《Ghost World Academia》45-Challenge!


“I am the son of Saionji Kaori!”

Those words put Myra in shock.

“I have a favor to ask you.”

Ryuga bows down.

“Please! Teach me how to fight without using limiters. You can fight without using limiters, right? So, I want you to teach me how to fight without using limiters.”

Ryuga requests Myra.


“Saionji…I haven’t that family name in quite some time.”

Lucifer whispers to herself.

“Did Kaori tell about herself to Ryuga?!”

Lucifer looks quite scared.

“No, she wouldn’t do that…What is she playing at?! That mad woman…”

Lucifer looks to be sweating.


“It’s a surprise that Ryuga is asking the headmaster’s assistant to help him.”

Mizuki says.

“What do you mean?”

Jau asks Mizuki.

“You know what I mean. He has you but I guess you do have limiters.”

Mizuki replies.

“Yeah…What if he has me?

Jau looks annoyed.

“You see he didn’t come to someone who loves him. Instead went to a stranger.”

Mizuki smirks.

“You know, you are a scary manipulator Mizuki.”

Jau says.

“Am I? I was just stating the truth.”

Mizuki says with a smile.


“Ryuga wants…That assistant of the headmaster to train him?”

Ellie looks confused.

“I am confused as to why the hell does he need training?!”

Kirio looks confused.

“What do you mean?”

Ellie asks Kirio.

“This is Ryuga we are talking about, he was the one who defeated that Ogre Alicia Arkwet…”

Jau and Mizuki both turned their attention towards Kirio. Even Roger’s attention turns towards Kirio.

Kirio realized he said something unusual.

“Alicia Arkwet…Why the hell did that name pop into my head? Was there someone by that name that I knew?!”

Kirio looked very confused.

“You were the one who said it, dude. He defeated Alicia Arkwet.”


Ellie says.

“You think that this is due to memory loss as well?”

Mizuki asks Jau.

Mizuki is one of the few people who knew Alicia Arkwet. Since the Tachibana household holds almost all of City-H, it is very tough to brainwash someone from their household. They are someone who will destroy others if they stand in their way.

“I don’t think that it’s a memory loss…I think his memories are flowing back to him.”

Jau replies to Mizuki.

“Ryuga said he tried to save my sister…Was that a lie…Ryuga?”

Jau looked at Ryuga.

“That’s something that only Ryuga would know.”

Mizuki says as she looks at Ryuga as well.


“So, you are my master’s child…”

Myra looks a little nervous.

“Yes, and I would like you to train me.”

Ryuga says.

Myra sighs,

“Before I give you my answer, tell me, is it my master who ordered me to train you?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“No, I was the one who came so that I could fulfill my own selfish desires.”

Ryuga says.

“That was way too brief and unneeded but I appreciate the honesty.”

Myra says.

Myra takes a deep breath again,

“I don’t take disciples anymore. It’s not that I don’t like training people or anything but I don’t like when people associate my disciples with my race. I don’t want to have a disciple because I don’t want them to be shunned.”

Myra says with a smile.

“Aragi Ryuga, you are a good person and I don’t want a good person like you to be shunned.” Myra keeps on smiling.

Ryuga raises his head and looks right into Myra’s eyes,

“You’re a dark elf, is that why you are so afraid to teach me? Is it because dark elves are said to be the scariest creatures alive on the planet? Is it because dark elves are supposed to be this evil being that can destroy any and everybody? Or is it because if you have a student it will be your greatest weakness? That’s the reason isn’t it?”


Ryuga starts to push Myra’s pressure points.

“Shut up!”

Myra says in an angry tone.

“You used to have a lot of students Miss Myra, until seven years ago…”

Ryuga continued.

“Shut up!”

Myra’s voice was a little louder and angrier.

Lucifer’s eyes widened as she understood what Ryuga was about to expose.

“No, no, no…You mad woman…You leaked that vital info to Ryuga?! I don’t know who’s the real devil here, me or her!”

Lucifer thought to herself

“Seven years ago, a tragic incident occurred where you lost a student of yours-“

Ryuga was interrupted by a massive scream.

“SHUT UPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!”

Ryuga stood still and watched an angry Myra explode at him and almost punch him.

Myra’s punch was stopped by Lucifer who was sitting right next to them.

“I didn’t even see that…”

Jau said.

“Yeah…That was so fast.”

Kirio said.

“It should be obvious that none of us could see that punch. I mean come on, that’s a pure strength of a dark elf.”

Mizuki points out.

“You know what’s surprising to me.”

Mizuki smirks.

“Look at Ryuga, he is standing still. Almost as if he isn’t afraid of that dark elf. Boy, you sure need to have some real hard guts to actually stand still and take on that punch like a man. I mean, even a man would piss their pants off if they were in front of that punch. That guy is no less than a monster…”

Mizuki assesses Ryuga’s mental strength.


The headmaster Lucifer stopped the punch that Ryuga was about to get hit by.

“You two, I order you two to stop fucking around in my school. This is my fucking school, not your playground where you can just barge in and do whatever you want.”

Lucifer says with an angry tone.

Ryuga shows a gun with his fingers that points at Myra.

“I hit a jackpot.”

Ryuga smirks as he sweats.

“What do you mean?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“It’s exactly like I meant. I wanted to see your strength, so I had to bring out your angry side and now that I have seen your strength with my own eyes, I will have you train me, Miss Myra.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

“I already declined you as my disciple-“

Before Myra could say anything Ryuga pulls out his phone.

“Let’s play a challenge, Miss Myra. With this on the line.”

Ryuga pulls out a necklace from his pocket.


Ryuga smirks.

“It’s that student’s necklace. I will give it to you if you defeat me within let’s say 7 minutes. To be precise, you need to knock me out within 7 minutes.”

Ryuga says to Myra.

“Where did you get that from?!”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“That’s not important, what’s important is that whether or not you can knock me out within 7 minutes.”

Ryuga says with a smirk.

“What do you say, want to take on the challenge?”

Ryuga asks Myra.

“Why do you think I won’t kill you right now and take it?”

Myra asks Ryuga.

“It’s because you know that I am your master’s son, that’s why. Plus, Lucifer is here to mow you down.”

Ryuga says with a smile.

"You gotta be kidding me...Did he plan this out or something?"

Lucifer thought to herself.

“Tsch! You are nothing like her.”

Myra says with an angry tone.

“Well, I don’t try to be like anyone.”

Ryuga says with a sad smile.

Lucifer feels relieved,

“I guess we will be using the training station for your fight then.”

Lucifer says.


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