《Ghost World Academia》31-The Demon Who Never Backs Down


Clayton kept a calm look while releasing a huge amount of mana “Tsch! I already feel like you are going to be a tough opponent. So, what’s your name demon?” The blonde-haired man asks Clayton. “My name doesn’t matter…” Suddenly, Clayton appears in front of the blonde-haired vampire. “Flaming Magic: Flaming Fire Ball!” Clayton strikes his fireball but the blonde hair vampire tanks it. It doesn’t look like the fireball had any effect on the vampire. “You know they say, haste makes waste.” The blonde-haired vampire catches Clayton’s hand and throws him over his head. Clayton’s body gets wrecked.

Outside the mansion, “What the hell?! Magic didn’t work on him?!” Lucifer looked quite surprised. “Yeah, I wonder why magic didn’t work on him.” A bulky man with huge goggles, a robotic mask, and a blue-colored cap stands behind Lucifer as he speaks. He also has quite hairy hands and legs which are visible because of his short shirt and short pants. “Oh hey there Isa, how are you doing?” Lucifer asks the bulky man. “Just so and so, what’s with you, another bet or something?” The bulky man asks. “I mean quite a lot of big shots are here, so tell me, what’s up with this?” The bulky man Isa asks. “Well, yeah, it’s another bet, you could say that. As for in-depth info, why don’t you ask the two Queen’s behind you? I have an important match that I need to concentrate on.” Lucifer says as she looks at the match.

“Who the hell is this guy?” Bin asks Erina. “He hasn’t come to the land of vampires for about 20 years now, so of course you wouldn’t know him.” Erina says to Bin. “What do you mean?” Bin asks Erina. “He is the leader of the Giant’s Clans from Standler in the North.” Bin got her answer from Erina. “Oh, he stays in the North. No wonder we don’t see this guy here. That place is like even further away from the Ogres who stay to the Northside.” Bin says. “Wait, you said clans, does that mean that there are multiple clans he controls?!” Bin’s realization made her ask that question to Erina. “Yeah, the Ogre Village is one of the many villages that’s under his protection. So, you can technically consider the Ogre Clan to be a Giant Clan as well.” Erina says to Bin. “Wait…But that Ogre girl and that other guy who was its village chief had pretty average heights.” Bin says to Erina contradicting her statements. “You will understand why they are called one of the strongest Giant Clans if any of them do it…” Erina whispers to herself. “What?!” Bin thought she heard Erina whisper. “Nothing.” Erina says with a smile.



Inside the mansion, “I really don’t like arrogant guys like you.” The blonde-haired vampire says to Clayton. Clayton looked quite surprised. “You didn’t take any damage from my magic.” Clayton gave the vampire a cold look. “That’s because magic doesn’t work on me.” The vampire says. “What?!” Clayton looked surprised again. “What the hell is with you vampires?! First that annoying vampire on the first floor and now you. Do you guys all have compensation for your magic weakness?!” Clayton looked quite frustrated.

Outside the mansion, “Yeah he is right, I thought your wife said that only your son and that weird vampire had the power that can resist magic. So what the hell is that guy?!” Lucifer looks quite annoyed. “That guy…”

Inside the mansion, “I think so you are mistaking something.” The blonde-haired vampire says to Clayton. “Is that so? So tell me what my mistake is?” Clayton asks the blonde-haired vampire. “I was never a vampire to begin with.” The blonde-haired vampire says to Clayton.

Outside the mansion, “Motherfucker…What the hell is he then?!” Lucifer asks Alucard. Alucard gave Lucifer a mocking smile, “That guy is my greatest asset in case all things go down. He is…”

Inside the mansion, “What the hell are you then?” Clayton asks The blonde-haired vampire. He smiled and answered, “I am an angel and my name is Gabriel. At least my codename, just like how there must be a codename for you as well, demon.” The blonde-haired Gabriel bowed and introduced himself to Clayton. Clayton palmed his face, “Great, you just gave me the worst of the worst type of enemy, Ryuga…” Clayton looked quite annoyed.

Outside the mansion, “Where in the fucking hell did you find that fucking thing?!” Lucifer looked surprised. “Lucifer, you look in quite some shock. Tell me, why? Is it because of the angels and demon’s rivalry that has been going on for ages? Or maybe because you already see your hope crumbling down to pieces?” Alucard smirks right in Lucifer’s face. Lucifer takes a deep breath and calms herself down. “Clayton, just stall that guy to a point where the others can take care of the situation.” Lucifer whispers. She looks at the broadcast on the third floor which has started.


Inside the mansion, on the third floor, the room is filled with boxes, Gordon Jordon is the one who stayed behind on the third floor with Ryuga, Mearid, and Jau all going ahead of him. He is facing a guy with two axes. It seems that the guy in front of Gordon seems to have quite a similar facial feature just like him but their hairstyle is quite different. While Gordon has medium-length hair, the guy in front of him has hairs that go down to his hip. The guy in front of Gordon also seems to be a little younger.


“It’s been some time, big brother.” The guy with long hair says to Gordon. “You know it surprises me how you asked that human leader of yours to deal with me as if you are strong enough to deal with me.” The guy says to Gordon. “Morgan…” Gordon looked quite serious this time. “My big brother, are you forgetting who you are talking to? I am not someone whose name you can casually address! I am a royal guard of your palace!” Morgan rushes to attack Gordon. “And I am your big brother.” Gordon blocks Morgan’s attack.


“What’s the matter, demon?! Can’t deal with my attacks?!” Clayton was being played like a ping pong. He was smashed in each corner of the room but he wasn’t able to damage the Angel Gabriel that was in front of him. Still, even with all those attacks, Clayton only had minor scratches but even those minor scratches were troubling for Clayton because it meant that he was taking damage from Gabriel.

“I have to devise some sort of a plan if I need to win against an angel.” Clayton thought. “First I need to gain some distance.” Clayton’s thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of the blonde-haired monster he was facing. “Trying to gain some distance?!” Gabriel asked with an elegant smile as he punched Clayton who got smashed into a wall behind him.

“What a group of weaklings…One a human who couldn’t hold even a few punches and another one is a demon who is strong but he was so unlucky that his opponent is an angel.” Gabriel smiled elegantly as he mocked both Kirio and Clayton who were trying to get up. “You should stay down, demon. It’s for your betterment. I mean look at your condition. You are bleeding.” Gabriel said to Clayton who had blood dripping from his forehead down to his chin. Clayton took out a handkerchief from his pocket and tied it over his forehead.

“What?! Is binding a handkerchief over your forehead gonna give you extra confidence or what?” Gabriel asks Clayton.


“Friends, what’s that? We demons don’t have friends.”

(But…Humans always talk about friends this and friends that. Why can’t I have friends?)

“You are only meant to train, Clayton! We are our father’s successors! We need to be sure that be great Demon Generals!”

(Yeah, but father is merciless. He mercilessly killed my hellhound…Why did he kill my hellhound?!)

“You have to be merciless because you are a demon. You are not a human to have feelings. Someday this underworld must be ruled by one of you two.”

(So what? So what if I am not a human? I have feelings too…I things that are important to me too. I don’t want to be a King of some Underworld. I want to be a medic. I want to be a support Hero.)

“If you want to become a support, surpass me. You can’t do it, can you? It’s because you can’t grow.”

(I…I can’t grow…I can’t be stronger anymore…)

“Right now you are that orange juice can, inside is your unreleased potential but if you train with the right person, your potential will greatly increase, and just like you currently taste this tasty orange juice, you will taste your own hard work.”

(I will taste my own hard work when I train with the right person…But, my potential, I want to increase my healing potential. That is where my true power lies. Normally, demons are offensive mages but my hidden potential lies in my healing and enhancements and that is why I want to be the greatest support alive. I want to make sure that our team is always ready to launch an attack. I want to be…A support mage. Someone who can heal, someone who can enhance, someone who can change the tide of battle!)


Clayton takes a deep breath. “I need your help.” Clayton says. That’s when Gabriel realizes another energy surging behind him. “I see…So while I was messing around with you, you healed the human’s wounds using your magic.” Gabriel looks at Kirio who is back up with all his wounds healed, “Thanks for that healing, Clayton.” Kirio thanked Clayton.

(I have enhanced all his meridians to make him fast and strong…Hopefully…This enhanced state will last long enough for him to finish this battle. At least I hope so...)

“It’s all up to you now.” Clayton says as he falls unconscious on the ground.


“It’s not a big deal, I dealt with you first and I will deal with you again. It’s not like you can change any-“ Suddenly, Kirio vanishes and appears behind Gabriel, “What speed-“ Kirio smashed his fist on Gabriel’s head sending him to the first floor where he followed. “I was naïve to think that I could have defeated you all alone but now, I am not alone, I will be ending you!”


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