《Ghost World Academia》44-To Protect, Even if, One is Weak


Ryuga walked to the storage room at West Wing of the 2nd floor. He looked that Jau, Mizuki, Clayton, and Ellie were all training there.

Clayton was trying to increase the number of times he can use his support magic by analyzing different types of armors.

Ellie was in the corner trying to create equipment for the team.

Jau and Mizuki were in the middle of the ring. They were filled with sweat and it looked like they were sparring.


Ryuga entered the room.

“Oh hey, it’s Ryuga.”

Mizuki points out.

“Yeah, it looks like Ryuga has finally come.”

Jau says with a smile.

“So, I understand everyone’s here just by looking at it.” Ryuga points at Mizuki first, “You are sparring with Jau.” Then he looks at Ellie. “She’s making equipment for us.” Finally, he looks at where Clayton is, “He is working on being a support.” Ryuga says. “So, what is my role?” Ryuga asks.

“That’s exactly your role.” Mizuki says. “What?” Ryuga looks confused. “You are going to be our OST.” Mizuki says. “Observer, Strategist and Tactician.”

“So, basically, I am going develop tactics based on your abilities, is that what you want me to do?” Ryuga asks Mizuki. “Yeah, that’s what it is.” Mizuki says.

“I will need to know your abilities to actually develop strategies.”

Ryuga says.

“Even the secret ones.”

Ryuga added.

“You already know mine.”

Clayton says to Ryuga.

Ryuga nods.

“My limiter ability is pretty basic. I can buff my attack and defense for a limited amount of time.”

Jau says as she swings her club.

“My limiter ability is related to my hair.”

Ellie says.


Ryuga looks confused.

Ellie demonstrates as her hair stretches like a needle and breaks a pot at the end of the room.

“Interesting, how long is this distance your hair can travel?”

Ryuga asks Ellie.

“It can travel up to 20 meters.”

Ellie answers.

“A long ranger huh?”

Ryuga looks at Mizuki. Mizuki sighs, “My limiter ability can only be used when there is a full moon and you better not know what it is.” Mizuki says to Ryuga. Ryuga sighs.


“At least let me know what you can do and what not.”

Ryuga says to Mizuki.

“I have physical strength equivalent to Jau in her base form. I doubt I can even stand a hit from a buffed Jau though.”

Mizuki explains.

“I see. I gotcha.”

Ryuga sits down and starts thinking.

“You guys can continue training. I will need to think of a strategy on how you guys can link well.”

Ryuga says.

“While you do that, also try to observe our sparring match and let us know where we can improve.”

Mizuki says.

“Jeez…Isn’t that a little too much?”

Ryuga asks Mizuki.

“Yes, but, you are our OST and our OST will obviously not be our main line fighter.”

Mizuki replies with a smile.

(What a bother…)

Ryuga sighs.


“Alright, everyone! It’s a wrap-up.” Mizuki says to everyone. Ryuga sighs, “It’s a surprise that you are taking this seriously. Like, I remember you being all like you don’t want to take part in this and that.” Ryuga says to Mizuki.

Mizuki pouts,

“I didn’t want to be a leader here but, I never said that I didn’t want to participate in this tournament.”

Mizuki says in an annoyed tone.

“What a weird person…”

Ryuga looks a little nervous.

“Anyways, see you all tomorrow.”

Mizuki says.

“Jau, I have something I want to tell you. So, would stay a little longer here?”

Mizuki asks Jau to stay behind.

Jau nods, “Sure.”

“So, we will take our leaves then, I guess…”

Ryuga says as he walks stands with Ellie and Clayton ready to leave.

“Alright. Take care on your way home.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga and the others. Ryuga nods.


It’s almost 5 PM, Ellie and Clayton stand alongside Ryuga waiting for the train to arrive.

“You know, it’s been fun.”

Clayton says.

“Hmm? What are you talking about?”

Ryuga asks Clayton.

“Clayton is right there, it has been fun.”

Ellie says with a smile.

“I have no idea what you guys are talking about…”


Ryuga says with a nervous smile.

“I am talking about how fun school has been since I met you.”

Clayton says with a smile.

“Yip, I agree. But, you didn’t even spend that much time with Ryuga! I spent like, almost 4 months with him.”

Ellie says with a pout.

“Dude, I am not your love rival or anything like that.”

Clayton says with an annoyed.


Ellie’s brain starts to storm out.

“You know Ryuga, since the day that you told me that I can grow stronger if I find a correct path for myself, I have been able to see new pathways. I stopped thinking about getting stronger and started thinking out of the box.” Clayton clenches his fist.

“I think so, yes, I have hit my strength limit but there is something else I can do even if I can’t become stronger anymore.”

Clayton says with a smile.

“Aragi Ryuga, I want to be the best support in the world. Someone who can heal others, someone who can use strong enchantments, someone who can protect their friends even while being weak. I want top heroes to depend on me and if you ever become a hero, would you mind if I worked at your department?” Clayton asks Ryuga.


Ryuga lets out a sigh.

“I doubt I will be a hero you desire to work with but if I ever be a hero, I will definitely hope we can work together.”

Ryuga says with a smile as both Ryuga and Clayton shake their hands.

“Ah, your train has arrived Ryuga, I will be going to my platform.”

Clayton says with a smile.

Ryuga nods.

“Someone who can protect even if they are weak, huh?”

Ryuga looks at his palm.

“Can I also be someone…Who can protect even if I am weak?”


“I am back!” Ryuga comes back home.

He walks into the living room and finds his mother watching the television.

“Oh right, sorry! I was just so invested in this file of my student. She was my student when I was a teacher.”

Kaori says with a smile.

Ryuga walks close to Kaori. He looked quite surprised.

“Hey mom, can I have that file?”

Ryuga asks his mother.

“Sure…Why not?”

Kaori gives Ryuga the file about her student.

“Feel free to read about her. She is pretty strong, right now, you know. I remember doing a favor for her, so if you need her help with something she might be able to help you anytime. You just need to say that your Saionji Kaori’s son.” Kaori says with a smile.


Ryuga smiles.

“Can I read a bit more about her?”

Ryuga asks Kaori.

Kaori nods, “Sure, why not?”


With that Ryuga walks out of the living room and heads to his room.

“Lucifer has put a massive obstacle in your pathway but, if you need to get past this obstacle, you will need her help. There is no doubt about it. My little Ryuga, if you overcome this obstacle, I am afraid that mother will have to come clean about her past to you.” Kaori looks quite happy.


Ryuga walks past Mizuki who was trying to call him. He even walks past Jau, Roger and Ellie followed him.

“Where are you going Ryuga? What are you planning? Why are you in such a hurry?!”

Ellie tries to question Ryuga but it doesn’t work.

Ryuga slams the door to the principal’s office open.

“Huh? What do you want now?”

Lucifer asks Ryuga. Besides her stood Myra.

Everyone who was outside followed Ryuga to the principal’s office.

“If you want your powers back then you need to beg for it, remember?”

Lucifer reminds Ryuga.

Ryuga walks towards Myra,

“You are Myra Darkwing, right?”

Ryuga asks Myra.

“That is me.”

Myra says with a surprised face.

“I am the son of Saionji Kaori!”

Those words put Myra in shock.

“I have a favor to ask you.”

Ryuga bows down.

“Please! Teach me how to fight without using limiters. You can fight without using limiters, right? So, I want you to teach me how to fight without using limiters.”

Ryuga requests Myra.


Everyone looked surprised by Ryuga's unexpected request.

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