《Ghost World Academia》62-Double Battle


“The First match is double battle, huh?”Ryuga looks at his mobile and says.“Well, if they go according to my instructions, the first match should be between Ellie and Clayton and one of their duos.”Ryuga says.

Ryuga looks at Ellie and Clayton walking on the stage.“Just like I thought. Ellie and Clayton are the ones taking the stage for the double battle.”Ryuga carefully starts observing them.


“From Team Deadly Fields, we have two young first years, The Vampire Princess, Ellie Norvich and one of Demon Lord’s son, Clayton. While from team Suzuki High, we have the young and uprising stars of Suzuki High, Zeniel Colt and Aisha Milk.”The crowd erupts.

“Well, well, well, didn’t expect to face a combination of a vampire and demon in Madam Tachibana’s team.”A young boy with slicked back red hair says with a smirk. He is wearing a Suzuki High uniform and seems to have a well-built body.

“I do not understand what they are planning. Both their abilities seem are supposed to be support type abilities. Who is their OST? And why would they make such a bad choice?”A girl with violet hair says. Compared to the red haired Zeniel Colt, she is a little shorter and has a darker skin tone. She also seems to be keeping her eyes closed.

“Well, it just means their OST is a big stupid peace of shit.”Zeniel says with a smirk.

“Are both teams ready?!”Ashley smirks as he raises his hand.

“No rebuttals, huh? I guess I was on point.”Zeniel says with an evil smirk.

“Clayton, if there was an option to kill that guy off, would you do it?”Ellie asks Clayton.“No.”Clayton says.“I would rather torture him to death and feed him to our pet dog.”Clayton says with a cold tone and a stoic expression.“I see…”

“Why the question though?”Ellie asks Clayton.“It’s because…”

“BEGIN!”Ashley signals with his hand.

As soon as, Ashley’s hand went down, Ellie suddenly appeared in front of Zeniel.“ZENIEL, WATCH OUT!”Aisha screams.

“I got this.”Zeniel smirks as he raises his hand aims two fingers on Ellie’s head almost as if he is shooting a gun.“Now!”Clayton says to Ellie.“I got you!”

Suddenly, Clayton teleports is front of Zeniel.“What the-“

A light went past Clayton’s cheek that grazes him but Clayton grabs Zeniel by his face and throws him out of bounds right behind him.

“STOP!”Aisha says as she opens her eyes and looks at Clayton. Aisha’s eyes seem to be glowing in deep blue. This ability stops Clayton in his tracks but…


“You are mine!”Ellie says as a bunch of hair surrounds Aisha.“What the-“Ellie wraps her hair around Aisha. Using her hair, she picks her up and throws Aisha off the stage and Clayton hits Zeniel sending him out of the stage.


The crowd looks shocked as they were expecting Suzuki High to win.“There is an unexpected upset.”Lucifer says with a smirk.“They definitely did some crazy tricks. Especially that demon’s ability. I his ability makes him a real trickster on the team. Is he the OST of the team?”The Hidden Blademaster asks Lucifer.“The OST isn’t here yet it seems.”Lucifer says.“That is true. Your B team only has four participants when you registered 5 for your B team as well.”The Hidden Blademaster says.Bleeds silently watches the match.

Mizuki looked quite surprised.“It’s just as Ryuga had predicted…”Mizuki says.


“I will be honest, the only way to win the first round of the first match is if you get a double team battle.”Ryuga says.“What do you mean by that?”Mizuki asks Ryuga.

“Captain Tachibana, there is one thing you should know. There is a very strong combination on your team.”Ryuga says.“Are you talking about me and Jau?”Mizuki points and herself.

“No, I am talking about Clayton and Ellie.”Ryuga says with a smirk.“Those two, they are more than capable of handling whatever Suzuki High throws at them.’Ryuga says.

“I get it. Clayton’s ability to teleport himself near the person who is carrying the ball and the person themselves will go to Clayton’s position and if Ellie aims her hair well, even she can be dangerous with that sort of ability.”Jau says.

Ryuga nods,“Exactly. Therefore, I hope we can win the first round. But, that’s all I can hope for.”Ryuga says.

“What do you mean?”Mizuki asks.“Captain Tachibana, I think you know what I mean.”Ryuga says.


The train that Ryuga is on is nearing its destination, City-H.“Ryuga, we are almost there.”Kil says to Ryuga via telepathy.“I know. But I doubt we will make it before Mizuki’s match.”Ryuga says.

“What do you mean?”Kil asks Ryuga.“Jau’s match…Will end in an instant.”Ryuga says with a smile.

“Eh?”Kil looks confused.“Is Jau that weak?”Kil asks Ryuga.“The problem isn’t that she is weak…”Ryuga sighs,“The problem is that she is too strong…”



“The match between Jau Shiezel and Shaun Sheep has ended in an instant with Jau being disqualified for almost killing her opponent.”Ashley didn’t look surprised but rather disappointed.


The crowd were right behind her with comments like, “Yeah she’s right.” “She didn’t deserve to lose.” “She can’t do anything about a weak opponent like that.”

“Well, Power Idol or not…That chick is one of hell’s spawns to deal with. That’s for sure.”The Orc, Hidden Blademaster says.

“That’s true, she is Jau Shiezel after all. Alicia’s sister.”Lucifer looks at Bleeds with a death stare.

Bleeds looks back at Lucifer but doesn’t say anything.


On the train that Ryuga is riding,“The clean-up is complete!”The woman who was with the little 20-year-old girl says as she puts a bag of corpses in the corner of her seat.“Hey, tell me, what is that fake pride planning now?”The woman asks the little girl.“He wants a boy. Aragi Ryuga.”The little girl says with no expression.

“Why? We already have two pride thanks to my old man. We have two envy as well. Now, is that fake shit trying to add another one to the account of those which we already have?”The woman asks the little girl.“It seems like that. He says that Ryuga would be a perfect match for our second wrath.”The little girl answers the woman without a change in her expression.

“Tsch! I hope he dies by Ryuga’s hand.”The woman says to the little girl.

“Oh, it’s you guys.”A familiar voice calls out for the little girl and the woman.Both turn around to see Ryuga enter the room.

“Thank god he came after we cleared up the room or else we would have had to kill him.”The woman sighs.

The little girl gets up and hugs Ryuga.“Eh?”Ryuga looks confused.“Boss?!”The woman looks confused.

“What’s the matter?”Ryuga asks the little girl.“Your body is warm. I like it.”The little girl says.

“Warm…She doesn’t say that to anyone except me…”The woman inspects Ryuga with her eyes.

Ryuga pats the little girl’s head with a smile.“Why are you here anyways?”The woman asks.

“Oh, City-H is getting closer, I need to get off. So, I came here since it’s the least crowed gate.”Ryuga says to the woman.“It’s a surprise though, there is no one on the train except you guys and me.”Ryuga looks around the empty train.

“The driver ate them all.”The little girl says.“Huh?”Ryuga looks confused.

“Excuse me, Boss seems to be dreaming right now! Don’t mind her!”The woman tries to separate the little girl from Ryuga but the little girl isn’t letting go of him.“Boss, let him go, he needs to get off on the next station.”The woman says to the little girl.

“Are you guys from another City?”Ryuga asks the woman and little girl.“Yeah, we will be heading to City-I.”The woman says.

“I get it.”Ryuga says.“Aight, my stop is here.”Ryuga says as the train is nearing his stop.

“Let go of him Boss, he needs to go.”The woman says to the little girl.“I won’t. I like him, so I won’t let go.”The little girl says with no change in expression.

“Hey, if you let me go, I promise I will come visit you in City-I.”Ryuga says to the little girl.“You will?”The little girl asks Ryuga.Ryuga nods.The little girl leaves Ryuga.

Ryuga smiles.“You better keep your promise or else I will kill you.”

(She really is like a child huh?)

City-H is almost here.Ryuga looks back at both of them.“Can I…Ask your names?”Ryuga asks.

“Sharron Close.”The woman says.“Freya.”The little girl says.

(A name of a Goddess, huh? Interesting.)Ryuga smiles.

“What’s your name?”The sliding door to City-H opens.“Mine is, Aragi Ryuga.”Ryuga says with a smile as he leaves.

“Aragi…Ryuga.”Sharron suddenly remembers,“ISN’T THAT THE KID THAT FAKE SHIT IS HUNTING?!”Sharron screams at Freya.

“Sharron…”Freya looks at Sharron with an angry face.“If he does anything to Ryuga, kill him.”Freya says.

“Boss?”Sharron looked surprised at Freya’s actions.“I don’t want anything to happen to, Ryuga. After all, he promised.”Freya smiles.

“It’s always like this with her. She always…Finds someone good but no one ever stays. Maybe…I will just kill him instead.”Sharron thought to herself.


Ryuga ran at top speed and made it to the stage.“Sorry guys, I ran late!”Ryuga said as he arrived along with everyone.

He saw inside the ring,“What the hell…Is happening there?!”

Ryuga saw Mizuki in a half damaged state with torn clothes and Kira with no damage at all standing in front of Mizuki.

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