《Ghost World Academia》42-Punishment


Ryuga stands near a station waiting for the train to arrive. “Oh hey Ryuga! Good morning!” Ellie comes up behind him greeting him. “Morning!” Ryuga greets Ellie. “How are you doing this morning?” Ellie asks Ryuga. “It’s just as boring as any other day.” Ryuga says. “Hey, morning!” Kirio comes and joins them as well. “Hey…” Ryuga looks away from him.

“I am sorry…About my sister.” Kirio says. “It’s alright, but, you should not be talking to me. She would not like it.” Ryuga says. “She doesn’t control my life.” Kirio says. “I know…” Ryuga sighs. “Just don’t upset her.” Ryuga says. “Still have feelings for her?” Kirio asks Ryuga. “Nah…It’s just I don’t want to upset her anymore.” Ryuga says. Kirio sighs, “Understood.” The special train to Ghost World Academy arrives as they speak.


“Fucking hell! Going on those rides every day! How can you actually do that?!” Ellie looked like she was about to die and was breathing heavily. “Yeah, we go through that ride every day.” Ryuga says. “It’s not that hard to go through these rides once you get used to it.” Kirio and Ryuga both keep on walking to the academy. “Wait for me!” Ellie follows them.

“Anyways, have you guys decided whether you are going to enter the tournament or not?” Ellie asks Kirio and Ryuga. “Of course I am! This is the biggest tournament that happens every year. Big companies scout you and big Ghosts and Heroes recruit you to work under them. Plus, you get to fight with second years and against second years as well!” Kirio answers. “What about you, Ryuga?” Ellie asks Ryuga.

“Nah, not interested.” Ryuga says to Ellie. “Eh?” Ellie looks confused. “I thought that you would…Want to you know…” Ellie looks really confused. “As I said, I am not entering the tournament. You guys can have fun getting recruited.” Ryuga says to Ellie. “You do realize that it’s going to be our future profession, right?” Kirio asks Ryuga. “Your wrong, it’s your future profession. Not mine.” Ryuga says to Kirio. “I rather work as a police officer or something in that field rather than some Hero or Ghost or whatever you want to call it.” Ryuga says as he enters the school. Kirio sighs. “Sometimes I feel like he is the coolest guy to ever exist and sometimes I feel like he has a few screws loose.” Kirio says. “True…” Even Ellie agrees.


Everyone enters the classroom and takes their seat. Freda enters right after, so, the people who were unseated also take their seats. “Aragi Ryuga, Dakai Kirio, Clayton, Ellie Norvich, and Gordon Jordon. Where were you guys for the last 2 days? And Ryuga and Ellie you two were away for 4 days. You all have some explaining to do. Especially after, what our King saw the other.” Freda sighs. That’s just when the door to the classroom slams open. It draws everyone’s attention.


It seems that a person with pointy long ears appears. A fellow elf maybe? They seem to be a male but yet, they have this feminine charm to them. Their body is slim yet fit and they are quite tall as well almost reaching Kirio’s height. “Myra...What do you want?” Freda asks the elf that has arrived. “4 boys, 2 girls.” Myra says. “Eh?” Freda looks confused. Everyone else as well. “What again?” Freda asks Myra. “K-kiri something…Da…kei…” Kirio straight away understood he was the one who she was calling, “At least take my name properly.” Kirio sighs. “Ellie Norvich, Clayton, Slips Kilgor, Ino-something Sashi….Sashi…” It seems that Myra was having a hard time reading Japanese names. “Finally, Aragi Ryuga.” She takes Ryuga’s name perfectly. “Wait, wait, you know her or something?!” Kirio asks Ryuga. “No dude…I don’t know her.” Ryuga says. “Your Japanese too, right? So how the hell did she pronounce your name fine but not mine or that nerdy boy’s name?!” Kirio asks Ryuga. “I don’t know man, maybe my name is easy.” Ryuga says. Kirio sighs.

“Why do you need those guys?” Freda asks Myra. “The headmaster has informed me that those will be the students from the first year that will be entering the tournament that will take place 2 weeks from now.” Myra explains. “What?!” Everyone in the class was shocked by the announcement. “Come on, please follow me to the headmaster’s office.” Myra says. “Tsch!” Freda looked quite annoyed. “Go all of you. You don’t want to keep the headmaster waiting.” Freda says. Ryuga sighs, “Why me too?” Ryuga looks quite annoyed as well but he walks along with everyone else.

On the way to the headmaster’s office, Ryuga and Kirio conversed, “Oh yeah Ryuga, last night I had a weird dream.” Kirio says to Ryuga. “Hmm?” Ryuga looked quite confused. “Last night, an Ogre called Alicia appeared in my dream. It was like, you tried to save her, and finally when you saved her, she was killed.” Kirio says to Ryuga. “Wait…What?! You actually think that is a dream?!” Ryuga looked quite surprised. “Yeah…I think that the fight with my sister might have given me quite creepy dreams.” Kirio says with a nervous smile. “Seriously, how dumb can he be.” Ryuga thought to himself.

“We are here.” Myra says as she opens the door to the headmaster’s office. “Welcome kids! Now, let us begin our discussion!”


“Welcome kids! Let us begin our discussion of this tournament.” Lucifer who is seated on her chair says with a smile. Her height is pretty small compared to the chair. It’s almost as if a 7-year-old baby is sitting on the chair while the chair a massive throne. There are also some books and papers on the table along with the ink and many more things.


“You all have been selected to enter the tournament as first years. The second-year participants might be arriving soon as well.” Lucifer says with a smile. A total of 4 second years arrive.

Those second years include Jau as well. There is a man who has blonde slicked back hair. He seems to be quite well-mannered and everything about him screams nobility. He seems to be a rich human and even his aura screams of nobility.

There is a girl who is chewing gum and browsing her phone. She has blue short hair and even her school uniform seems to be different from others. Compared to other girls who normally wear a long-sleeved shirt and blazer, she has a sleeveless vest on top of her white neck height t-shirt. She also seems to have black nail paint on her nails and her boots are white sneakers with short socks. She seems to be another human.

Final but not least, there seems to be an Aliziter, a female Aliziter. They are supposed to robots with human organs apparently and even though they are robots, they can reproduce just like humans. Aliziter has weird biology.

The female Aliziter seems to have a poker face with no emotions. She seems to have long black hair but everything else about her is pretty much generic like any other student. Even though she seems to be pretty generic, the non-changing facial expressions are something that can catch just about anybody off-guard.

“Now that everyone has gathered here, we are here to announce official Teamings of Ghost World Academy for the massive tournament that will be in two weeks. The tournament is called the Grand School Tournament. It’s a tournament where we select a total of 10 students and form two teams to battle it out against different Hero/Ghost academies. If you thought you had the freedom to choose whether or not to enter the tournament, you were totally wrong!” That was aimed towards Kirio and Ellie.

“Now, I have already decided to select the captain of teams, Team A which will be entering the tournament will be captained by the famous Hero of Justice Paladin who is also known as Roger McLennan.” The man with blonde slicked hair comes forward. “He is a student who has come all the way from Newzealand to study with us and is of noble birth. He will lead Team A of our Academy, the Noble Fighters. That’s what Roger said he wanted his team to be called.” Lucifer announces.

“The second captain will be, Tachibana Mizuki.” The girl who was chewing the gum comes forth. “Her team’s name will be Deadly Field. That’s what she wanted her team name to be.” Lucifer says. “I was talking about the game and I didn’t even have any interest in taking part in this tournament in the first place.” Mizuki sighs. “That will be the two teams. Now, you will be deciding which participants go to your teams.” Lucifer says with a smirk.

Ryuga raises his hand. “What’s up? Need help Ryuga?” Lucifer asks Ryuga. “I have no interest in entering this tournament.” Ryuga says. Suddenly, Lucifer appears behind Ryuga and smacks him to the ground. “RYUGA!” Both Jau and Ellie quickly go to his defense. “Stay back, I haven’t punished him for what he did back in the Land of Vampires.” Lucifer smirks.

“Damn you!” Ryuga looks quite angry because Lucifer has put him in a lock. Lucifer has enough strength to keep Ryuga grounded by just her single hand. She uses her other hand to hit her palm somewhere on his back. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Ryuga screams. Mizuki whistles, “Boy, he has it rough.” Mizuki says. Jau and Ellie both felt the aura that was coming from Lucifer. It put fear in their mind.


After she is done, Lucifer gets up from Ryuga’s body. “What did…You do…?” Ryuga asks Lucifer. “Why don’t you throw away that ring and know for yourself?!” Lucifer smirks as she gets back to her seat. Ryuga removes his ring as he gets back up slowly. “I sense no mana from Ryuga…” Ellie looks quite surprised. “Yeah…She sealed Ryuga’s meridians which had completely unlocked his true mana capacity.” Jau says.

“That borrowed power to protect your loved ones. I have stripped you of it. I won’t let you use that borrowed power anymore unless and until you bow down on your knees and beg me to give you back that power.” Lucifer says to Ryuga. “Damn you…You little devil!” Ryuga looked quite angry. “That I am. Also for the two captains here, Aragi Ryuga, he has no limiters.” Both Roger and Mizuki’s eyes widen from shock. Mizuki whistles. “I see….” She pops her bubble. “So let us begin with the team selection.” Lucifer says with a smirk.


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