《Ghost World Academia》57-What Is The Second Key?


Ryuga sits in front of Myra and everyone else from the village are looking at them from secret places.

“First thing is first, I want to ask you Ryuga, do you know what is a Second Key?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“Through what Paimon told me, it’s some kind of contract.”

Ryuga replies.

“You are right and wrong at the same time.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

“So, what is a Second Key?”

Ryuga asks Myra.

“There are two variations of Second Key just like how there are two variations of Elementalists.”

Myra points out.

“Do you know what are the two variations of Elementalists, Ryuga?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods,

“One is Magical Elementalists who use magic to protect themselves while the other are Limiter Elementalists. The Limiter Elementalists are the ones who have determined the Element of their Limiters.”

Ryuga says.

Myra nods.

Myra looks at Ryuga with a sharp glare,

“Tell me, did you have a master before me as well?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“Well, my father was my Master before I did something that almost put in jail but after that, I had a short term trainer who taught me to use magic.”

Ryuga says to Myra with a nervous smile.


Myra says as she nods.

“Well, that makes things easier for me at least. So, what was your magic element?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“It was crystal and water.”

Ryuga says.

“Dual elements?!”

Myra looked shocked.

“And that too crystal?! One of the rarest elements!”

Myra’s surprise tone said it all.

“Do you know how to use magic?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“I know a few water magic spells but that’s about it.”

Ryuga says to Myra.

Myra smiles,

“I guess that means there is a lot of work we need to do in the next 7 days.”


Myra says to Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“But before we begin our actual training, I will explain you what the two variations of Second Key are and how to get them.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

Ryuga nods once again.

“Usually, one can obtain their Second Key or a new ability naturally by training. This process is called Pure Second Key.”

Myra explains.

“But in case you can’t, one must obtain their Second Key or a new ability by forming a contract with one of the godly species, Angels, Demons, Nekos and the Tiger Clan. They usually form a contract by ingesting blood through their skin. This is what we call Contracted Second Key. While you can form contracts with species such as us Elf, I don’t recommend it since you need to get intimate to do that.”

Myra say to Ryuga.


Ryuga looks confused as he drinks some water.

“A Direct Kiss or if you want to have full control over us and our power, sex.”

Ryuga spits out all the water other way.

“Why are you surprised? What were you expecting when I said that I don’t recommend it?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“Nothing Master…It’s just it was kinda unexpected to hear that from you.”

Ryuga says.

Myra sighs.

“Anyways, your objective is to find a perfect partner for your Second Key.”

Myra says.

Ryuga starts thinking.

“Don’t worry, if you don’t find anyone, I will have Miya become your Second Key. I will make sure you have sex with her.”

Myra shows a thumbs up.


Miya comes screaming out from behind a bush.

Right behind her Ecio and the other people also come out.


Miya screams out of anger as she points at Ryuga.


“Why not? He has seen you naked, so I believe there would be no problems with you two being in a contract as well.”

Myra says to Miya.

“HUH?! It’s not that simple, Aunt Myra.”

“I do agree with Miya here, Master. It’s not that simple. It’s not just a matter of whether I want to be strong or not but a matter of heart here as well.”

Ryuga says to Myra.

“As you say, Ryuga…But if you don’t get a Second Key by tomorrow, you are having sex with Miya, no complaints.”

Myra says with a menacing tone.


“You have someone in mind who you want to form a contract with?”

Ecio asks Ryuga.

“Hmm? Let me think…"

Ryuga puts a little thought to who could be his second key.

Clayton, maybe?”

“Bad idea, his father is General Azazel. There is no way that he would give his son the permission to form a contract with a lowly human like you. Maybe, if you were well-recognised, you had a chance.”

Myra shuts down Ryuga’s idea of forming a contract with Clayton.

“What about that Cat God you formed a contract with?”

Ecio asks Ryuga.

“Wait…How do you know I formed a contract with her?!”

Ryuga looks confused.

“Word travels fast kid. A lot of big shots know about it and they are constantly sending marriage proposals to her so that she won’t complete the contract with you.”

Ecio says to Ryuga.

“Wait…You said that she didn’t complete contract with me, what does that mean?”

Ryuga asks Ecio.

“It’s just as it sounds, you only know her true name, so you are just controlling her but if your blood gets ingested in her, you will also control part of her power.”

Myra says.

“I don’t recommend it.”

Miya says.


Ryuga asks.

“Do you want every single countries, Prince or King coming after you when you don’t even stand a chance against them?”

Miya asks Ryuga.

“I think that’s a little too much…”

Ryuga says with a nervous smile.

“Exactly my point.”

Miya pouts and looks away.

“That’s surprising, I thought you didn’t care about him after that naked bath incident.”

Myra says to Miya.


Miya screams and looks away.

Myra smiles.

Ryuga thinks.

“There is one more person I can think of.”

Ryuga says.

“Hmm? Who’s that?”

“Sir Ecio, give me your ear.”

Ecio comes down to Ryuga and Ryuga whispers something in his ears.


Ecio looked surprised.

“Who is it, Ryuga?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“You will know soon.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.

“Are you sure, you want me to get her, Ryuga?”

Ecio asks Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“There won’t be anyone coming after me if I form a contract with her, right? Or is there?”

Ryuga asks Ecio with a nervous smile.

“No…But…That woman might be a little dangerous for you.”

Ecio says.

“If you are thinking about Madam Lucifer, she already had someone contracted with her.”

Myra says.

“It’s not Madam Lucifer…It’s someone far more vicious than her.”

Ecio says with sweat all over him.

“Can you bring her over here, Sir Ecio?”

Ryuga asks Ecio.

Ecio nods,

“Once I bring her here, it’s all up to you from there on.”

Ecio says.

“Alright Sir Ecio.”

Ryuga smirks,

“I will be waiting right here until she comes.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

Ecio sighs,

“Hiro…Either your kid is brave or just straight up stupid…”

Ecio looks at Ryuga and whispers.

“This is so not going to be good.”


Somewhere, near the Dark Elves territory, Ryuga’s first Second Key, was also hunting for her food.

“Today’s meat is indeed going to be good!”

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