《Ghost World Academia》39-Rescue!


Alucard smirks, “So the rumors are true.” Alucard says. “What rumors?” Lucifer looked quite confused. “I am not talking to you. I am talking to that Cat God over there.” Alucard says to Alicia The Neko God. The Neko God takes a deep breath. “What is he talking about, Alicia?” Lucifer asks Alicia. “The thing about us Catpeople is that just like you demons, whoever knows our true name takes control of us. The only difference is, we stay loyal to our first master. As a symbol of loyalty, a mark appears on our body.” Alicia shows a mark that appeared just above her breast. “If we ever disobey our Master, the mark punishes us depending on how much angry our Master is on us and if our Master is in danger, our cat instincts activate and we arrive to our Master’s aid.” Alicia explains,

“What if your Master dies?” Lucifer asks the Neko God. “We perish along with them.” The Neko God replies. Lucifer sighs, “I think you don’t want to start a war against the Cat people, right Alucard-“ Alucard brushed past Lucifer and was about to kill Ryuga. That he got kicked but that didn’t send him flying. In fact, he just stood there and blocked the kick. “Fucking Mearid!” Alucard looked angrily at The Chief of Ogres. Lucifer and the others were going to attack Alucard. That’s when Mearid stopped others by saying, “Stay behind! Since I bought that kid here, he is my responsibility. So let me fight the King of all Vampires.” The Ogre chief said.

“You think that you can take on me, The Great Alucard?! The one being that is feared by even the fiercest of species?!” Alucard looked down on Mearid but Mearid smiled and said, “I, The Chief of all Ogres do not think that I can beat you but, what’s in it to try? After all, if I don’t try, someone precious to our little Jau might die.” Jau who heard that blushed and screamed, “UNCLE MEARID!” Alicia The Ogre looked over them and chuckled. “Uncle Mearid, win this for us.”


Mearid calmly takes a fighting stance. Normally, he would wield a spear but it seems that he isn’t wielding that either. “You seriously are going to live this to the Chief of Ogres?” Bin asks Lucifer. “He might be someone with very low mana capacity but that man is no less than a genius.” Lucifer says with a smile. “You should know better than anyone. Whenever our Lord is angry, there is no one in this world to stop him…” Bin says to Lucifer. “There are actually three people who can stop him.” Lucifer smiles. “Who?” Bin asks. “One is the most powerful Hero to ever exist, Madman, and the other two are his wives.” Lucifer says with a smile. “HUH?! Are you dumb or something? Whatever you say does not make any sense.” Bin looks quite flustered.

Mearid rushes in to fight to punch Alucard. Alucard replies with his own punch. Their punch is so strong that it causes a massive shockwave. “RYUGA!” That’s where The Ogre Alicia’s attention first went. Lucifer picked up Ryuga over her petite body. “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! THIS GUY IS HEAVIER THAN MADMAN!” Lucifer quickly brings Ryuga near Alicia The Neko God and the others and takes a breather. “Was he heavy?!” The Neko God asks. “Heavy?! That guy was a fucking bull!” Lucifer said in an angry tone.



Punches, kicks, even head-butts. Both Mearid and Alucard were using every physical attack in the world possible but either wasn’t using their limiter ability, second key, or even magic. It was mostly because both of them understood that it might cause massive destruction around them if either uses their limiter ability. They kept on attacking each other and causing earthquakes and massive shockwaves around them but neither one wasn’t cracking.

“They are both strong…” Kil says. “That’s how it should be. After all, they are both leaders of their respective species. So, it should be obvious that both of them would be super strong.” Isa says to Kil.

Both Mearid and Alucard exchange blows. Their strength exceeds that of a normal person and also they deal damage to each other to a great extent. Their normal punches cause bleeding. Alucard’s cheeks are bleeding while Mearid’s nose is bleeding.

While both Mearid and Alucard are fighting, Ryuga awakens. He coughs. “Ryuga!” Alicia the Ogre flies over Ryuga and looks quite concerned about his condition. “It seems you are awake.” Alicia the Neko god says. “Sorry, I caused quite some situation…” Ryuga says. “It’s alright, The Chief of Ogres is taking care of it.” Alicia the Neko God says to Ryuga.

“Mearid-Unfurn?!” Ryuga looks at the battle where Mearid and Alucard both are pretty badly beat. Ryuga gets up on both his feet. “I have to stop them.” Ryuga says. “Let the adults handle this, a kid like you can’t put an end to this.” Alicia the Neko God asks Ryuga to stay where he is. Ryuga smiles, “Even adults won’t reach an acceptable result. If I don’t stop them now, there will be a war and that war will lead to destruction.” Ryuga says. “You…What are you planning, Boi?!” Alicia who never showed any emotions up until now suddenly looked shocked. “Ryuga…I have a bad feeling about this…” Even Alicia The Ogre looked quite surprised.

Ryuga takes a deep breath as he walks between Mearid and Alucard. “Ryuga?!” Kil looked surprised. “What are you planning to do now, kid?” Lucifer looked a little concerned. “RYUGA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Jau was shocked as well as concerned. “Ryuga…” Ellie held her hands close to her chest.

“What are you doing here, kid?! This battle is still not over!” Mearid says to Ryuga. He looked quite angry at Ryuga. “Ryuga Aragi…What do you plan on doing, now?” Alucard asked Ryuga.

Ryuga walked up to Alucard with a smile, “You are Alucard, the ruler of this Vampire Land, aren’t you?” Ryuga asked Alucard. “What if I am?” Alucard looked angrily at Ryuga. “A ruler indeed you are. Trying to kill your own daughter and when her friends tried to save her, you even tried to kill them. You invited people here to show your own power to them. You wanted to show them that they are inferior to you. You wanted them to see that once your daughter dies, you will become the almighty being. You will be the strongest in the world. All because you thought that humans should never be stronger than you. Just because you thought that you aren’t strong, you decided to kill the one who is your own blood.” Ryuga smirked, “You know, what that means? You are nothing but a coward.”

The moment Ryuga called Alucard a coward, every vampire surrounded him. That included even Ellie and both of Alucard’s wives. “How dare you call my lord a coward?!” An angry Bin held her nails next to Ryuga’s neck. “Even if you are madman’s son, this is something I can’t overlook.” Erina stands right behind Ryuga with a cold look on her face. “My father might be many things, but, he isn’t a coward!” Even Ellie had her nails near Ryuga’s neck from the opposite of Bin’s side.


“Ryuga Aragi, you are in my territory. So you better watch your mouth before spurting out nonsense.” Alucard says to Ryuga. “You said things that you shouldn’t say. Things that go against my principle. Me? Afraid of humans? Don’t you ever dare think that I am afraid of you humans! I was the one who commanded everyone during our war against the humans of this world! Do you think that me, who commanded all those people in the war would ever be a coward?!” Alucard questioned Ryuga.

(Tsch! This is bad, I thought that at least if Alucard realized that there are people who cared about him. He would give up fighting us but this guy…He is too obsessed with killing me. Why though? Why does he want to kill me so badly?!)

“I don’t believe that you have obligations if I kill him Ryuga Aragi, do you?” Alucard looks at Erina and Ellie. “I don’t.” Erina says. “I don’t either…” Ellie says with a sad face. “Tsch!” Ryuga looked quite irritated.

“So this is where I will put an end to y……………o…………...u……………………”

Suddenly, everyone stopped moving and Ryuga looked confused. “What the hell?! What’s happening here?!” Ryuga got even more confused.

“Jeez, just in time for my employer.” A slender figure landed in the middle of everything. He wore a silver hoodie and hid his whole face under a black mask that looked robotically engineered. He also wore a pair of black gloves and tight black pants which had a silver lining from the side. Along with that, he wore white canvas boots. He had a pretty cheerful voice.

“Who are…you?” Ryuga asked the masked rescuer. “I am a mercenary who was asked to save you. The name is Kronos.” The masked rescuer walks to Ryuga while everyone is stuck in the same position. “You see, right now, it’s you and me. We both, we are the ones who can move. It’s because of my Limiter Ability. Time Stop. It stops time on my command.” Kronos explains. “Why did time not stop for me?” Ryuga asked. “It’s because I wanted to talk to you. That’s why I couldn’t stop your time.” Kronos says in a cheerful tone.

“What is it that you want to talk about?” Ryuga asked Kronos. Kronos pulls out a notebook and opens it, “My employer, they said something to you, “You cannot defeat Alucard yet. That is why you need to back off. This time I am sending a mercenary to help you and your friends escape but next time, you better be strong enough to defeat Alucard, or else, you will die.” That’s all that the note said.” After hearing out Kronos, Ryuga got curious. “Who was the………” Ryuga got stuck

“Sorry, I know you were gonna ask me about my employer but that’s not happening. I don’t give away the names of my client.” Kronos clicks on a button to open up the mask which exposes a female's voice. “Ryuga Aragi huh? You are going to grow strong, aren’t you? I want to see how much stronger you can get. I want you to defeat me, Ryuga. The tournament is coming up, so, I hope that you won’t disappoint me.” The girl clicks the button again closing off her mask. “Time to get you out of here, Ryuga Aragi.”


Suddenly, Ryuga, Jau, Alicia, Mearid, Ellie, Lucifer, Kirio, Gordon, Clayton, and Isa all get transported to The Ogre’s village all on top of each other. “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”

Kirio holds his back as if it got hurt. “What the heck?! Weren’t we in Vampire Land?!” Kirio looked confused. “Something strange happened…” Lucifer looked at Ryuga who was sitting in the field looking at the sun. “I am…Not in Vampire Land?” Ellie looked quite confused as well.

“What in the world happened?!” Even Alicia who is a Spirit looked confused. Alicia the Neko God looked at Ryuga who was looking at the sun. “Something happened, otherwise, there was no way that we got teleported out of there…” Alicia the Neko God says to Ryuga. “You are a god of all Neko Clans, right?” Ryuga asks Alicia the Neko God. She nods. “So tell me, can it be possible to stop time?” Ryuga asks The Neko God. Her eyes widen. “That would be…The most powerful ability to exist…” The Neko God says.

“What would happen if the Illuminati held such a powerful ability?” Ryuga asked The Neko God. “Ryuga?! What are you saying, Ryuga?! Illuminati holding a powerful ability?! Which ability?!” Alicia the Ogre anxiously flew around Ryuga. “They would be invincible.” The Neko God says to Ryuga. Ryuga sighs. “That is quite…Troublesome.” Ryuga says with a smile.


Ellie and everyone else sat in the middle of the Ogre village talking about fun stuff. Ryuga walked in after his conversation with Alicia the Neko God. “Seriously, you are going to hide things from me, Ryuga?” Alicia the Ogre looked sad. “Just like how you have your secrets, I have my secrets as well.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Wha-“ Alicia the Ogre looked shocked by Ryuga’s comment.

“Ryuga…” Ellie looks the other way from Ryuga. “What’s the matter? What’s with that gloomy look?” Ryuga asked Ellie. “It’s just that…I attacked you…You might be quite angry.” Ellie blushed and looked the other way. Ryuga sighs. “I am not angry.” Ryuga says. “REALLY?!” Ellie's face enlightened. Jau looked like her horn was about to explode. So, to control the situation, Kirio changed the topic, “By the way, how did we get out of here, Ryuga?” Kirio asked Ryuga. Ryuga remembered who he thought was a man in the hoodie who saved them. Ryuga sighed, “Some helped arrived and saved us.” Ryuga says. Lucifer didn’t like that Ryuga was so bland about the situation and gave Ryuga a glare.

“Anyways…I can’t go back to my Vampire Land. I will need to find a place to stay. So, until then, can you keep me at your place, Ryuga?!” Ellie gave Ryuga a wide smile. “Nope!” Ryuga straight up denied. “Eh?!” Ellie looked really sad with Ryuga’s denial to stay together. “I have a place where you can stay.” Ryuga says. Once again, Jau looked like her horn was about to explode from jealousy and once again, Kirio tries to change to a topic, “Ryuga, Jau, I have something I need to talk to you two, can you two come meet me at Jau-Unfurn’s place later on?” Kirio asked both Ryuga and Jau. Both looked confused. “Sure.” They both nodded.


In the Vampire Lands, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Alucard is so frustrated that he continuously hits the wall of his room. “First Madman and now that son…THE FUCKING ARAGI FAMILY LINE! I will kill them…I WILL KILL THEM ALL!” Alucard declared as he looked quite angry to a point where it looked like his veins were going to pop out. “My lord…” Erina looked quite sad.


Both Jau and Ryuga arrived at Jau’s place as Kirio had asked them to. Alicia isn’t here, she said to Ryuga, “I need to go check something.” And she left. “Ryuga…” Jau looked quite angry and her cheeks were all puffed. “What’s with you?” Ryuga looked confused. He thought he did something. “You’re an idiot.” Jau says as she looks away. “What?” Ryuga is even more confused. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?” Jau asked Ryuga. “About what?” Ryuga asked Jau. “About what we went through!” Jau angrily moved her face close to Ryuga’s. “She’s so close that I can see her cleavage!” That’s what Ryuga thought. “You are an idiot! Not even understanding how others feel and just doing whatever you want…” Jau says to Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs, “So that’s what it is about.” Ryuga whispers. “Listen Jau, I just…Didn’t want to put you guys in danger.” Ryuga says. “Mostly just because I didn’t want to be saved by anyone…But there is always someone out there, saving me…” Ryuga gave a sad smile. “You seriously are an idiot.” Jau says in a disappointed tone. “What?” Ryuga looked quite confused. “Of course we will save you, every single time…At least I will. That’s because you gave me a reason to keep on fighting. You gave me a reason to keep on smiling. You were the one who told me that you will solve my sister’s case for me. You told me that you will be my friend and you believed in me…When the whole world didn’t believe in what I was saying.”

Jau had a sad smile as she spoke, “You know Ryuga, that day 4 months ago when you asked me who Alicia was…I had crumbled…I had thought that the person who believed in me also forgot about everything. But, you remembered…You remembered everything and came to save me. You even begged Ryan Arkwet to spare my life. You gave up your pride and honor for me. When you do all of those things for me, why would I let you go into danger alone when I know that the person that is most important to me in my life will be in danger?!” Jau screamed at Ryuga.

Ryuga looked into Jau’s eyes and asked her, “Jau…By any chance…Do you…Are you in love with me?” Ryuga asks Jau. Jau’s face turns red like a tomato and she starts to steam up. “Wha-Wha-Wh-Wha-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOU IDIOT?!” Jau slaps Ryuga in his face. “OUCH! How am I an idiot?! You were the one talking like you are in love with me!” Ryuga rebelled.

“Umm…What are you two doing?” Kirio asked Ryuga and Jau as he entered Jau’s place. “Eh?” Ryuga and Jau both looked at Kirio and readjusted the way they sat. “Pfft!” Kirio chuckled. “What are you laughing at?” Ryuga asks Kirio. “Did…Did Jau-Unfurn slap you?” Kirio couldn’t contain his laughter for long as he saw a massive red strike of palms and fingers on Ryuga’s right cheek. “Shut up and come in.” Ryuga looked like he was about to kill Kirio. Kirio felt the chill. He stopped laughing and sat in front of Ryuga without arguing much.


Kronos slowly walked towards a familiar figure in a parking garage with their mask off, “Just like you asked, I saved Ryuga Aragi. But what is it that you want to do…Ryan Arkwet?” Kronos asked the familiar figure. “It’s not like you to save your enemy.” Kronos says to Ryan. Ryan smirks, “Ryuga Aragi, he is a valuable asset to me. He is someone I can’t have killed just yet. For us of the Shadow Sins, he will be quite important. First, we break him then, we get him on our side and once all of them are done, we have him fight against his own friends. It’s either he kills his own friends or he gets killed by them but more importantly, he needs to take down Illuminati.” Ryan says with an evil smile.

Kronos sighs, “And here I thought I would have had a chance to fight him.” Kronos says. “You have taken quite a liking to him. May I ask why? Is it because he is strong?” Ryan asks Kronos. “Nah, he isn’t strong. But he is quite an interesting person. He is someone I have been searching for my whole life. Someone who can beat me.” Kronos says and it looks like he was smiling under his mask. “Wait, wouldn’t that mean he is strong?” Ryan asks with a confused tone. “Nah, it wouldn’t. I am not someone who can be beaten by strength.” Kronos says. “So, what is the key to beating you?” Ryan asks Kronos. “Trying to be clever huh? I don’t have an answer for that yet, Ryan. But I can promise you one thing, that boy won’t break by your plans. That’s because, that boy has a far superior mental strength than anyone I have ever seen and even if he breaks, he has surrounded himself with some crazy people.” Kronos says.

“We can’t know until we try.” Ryan says to Kronos. “You won’t succeed but I will try your trick for you.” Kronos says as he walks away. “What makes you say that?” Ryan asks Kronos. “That’s because I am the Mercenary called Kronos. A Titan Rank Hero and also, I am a mercenary that can kick just anyone’s ass except for that one person.” Kronos walks away from the parking garage. Ryan Arkwet has a chuckle, “That person, she is just too good to argue with.” He suddenly gives an evil smirk, “But Ryuga, you are a different case.” He opens up he’s car’s back deck and pulls up a laptop out of it. He starts playing a video on it. The video of when Ryuga was fighting Akuma in his costume, “I never thought you would be that strong. We of the Shadow Sins definitely need you for our greater purpose.” Ryan smirks.


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