《Ghost World Academia》32-Deep Trouble


Kirio has recovered his strength thanks to Clayton. Clayton healed all of his wounds while he was fighting Gabriel. Kirio took a deep breath and took a fighting stance ready to fight Gabriel.

(I don’t have much time. I would say at most 5 minutes. Anything over 5 minutes would mean the enhancement that Clayton gave me will vanish and I will lose. So, I have to defeat this guy within 5 minutes.)


Outside the mansion, “That demon is built differently. I mean, I have never seen a demon heal and enhance someone else.” Bin says. “Indeed, demons are supposed to be selfish creatures who only find conditions that are suitable for their own survival.” Kil says. “Hey now, I am a demon too, you know.” Lucifer was annoyed by all the shit-talking that demons were getting.

Inside the mansion, Kirio quickly launches under attack without wasting any time. Gabriel tries to block his face thinking that Kirio would hit his face but instead, Kirio kicks his open abdomen. “Guh!” Gabriel spits out blood. “So even angels spit out blood, huh?” Kirio looked surprised. “Tsch! No time to waste.” Kirio says and runs to knee Gabriel’s face.

Outside the mansion, “That human is not a normal fighter…” Isa says as he observes Kirio’s fighting style. “Of course he isn’t a normal fighter. After all, his sister is part of the police force and they don’t teach you normal fighting in the police force. Even if she wasn’t, that’s Kirio Dakai, a human that is well-respected even within the police force. Someone who even Hiro respects.” Lucifer brags about his student but when she mentioned Hiro’s respect she suddenly became quiet. “Is that so? A respectful human, huh? I never thought that kid would have that kind of reputation.” Isa looked quite surprised. “If only you could come out of the 2D world you live in and see the world with your own eyes, you would know something.” Lucifer mocks Isa. “Lucifer…” Isa was about to give a long speech but that’s when something started happening on the third floor’s broadcast.


Inside the mansion, on the third floor, “Fucking Gordon! You can’t do anything! Anything whatsoever! You are weak and you will stay weak.” Morgan was constantly attacking Gordon with his two axes and Gordon was trying to dodge those axes but he was still getting hit here and there. “Tsch! I need to get some distance. In a close-range fight, he will definitely win against me.” That’s what Gordon thought. “Oh Gordon, you are wide open big brother.”

Gordon tries to jump away from Morgan whose ax was about to chop his head. Morgan swings and Gordon jumps away gaining some distance but…It was at a cost of his arm that went flying across the room. “You have gotten better, little kid.” Gordon smirks.

Outside the mansion, “That vampire who sided with the Ryuga is having a real hard time.” Kil says. “I can’t disagree with that. Right now, Ryuga’s team looks…Quite weak.” Lucifer begins to bite her nail. Lucifer looks to be worried as well as in deep thought, “If Kirio could quickly defeat that angel and go help Gordon…Everything will be fine.” Lucifer thinks. Alucard realizes that Lucifer is getting nervous. He takes a sigh of relief.

Inside the mansion, on the first floor, “Tsch! Not good, I only have a minute and he's still not down.” Kirio looks at a bruised and battered angel in front of him. Gabriel’s whole face is covered dripping blood, bruises, and heavy scratches but it still is not enough to defeat him. He still stands in front of Kirio. “Right, I can still use that.” Kirio whispers to himself.


Kirio raises his hand, “What kind of crazy thing are you planning to do, human?!” Gabriel looked disarrayed. He wasn’t expecting Kirio to have anything else under his sleeve and was ready to ditch it out to see how long Kirio’s enhancement would last. “Last time I used this, it ended someone’s life. Sorry, sis but once again, I will be taking someone’s life…” Kirio smirked, “But this time, it’s for a friend who has put his trust in me.”

Outside the mansion, “What the…What’s that kid’s Limiter ability?!” Isa asks Lucifer. Lucifer smirks and replies, “One of the rarest abilities to ever obtain, the ability to form and control thunder.” Isa’s eyes widen from the surprise he received. The ability to control something is another thing but abilities to form as well as control something is a rarity. It’s so rare that there are only 7 people in the whole world who can form and control something. One of those 7 people is, Kirio Dakai with his ability to form and control thunder.

Inside the mansion, Lightning starts to form around Kirio’s raised arm. “Tsch! I won’t let you!” Kirio absorbs the thunderous lightning in his hand. His hand starts glowing blue from the lightning that he absorbed, “THUNDER PUNCH!” Kirio goes straight to attack Gabriel in hopes to defeat him.

Outside the mansion, the broadcast was covered with the smoke that was created due to the shock and energy that the Thunder Punch had generated. “With that, your angel is down!” Lucifer looked quite happy and excited. “Tsch!” Bin looked annoyed. “That guy definitely got some strong enhancements from the demon.” Isa says with a smile. But there were two people, one who looked quite serious and one who gave an evil smile. “What’s with you Alucard, you seem to be happy that Kirio defeated your angel. That’s not a reaction of someone who’s underling just got annihilated.” Lucifer seems to be a little nervous as she spoke with Alucard.

“Miss Lucifer, I think so you have mistaken. The fight on the first floor is far from over. In fact, I think that you should check the feed again.” Erina advises Lucifer. “Hmm?” Lucifer looks back at the feed.

Inside the mansion, on the first floor, “I thought that I was definitely done for but I guess that god’s luck is with me. I mean, let’s be honest, if your enhancement didn’t run out at that moment, your neck wouldn’t be in my hand now.” Gabriel smiled elegantly with a blood-covered face of injuries while holding Kirio’s neck in his hand and lifting him up.

Outside the mansion, “How unlucky can you be?! You were winning that battle and now you losing even in that battle. Now that you are about to lose that battle, I have another deal for you Lucifer.” Alucard smirked. “If you want those two precious students of yours to survive, become my third wife.” Alucard offered his hand to Lucifer. “Fuck off, I have no interest in shitty vampires like you. In fact, you have no interest in any vampires.” Lucifer straight up rejected Alucard. “Plus, I don’t need to make a deal with you. I know that Ryuga and his companions can win.” Lucifer smiled. “You have too much confidence in that human and his companions. That will be your downfall and you will lose 5 students today. That’s going to be pretty sad for you.” Alucard says to Lucifer. “Not 5, 6. I will lose six students if they don’t win but they will win today. I have confidence in those kids.” Lucifer smiled as she saw the second-floor broadcast.


Inside the mansion, on the first floor, Kirio was held by Gabriel, “How should I end your misery now? Snap your neck? Maybe strike my nails in your heart? Or even better in your brain? Oh right, maybe I should just choke you to death. How does that sound?” Gabriel starts to choke Kirio. “Tsch! Not good, I can’t breathe…” Kirio starts struggling. “I need to…Breath…I can’t…Losing…Conc…”

*Bang* Comes smashing down the ceiling Clayton right on Gabriel’s arm smashing it to the ground and saving Kirio just in time. He jumps away with Kirio on his back. “I should have known that you would come demon.” Gabriel says with an elegant smile as he looks at Clayton with Kirio. Clayton keeps a cold face and adjusts his scarf with one of his hands while holding Kirio in the other. Kirio coughs heavily.

“Thanks, man…Really needed that help there.” Clayton says to Kirio. He puts Kirio down who takes heavy breathes, “WOOOO! That was close.” Kirio says. “I can’t use max enhance again. I thought if I used it once then you would have killed that angel but it seems that it didn’t work.” Clayton says to Kirio. “What’s max enhance dude?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Basically, there is a limit to how many times I can use enhancement. Unlike magic, where you depend on mana capacity, enhancement abilities have a certain amount of limit. I can use enhancement abilities 15 times a day, so I used it all on you. 5 on magic, 5 on physical strength, and 5 on speed. This made all your abilities 5 times stronger but it seems that it still wasn’t enough to defeat that angel.” Clayton explains. “So, you got any plans on defeating that thing?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Yeah, take this orb.” Clayton passes Kirio the small orb. “What should I do with this?” Kirio asks Clayton. “Keep it with you. It will be quite useful when I use my ability.” Clayton says to Kirio. Kirio nods, “Understood. I guess…” Kirio looked quite confused.

“If you two are done chattering, shall I kill you both?” The angel Gabriel smiled at Kirio and Clayton elegantly and asked his question. “Aren’t angels supposed to be like…Angelic? This guy is straight-up creepy.” Kirio says to Clayton. “I know. I feel the same way whenever he smiles.” Clayton says to Kirio. “Let’s get this over with.” Suddenly, a bow appears in Gabriel’s hand which he shoots at Kirio and Clayton. “Just a bow?! Where’s the arrow?!” A light tries to get both Kirio and Clayton. Clayton pushes Kirio away and he gets away from that light as well. The light created a massive hole at the entry door of the mansion. “What the fuck was that?!” Kirio asked in utter shock. “That was his second key…This guy…He can use the second key as well…” Clayton looked shocked. “Wait, second key? So what’s his ability?” Kirio asked. “He has been using his ability all this time and you didn’t realize?” Clayton asked Kirio. “What?” Kirio looked confused. “His ability is, Regeneration.” Clayton says. That’s when Kirio looks at Gabriel and how all his wounds have closed up. It’s only blood on his face that’s there. “You just don’t understand, do you? When I said you two are weak, I meant it. When I said you two didn’t stand a chance, I meant it and when I said you two will die, I meant it.” Suddenly, in front of Clayton Gabriel appeared ready to shoot his bow.

“Tsch!” Clayton looked like he was about to die, “Not happening today!” Kirio used his lightning ability to boost his speed and save Clayton from the bow’s attack. “Thanks!” Clayton says as both Kirio and Clayton hide behind a pillar. “Yeah, this guy is gonna be quite a trouble…But there has to be a way to deal with him. Even if he regenerates, there must be a way.” Kirio says. “There is a way father taught me about. To kill someone who can regenerate, just use an attack so strong that they won’t be able to regenerate.” Clayton says to Kirio. “That’s right…It looked like when I was about to use my ability, he was quite scared.” Kirio thought carefully. “Maybe if…Clayton I have an idea.”


Outside the mansion, “It seems that human and demon both are cowards. They are hiding from Gabriel.” Bin seems to be mocking Kirio and Clayton. “That is indeed quite concerning. Are all of them this coward?” Kil looks to be siding with Bin. “Even if they are hiding from Gabriel, they can’t hide forever. Gabriel will eventually find them and when he does, he will kill them.” Alucard says with a calm tone. Lucifer takes a deep breath, “You guys…Don’t you dare die.” Lucifer whispers.


Inside the mansion, on the sixth floor, a young handsome man with a long crimson ponytail sits in front of a door. He also has a strand of hair falling on his right eye. His body is ripped and he is wearing a tight, fitting, long-sleeved, blue-colored t-shirt. It almost seems like he is a normal human who goes to a gym on a daily basis.

“Little sis, you sense it too, don’t you? On floor 3 and floor 1, both our people are winning. Yet, do you expect to be rescued by some prince charming?” The man asks while he sits in front of the door “I don’t expect to be rescued. But that idiot…He won’t give up until he rescues me.” Ellie who was on the other side says with a sad smile as she holds the bunny strap in her hand. “That might lead to his death.” The man says. “I guess…” Ellie says with a sad smile. The man sighs, “Sis, you seriously are in love with that human, aren’t you?” The man asks Ellie. “So what if I am?!” Ellie gets angry. “Why him? There are so many vampires in our land better than him? There is also an angel who serves our father. So why him?” The man asks Ellie. “Do those men have the guts to do what he did today?” Ellie asks the man. The man falls silent. “No answer, right? That’s exactly why…I fell for him. Since that day, where he made that promise to me.” Ellie says with a sad smile. The man sighs, “I won’t kill the man but…He will get hurt. Don’t worry though, he won’t die.” The man says. “Thank you, big brother.” Ellie smiles.

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