《Ghost World Academia》50-Trial And Error


“First one down!”

Ryuga took down the gargoyle he took down previously again.

“The second one attacked from behind me.”

Ryuga remembered,


Ryuga dragged the gargoyle from above him to the ground, breaking it but in process, another gargoyle pierced its hand right through Ryuga’s heart right from the front of him.

“Oh no…”

“Congrats, you did better than the first two times.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

“Do you want to continue?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs,

“Of course I do.”

Ryuga says and takes the quest again.

“I am surprised he is holding out.”

Myra says to Miya who is sitting near her on the sofa watching Ryuga on a television.

“Normally, I have seen people give up after the first two times just because of the trauma of dying over and over again.”

Myra says.


Miya just keeps on eating.

“Would stop being such a glutton?”

Myra looks quite disgusted at Miya.

“I am not Glutton. He is in City-A that’s in our world.”

Miya says.

Myra sighs,

“Would you stop with bad jokes now?”

Myra asks Miya.

“Even you know Aunt Myra, he is one of the Seven Dark Sins.”

Miya says.

“He is the one who killed our family and also Yuu-“

Myra interrupts Miya from speaking any further.

“Shut up Miya! We don’t speak of him.”

Myra angrily says to Miya.


Miya angrily leaves the room.

Myra sighs and looks back at Ryuga on the television. On the top right side of the television is some kind of meter that shows Ryuga’s exhaustion. It seems that Ryuga is almost exhausted.

Myra snaps her hands and brings Ryuga back to the room she is staying in from inside the television.

“What the-“

Ryuga looked quite surprised. He is huffing and quite tired.


“Rest, you will need it.”

Myra says.

“Where are…”

Myra without answering Ryuga’s question leaves angrily.


Ryuga walks out of the room and finds himself in a village surrounded by elves. He also finds Miya talking to one of the elves who seems to be very old.

“You are human?”

A dark-skinned elf walks to Ryuga and asks him.

The dark-skinned elf has long blonde hair and pointy ears. He also seems to be fit and a little buff. He is wearing your normal everyday clothes.

Ryuga was asked whether he is human or not by the elf.

“Yeah, I am a human.”

Ryuga answers.

The dark-skinned elf nods.

“My Na-me, Jiko.”

The dark-skinned elf puts his hand in front of Ryuga to shake with him.

“Ryuga, mine is Ryuga.”

Ryuga says.

“Jiko, leave him alone!”

Miya says to Jiko in their Elven language.

“He is a human though. We don’t get to see different species every day. This is the first time in a while we have seen a different species. I am just interested in talking and knowing this one.”

Jiko says to Miya in their Elven language.

“He is here to train, not talk Jiko.”

Miya says to Jiko in their language.

“I don’t know what you guys are talking but I will leave you to it.”

Ryuga says and goes to take a stroll.

“Hey, don’t randomly interact with us Dark Elves, Ryuga. Jiko is a kind one, the others, they won’t be so kind.”

Miya says.

Ryuga nods and says, “Gotcha.”

He goes on a stroll. While Ryuga was on a stroll, he saw a few children playing with each other. The adult dark elves gave him a death glare and they spoke in their Elven language. Ryuga knew, whatever they are speaking is about him and it’s not good.


“So, you are the kid that Myra bought with her?”

An Elf sleeping on a tree branch asks Ryuga.

That Elf also seems to be well built with bulky biceps and long pointy ears. He is wearing a sleeveless vest and long pants along with a cap that covers his shoulder-length brown hair.


Ryuga says.

“A human, huh? Didn’t expect that she would bring a human here. Well, she would have bought a human 7 years ago. It seems hard to believe that she would bring a human after what happened 7 years ago.”

The Elf says.

“What happened 7 years ago?”

Ryuga asks the Elf.

“Huh? It seems you don’t about that incident. If you don’t know about that incident that just means you are Myra’s plaything then. She will most probably use you for her own entertainment.”

The Elf says.


Ryuga looks confused.

“What game are you playing kid?”

The Elf asks Ryuga.

“The Rpg one.”

Ryuga answers.

“What’s the first quest like?”

The Elf asks Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs,

“I die like a million times and just restart and continue and just keeps going like that.”

The Elf chuckles.

“Tell you what kid, complete the third game and I will tell you what happened 7 years ago.”

The Elf says to Ryuga.

“Third game? Just how many games does she have?!”

The Elf disappears from Ryuga’s sight.

“He is fast…”

Ryuga says.

Ryuga comes back to where Myra was waiting for him.

“It seems you got tips from an old acquaintance of mine.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

“I did not.”

Ryuga says.

“And I don’t trust you.”

Myra says.

“That is why we are changing games.”

Myra says.


Ryuga looks confused.

Myra snaps her fingers and the world around Ryuga changes again.

“Cheating in my game isn’t allowed, which is why you will be playing a puzzle game.”

Myra says.

A massive butterfly door appears in front of Ryuga along with five divulging paths all around him.

“Okay…What the hell?!”

Ryuga is surprised by the effort that Myra put into creating this gaming world.

“The goal of this game is to find a way back to the real world. The only way to do that is, to find out where the five butterfly keys are hidden, and to find them out, you have to clear puzzles on each of the pathways. You will have 12 hours once you enter one pathway. Which means once you enter that pathway, you will be trapped in it forever if you don’t complete it within 12 hours.”

Myra says with an evil smirk.

“What did I do wrong again?”

Ryuga asks Myra.

“You tried to collaborate with an acquaintance of mine is trying to win a game.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

“I did not, no seriously, I never collaborated with that Elf. He only told me that I had to win three games or some shit like that.”

Ryuga says.

“Rules have changed now, Aragi Ryuga. Originally, you had to win three easy games, but now, you will have to complete one hard game. If you can complete this game, your training has been completed.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

“I see…”

Ryuga sighs.

“Good luck, Aragi Ryuga.”

Myra says with an evil smirk.

Ryuga looks quite disappointed.

“I didn’t even do anything wrong.”

Ryuga says as he looks around.

Ryuga sighs,

“Whatever, I have to get out of this place, I guess.”

Ryuga says to himself as he looks at the path near the massive door.

He opens the door and what awaits behind the door was something that even he wasn’t expecting.

“You must fucking with me, right?”

“Aragi Ryuga has entered the third hardest pathway of this game. He will now have to complete the third hardest pathway of this game in 12 hours. The platformer stage of the game.”


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