《Ghost World Academia》43-Team Selection!


Ryuga looked quite angry, “Why the hell would you take away my power?!” Ryuga asked Lucifer. Lucifer smiles and answers, “It’s quite simple actually.” Lucifer replied with a smirk, “You see, you made a massive mistake which almost cost the life of a comrade and on a battlefield, such a mistake for a Hero/Ghost would mean causalities and causalities would lead to depression, depression would lead to them doing some stupid shit which you almost did. That is why I can’t just hand you such a power unless and until I am sure you are capable of knowing the true use of those powers on the battlefield. You could obviously get down on your knees and beg-“

Before Lucifer could complete her sentence Ryuga interrupts, “I will just fight another way to fight. That’s because begging to a loli will hurt my dignity.” Ryuga says with a sigh. Lucifer looked quite annoyed. “Loli…Huh?” Lucifer breaks the pen in her hand. “Madam Lucifer, please calm down.” Myra says to Lucifer.

“Yeah you are right…They are just kids.” Lucifer sighs. “So, listen up kids, I have selected the two Captains, Roger and Mizuki. Both are capable of leading you towards victory. And, since a leader’s job is quite important on a battlefield, I want you all first year’s to learn from their examples.” Lucifer says with a smirk. “Rules of selection are simple, you have to have 2 second years that includes your captain and 3 first year one of whom will be your vice-captain in case of the captain’s retirement for that certain match. They will be the captain and guide their team. So, let the selection begin!”


“Now, Mizuki, you said that you wouldn’t mind if Roger picked up the first person on their team, would you?’ Lucifer asks Mizuki. “Go ahead and pick up whoever you want.” Mizuki says as she chews her gum. “No, I insist that the famous noble of Tachibana pick their choice first.” Roger says to Mizuki. “If that’s how you want it, fine, I will do the first pick.” Mizuki says.

“The famous Tachibana? Is she from like, some kinda famous clan or something?” Ryuga asks Kirio. “Dude! How do you not know the Tachibana industries?! They are the ones who basically control the whole City-H.” Kirio answers. “I thought so that was Ryan Arkwet.” Ryuga looks confused. “Ryan Arkwet is just a puppet to them. If they want, they can overthrow Ryan Arkwet just like that but you need to have some kinda influence on them.” Kirio says to Ryuga.

“I want him!”

Mizuki points her finger at Ryuga. “Eh?

“The boy with no limiter…Interesting…”

Lucifer looks quite surprised.

Even Roger looks quite surprised.

“What are you doing by picking up trash like that?! You are a noble member of the house of Tachibana, so why would you even think of picking up such trash?!”


Roger revolted.

Mizuki sighs,

“Would you stop? I mean, it’s getting annoying. House of Tachibana this, House of Tachibana that, let me just pick whoever I want, would you? My choice is final, I want the no-limiter boy and that’s the end of this conversation.”

Mizuki looked quite annoyed. Roger didn’t have anything to say to an annoyed Mizuki.

Lucifer chuckles,

“Ryuga feel free to stand behind Tachibana. She is your leader now.”

Lucifer says to Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs and walks towards Tachibana and right next to her.

(I really feel like I shouldn’t be here…)

“Yo, no-limiter boy. I heard a lot about you from Jau. It seems you are quite close to her.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

“Are you friends with Jau?”

Ryuga asks Mizuki.

Mizuki chuckles,

“Jau huh? No guy has ever called Jau by only Jau. You seem to be the only one calling her Jau. It seems that I was right about her finding you special.”

Mizuki says with a smile.

Roger picks up Slip and it seems that Ryuga and Mizuki are still talking. Roger picked up Slips because she is of noble birth as well.

“Oh yeah, I am also Jau’s best friend. So don’t worry.”

Mizuki says with a smile.

“Tachibana, it’s your turn.”

Lucifer asks Mizuki to pick. Mizuki points her finger at Jau.

“You already knew this was coming but yet, I will point my finger at her again.”

Mizuki says as she points at Jau.

Jau joins along with Mizuki and Ryuga with a smile.

“Of course, the Aliziter will be on my team then.”

Roger says with a sigh.

“That demon guy over there.”

Mizuki points at Clayton.

“Inosuke Sashimi.”

Roger picks up Inosuke Sashimi, the guy with the nerdy look.

“I am surprised you didn’t pick her, but I will pick her anyways, Ellie Norvich.”

Mizuki says.

“I didn’t pick her up because she is a fallen Princess. If she was a noble, I would have had her any day.”

Roger says as Kirio walks to his team.

“Are these your final teams?”

Lucifer asks the leaders.


Both the leaders respond.

“Team Noble Fighters, participants, Roger McLean, Slips Kilgor, Aliziter Cash, Sashimi Inosuke and finally, Dakai Kirio.”

Myra Announces Team A’s participants.

“Team Deadly Fields, participants, Tachibana Mizuki, Aragi Ryuga, Jau Shiezel, Clayton, and finally, Ellie Norvich.”

Myra Announces Team B’s participants.

“I wish both the team the best of luck for the tournament coming up in 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy it.”

Myra wishes both the teams.

Ryuga raises his hand.


Lucifer looks ready to answer his question.

“What about the exams?”

Ryuga asks Lucifer.

“You didn’t know?”

Lucifer asks Ryuga.

“Know what?”

Ryuga looks confused.

Lucifer sighs,

“If you are selected to participate in the tournament, you don’t have to give the exam. That tournament is basically your examination. We will basically, assess your skills and grade you according to that.”


Lucifer says.

Ryuga sighs,

“That’s just great…”

“Alright, everyone, I dismiss you all. I hope you follow your leaders for the next two upcoming weeks until the tournament.”

Lucifer says with a smile.


Everyone leaves except Ryuga.

“Hey Ryuga, come on, we don’t want to be late because of you.”

Mizuki says to Ryuga.

“Go ahead, Miss Tachibana, I have some business with the principal.”

Ryuga says to Mizuki.

“Aight…We will be waiting in the room on the second floor of the building. The room to the west wing should be a storage room. We will keep it open for you to come.”

Mizuki says.

“Alright, I will try and make it there before it gets too late.”

Ryuga says.

“Good, we will be waiting.”

With those words, Mizuki leaves.

Ryuga turns his attention towards Lucifer,

“What in the fucking hell do you think you are doing?!”

Ryuga rushes and grabs Lucifer by her collar.

Myra picks a pen up from the table and holds it near Ryuga’s neck.

“Leave Miss Lucifer, right now.”

Myra says.

Lucifer smiles,

“Let it be Myra. Truth has hurt him. The fact that he almost lost the lives of people he commanded, it has hurt him.”

Ryuga grits his teeth as he hears Lucifer’s words.

“As you are right now, you can’t win against me Ryuga. In fact, you can’t even win against anyone from this academy. The only thing you have now to counter people is your pure chi, which can be countered easily. Even if you fight students with limiters and win, you will be severely damaged. Do you realize how weak you currently are Ryuga? I want you to keep that in mind as a punishment for endangering the lives of other precious students of my academy.”

Lucifer looks angrily at Ryuga while leaving out a menacing aura.

Ryuga seems unaffected by that menacing aura.

“So, Ryuga, what are you going to do? Beg me to give you back your power or are you going to stay that way until the day you die?”

Lucifer smirks.

Ryuga takes a deep breath and leaves Lucifer.


Ryuga says.


Both Myra and Lucifer looked confused.

“I guess I lost my cool but…I think I will just find an alternate path to this. I mean, I am about to move away from this city in a month’s time. So, I think I will go away to that city and settle down. Living a simple life.”

Ryuga sighs as he turns around.

“What city?”

Lucifer asks.

“Mother said that if I wanted, I could transfer schools after I complete half a year in this Ghost academy. If I didn’t like it, she had a friend who was ready to accept my admission to another school. So, I will be moving out there in a month’s time.”

Ryuga explains.

“If there is nothing else, I will take my leave.”

Ryuga says and leaves the room.

Lucifer looked quite confused.

“Did Ryuga just-“

Myra looked at Lucifer with a surprised face.

“What’s the matter, Miss Lucifer?”

Lucifer quickly dialed a number on her phone,

“Hello Lucifer, didn’t expect you to call me.”

A familiar voice of a woman was heard over the phone.


A really angry Lucifer screams.

“You trust me, don’t you?”

A woman over the phone asked.

“Of course I do, after all, we are partners…”

Lucifer says.

“So, you should know better than anyone. Ryuga Aragi, is just like his father and just like his father, he is a determined guy. Someone who wants to save people. Right now, he is confused about what he wants to do. He is confused about whether he wants to save the Ogre sisters or want to leave everything and live peacefully. Once he comes to terms with what he wants to do, he will definitely ask to stay.”

The woman says to Lucifer.

“Isn’t that like taking a 50-50?”

Lucifer asks the woman over the phone.

“Are you forgetting I am the luckiest woman alive in this world? Even the best sniper in the world missed his shot and it barely missed my heart.”

The woman over the phone laughs.

“That’s seriously no laughing matter. You still have that wound.”

Lucifer says.

“That is why Lucifer, I am asking you to take care of Ryuga. Make him strong enough so that my enemies don’t harass him or…Kill him. Make him strong enough so that he could fend off any trouble that comes in his way.”

The woman over the phone says in a serious tone.

Lucifer sighs,

“I got you…I will definitely not leave Ryuga alone. After all, he is just as important to me as he is to you…”

Lucifer says.

“Thanks Lucifer.”

The woman over the phone says with a smile.

“See you later.”

Lucifer says.

“Yes, laters.”

The woman over the phone says and Lucifer hangs up.

“Who was that?”

Myra asks Lucifer.

“Just an old acquaintance whom I owe my life to.”

Lucifer smiles thinking about the time she met that woman.


“Demon or not! I will save her! No matter what happens.”

(She came to the underworld…Just to save me.)


Lucifer smiled as she looked at a photo on her desk of a young girl who looked like Kaori in her younger days and her smiling together.

“Myra…Do you think, if I went back to hell to get back my throne, I would get it back?”

Lucifer asks Myra.

“I believe that you will be tortured then slaughtered.”

Myra says to Lucifer.

Lucifer sighs,

“I guess you are right.”


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