《Ghost World Academia》29-Devil's Deal


Ryuga stood firm in front of the current Alucard of the Land of Vampires.

“Boy, you told me the reason to save my daughter. You told me that you are her childhood friend but my daughter has only ever known vampires. Since my daughter has been competing with an Elf, she might know an Elves as well but you don’t seem to be either one of those. So what type of monster are you?” Alucard asks Ryuga. Ryuga sighs, “I tried explaining this to that girl called Kil over there too. Even she doesn’t seem to believe me.” Ryuga points at Kil. Kil looks surprised. “I am a human.” Ryuga gives Alucard his answer.

“DON’T JOKE AROUND!” Alucard increased his mana as well as showed his killing intent. Everyone in the area felt it. “He isn’t joking though. He definitely is a human.” Mearid testifies for him while walking right behind Ryuga. “Mearid-Unfurn is right, Ryuga is definitely a human.” Jau testifies by Ryuga's side as well. “I do agree with everyone, Ryuga is a human.” Even Clayton jumps in. “That’s right, he is my human friend.” Gordon says. “He spent the least amount of time with you, Gordon Jordon!” Alicia said to Gordon who couldn’t hear or see her. “Ryuga is more human than any of us humans. If I was him, I wouldn’t have come here to risk my life for a vampire but for him to risk his life even for a vampire. I just couldn’t stand it. I had to help the fucking idiot or else I would have regretted not coming here.” Kirio said to Alucard. “You guys…” Ryuga looked surprised by the amount of support he was getting.

The killing intent that Alucard was leaving was immense to a point where even Ryuga felt that he was about to die. “RYUGA DODGE!” Mearid and Alicia both screamed at the same time as Alucard was about to attack him with a sword that he hid behind his cloak. “RYUGA!!!!” Even Ellie screamed at the top of her lungs But, Ryuga’s reflexes weren’t fast enough to a point where he could have easily dodged Alucard’s attack. “WE NEED TO HELP HIM!” Kirio and the others were trying to get to Ryuga but death was approaching Ryuga at a fast rate and no one was fast enough to help Ryuga out in his group.

Still, someone helped him out and stopped the sword with a stick of branch. “You!” It was a little girl who had two large horns. She also had short silver hair and crimson eyes. Her body was quite underdeveloped. One could easily call her a loli. But, even with such a small body, she had a different charm to her. There was a mature expression on her face and she was smiling almost as if she was some kind of mature delinquent.

“NO WAY, THAT’S-“ Before Alicia could say anything, Alucard backed off quickly and Lucifer quickly turned her attention to Ryuga. “Hi, my name is Lucifer. At least my code name is and I can’t reveal my real name to you or else you would be able to control me and as you can with these two horns, I am a pure demon and also your school’s headmaster.” The little loli said so many things to Ryuga that it wasn’t Ryuga’s brain who got fried up but instead, Kirio burst steam out from his brain.

“Are you going to get in our way as well, Lucifer?!” Bin asked Lucifer. Lucifer sighed, “Nope, but you see, he is a student at my Ghost World Academy. So, you know, him dying, that would make a bad expression on my school, right?” Lucifer pointed out. “Lucifer, you wouldn’t get in my way unless you wanted something…” Alucard said to Lucifer. “Of course, I want something. You see, Ryuga isn’t on the same level as you. He still has a long way to go.” Before Lucifer could complete saying anything, Alucard stopped her, “I won’t let him get any stronger if that’s what you are suggesting. He is already at a level that he can get past the barrier. I can’t let him be any stronger.” Alucard says. He was readying to strike Ryuga again.


“I never said that let him be stronger. In fact, I want you to make a deal with him.” Lucifer smirked. “Tsch! Just like you, making a deal.” Bin looked quite annoyed. “What’s the deal?” Alucard looked interested though. “Your castle here is made of six floors. Currently, Ryuga isn’t at your level but I am sure that he is about at least as strong as your son. Let’s say that we make this castle a boss rush venue.” Lucifer says. “What do you mean?” Alucard asked Lucifer. “What I mean is, place your strongest six warriors on every floor and including your son. Ryuga has six people with him so, six people in total will clear your castle. If Ryuga clears the castle by the end of the day, Ellie won’t be executed and she will be exiled from the Land of Vampires and if Ryuga doesn’t clear the castle by the end of the day, Ellie will be executed. We will all see the live telecast of what will happen inside the castle with our own eyes out here and it will also be a good view for the people of the Land of Vampires to see what their next Alucard is like.” Lucifer explains her deal. “What do you say, a striking deal, isn’t it?” Lucifer asks Alucard.

“Don’t listen to her, My Lord!” Bin is trying to distract Alucard’s attention from the deal. “That’s quite a striking deal…” Ryuga says. “That’s just how Miss Lucifer works her magic. Her deals are so good that it’s irresistible. Even people who never make a deal fall into the evil plan of that deal. The deal sounds good on paper but it always has a backlash. That’s the reason why her codename is Lucifer.” Alicia explains. “You said that’s quite a striking deal, why?” Jau asks Ryuga. “It’s because if he declines the deal. People will think that their Alucard doesn’t believe in his successor but if he accepts it, it gives a chance for us to have a proper battle with people who are on equal footing with us.” Ryuga explains. “I see…That’s the reason why she made that deal. But I have to say this, I didn’t expect the school’s headmaster to be here and not only be here but help us as well.” Jau says. “Me neither.” Kirio says.

“Anyways, it’s a good deal, isn’t it?” Lucifer smirks. Alucard sheathes his sword back in his cloak hiding it near his hip. “Fine, I will agree to your deal. I don’t see any flaws in that deal and I don’t know how six of you will clear the castle but I will place my six strongest soldiers in the castle. My son is already guarding the top floor where Ellie is at. As for the live telecast, we have cameras inside the castle so we will be able to see everything out here. So get in there six of you and die by the hands of my soldiers.” Alucard sits on a chair outside and looks at Ryuga and his friends.


Ryuga didn’t think twice and nor did his companions. They were ready to go in there with him. “Thanks…Umm…Headmaster.” Ryuga says to Lucifer. “Your mother better owe me one for this.” Lucifer sighs. “I know you can win Ryuga, that’s the reason why I made that deal. Don’t prove me wrong.” Lucifer says to Ryuga. Ryuga nods.

Ryuga stands in front of the six floored castle and Ellie looks at him from the window on the top floor. “You guys are idiots to come this far to help me out.” Ryuga says to his companions. “Hey now, you are the idiot one here to go all alone.” Kirio says to Ryuga. “That’s right, last time you barely made it out of it. I don’t know how you recovered so quickly from all your injuries but you still got heavily injured. That’s the reason why I can’t let you go all alone.” Clayton says to Ryuga. “I was just here, I saw you and came to help you out.” Gordon says to Ryuga. “Yeah…Thanks for the help Gordon…” Ryuga gives Gordon a nervous smile.


“I am surprised to find that you are indeed a human.” Kil said to Ryuga before he went inside the castle. Ryuga gives Kil and smile. “I hate humans, I told you didn’t I?” Kil asked Ryuga. “You did.” Ryuga kept his smile. Kil gave Ryuga a potion. “Take this potion, it recovers your vitality. It will help you in clearing the castle.” Kil throws a potion to Ryuga and Ryuga catches it. “You hate humans, don’t you?” Ryuga asked Kil. “I still hate humans but…I don’t hate you. You are a different human. That’s why…I don’t hate you and only you.” Kil walked away from Ryuga. Ryuga sighs with a smile. Jau got really jealous and held Ryuga by his tuxedo. “Who was that, Ryuga?!” Jau asked with a calm yet menacing smile. “She is the leader of the Tiger Clan Jau...A leader of the Tiger Clan.” Ryuga replied as he sweated from Jau’s pressure. “I see.” Jau said with a calm yet menacing smile.

“If your preparations are done, you all better enter. After all, you don’t have all day.” Alucard said. Ryuga turned around and took a deep breath, “I will be entering the castle then.” Ryuga says. He removes his tuxedo and gives it to Lucifer. “I will take my leave now.” Ryuga says. Lucifer nods. He enters the castle with five of his companions following behind him. “You really trust that kid.” Alucard says to Lucifer. “Of course I do, after all, he is Madman’s kid.” Lucifer smirked. “What?! Alucard looked surprised. “Don’t be so surprised. Even you sensed his mana capacity, didn’t you? That’s the reason you wanted to kill him, didn’t you? You knew how dangerous he was.” Lucifer said to Alucard. “I see, now it makes sense why that kid has so much mana capacity. If his mana capacity increases even further, he will definitely be a much bigger threat in the future.” Alucard holds his cloak tightly. “It will be alright. After all, our son is also in the castle. He will definitely take care of that arrogant boy.” Bin says to Alucard. “I hope he does…” Alucard takes a deep breath as the telecast turns on all around the Land of Vampire.


Ryuga and his companions enter the castle. While they enter the entrance behind them closes. “So, this is the bunch of people who entered this place, huh?” A handsome man with long blonde hair enters the room. He wears a tight white t-shirt with tight white pants. He also has a white hat. It looked like he was the first opponent who was going to fight the party.

“You guys go ahead and leave this guy to me.” Clayton steps forward. “Clayton?!” Ryuga looked surprised. “We don’t have all day Ryuga. The time assigned to us is until tonight midnight. There are only 2 more hours left for that time. So, we all should take a floor and lead Ryuga to the final floor. That is the plan I propose.” Clayton says. Everyone nods and agrees with the plan. “Alright Clayton, I know you are strong. So you better win.” Ryuga says to Clayton. “You don’t have to worry about it. I will definitely not lose to this third-rated vampire.” Clayton says to Ryuga as he covers his mouth with a scarf. Ryuga and the others run ahead.

“My god, you are really making haste here.” The blonde-haired vampire tried to stop Ryuga and the others from climbing the stairs but Clayton got in his way. “My god, do I have to deal with you?” The blonde-haired vampire sighs. “You don’t even seem that strong.” The blonde-haired vampire says with utter disappointment. “We won’t know until we fight.” Clayton says to the blonde-haired vampire.

Suddenly, the blonde-haired vampire disappeared and tried to kick Clayton’s face but Clayton blocked his kick. “My god! You can actually block my attack! How very exciting!” The blonde-haired vampire backs off. “My god, I definitely thought that you were weak but it seems that I was wrong. Your magic is weak in comparison to mine but your physical strength is something else. Tell me, what’s your name, demon?!” The blonde-haired vampire had an excitement he couldn’t contain. “It’s Clayton.” Clayton takes a fighting stance. “My name is Kester Miles. Nice to meet you, Clayton!” Kester jumps right in Clayton’s face ready to punch him but Clayton blocks his punch.

“Enhance magic!” Kester enhances his body and uses more strength to send Clayton flying into a wall. “I told you didn’t I? My god, you are weak when it comes to using magic. You will be defeated if I used magic on you.” Kester smirks as Clayton gets back up. “So give up!” Kester runs to punch Clayton again. Clayton gets punched in the face and his face gets buried in the wall. “My god, you are weak.” Kester says to Clayton with a smirk.


Outside the castle, everyone watched that Kester was destroying Clayton. “Are all of that human’s companions so weak? He didn’t even give Kester any run for his money and Kester is the weakest out of the guards I have stationed on every floor.” Alucard says to Lucifer. Lucifer sighs, “Clayton huh? He is from my lands…He is the son of that famous Demon General.” Lucifer started to analyze the situation. “I think he will be fine.” Lucifer whispers to herself.

Inside the castle, Ryuga and the others kept on running up the castle. “Mister Aragi, was it alright to let that demon fight that vampire? I mean that demon was quite powerful. You could sense his mana capacity as well, right? So was it really alright?” Mearid asks Ryuga. “Mearid-Unfurn, I have experienced Clayton’s abilities first-hand and he ain’t someone who can be defeated by that vampire. You can be certain of that thing.” Ryuga says to Mearid with a smile. Mearid knew from Ryuga’s smile that he trusted Clayton and with Ryuga’s calm smile he could trust Clayton’s abilities as well. “You really do trust that demon a lot, huh?” Alicia asked Ryuga with her telepathy. “Yeah I do, I mean, he and I, we are kinda similar in a way.” Ryuga says to Alicia via telepathy. “I see.” Alicia smiles.


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