《Ghost World Academia》58-Ryuga's Second Key?!


City-H, inside a massive office building, Mizuki gets out of the lift on the top floor of it.

As soon as she gets out of the lift, she sees that there is a massive open room with a desk filled with documents and a woman who is in her late-forties sitting on a chair behind the desk checking on one of the documents.

The woman is wearing office clothes and glasses to read something on her documents.

“You called for me, mother?”

Mizuki asks the woman sitting on the desk.

“Mizuki, yes, I did call you.”

The woman takes off her glasses and starts poking her cheek with them.

“I wanted you to come on the 7th of this month with me. We will be traveling to City-N.”

The woman says to Mizuki.

“Mother, I have a tournament on the 7th of this month…”

Mizuki says to the woman.

“Right, right, you are up against Suzuki High in the first round of the tournament.”

The woman says.

“With your team, your win percentage against them is zero. Especially, when you have dead weight like that no-limiter kid on your team.”

The woman continues.

“Even if we lose the first round, we might be able to get far in the loser’s bracket.”

Mizuki tries to convince the woman.

“Right, I forgot if you lose, you go to the loser’s bracket. That’s fine, just bail out of the loser’s bracket. Not like you can win the tournament. You will need to unleash your ability to do that, won’t you? I am sure you don’t want to do that. So, just bail out of the loser’s bracket and come with me to City-N.”

The woman says to Mizuki with a commanding tone.


Mizuki doesn’t say anything.

“The flight will be at five in the evening. An hour after the tournament starts and since the very first match is against Suzuki High and your team, you will have enough time to wrap it up.”

The woman says.

“Yes, mother…”

Mizuki silently says.

“Good, now go home and be a good girl, alright?”

The woman says as she wears her glasses and starts reading the document.

Mizuki leaves with a sad face.


Ryuga is calmly looking at the sky and Miya is staring at Ryuga with a look of suspicion. Both sit under a tree.

“What’s the matter?”

Ryuga asks as he looks at Miya.

“Who did you ask Ecio to bring?”

Miya asks Ryuga.

“Someone I made acquaintance with during the Vampire Party thingy.”

Ryuga says.

“There was someone like that?”


Miya asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“Whatever, I don’t care.”

Miya pouts and looks away.

Ryuga nervously smiles and gets back to looking up in the sky.

Miya looked quite angry still.

“Hey…Back then, when I was in Glitchland, I almost gave in.”

Ryuga says with a sad smile.


Miya pretended like she wasn’t paying attention.

“All those things, those possibilities that Paimon showed me. I just couldn’t resist the offer of staying in that world.”

Miya’s attention suddenly turned towards Ryuga who was showing a sad smile.

“He told me that he will give me all the happiness in the world and keep me safe from danger in that world.”

Ryuga gives a sad smile.

“So…Why did you decide to come back?”

Miya asks Ryuga.

“It’s because of you.”

Ryuga says to Miya.


Miya got all flustered and her cheeks turned red.


Miya screamed at the top of her lungs at Ryuga.

“No, I didn’t mean it in that way!”

Ryuga soon realizes his mistake.

“What I meant is…I remembered what you said before I was sent inside Glitchland.”

Ryuga says with a sad smile.

“You told me to not lose myself.”

Ryuga says as continues to smile.

“That was just a small advice.”

Miya said and went back to her old self.

“That advice…It might seem like a small advice to you but it helped me big time. So, thank you.”

Ryuga said with a big grin on his face.

Suddenly, something Miya’s heart started racing faster than ever,


Miya says as she looks away with cheeks turning tomato once again.


Ryuga looked quite confused.


Ecio screamed as he came running towards Ryuga.

Ryuga smirked,

“Get away Miya, she’s here.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.

Miya gets on top of one of the trees,

“Who is here?!”

She asks after getting on the top of one of the trees.

“The one who is about to be my Second Key.”

A familiar figure was chasing Ecio who was holding a bag of meat in his arm.

“You are dead meat, Ecio!”


Miya gets on top of one of the trees,

“Who is here?!”

She asks after getting on the top of one of the trees.

“The one who is about to be my Second Key. That’s Kil of the extinct Tiger Clan.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.


Ecio gives the bag of meat to Ryuga and Ryuga catches it.

Kil slides to stop right in front of Ryuga.


“Yo, Kil! Long-time no see.”

Ryuga says with a nervous smile.

“Long-time no see, my ass! We indeed met like two weeks ago.”

Kil says to Ryuga.

Ryuga smiles nervously.

“Give me back my meat!”

Kil says to Ryuga angrily.

“Calm down, Kil.”

Ryuga says to Kil.

“How can I be calm after what you did at that party?!”

Kil angrily asks Ryuga.

“I just want to talk to you.”

Ryuga says to Kil.

“How can we just talk after what you did at that party?!”

Kil angrily asks Ryuga.

(Aren’t we just talking right now?!)

“I will give you the meet, so, just listen to me, alright?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“What is there to listen to?!”

Kil angrily asks Ryuga.

(What’s with her?!)

“Listen, I need you to form a contract with me-“

Kil holds Ryuga by his neck and smashes him in the tree behind him.


Miya quickly aims at Kil with a pose that seems like she is attacking with a bow and arrow.

“NO! Don’t *Cough*”

Ryuga stops Miya.

“Ecio! Call Aunt Myra! Right now!”

Miya says to Ecio.

Ecio nods.

“Do you even realize what you are saying, Aragi Ryuga?!”

With pure anger and hatred in Kil’s eyes, she held Ryuga like a rag doll.

“Me?! A contract with a bastard like you?! You, who caused that ruckus and even tainted her majesty’s name?! I controlled my anger for two fucking weeks! Do you understand?! I think you indeed understood my actions already. But, since her majesty herself said I shouldn’t take any action against you, I decided to let you go. Now, here you are, saying things that you shouldn’t say, doing things you shouldn’t do and making me pissed even further!”

Kil smashed Ryuga into the ground.


“Do you think, that other species are just your plaything?!”

Kil smashes Ryuga’s head into the ground.


Miya screams at Kil.

“Or what? You will kill me to protect this fucking bastard?! Go ahead and do so but I won’t stop until this boy is confirmed dead.”

Kil says as she throws Ryuga’s back at a tree.


Ryuga hits his back and falls holding it.

“You were showing off your power two weeks ago, where the fuck is your power now huh?!”

Kil angrily asks Ryuga as she lifts him.

“Indeed, you must have lost your powers, that’s why you wanted a contract with me, didn’t you?!”

Ryuga holds Kil’s hand,

“Yes…I lost all my power…That’s why…That’s why I need your help…”

Kil smash’s Ryuga back to the ground.

“NO MIYA! *Cough*”

Miya was about to fire once again but Ryuga stops her.

“Tsch! You will die, you idiot!”

Miya says to Ryuga.

“I don’t know what I did that tainted that Cat God’s name but...If that is the case, I am sorry for it.”

Ryuga says to Kil.

Kil punches Ryuga right in the guts,



Kil punches Ryuga in the face.


Kil constantly punches Ryuga’s face.


Kil screams at Ryuga angrily.

“Ecio! Get her off him.”

Myra who just arrived commands him.

Ecio uses pure strength to take Kil off Ryuga.


Myra sighs.

“I didn’t know you were this daring.”

Myra says as Miya quickly rushes to Ryuga and picks him up.

“I knew…You would reject…Reject her…As well…That’s why…I didn’t say anything…To you…”

Ryuga takes deep breathes between his sentences to speak with Myra.

Myra sighs,

“I don’t how the son of the madman is such an idiot.”

Myra says with a disappointed sigh.

Ryuga leaves Miya’s side,


Miya looks confused.

Ryuga walks up to Kil who is angry and Ecio is trying to hold her.

“What is it that you want?”

Ryuga asks Kil.


Kil angrily says to Ryuga.

“So, tell me, if you kill me, would it clear the name of that Cat God?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“What?! What are you saying?!”

Kil asks Ryuga.

“Wouldn’t killing me just make it more suspicious?”

Ryuga asks Kil.

“Those rumors, wouldn’t that make it more suspicious? Imagine you, a subordinate of the Cat God, killed me, the supposed person she slept with, that would make it more suspicious and instead of clearing her name, you will just make it more difficult for her to survive in this society. Do you want to make her life even difficult than it is now?”

Ryuga asks Kil.


Kil looked nervous all of a sudden. She looked like she was about to burst into tears.


Suddenly, Kil showered a burst of tears.

“What the-“

Ryuga and everyone else looked confused.

“I am sorry! I am really sorry! I didn’t know what a mistake I was about to do!”

She continued crying as she spoke.

(Wow…She is…Just like a child.)

“She is just a kid…”

Miya says.


Ryuga looks confused.

“She is only 127 years old. Normally, a Tiger Clan’s member’s life span is from 250-400 years.”

Ecio says.


“Right now, she’s like a young 10-year-old child in comparison to us who are already adults.”

Myra says.



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