《Ghost World Academia》36-Untouchable Dust


Outside the mansion, “Ryuga is in a weakened state, I don’t know if he can win against Dust or not.” Lucifer looks quite concerned. On the other hand, Alucard was thinking about something else, “Even if I don’t win I don’t care…That human…He must be disposed of. If he stays alive, he might surpass every single being in this universe.” Alucard looked quite scared. “Dust…You better kill him.” Alucard whispers.

Inside the mansion, Ryuga stood in front of Ellie and was ready to face Dust. “Ryuga…Please, be careful.” Ellie says. Ryuga looks at Ellie. “He the second strongest person in the land of the Vampire after our father and-“ Ryuga smiles and interrupts Ellie. “Leave it to me, Ellie. Just wait and watch, as I win and save your ass out of here.” Ryuga says with a smile. Ellie chuckles, “You are as confident as ever.” Ellie says with a smile. “Well, I need to be confident, or else how the hell would I face my assistant?” Ryuga asks Ellie with a smile. “You are an idiot.” Ellie says. “If I am not an idiot, I wouldn’t have made a promise to save you all those years back.” Ryuga says to Ellie.

“Jeez, you two are seriously making me not fight you. You know as bad as the situation seems, I don’t like breaking up lovely couples.” Dust looks really disappointed. “WE ARE NOT A COUPLE, BROTHER!” Ellie angrily screams at Dust. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Dust sighs. “Ryuga, it would be wise to send Ellie with Sis Jau and the others. I can sense this guy and he is not normal by any means, I can say that to you.” Alicia says to Ryuga. Ryuga nods.

“Your name?” Ryuga asks Dust. “It’s Dust.” Dust says to Ryuga. “Will it be alright if I send Ellie down with Jau and the others?” Ryuga asks Dust. Dust sighs, “Do whatever you want, I just want to fight you since you are strong.” Dust smiles. “Alright.” Ryuga turns around to Ellie. “Hey Ellie, let Jau and the others escort you.” Ryuga starts stretching. “I will fight here.” Ryuga says to Ellie. “But Ryuga-“ Ryuga cuts off Ellie and looks back at her, “Please, I won’t be able to battle at my full strength with you here.” Ryuga says to Ellie. Ellie nods. “You better be careful, Ryuga…” Ellie says as she starts walking down. “Now then, she is gone, let’s begin.” Ryuga says to Dust. “You have kept me waiting for way too long, you better be sure to entertain me!” Dust smirks.


“Jau! Little Jau! Wake up Little Jau!” Jau who was injured slowly opens her eyes. She finds Mearid who was constantly patting her face to wake her up. “Mearid-Unfurn?! Where is Ryuga?!” Jau asks Mearid. “When I got here, you were the only one here.” Mearid says to Jau. “Little Jau, that scar on your stomach is visible. You better cover it up.” Mearid says to Jau. Jau looks at her stomach which had an old scar. It was like something had cut down her stomach. She quickly covers it with a piece of cloth that Mearid tears from his cloth.


“That’s not the issue here Mearid-Unfurn…I remember I died. Did Ryuga…Did he do something crazy again?!” Jau looked confused and shocked. Jau looked at the body of water floating over the water. “That guy…Who killed him?” Jau asked Mearid. “I am guessing it was Ryuga.” Mearid answered. “There is no way it was Ryuga. I mean, with Ryuga’s strength…Even if he trained hard he couldn’t have defeated that guy. He was someone who had unlocked the second key, I can be sure of that!” Jau is in disbelieve that Ryuga could have the strength to kill someone as well as heal her. “Ryuga’s strength? That young boy’s mana capacity is far beyond anyone can imagine. That’s one thing you can be sure of.” Mearid says to Jau. “Umm…” Jau looks confused.

“Umm…Who are you?” Ellie who just climbed down the stairs asks Jau and Mearid. “You are Ellie Norvich, right? The vampire that Ryuga wanted to save?” Jau gets up and asks Ellie. “Yeah…You are the second year, Shiezel Jau, right? I heard you were quite a famous rookie hero. It’s a surprise to see you here.” Ellie says to Jau. “Am I? I don’t know. But what I know is, Ryuga is fighting up there and I need to go and help him.” Jau starts to quickly walk by Ellie’s side. Ellie nods.

Mearid stops Jau by holding her shoulder. “What’s the matter, Mearid-Unfurn?” Jau asks Mearid. “Don’t you understand? That boy, he has given us a task. The task to escort this girl out of the castle safe and sound.” Mearid says to Jau. “You do that, I will go help Ryuga-“ Mearid tightens his grip on Jau. “Mearid-Unfurn?!” Jau looked quite confused. “I know that you are concerned about that boy, little Jau. But he has given us this task. If we don’t complete this task that means, we don’t trust that boy even a little bit.” Mearid says to Jau. “What do you mean by that, sir?” Ellie asks Mearid. “What I mean is quite simple. You are that boy’s trust in us. He sent you here and that means he is trying to say to us, “take this girl out of here safely and leave the main boss to me.” Do you understand now, young vampire? Don’t underestimate Ryuga Aragi, I don’t know what magic he used but that man…He isn’t as weak as he used to be. So you can trust him this once.” Mearid says to Ellie and Jau. “Tsch! Only this once.” Jau says as she walks away from the stairs that leads upstairs. “But, if I feel Ryuga’s mana getting weak, I will instantly run back here.” Jau says. Ellie nods as well. “Alright, let’s get going now.” Mearid says as he leads both Ellie and Jau downstairs.



On the highest floor, both Ryuga and Dust have taken their fighting stance. Before getting into a fight, Ryuga takes a deep breath. “You can win this, Ryuga!” Alicia says with her supporting flags. The situation was so tense that even a small drop of sweat could be seen by everyone outside the mansion. Even people outside the mansion were looking at Ryuga and Dust with their whole concentration. Everyone had their eyes on the big mouth that spoke so much about saving the Princess. They wanted to know whether he had it what it took to save the Princess. The time had stopped for everyone and that’s exactly when…

Dust suddenly appeared in front of Ryuga, “He’s fast!” Ryuga realized that Dust outsped him when it came to agility and so he blocked his face where Dust went to kick him. Dust’s kick sent him flying into a wall. “RYUGA!” Alicia screamed out of concern. “Shit…I didn’t realize he was able to go at that speed.” Ryuga says as he gets up from all the blocks of bricks on him. Alicia gives a sigh of relief, “Thank god he's alright…” Alicia says after giving a sigh of relief. “Hehe…That’s what I am talking about, you can take my kick.” Dust says to Ryuga. Ryuga sighs, “It’s just a kick dude.” Ryuga says as he cleans off the dust on his clothes. Ryuga’s face is a little bruised from that kick but nothing much.

Outside the mansion, “For normal people, it’s just a kick but for us, it’s not a normal kick.” One of the guests at the party says. “Yeah, most of Sir Dust’s fights are over in one punch or one kick so we don’t get to see Sir Dust in action that many times.” Another guest at the party says. “Be careful Ryuga Aragi, this fight might not be that simple.” Lucifer looked quite concerned.

Inside the mansion, on the highest floor, “So, if you aren’t all down, want to go another round?” Dust asks Ryuga. Ryuga sighs, “Sure.” Ryuga takes his stance. “By the way, I am not even using my whole power yet.” Dust says to Ryuga as he suddenly appears in front of Ryuga. “Me too.” Ryuga says to Dust keeps his palm on Dust’s chest. “Water chain!” Suddenly, a chain that is made out of water ties Dust in his place. “THAT’S IT RYUGA! THAT WAS AWESOME!” Alicia liked it.

Outside the mansion, “No way…He just used magic without even chanting the full spell…” Kil looked surprised. “What’s there to be surprised? He already has such a massive mana capacity. I will not be surprised if he knows a few spells which he can cast without casting spells.” Alicia the Neko God says. “R-right…” Kil looked really scared of Alicia.

Inside the mansion, On the highest floor, “Wow, you seriously are awesome. Not even chanting a spell and casting magic. That’s a rarity.” Dust smirks. “There is something that you didn’t know though.” Dust says to Ryuga with an evil smile. Ryuga felt something bad was coming.

Outside the mansion, “Oh boy…I have a bad feeling about this.” Isa says. “Yeah, it feels like either his Limiter ability or the Second Key is coming.” Lucifer says. Bin smirks, “Lucifer, you are about to lose your bet after you see what my boy’s ability is.” Bin says to Lucifer. “Now I have a seriously bad feeling about this…” Lucifer says to Isa.

Inside the mansion, On the highest floor, “What is that I don’t know about?” Ryuga asks Dust as he sweats. “It’s about my Limiter ability. Oh right, I am sorry, I remembered you don’t have a Limiter Ability, unlike the others.” Dust says to Ryuga. “That is what will be your downfall.” Dust says with a smirk as the water chain that Ryuga all got sucked inside Dust’s chest. “What the hell?!” Alicia looked as confused as ever. Ryuga didn’t lose his calm.

“Did you guess, what my Limiter Ability is Ryuga?” Dust asks Ryuga. Ryuga sighs as he takes a fighting stance. “The ability to absorb magic…” Ryuga says. “WHAT?!” Alicia looked even more confused. “That’s your worst enemy Ryuga, if he can absorb magic, you have no chance against him since you’re a mage…” Alicia looked quite anxious. “If what he says is true…He is invincible against you…Your chances to defeat him might be, next to 1 percent, what should we do?!” Alicia looked to be getting anxious continuously. Ryuga sighs, “This is…Quite a troubling situation.”


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