the face straight away. Since Mizuki is wearing tight red pants instead of a skirt, there shall be no wardrobe malfunction here.

Kira sharply blocks Mizuki’s kick with just a single hand.

“That’s crazy…He just blocked Mizuki’s kick like it was nothing.”

Ellie says.

“That’s Kira for you. He is quite strong…”

Jau says.

Mizuki spins mid-air and tries to kick from the other side but Kira blocks that as well.

“Come on, you can do better than that.”

Kira mocks Mizuki.


Mizuki spins mid-air once again and tries to kicks over Kira’s head this time. Kira catches Mizuki’s leg and throws her away.


Mizuki’s body bounces then slide away near the edge of the ring.


“Come on get up, I know you have more to offer.”

Kira smirks.

Mizuki gets back up. She rushes Kira once again. This time though, she punches Kira.


Kira blocks the punch without any effort.

“You said that you will defeat me, didn’t you?! You have to do better than that to defeat me!”

Kira uses his elbow to hit Mizuki’s back.


As soon as Mizuki gets to the ground, he kicks her.


Jau looks to help her but Mizuki shows her hand to stop Jau.

“I am alright.”

She says as she gets back up.

“Captain Mizuki…”

Ellie was concerned and even Clayton didn’t show it, he felt like something wasn’t right. This made even him a little concerned.

“I said I will defeat you and I will do that. No matter what happens, I will do it.”

Mizuki says.

“Is it because of all the news that your mother has spread throughout the City?”

Kira smirks.

Mizuki suddenly appears in front of Kira,

“Flash step, huh? At least you learned something in the past year.”

Kira says as he suddenly appears over Mizuki’s head.

“But, I have been using flash step since I was 8 years old.”

Kira smashes Mizuki right into the ground.


Even the crowd started to have a concern about this match,

“Hey, shouldn’t this be far enough?”

“Doesn’t Lady Tachibana know that this is going too far?”

“I heard that if Lady Tachibana doesn’t win this year’s tournament, she will be married to Sir McLean.”

“If that’s the case, it makes sense why she won’t give up.”

“However, faith would not be on her side. As long as Suzuki High is here, this tournament will be impossible for her to win.”

“It is indeed something that she can’t prevent.”

Everyone in the crowd starts gossiping.

The beatdown continued as Mizuki tried to break through Kira’s defenses repeatedly but there was not a thing she could do to break his defenses.


“She should just give up…”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“She won’t. That’s because…She’s just as stubborn as her father.”

Bleeds says.

“That’s the first time you actually talked since you came here.”

Lucifer says with a smile.

“I don’t get what you two are saying but, it seems that she will severely damage herself if she continues like that. You two can feel it too, can’t you? Her body is breaking with every strike that boy hits. That boy is a strong physical fighter.”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Don’t worry, someone is coming right now who will definitely make sure nothing bad happens to her.”

Myra who just arrived says to Lucifer.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you went somewhere.”

Lucifer says to Myra.

“That’s because I had an important person who was stuck outside.”

Myra says to Lucifer.

“Is it him?”

Lucifer asks.

Myra nods.

“Can I know who this important person is too?”

Mayumi enters the room full of the big Heroes and Ghosts.

“I think you will see him soon.”

Myra says with a smile.


“Why doesn’t she use her Limiter Ability?!”

Clayton questions.

“Yeah, isn’t this too much?!”

Ellie asks.

“If she uses her Limiter Ability…It might be too much for her to handle it.”

Jau says.

“She will only use that ability in need of an emergency.”

Jau continues.

“What is her ability that she can’t use it right now?”

Ellie asks.

“Her ability is-“

“Sorry guys! I was late! The guard outside was checking my stuff. So it took me time to reach here.”

A familiar voice appeared right behind Jau, Ellie, and Clayton.


Everyone turned around to look at Ryuga arriving.

“What the hell…Is happening there?”

Ryuga who had just arrived found Mizuki in a damaged state fighting Kira.


Kil contacts Ryuga via telepathy.

“This is bad! If she gets hit by a Magic Attack or a Limiter Ability, she will be severely damaged for life!”

Kil says to Ryuga.


“I think it is time I end this.”

Kira says as he shows his palm forward towards Mayumi.

“Oh Flame God Vulcan, hear my prayer and lend me your strength, for I am the follower of the great flame and your servant for life!”


Ryuga realizes what’s going to happen.


Ryuga rushes in.

“Understood Master!”

A massive sun-like flame is thrown towards Mizuki through Kira’s palm.

“Not good!”

Ashley says.

“SHIT! She’s going to be badly injured! Tell Ashley to stop that flame immediately!”

The Hidden Blademaster commands.

“It’s alright Hidden Blademaster.”

Myra says with a smile.

“What do you mean by it’s alright?! She’s going to get badly injured or worst-case scenario, she might end up dying!”

The Hidden Blademaster says.

“Say something Bleeds!”

The Hidden Blademaster tries to make Bleeds stop the match but he just smiles.

“I wonder, who that person is that will arrive and save the day.”

Bleeds says.

“What?! You are not worried about that girl’s life?!”

The Hidden Blademaster looks even more confused.


“This is…The end…”

Mizuki says with a smile.

“I guess, this where my career as a Ghost…Ends. I guess, mother was right…There is no escaping faith.”

Mizuki starts to tear up.

“Who am I kidding?! I don’t want this, I don’t want to end up being nothing but a bargaining chip. That’s not who I am DAMN IT!”

Mizuki lowers her head as she cries.

Something brushes past Mizuki.


Mizuki raises her head as she sees a figure who looked like Ryuga in a red jacket and black pants go into the sun like a flame.

“Silver Wind Style, First Stance, WINDSTORM SLASH!”

A massive wind strikes throughout the stadium as Ryuga slashes right through the flaming sun of fire with a sword that shined brighter than silver and looked sharper than any sword one would ever see.

Everyone looked in awe as Ryuga stood in front of Mizuki protecting her with a sword in his hand.


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