《Ghost World Academia》33-Fire And Thunder!


Inside the mansion, on the first floor, “Clayton, I have an idea…But I need your help to execute it.” Kirio says to Clayton. “I didn’t think you were the intelligent type.” Clayton points out. “I know, I know, I am dumb but listen. You said something about an attack so strong that his regen can stop. Does that mean that his regen consumes mana?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Wow, you actually aren’t as dumb as I thought you were.” Clayton looked surprised at Kirio’s read on the situation. Kirio looked quite annoyed by Clayton’s comments, “For the last time, would you stop saying that I am dumb?!”

“Found you!” Gabriel appears with his bow pointed right in Kirio and Clayton’s face. “Run!” Clayton screams and both Kirio and Clayton get away from the bow’s light that it shoots. “Bloody face is really going at it!” Kirio says to Clayton as both of them run in a similar direction. “We can’t do much like this! What’s that plan you had?!” Clayton asks Kirio.

“Have you heard about duo magic, trio magic, and party magic?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Yeah, duo magic is when two mages combine their magic to create a stronger magic, the trio is when three mages combine their magic and party is when four or more mages combine their magic to create and use a stronger magic.” Clayton says. “How do you know about it?” Clayton asks. “My sis, she uses magic as well. She explained that to me about a year or so ago when she was training me.” Kirio answered Clayton. “I see…”

Another sharp light passes by Kirio and Clayton. Clayton realizes that Kirio might get seriously injured so he switches places with Kirio, “Woh, what the heck?!” Kirio looked surprised as Clayton’s arm gets grazed by the light. “Tsch!” Clayton and Kirio both stop right at the entrance door. “Tired of running? Are you ready to die?” Gabriel asks with an elegant smile.


“Kirio Dakai, what is your plan?” Clayton asks Kirio. Kirio looks at Clayton’s right arm which is bleeding heavily, “Can you use magic?” Kirio asks Clayton. “I have in about 900 mana left in reserve. I can use it all in the next attack if you want.” Clayton says. “That’s exactly what I want to do because we are going to use a duo attack but instead, I will be using my limiter ability and you use your magic.” Kirio says to Clayton. “I see what you are planning. They already have a name for a limiter and magic combination. It’s called, combination duo.” Clayton says to Kirio. Kirio smirks, “Let’s use this combination duo thingy then.” Kirio raises his arm and Clayton starts forming fire in his left uninjured arm.

“I never thought that you could do that but if you two can do that…I have to end you right now.” Gabriel pulls his bow’s string readying another attack. “Let’s get this over with already, the audience might be getting bored of our fight.” Kirio smirks as he readies his lightning. “Thunderball!” A blue ball of lightning appears in Kirio’s left arm. “You ready?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Whenever you are.” Clayton says to Kirio.

Both Kirio and Clayton join hands. “FLAME MAGIC: FLAMING FIREBALL!” Clayton launches his attack along with Kirio, “LIMITER ABILITY: THUNDERBALL!” Both Kirio and Clayton launch their attack together which pierces right through the light that was fired towards them and straight through the heart of the angel Gabriel who stood there in awe. Even people outside the mansion stood in awe as they saw the combination duo work out. Gabriel stopped operating at that very moment they pierced his heart.

“That guy was…Pretty strong…” Clayton fell on the ground face first. “Yeah…” Kirio sat on the ground. There was a moment of silence.

Outside the mansion, “WHAT?! HOW DID THEY DEFEAT GABRIEL?! HE WAS A FUCKING ANGEL! SO HOW DID THEY KILL HIM?!” Bin seems to be on a rampage. “It’s a surprise indeed but that kid with the ability to form and use thunder…He is strong. The reason why he couldn’t defeat Gabriel early on was that he underestimated him and never fought him with his full strength or else, the fight between him and Gabriel would have been a close one.” Alucard comments. “I agree, even now, the demon only uses 900 of his mana when executing his flaming fireball but Kirio used almost 3000 mana when launching his thunder ball. He is quite a strong kid with a bright future.” In the end, Lucifer bragged about her student.



Inside the mansion, on the first floor, Kester is unconscious and Gabriel was killed. Kirio sits near Clayton, “Hey, that guy was quite strong. Do you think, Ryuga and the others stand a chance against people on the upper floor?” Kirio asks Clayton who is down on the floor face first. “You realize, don’t you? Those two Ogres are much stronger than both of us. As for Ryuga, I don’t…His mana was lower than me but something tells me that Ryuga will definitely win.” Clayton says as tries to rest with his eyes closed.

Kirio takes a deep breath, “Since we both have used up a lot of mana, will it be alright if I ask you a question while we recover?” Clayton asks Kirio. “Shoot away.” Kirio says to Clayton. “I heard that you killed a human back in your world, is the rumor true?” Clayton asked Kirio. “Yeah, I did kill someone in our world.” Kirio replies in a sad tone. “Why?” Clayton asks Kirio. “It was for my sister. If I didn’t kill him, my sister would have been dead.” Kirio replies. “Would you be comfortable telling me about the whole incident?” Clayton asks Kirio. “Nah, but, if someday I am comfortable, I will definitely tell you.” Kirio says to Clayton. “Understood.” Clayton realizes that he shouldn’t push Kirio.

“What about you?” Kirio asks Clayton. “What do you mean?” Clayton asks. “Have you never killed anyone? After all, you are a demon, right?” Kirio asks Clayton. Clayton sighs, “This angel, was my first kill. Before that, I haven’t killed anyone. More like, I couldn’t kill anyone.” Clayton answered Kirio’s question. “Why? Why couldn’t you kill anyone? I thought demons were merciless killing machines.” Kirio asks Clayton as well as shares his thoughts on demons. “That’s because…Maybe someday when I am comfortable I will tell you.” Clayton takes a pause and thinks before he shares his thoughts about telling his past. Kirio smiles.

“Yeah, by the way, you should come by my house sometimes, my sister makes some really good soup. I bet you will like it.” Kirio says to Clayton. “If I get free time, I will be sure to stop by.” Clayton says to Kirio. “How about stopping by Ryuga’s house after my house when you come?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Sure. I don’t mind.” Clayton says with a smile while lying on his belly. Kirio smiles as well.


Floor 1-Clayton And Kirio Won And Recovering.

Kester Miles Is Unconscious And Gabriel Was Killed Floor 2-Empty Floor 3-Gordon Is Fighting Morgan,

He Also Lost His Arm Floor 4-Just As The Kirio, Clayton Battle Ended,

Mearid Has Entered The Battle.

“I will be fighting The Chief of all Ogre Clan. How very interesting.”


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