《Ghost World Academia》46-Myra Vs Ryuga


Everyone moves to the training station. The training station has two rooms. One is a see-through glass that is reinforced with strong magic and can’t be broken easily. The other room is a massive room where one can train, challenge or even fight to the death with anyone and everyone. The room cannot be damaged since it is made out of strongly reinforced magic barriers as well as strong ceramics.

Ryuga and Myra stand in the middle of the room as Ryuga stretches his arms and legs before the fight. Everyone else watches from the other room.


Lucifer orders.

Right *Smack* In the guts goes Myra’s punch which sends Ryuga flying to the other side of the room.

“Is Ryuga going to be alright?”

Ellie looks concerned.

“He was the one who asked for it.”

Sashimi joined in with the others after hearing the commotion over Ryuga and Myra.

“Hmm? It seems you are a little tough.”

Myra says to Ryuga.

Ryuga coughs up blood but stands up,

“T-*Cough* Thanks for that.”

Ryuga says with a smile as he gets himself ready to fight.

Suddenly, Myra teleports in front of Ryuga ready to kick his face.

Myra kicks Ryuga in his face stomping him to the ground.

Myra jumps back after kicking Ryuga in the face.

(I can’t see her…She is way too fast…Way too fast for me to handle…But…But…I have to do this. If I have to get strong…I have to survive through this pain, you can do this Ryuga. Endure it for 7 more minutes…)

Ryuga is back up on his feet, his face is covered with blood but he continues to stand.


Jau looked at Ryuga with concern as well.

“Tsch! That dude…What is he thinking? Does he need training really that badly?!”

Kirio asks.

Myra seems to be getting annoyed.

She teleports and throws Ryuga to the other side of the room.

“Just…*Cough*…Just a few broken ribs…*Cough* I am fine…”

Ryuga gets back up.

“Just think Kirio, if you are the weakest in the group then-“

Before Mizuki could complete her sentence Clayton who joined later on with the group interrupts her.

“He’s not weak.”

Clayton says to Mizuki.

Myra continues to dominate over Ryuga.


Everyone looks confused.

“Ryuga told me something very strange. It was like when he was in middle school, he beat up 3 students near death due to which he nearly got expelled and jailed.”


Clayton explains as he watches Myra continuing her domination.

“He might just be bragging.”

Roger says as he watches them fight.

“Well, even I thought that it was weird at first. Weird how a boy with no limiters defeated three students with limiters. So, I dug deep into that case. In fact, I came to know that the boy who beat up those 3 students was actually Aragi Ryuga. In that fight, Aragi Ryuga… came out unscathed, it was almost as if he was a monster but after he went to jail for 3 days…He suddenly changed.”

Lucifer looks back at the students who were talking.

“The boy Aragi Ryuga, he admired the first generation heroes. He wanted to be like them but since he came back from jail, he was a completely different person. There was one thing I want to point out though, there was a hero of the first-gen that he admired. She was given the title The Time Protector. She was given that title because she went up against the Madman about 21 years ago and defeated Madman.”

Clayton says.

Lucifer looks back at Clayton,

“Who gave you that information boy?”

Lucifer asked Clayton.

“Someone who knew Madman.”

Clayton says.

“I see…”

Lucifer looked cautious.


“You are starting…To tire out…As well…”

Ryuga is all groggy but still standing with massive injuries including cuts and bruises all over his body. His face is a bloody mess as well.

“How much longer, headmaster?!”

Jau asks Lucifer.

“He has to hold on for 2 more minutes.”

Lucifer says.


Jau looked a little concerned but it seemed as if she was heavily concentrating


“You…Why don’t you give up?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“My mother taught me that I should always achieve my goal, no matter how far that goal that is.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.

“You really bring up your mother in every conversation we are having.”

Myra says.

“What could I say? she is that good of a person-”

Ryuga was speaking but was suddenly hit by Myra who touched the ground and created a long straight wall that went and hit Ryuga’s guts.


Ryuga was again was sent flying.


Jau and Ellie both looked quite concerned.

“She is going too far…”

It looked like Lucifer was about to step in but soon she realized something.


Ryuga did hit the wall behind him but it looked like he was just fine even with damage and bruises. Instead, there was a white aura surrounding Ryuga. It was an aura that Lucifer noticed instantly.


He took a long and deep breath, “Yooo! He looks so much more different!”

Kirio pushed everyone and looked past the window pushing his face right in it.

“That’s…Pure chi, isn’t it?!”

Mizuki asks.

“That indeed is Ryuga’s pure mana!”

Ellie smiles.

“With pure mana he has got this!”

Ellie says with a smile.

“I thought you sealed his mana or something like that.”

Roger says.

“Yeah, I sealed the potential mana capacity that the two girls of his club had released and bought his mana capacity back to his original state, but, what he is using is pure mana or the other word for it is pure chi. What he had unlocked is his potential mana capacity but what he is currently using is used to better the flow of mana.”

Lucifer says.

“Please speak in a way that I can understand.”

Kirio requests Lucifer.

Sashimi sighs,

“Put it simply, Ryuga is a car who is running without any fuel.”

Sashimi says.

“I…See…Thank you, I guess…”

Kirio looks even more confused.

“Though, it won’t last long because at best he can use pure mana for about a minute.”

Lucifer says.


Kirio looks concerned.

“Even using pure mana needs some kind of mana. He doesn’t have a huge mana pool like he normally had. When he was fighting back in the Vampire Land, he had a massive mana pool, now here, he doesn’t have that kind of a mana pool.”

Lucifer says.

“So, why did he use it now? He should use it when he had like a minute left or something…”

Kirio says.

“If he didn’t use it, I would have had to step in. That’s because that blow was a fatal one.”

Lucifer says.


“Pure mana…I should’ve expected that my master’s son would be somewhat capable of it.”

Myra sighs.

Ryuga takes a fighting stance.

“So, why were you waiting for? Why didn’t you use it from the start?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“What are you talking about?”

Both Ryuga inside the training room and Jau beyond the glass said the same thing.


“Jau-Unfurn, I thought you were much more intelligent than me but I guess you are dumber than me.”

Kirio says to dumb.

“What do you mean by dumb? I am not dumb. I am just confused why you all are thinking that Ryuga wasn’t using pure mana since the start.”

Jau says with a confused face.

“What?! Don’t you understand that the Headmaster just now explained why he wasn’t?!”

Kirio asks Jau with a confused face.

“I see, so no one noticed…”

Jau says.

Everyone looks at Jau as Ryuga’s white aura disappears.


“You…You deactivated your pure mana…”

Myra says as she looks Ryuga takes a deep breath.

“I have always been using pure chi. It’s my only defense against you after all. Therefore, I have to use it carefully.”

Ryuga says as he takes a defensive stance.


“That kind of mana control…It such a rarity.”

Lucifer says.

“Never thought I had such a gem in my team.”

Mizuki laughs it off.

“I thought it was strange how everyone looked so nervous. I mean yeah, it’s Ryuga and I am concerned about him as well but…That’s Ryuga and I know, Ryuga won’t ever go in without any plan.”

Jau says with a smile.

“He is a strong person after all.”

Roger sighs.


The reason why Ryuga activating and deactivating his pure chi/mana surprises everyone is because it is not normal to activate in the first place. You need vigorous training to activate it and your mana reacts to the environment you live in. Not only that but, the environment you live in also affects how the mana will play part in other environments.

That is only the requirement to activate the mana but to deactivate it. One must have a calm mind and not feel any pressure or stress from another party. It is almost as if you need to be a monk to deactivate it. That’s the reason why Ryuga was always on the ground when he activated his pure mana. He always calmed his mind and got back up deactivating the mana.

Ryuga achieved this training thanks to his father at a very young age. He knows his limit. That is why he is going in and out of his pure chi form.


“That is indeed a surprise that no one noticed that Ryuga was using pure chi from the start.”

Clayton says with a cold face.

“Where the hell were you dude?!”

Kirio asks Clayton.

“Went to take a leak.”

Clayton says.

“Do demons also piss?”

Kirio asks Clayton.

“Yes, we piss lava of red water.”

Clayton says.

“First of all, We didn’t need to know it. Second of all, what does that even mean?!”

Mizuki says with a big sigh of disappointment.


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