《Ghost World Academia》41-Request-II


“Yo, Airi!” Ryuga arrives in front of a massive classic Japanese-style house. The door to the house is opened by Airi. “Ryuga…What in the world are you doing here?” Airi asks Ryuga. “I would like a little help from you Airi.” Ryuga says with a nervous smile. Airi sighs. “Come on in.” Airi says to Ryuga as she yawns and goes inside the yard of her house. Ryuga follows her along with Ellie. He realizes how massive this house that she lives in is.

“Oh, right. I realized that the family name on the board out there is Hojo. Why is that?” Ryuga asks Airi. “That’s because I stay with my mother’s grandmother and this is my grandma’s house.” Airi says. “Oh, that old woman who you were worried about during the Hiroyama incident?” Ryuga asks Airi. “Yeah…” Airi sighs. “My house got destroyed during that incident. So, we are staying here until I get enough money to buy a new apartment.” Airi says. “I see…” Ryuga says.

“Anyways, you guys take a seat in the living room.” Airi opens a door to the living room. It has one large television and a table in the middle of it. Ryuga sits together with Ellie next to the table. “Tea, coffee, or some soft drink?” Airi asks. “I will take a soft drink.” Ryuga says to Airi. “What about the girl?” Airi asks Ryuga. “Coffee.” Ellie says. “Alright. One coffee and one soft drink coming right up.” Airi goes to the kitchen leaving Ryuga and Airi alone.

“This girl is surprising really a normal girl compared to all those weird girls.” Ellie says. “You come in a weird group as well.” Ryuga whispers to himself. “She would make a great housewife someday.” Ellie says. “She can also kick ass.” Ryuga says to Ellie. “Oh…Is she a what do you call them…Officer, right? Is she an officer as well?” Ellie asks Ryuga. “Yeah, she works under my dad. She is a young transfer from The Suzuka Academy. I don’t know much about her except for the fact that I got my ass handed over to her once.” Ryuga says to Ellie. “But your ass is still intact.” Ellie says. Ryuga slaps his face, “It’s a metaphor…” Ryuga says.

“Yo! Here is your coffee and here is a cold cold soft drink!” Airi hands a glass filled with an orange drink to Ryuga and the glass filled with coffee to Ellie. “So, what is it that you want?” Airi straight away gets to the point after handing them their drinks. Ryuga takes a deep breath.


“WHAT?!!!!!” Ryuga told Airi the whole story of how he rescued Ellie from Alucard. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU LITERALLY BOUGHT A PRINCESS TO MY HOUSE?!” Airi screamed. Airi sighs, “So I get the gist of what you are saying. But, why not Big Sis Marie? Why come to me for help?” Airi asks Ryuga. “It’s because I don’t like that Marie.” Ellie says. “Huh?” Airi looked confused. “She said things to Ryuga that she shouldn’t have. She’s the worse! How could she say things like that to my savior?!” Ellie looked quite angry. “I don’t know what happened but there must a reason that big sis Marie might have said things like that make you angry. She doesn’t do anything without any reason.” Airi says.


“Anyways, let’s forget about that.” Airi says. “If I want to help you and this girl, you will have to speak with my grandma. She’s the one who owns this house after all.” Airi says. “Alright, I can do that.” Ryuga says. “Ellie, stay here. I will go speak with Airi’s grandma.” Ryuga says to Ellie. Ellie nods. Airi sighs, “Follow me.” Airi says to Ryuga.


Ryuga follows Airi to a room upstairs. “Wait here.” Airi tells Ryuga to wait outside a room as she slides the door open and enters the room. “Grandma, there is someone who wants to speak to you.” Airi says. “Let them come in, Airi.” An old woman’s voice says inside the room. Airi signals Ryuga to go inside. Ryuga enters the room. An old woman sits on a rocking chair with a pole stick in her hand.

“Who are you might I ask?” Airi’s Grandma asks Ryuga. “I am Aragi Ryuga, the son of-“ Before Ryuga could complete his introduction, Airi’s grandma interrupts. “Ah yes! You are Hiro’s son, right?” Airi’s grandma asks Ryuga. “Yeah, but, how did you know?” Ryuga asks. There was a complete surprise on his face but Airi looked like she already knew the answer. “Well, I used to teach that young boy. In fact, I trained him in the arts of killing.” Airi’s grandma’s face turned scary. “Arts of…Killing?” Ryuga looked shocked. “That’s right, I trained him to kill people. But, his heart was righteous. That is why, he could learn the Arts of Killing without being consumed by its sheer pleasure.

“Anyways, Son of the Aragi household, you are here to talk about the vampire that’s downstairs, right?” Airi’s grandma asked. “Do you have some kinda sixth sense or something, you old woman?!” Ryuga looked creeped out. Airi’s grandma laughs. “You reminded me of that girl that Hiro once bought saying that she was his girlfriend or something.” Airi’s grandma laughed. “Hmm?” Ryuga looks confused. “What girl are you talking about?” Ryuga asked. “Of course, I am talking about your mother, madman.” Airi’s grandma smiles. “She was a woman of pure chaos and destruction but guessing by your reaction, you already knew it.” Airi’s grandma says with a smile as she looks at Ryuga’s face which looked quite normal.

Ryuga had a little chuckle, “I mean, everyone’s been calling me the son of Madman. I guess, I knew that was coming. Anyways, old woman, tell me something.” Ryuga kneels to Airi’s grandma. “Yeah, that vampire can stay here. Don’t worry, we will take good care of her.” Airi’s grandma says with a smile. “But grandma-“ Airi gets interrupted by her grandma, “This is my decision Airi and that’s final.” Airi’s grandma says with Airi. Airi sighs, “Fine…” Airi says. “Thanks…” Ryuga says with a smile.


“Ryuga…” Airi’s grandma calls Ryuga before he leaves the room. “Your future, it is dark. Believe in what you think is right and it will light up. One wrong decision and everything will go down the drain but most importantly, do not let go of her hand, no matter what happens. She will be your support till the very end.” Airi’s grandma says with a smile. “I see…Thank you…For your kind advice.” Ryuga says as he leaves the room.


“I will be leaving now.” Ryuga says to Airi and leaves her place. “Don’t worry, I will take care of that girl for you.” Airi says to Ryuga. Ryuga smiles and bows down, “Thanks.” Ryuga grins. Airi gives a small smile. “Get back home, your parents might be worried about you.” Airi says to Ryuga as she pushes him out and closes the doors to her house. Ryuga sighs, “I was thinking of challenging her…But…I guess that can wait.” Ryuga says with a smile.

“Anyways, I should head back home. Mom’s gonna kill me.” Ryuga sighs. “How am I going to explain all these wounds?!” Ryuga looks like a dead trying to think right now. “Whatever, I will just go back home and see what I can do.” Ryuga stretches and starts using his newfound powers to quickly get near home. “Magic’s really cool!” Ryuga says as he lands right in front of his house.

Ryuga walks close to his door and sighs, “Time to get scolded.” He says and opens the doorknob to his house. He enters the house to find his mother standing with a menacing aura. “Hello Ryuga, how are you? Seems like you took my words lesson a little too far.” Kaori says with a menacing smile. “Umm…You see…” Kaori holds Ryuga by his ears and pulls him in the house, “Ow! Ow! Ow! Mother! Ow! I am injured! Ouch! Wait!”


“Isn’t it that time of the year?” A few high schoolers who have the same uniform have gathered in the room. “Last year, we won the tournament, and this year as well, we plan to do so.” A girl says. “Indeed, this is another year, where the tournament should be ours.” A boy in darkness smirks.


In the village of all Ogres. “Now, now, why aren’t you performing when we are paying you such a hefty amount?” A contractor asks Jau. Jau turns around and answers, “That’s because this is that time of the year where something more important than my idol performance is taking place and I have to take place in that.” Jau says with a smile.


At Kirio’s place, “So, are you going to enter this year’s tournament?” Marie asks Kirio. “Yes, I will be entering the tournament and I will be winning as well.” Kirio says. “I see.” Marie takes all the empty plates on the table and starts washing them. Kirio smiles, “If I can get a chance to be in the same team as Ryuga…” Kirio smirks.


Somewhere in the underworld, “What are your plans boy? Do you plan to enter the tournament?” Someone in dark asks Clayton. “I do plan to enter the tournament father but not as a fighter but a support.” Clayton says. “As a support? Even after all these years, you still want to be a support? Have you forgotten what your brother told you?!” Clayton’s father scolds Clayton. “That I haven’t but…I can’t reach my true potential if I keep on doing something that isn’t suited for me. That is why, I will pursue what is perfect for me.” Clayton says with a smile. “I will win this tournament father and I am sure…He will be there as well. After all, he is the one who taught me what it really means to fight for something.” Clayton says with a smile. “That’s something…He must be quite a special friend if he can make a demon smile.” Clayton’s father says. “He is quite a special one.”


“Achoo!~” Ryuga sneezes. “Someday must be talking about me.” Ryuga says as he looks at his mother who has been scolding him. “Anyways, your transfers are almost ready. We can move out of this place in a month or two.” Kaori says to Ryuga. “I see…” Ryuga smiles. “Well, I won’t be moving yet though.” Ryuga says with a smile. “What?!” Kaori looked surprised. “Not until I set things right here.” Ryuga says. Kaori smiles, “I don’t know what happened to you when you were gone but…That look in your eyes. Those eyes show true determination. It seems that you have something you want to do and at any cost. I won’t stop you but just be careful.” Kaori says to Ryuga.

“And about the tournament, are you going to enter it?” Kaori asks Ryuga. Ryuga looked quite confused, “What tournament?!” Ryuga asked.

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