《Ghost World Academia》40-Request


Near the train station, a patched-up Ryuga and Kirio wait for the train to arrive along with Ellie, Mearid, and Jau. “So, you guys are leaving?” Mearid asks Ryuga. “Yeah, I gotta go home or else mother would be pretty upset.” Ryuga says with a nervous smile. Mearid nods with a smile. The train arrives. “Ryuga!” Jau calls out for Ryuga. “About yesterday night…Do you seriously not know what happened?” Jau asks Ryuga.


Kirio had asked Ryuga and Jau to meet up at Jau’s place. “Something happened, right Ryuga? I mean, we all seemed quite confused about how we survived but the only person who didn’t seem confused was you. More than confused, you seemed shocked about something.” Kirio says to Ryuga. “Ryuga, why are you so shocked about this situation? Did you…Cut deal with Alucard and we didn’t know about?” Kirio asked Ryuga. “Do you think that I am an idiot who would cut a deal with an enemy?” Ryuga sighs. “See, I am just as confused as you guys are. It just seems weird that…I am safe or even you guys are safe…Even after all that happened.” Ryuga didn’t look into anyone’s eyes as he spoke. Both Jau and Kirio looked at each other. Kirio sighs, “Alright if you don’t want to speak, it’s alright. Just know that we are here in case you need us.” Kirio says with a smile.


“If I knew, wouldn’t I tell you guys?” Ryuga sighs. “Don’t worry, I will definitely let you know if I come to know something about this weird situation. You do the same if you find anything.” Ryuga says to Jau with a smile. Jau smiles and nods.

“Ryuga, the train is here, let’s get going.” Kirio says to Ryuga. Ryuga nods, “Right, see ya all later.” Ryuga says and waits for the train to stop. He gets on the train along with Ellie and Kirio. There are a few passengers on the train otherwise the train seems pretty empty.

Ryuga and Kirio sit together and Ellie in front of them. “Hey, what do you plan to do with that vampire girl now?” Kirio whispers and asks Ryuga. “Well, I can’t have her live in the other world since Alucard has a lot of connections there and I can’t have her live with me either.” Ryuga sighs. “Why not your place?” Kirio whispers. “That’s because my mother would kill me. She already thinks that I am dating Jau and now if I bring her home, she would be like, “Why are you cheating on Jau?” And you know, this situation would be really bad. So, that’s why I have a perfect place for her.” Ryuga whispers. “Do you?” Kirio looked quite surprised. Ryuga nodded. “But for that, we need to meet up with Marie first.” Ryuga says. “Why Gorilla woman?!” Kirio looked surprised. “Just trust me. I need to meet her.” Ryuga says. Kirio sighs, “Fine.”


Somewhere in a land filled with greenery and houses made of trees. “My lady, I tried finding ways to break the bonding between a master and slave but unfortunately, there wasn’t anything that I could find.” A woman with black cat ears says. She had white straps over her black cat ears. She had a pretty average height and wore a cape along with armor. She speaks with Alicia The Neko God who is sitting on a throne. There are other people with cat ears as well. Alicia sighs, “This is really annoying.”



At Kirio’s house, “Ah…Ah…Wait…Why is Ryuga here?! Ryuga?! Eh?! What’s with you two?! And Ryuga, what are those injuries?! And who’s that girl?!” Marie was having a breakdown looking at an injured Ryuga and Ellie who stood at the door. “WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TWO GO FOR THE LAST 3 DAYS?!”

“I will tell you everything Marie…Just calm down.” Ryuga says with a nervous smile. “You better do!” Marie says to Ryuga. “Yes, yes, that’s what I plan to do.” Ryuga looks back at Ellie, “Ellie, go sit in the living room. I am going to go talk with Marie.” Ryuga says with a smile. Ellie nods. Marie nudges Kirio, “What?” Kirio looks at Marie all annoyed. “Is that girl Ryuga’s girlfriend?” Marie asks Kirio. “I don’t know but I am sure that Jau and Ryuga like each other.” Kirio says with a smile. Marie looked quite sad, “I see…”


Marie, Kirio, and Ryuga all sit together near the dinner table while Ellie sits in the living room. “So…You are telling me that you fought Alucard…That’s how you got injured?” Marie looked quite annoyed. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” Marie angrily slams the table. “I told you…It was a bad idea to tell this Gorilla anything…” Kirio says to Ryuga.

“Both of you are idiots, you guys are the literal definition of idiots.” Marie says with a sad smile. “Oi, oi-“ Before Kirio could speak anything, Ryuga pulls his hand out and stops Kirio from speaking. “Kirio, you are careless and trust people way too easily.” Marie says. “What’s she on about?” Kirio whispers to himself.

“Ryuga, you are weak…You should know that better than anyone. You can’t protect people, in fact, just a few weeks ago, you were brutally injured and almost died. As much as I hate to say this but could you stop being Kirio’s friends. This is a request from me to you.” Marie says. Kirio slams the dinner table and stands up, “YOU GORILLA WOMAN! WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?! DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE GLAD THAT RYUGA IS MY FRIEND?! SO WHAT’S WITH THIS SUDDEN CHANGE OF TONE TOWARDS RYUGA?!” Kirio angrily questions Marie. Even Marie slammed the dinner table and started screaming at Ryuga, “THIS ONLY SO THAT YOU COULD DO BETTER IN LIFE! IT’S SO THAT YOU CAN’T LIVE THE SAME TYPE OF LIFE I HAVE!” Marie looked really angry. “WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT YOU GORILLA WOMAN?! WHAT LIFE ARE YOU SPEAKING OF?!” Kirio screams. “Don’t you UNDERSTAND?! Ryuga is someone who if fated to be alone…Anyone who stays near him, always suffers.” Marie says to Kirio as she looks at Ryuga. “What are you saying? Have you lost it? Is it because Ryuga was the reason you had to kill your boyfriend?! Are you really going to bring it up now, after all those years?!” Kirio looked quite annoyed. “So you knew…” Marie held her left hand. “Of course I knew! I always knew…That you hated Ryuga. You just grew close to him so that someday you would take your revenge on him for what happened back then.” Kirio says.


Ryuga sighed. “I guess this place is not suitable for Ellie…” Ryuga says with a sad smile. Ryuga gets up and starts walking away. “Ryuga! Wait!” Kirio tries to stop Ryuga. Ryuga stops and looks at Kirio. “You know…I am sorry for the things my sister said. She’s just not in the right mind.” Kirio tries to apologize to Ryuga. “Why are you apologizing? I always knew…This day would come.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Ryuga…” Kirio looked at Ryuga with a sad face. “Let’s go, Ellie. We are going.” Ryuga walks out of the house along with Ellie.

Kirio clenched his fist and smashed it on the wall nearby, “Why did you do that?!” Kirio asked Marie. “Ryuga was the reason I had to kill him…” Marie says to Kirio. “In that way, shouldn’t I be the one who should hate you as well? After all, you were the reason I had to kill a friend.” Kirio says to Marie in a cold tone. Marie looked quite shocked. “Don’t be surprised. I would never hate you. After all, you raised me. But that doesn’t mean I will stop being Ryuga’s friend and someday, I guess, you will also become a friend of his.” Kirio says with a smile as walks back to his room. “That’s the first time…You haven’t rebelled…” Marie looked quite surprised. “That’s because I know Ryuga and I know you…I know that if I left this house angrily, Ryuga would fucking grind me. I don’t want that. You might not care about him but he cares about you.” Kirio says with a smile as walks in his room. Marie stares at the empty wall without uttering a wall.


Ellie followed Ryuga and as they walked Ellie realized something. “You know, you shouldn’t cry.” Ellie says. “I am not crying.” Ryuga says as there are few drops of tears falling down his cheeks. Ellie sighs, “One can clearly see that you are crying. I thought you were strong but here you are a crybaby.” Ellie says as she chuckles. “I am not crying! It’s just the air is polluting my eyes!” Ryuga tries to rebel. Ellie chuckles. She soon stops, “You know, I heard everything. Those two siblings were shouting everything so loudly…I could hear everything.” Ellie sighs. “I really hate people like her. Blaming others for what they have done.” Ellie sighs. “You have some weird girls in your life, Ryuga.” Ellie says to Ryuga. “Eh? What’s that supposed to mean?” Ryuga looks confused while tears are going down his cheeks.

“I mean, you got a bitchy crazy Ex-girlfriend who pretends to be a possessive girlfriend even though you two broke up. There is this girl who hates you but still somehow didn’t show that she hates you for I don’t know how many years. There is Jau-Unfurn, she straight-up shows that you are her property and whoever hurts you will heavily pay for it. She would even protect you with all her life but she wouldn’t say it upfront and then there is me, a Princess whom you rescued from being executed even though I used to call you a peasant all those years ago. You still remembered our promise…” Ellie said with a smile.

“I haven’t been able to say this to you properly but, thank you Ryuga.” Ellie says as she blushes and looks away. Ryuga pats Ellie’s head, “I would save you over and over again if necessary. That’s because I promised to save you.” Ryuga says with a smile. Ellie blushes. “So, am I staying with you?” Ellie asks Ryuga. “Marie’s place was a total flop plan and I can’t have you stay with me.” Ryuga says as he thinks. “You are kidding me…Come on, I will convince your mother.” Ellie tries to convince Ryuga. “My mother would first kill me with her sandal then she will kill me with table fan then with a plate, a fork, a kitchen knife and she will keep on killing me with household items until I won’t be able to come back from the depths of hell. So nope, I am not going to have you stay at my house.” Ryuga explains. Ellie looks at Ryuga with a disappointed face.

“Anyways, I do have a place I think.” Ryuga says. “Is it going to be like the sibling place again?” Ellie asks. “Nope, she is a much better person than those siblings…I think.” Ryuga says. “What do you mean by you think?!” Ellie looks quite annoyed. “Let’s go first and meet her though. If she doesn’t take you in, I will take you then. After all, I will have no choice remaining.” Ryuga says. “Fine, fine, let’s go really quickly.” Ellie says as she pushes Ryuga in a hurry.


Ellie and Ryuga both stand in front of a classic Japanese stylized house. “I just want to ask, have we come to the right place?” Ellie asks Ryuga. “Yeah, I think so.” Ryuga says as he sees the name on the board. “The name on the board says Hojo family though…” Ryuga looks a little confused. “A doorbell somewhere?” Ryuga searches for a doorbell but he finds none. After trying to find the doorbell and not finding it, Ryuga sighs. “Fine, let’s do this the old way.” Ryuga says as he knocks on the door.

Both Ryuga and Ellie wait for someone to come open the door. “Who is it this early in the morning?!” A familiar face yawns as she opens the door for Ryuga and Ellie. “It’s not early morning, it’s like 10:00 right now.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Ryuga…” The familiar figure says.

“Yo! Airi!”

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