《Ghost World Academia》61-The Tournament Begins



Deadly Fields

(Ghost World Academy)


Suzuki High

(Suzuki High School)

“Suzuki High? Is that the first team that we are fighting?”

Ryuga who is on a train looks at his mobile.

“I wish this train was just as fast as that hand that teleports us to GWA.”

Ryuga sighs.

“Suzuki High, they won the tournament last year.”

A petite girl rubs her eyes and keeps a hand on her mouth as she yawns and speaks.

“Did they?”

Ryuga asks the little girl.

“Umu, they did.”

The little girl says with no expression.

Ryuga looks around.

“If you are looking around because you think that I should be with my parents then you should know that I am 20 years old this year.”

The little girl says to Ryuga without showing any expression.


Ryuga looks confused.

“That does surprise me but…I am surprised that no one else is on the train except you and me.”

Ryuga says to the girl as he looks at the empty train.

“Maybe…They just ran away because they couldn’t handle me.”

The little girl says in a dead tone.

Ryuga chuckles.

“Hmm? What’s so funny?”

The little girl asks.


(She literally wants to be pampered or what? I mean just said that people couldn’t handle her.)

The little girl’s face was close to Ryuga’s as soon as Ryuga snapped out of his thoughts.


Ryuga asks the little girl with a red face.

“I want to sleep.”

The little girl says to Ryuga.


Ryuga looks confused.

The little girl suddenly sleeps on Ryuga’s lap.

“W-wait! What’s with-“

Before Ryuga could say anything the little girl slept on his lap.

“You gotta be kidding me, right? How the hell can you sleep so quickly?!”

Ryuga sighs.

The door to the compartment of the train opens,

“BOSS! Where are you-“

A lady with big busty chest comes in. She seems to be in her mid-twenties. She has long black braided hair. There is a mole near the lower left part of her jaw. She seems to be wearing long loose pants and a sleeveless white T-shirt with black boots. It also seems that there is an earring on only one of her ears.

“Yo! Is she yours?”

Ryuga asks the woman who just entered while raising his hands.

The woman stares at Ryuga for two seconds. Then she sighs.

After trying hard, Ryuga and the woman wake up the little girl.

“Sorry for the trouble.”


The woman bows.

“Boss! You have to bow down to him and apologize to him since you caused trouble for him.”

The woman says to the little girl who she is calling boss.


The little girl bows in a sluggish manner.

“Seriously…It’s not a big deal.”

Ryuga says with a nervous smile.

“We will be leaving then.”

The woman says.

“If there is any trouble, we are in the compartment next to you. Please, feel free to ask for help.”

The woman says to Ryuga.


(I doubt though that there will be any trouble.)

Ryuga looked quite nervous as the pair of the little girl and the busty woman left.

Ryuga sighs,

“Shit, I forgot to ask them their names.”

Ryuga feels disappointed.


“That boy, he didn’t run away.”

The woman says to the little girl.

“He is strong, Pride. But he is still too weak.”

The little girl says.

“I don’t understand you, Boss. But, did you get his name, Boss?”

The woman asks the little girl.

The little girl turns around,

“You ain’t going anywhere, Boss! We need to take care of the mess that Glutton caused here.”

The woman says to the little girl.

The little girl turns back around to a pool of blood and a bunch of dead bodies that are half ripped, chewed, some missing heads while some missing their whole intestines. Some dead bodies also seem to be a skeleton with flesh attached to it. The whole back compartment is filled with dead bodies.


“There is just an hour left in the tournament and Ryuga is still not back…”

Ellie looks quite concerned.

“OST is quite essential to our team. An OST is supposed to form strategies to win against our opponent. If Ryuga doesn’t arrive…We will have no strategies and we will just have to blindly rush into battles.”

Mizuki says with an unhappy tone.

Jau’s phone starts ringing.


Jau looks at her phone.

She starts to heavily sweat.

“What’s the matter, Jau?”

Mizuki asks Jau.


Jau looks quite nervous as her horns colors are spiraling out of control.

“What’s the matter?”

Clayton also looks quite concerned now. Even Ellie looks to be concerned.


Jau screams.

“Eh? Shouldn’t you…Just pick his phone up?”

Mizuki looks quite confused.

“Should I?!”

Jau questions Mizuki.

“Pick it up and put it on speaker, I want to know where he is.”


Mizuki says to Jau.


Jau looks quite nervous as she answers Ryuga’s call on speaker.

“Yo Jau! Sorry, I know that the tournament is an hour but I won’t make it.”

Ryuga says.

“So that’s how it’s going to be…He is just going to bail out.”

Mizuki says with a sad smile.

“So, since your first match is against Suzuki High, I have formed a plan according to their giving data. There are a total of 9 total outcomes that I have come up with after I analyzed their given data. So, since I won’t be making it for the first round, I will give you all instructions according to those 9 total outcomes. Captain Tachibana, I know you asked Jau to put my phone on the speaker.”

Ryuga says over the phone.


Mizuki smiles.


Mizuki says to

“You have to make your selections for each match according to those 9 total outcomes I came up with, Captain Tachibana. Remember though, these outcomes are made on given data. So, if they have any hidden data, I can’t take that into account.”

Ryuga says.

Mizuki nods and says,



Mizuki walks outside,

“Ready to lose again, Tachibana?”

A boy about the same age as Mizuki asks her leans his back on the wall while folding his hand. He seems to be wearing a white uniform and also seems to be quite well-pampered. He has black slicked-back hair.

“Suzuki Kira, I will be sure to defeat you this time.”

Mizuki says to the boy in the white uniform.

“Sure thing, Tachibana Mizuki.”

The boy walks past Mizuki.

On The Train That Ryuga Is Riding,

“Tachibana Mizuki, she lost to Suzuki Kira in the tournament last year…”

Ryuga is looking at his mobile.

“They say that her mother predicted her lost through her Limiter Ability, Vision. The ability to have visions of the future. She didn’t listen to her mother and had a terrible lost just like Tachibana-Senpai’s mother predicted.”

Ryuga continues reading through the articles about Mizuki.

“If Tachibana-Senpai’s mother made the statement that, if Tachibana-Senpai doesn’t win this year, she will be married off to our school’s other team’s leader, Roger McLennan.”

Ryuga keeps on scrolling.

“It seems that Tachibana-Senpai will be marrying Roger soon since her mother predicted another loss incoming on Tachibana-Senpai.”

Ryuga holds his forehead,

“Why the hell is this all public? Is it for publicity? Or is it to humiliate Tachibana-Senpai?”

Ryuga looks out the window.

“Kil…Has faith ever been cruel to you?”

Ryuga asks.

“Didn’t I tell you the story about what humans did to my sisters?”

A voice speaks in Ryuga’s head.

“Right, you did…Tachibana-Senpai…Her faith is cruel, isn’t it?”

Ryuga asks Kil.


Kil says to Ryuga.

“Let’s change it then.”

Ryuga says to Kil.

“As you wish, my Master.”

Kil says to Ryuga.

“They will lose the first round but…I will be sure to win this tournament.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.

“Eh? So what was all that strategy you all discussed about?”

Kil asks Ryuga.

“I didn’t want them to feel that I wasn’t going to be there so I had to do something.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

“Master…You are hard to understand.”

Kil says.


“Everyone, get ready for the very first round of the tournament.”

Fireworks blast out everywhere as both the teams enter an arena for the first round of the tournament.

“On the left we have Team Suzuki High!”

Ashley points at the left side as a huge roar goes out.

“Suzuki will be having an interesting bunch of students.”

Bleeds who sitting next to Lucifer and another Hero who seems to be an Orc says. The Orc has massive fangs and a green skin tone. She also seems to be wearing revealing armor made out of leather. There is also a massive ax almost as tall as a human near the Orc’s seat.

The Orc is a hero called Hidden Blademaster.

“From the right side, we have Team Deadly Fields!”

Ashley points to the right but there aren’t many roars.

“Who in the world are those guys?”

“Wait…Isn’t that Power Idol?!”

“The Ogre Idol?!”

“Yes, that’s definitely her!”

“It’s the Ogre Idol Team!”

“Ogre Idol Team…That’s not what I wanted to hear.”

Ellie says.

“I feel depressed after hearing that.”

Clayton says with a cold expression.

Mizuki sighs,

“Can’t be helped that Jau is too popular among us.”

Jau’s horn turns silver,

“I am sorry for being famous.”

Jau says.

Kira gives Mizuki an evil smirk.

“I will defeat you…Kira.”

“Let us begin then! By a coin toss, on what type of match-up is it going to be!”

Ashley says as a coin gets tossed on the massive board.

“The first match-up is…A TWO-ON-TWO! IT’S A TWO-ON-TWO! I hope both teams have their teams ready.”

Ashley announces.

“Who will go first, Mizuki?”

Jau asks Mizuki.

“Ellie and Clayton, you two go first. We both are strong, so we can handle the one-on-one rounds. Since Ryuga, isn’t here, I have requested Sir Ashley to keep the rounds one-on-one next up.”

Mizuki says.

Both Ellie and Clayton nod their heads.

“So, it seems the first two participants from both teams are up. Let us see! Who will win and who shall lose!”

Ashley says with a smirk.



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