《Ghost World Academia》27-The Party


“The Mana Killing ritual will take place in 3 days and tomorrow there will be a post-party before the Alucard of the land becomes the strongest leader in the whole outer world. Please join us in this festival.” Mearid reads out a scroll that was sent to him via the fastest pigeon. “They are celebrating someone that is going to be killed huh? That’s pretty heartless.” Ryuga who is eating lunch with Mearid says. “It might be heartless to sacrifice in the human world but the laws of this world are different. That’s the reason, it won’t be considered heartless.” Alicia who is floating over Ryuga says to him.

“Ryuga, are you really determined to save that vampire girl you spoke of?” Ryuga told Mearid about Ellie before starting training. That is why Mearid gave him the training ground. “Yes…Once again, I want to extend my hand to her so that we can smile and hang out together just like how we did back then.” Ryuga said with a smile. Mearid smiles, “I see. To help you, I will tell you that vampires have a special passive skill. They can absorb your mana but that can only be done by drinking your blood or by cutting themselves so that they can leave an opening to absorb your mana.” Mearid says to Ryuga. “He already knew it, Uncle Mearid.” Alicia smirked. Mearid couldn’t see Alicia, yet, Alicia tried to tease him. Ryuga nodded, “Thanks.” Ryuga smiled.

Ryuga got back up after lunch and begin his training straight away. “Can he do it, Mearid-Unfurn?” Shura asks Mearid. “I don’t know but, I think I want to believe in that kid. There is this strange calming aura around him. That calming aura is telling me that he will be just fine.” Mearid smiled. “Mearid-Unfurn, it seems you have taken a liking to that kid. I guess even you who hated humans can like humans.” Shura smiled. “I never hated humans Shura, I just disliked their attitudes towards different races. Like how highly they treated the Elves and how they treat Orcs, Ogres, Aliziters like trash but this human is different compared to them.” Mearid smiled. “I can see that too. He definitely is different.” Shura smiled.

“So, when are you coming back home, Shura?” Mearid asks Shura with a smile. “Never!” Shura says angrily and leaves Mearid. “Why the hell did I even marry you if you didn’t want to be wife?!” Mearid sighs. Mearid looks at Ryuga who is controlling water like it’s child’s play. “He will grow only stronger from here on.” Mearid smiles.


3 days had past and Kirio had arrived at Ryuga’s house, “Hmm? Ryuga isn’t at home?” Kirio asked Kaori who attended him at the door. “No, he hasn’t come back for almost 3 days. He said he was out training for a few days with a friend of his.” Kaori says to Kirio. “Thank you, I will see you later Mrs. Aragi.” Kirio left running.

Kirio tries contacting Ryuga but he doesn’t seem to be picking up the phone, “Tsch! He hasn’t been at school for 3 days either. I have a feeling that Ryuga is lying to his mother…” Kirio starts getting worried. He keeps on running with various thoughts in his mind.

(Ryuga that idiot! I know him, if it’s him, he will do it! He is going to save that vampire girl. Tsch! Why do I always have such idiot friends?!)


That’s when Kirio gets the idea to call in Clayton. He exchanged contacts with Clayton when Ryuga invited them to the science club. “Hey Clayton, I need your help. Yeah, listen can we meet at the Ogre village? Well, we need to get as much manpower as possible. You see, Ryuga might be in danger. Yeah, it might the thing with Ellie.” Kirio kept on running.

(Right, I should contact Jau-Unfurn as well.)

Kirio dials Jau’s phone number which he exchanged when they were staying at Ryuga’s house, “Hello, Jau-Unfurn, I need your help. Ryuga might be in danger. Let’s meet up at the Ogre village, I will tell you everything once we reach there. Yeah, Clayton’s coming as well. Yeah, see you at the Ogre village.” Kirio hangs up the phone and runs as quickly as possible to the station.


In the open grounds of the Ogre village, Ryuga is ready to go to the vampire party alongside Mearid. He is wearing a tuxedo that Shura made. Ryuga looked quite surprised by the fact that the Ogres even knew what a tuxedo was. “Kid, you look well.” Mearid says. Even Mearid is wearing a tuxedo just like Ryuga. Ryuga sighs, “It’s all thanks to your wife.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Eh?! How did you know she’s my wife?! Very few people in the village know about it!” Mearid looks quite confused and Shura looks quite angry ready to give Mearid a beating. “Well, it’s just that I overheard your conversation. I don’t know but ever since I have broken through my magic element, it feels as if I can hear things that people say even from huge distances.” Ryuga says. “Enhanced hearing…No way, I thought that skill was exclusive to Nekokamis only.” Mearid says. “Yeah, it is indeed a surprise to see that he can hear us.” Shura looks surprised. “Hey, don’t let anyone in the village know about it, alright?” Shura whispers to Ryuga. “Everyone in the village already knows about it, Aunt Shura.” Alicia smirks as she floats over Ryuga.

“Anyways, we need to get going. So let’s make our way to the party.” Mearid says as he takes Ryuga with him on a horse. “See you later, Shura.” Mearid says. “See you later, Shura-Unfurn.” Ryuga says with a smile. Ryuga and Mearid set off on a horse to the Land of Vampires. “Be careful out there, both of you.” Shura prays for their safe recovery.


Just 15 minutes after Ryuga left with Mearid, Jau-Unfurn and Clayton met up outside the Ogre village’s station. Kirio just arrived as well. “Kirio, you said Ryuga might be in danger, what’s going on?!” Jau asked Kirio. “Ryuga has not come back since yesterday, her mother said to me. Also, he isn’t picking up my phone. I have a feeling…That…Ryuga might have gone to the land of Vampires.” Kirio said as Jau looked quite shocked but Clayton was calm. He already knew this was coming. “I had a feeling, this would happen.” Clayton said as he sighed with his cold face.

“If he is going to the Land of Vampires, he will be dead instantly…That place is contaminated. Humans without limiters won’t be able to enter that place. Even humans with limiters have a hard time breathing in there. That place is a perfect anti-human shield from anything and everything.” Jau explained. “We need to go and stop Ryuga before it’s too late!” Jau was in a panic at this point. “I agree! We should stop him from entering that area.” Kirio says. “Alright, I will give you a breathing mask Kirio, that way, you won’t have trouble breathing in that place.” Jau says. “Let’s go already then, I don’t want to waste more time chatting.” Clayton says. Both Jau and Kirio nod.



Mearid and Ryuga reached the Land of Vampires while Kirio, Jau, and Clayton followed them. They were still quite far though. “You sure you don’t need a mask Ryuga?” Mearid asked Ryuga. “Thank you for asking Mearid-Unfurn but no, I will be fine.” Ryuga says with a smile. “That’s because Ryuga’s mana capacity is capable of surpassing the barrier’s mana capacity. That’s why the barrier will have no effect on him.” Alicia explained but Mearid couldn’t hear or see her.

Mearid and Ryuga both entered the barrier. Even though Mearid was worried about Ryuga, Ryuga seemed quite confident as he entered the barrier. As soon as Ryuga and Mearid entered the barrier, they looked quite surprised. They were taken by surprise by the fact that so many people had gathered here in the Land of Vampires. A lot of people from different races. There were varieties everywhere Ryuga saw. Everyone gathered in front of the huge mansion with at least 6 to 7 floors.

“There are so many people.” Ryuga said with a shocked face. “Not really surprising, Alucard really wants to show his dominance by inviting us here.” Mearid said. “That is indeed correct, my friend Mearid.” A strong female voice said.

Ryuga and Mearid both turn their attention to that voice. There stood a woman, her face looked like it had been through some rough time. Scratches on her face along with a massive cut that went past her right eye. She kept that eye closed. Not to mention, her ears were quite different from normal humans. They were almost as if they were of some kind of white tiger’s ears but with no stripes. She wore a loose white t-shirt but her breast size was so enormous that the lose t-shirt didn’t completely cover her navel. She also wore hotpants to go along with the loose white t-shirt. Final but not least, the thing one would notice would be the massive sheathed sword on her back which was almost as big or even bigger than her own body.

“It’s you, Kil.” Mearid knew who this woman was. “Yes indeed, I am Kil.” Kil said to Mearid. “Who is this young boy with you, Mearid?” Kil smirks. “He indeed looks quite handsome.” Kil said to Mearid. “I am Ryuga Aragi, age 17, which means I am underage and I will come of age in about 8 months, we can have fun then.” Ryuga raised his and kept a poker face as he spoke with Kil. Kil had a laugh, “This kid is funny, Mearid! I indeed like him!” Kil laughed at Ryuga’s poker face. “Madam Kil! I need your help with something!” Someone with similar ears calls for Kil. “On my way!” Kil says. “I will meet you again, so let’s hope to have fun then, my new handsome boy.” Kil gives Ryuga an evil smirk and leaves.

“I don’t like that she has taken interest in you…It makes me unhappy!” Alicia says to Ryuga with a pouty face. Mearid looks quite concerned. “Who was that, Mearid-Unfurn?” Ryuga asks Mearid. “That’s the leader of the Tiger Clan. Well, they are an extinct clan and she and her group are the last few of her clan. In a way, she and her group are related to the NekoKami Clan.” Mearid says to Ryuga. “She is an interesting individual.” Ryuga says. “Now I don’t like that you are taking interest in her.” Alicia looks quite irritated.

“The NekoKami Clan might also be somewhere around here. You be careful and don’t mess with them. They are like the second-best group after the Elves when it comes to using magic. But they also are quite strong physically. Also, they have limiters as well.” Mearid explains to Ryuga about the NekoKami Clan.

(What the fuck dude?! Isn’t that like hacks?! They have every single thing that they need…)

“Anyways, I need to attend to things as the Chief of the Ogre Village. I won’t be able to stay with you all the time. So, please refrain from doing anything stupid.” Mearid says to Ryuga. “That’s right, that’s right, don’t get seduced by random women.” Alicia looks to be lecturing Ryuga as well. Ryuga sighs, “I got it…” Ryuga says as he felt irritated by Alicia. Mearid takes his leave.

“What do I do while Mearid is gone? Like literally…I don’t have anything to do.” Ryuga sighs. “Shou Halone?” Ryuga turns around to find a mouth stuffed with pudding Kil.


“Yeah, Mearid left me here. He said don’t cause trouble.” Ryuga said to Kil. Kil pulls out the fork from her mouth and takes a pudding piece from her plate and gives it to Ryuga. “Want a pudding?” Kil asks Ryuga. Ryuga felt the death stares of Alicia and replied with, “Not thanks.” To Kil. “Alright, your bad.” Kil says to Ryuga.

Both Kil and Ryuga sat together on a bench waiting for the party to start. Kil started up a conversation, “So, which race are you?” Kil asked Ryuga. “I am…A human.” Ryuga says to Kil. “That’s not a funny joke, Ryuga Aragi. I don’t find that joke even a bit attractive.” Kil says to Ryuga. “Why do you say that?” Kil asked Ryuga. “That’s because…I hate humans.” Kil answers Ryuga’s question. “Is it because humans hunt down tigers in their world?” Ryuga asks Kil. “Yes and no.” Kil said to Ryuga. “Hmm?” Ryuga looked confused. “Originally, this other world you live in also had humans co-existing with us. We of the Tiger Clan loved those humans. We always admired the type of heroes they were. But, in the end, it was all false heroic. In reality, those humans weren’t even close to what we thought they were. So many of my brethren died at the hands of those humans and a lot of my female sisters fell victim to rape. I hate humans. They even raped my mother in front of me and I couldn’t do anything for her.” Kil broke her fork. Ryuga looked at her angry face as she showed huge tiger-like fangs. “I trained for over a hundred years, only to find that Alucard had already eliminated all the humans in this world and there were humans in other worlds as well.” Kil sighs in disappointment. “I didn’t know that…There were actually humans like that as well.” Alicia looks quite shocked.

“Wait a minute, how old are you?” Ryuga asks Kil. “Hmm? I am about to be 127 years old this year.” Kil says to Ryuga. Alicia looked even more surprised. “You have to be kidding me…127 years old and still looks like a young maiden. That’s some powerful youth-preserving technique that she needs to teach me.”

Ryuga sighs, “Anyways, I still stand by my statement, I am human.” Ryuga says to Kil. Kil sighs, “You won’t stop huh? No human can ever enter this barrier created by Alucard. It rejects humans since humans don’t have the mana capacity to enter this barrier. You understand that?” Kil sighs. “She won’t believe you Ryuga. Remember, this not your human world, this is the other world. She doesn’t know that you are way beyond the mana capacity of that barrier.” Alicia says to Ryuga. “Understood. You won’t believe me. Not until I prove that I am human.” Ryuga says to Kil. He gets up. “Ryuga, don’t you dare do anything stupid!” Alicia tries to stop Ryuga. “Let me tell you, Kil, not all humans are as bad as you think. There are humans who think about what they did and regret and there are humans who enjoy killing you people. There are humans who have no choice but to follow what is told to them and there are humans who create their own pathway. There are humans who become Ghosts and Heroes for fame, money, and ladies and there are humans who someday genuinely want to become someone’s hero.” Ryuga takes a deep breath.


Somewhere inside the mansion, Ellie held her knees and had already accepted her fate, “Someday, when I get reborn, I hope that I can be with you Ryuga. That day, I will become your assistant and will always stick with you until the very end.” Ellie smiled as she looked at a small bunny rabbit keychain. “This was something that you gave me a long time ago, Ryuga-“


Everyone heard the massive scream that Ryuga made even Ellie who was on the top floor looked at her window to find Ryuga in the middle of a massive crowd. “Ryuga, you idiot!” Ellie said with fear in her eyes. “RYUGA YOU DUMMY!!!!” Even Alicia called Ryuga and an idiot. Mearid face palmed his face. He just didn’t know what to do after Ryuga screamed Ellie’s name in front of everyone.

“What are you doing, Ryuga Aragi?!” Kil asked Ryuga. “Who dares to call my daughter’s name?!” The crowd falls behind as The Lord, Alucard walks out with his two bodyguards and wives. “It’s Alucard.” The crowd starts to gossip. “Why would that young man scream the mistress’s name?” They continue gossiping.

“So you Ellie’s father.” Ryuga walks right in Alucard’s face. “Jeez, what’s with that lame name Alucard. Just call yourself Dracula would you?” Ryuga says to Alucard. This makes Alucard angry. “Don’t be so angry. I know that you can’t call yourself Dracula until you break through your limits. You need to sacrifice your daughter because she has the most amount of mana in this other world. That will make you Dracula, the true ruler of the Vampires. You can’t use Elves or any other type of creatures because you need a pure noble vampire or else it won’t work.” Ryuga says to Alucard. “Who are you?” Alucard asks Ryuga.

“I am someone who is here to spoil your plans.” Ryuga says with a smile. “You see. I have no intentions of letting Ellie die today. After all, she is my assistant and I can’t let my assistant die. She is important to me.” Ryuga said with a smile. “Ryuga, you idiot! What are you saying?! Do you even hear yourself?!” Alicia asks Ryuga.

Ellie looked quite scared as she looked at Ryuga who was talking with Alucard, “Ryuga…Ryuga…Why Ryuga?! Why are you here?! Just go away…Go away before father kills you! I don’t want you to-“

“Hey, Ellie, nice to see you again. I am here to get you back.” Ryuga says with a smile as he looks at Ellie looking from the top window. “GO AWAY RYUGA! GO AWAY BEFORE HE KILLS YOU!” Ellie screams at Ryuga. There were tears in her eyes. “Not today, Ellie.” Ryuga says but his tone was quite different. “RYUGA-“ Before Ellie could utter anything else Ryuga stops her, “NOT WHEN YOU HAVE TEARS IN YOUR EYES! Just like you are concerned about me, I am concerned about you.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Why? Why…?!” Ellie asks Ryuga. “That’s because…You are my assistant and also, my childhood friend.” Ryuga says with a smile. That’s when something sparks within Erina. With that Erina smiled.

“He is alone and unguarded, now is your chance, go and get in!” Bin ordered her bodyguards as well as some other bodyguards. Ryuga sighed. He was ready to fight the bodyguards but that’s when Jau, Kirio, and Clayton fly from above, and at the same time Gordon who had just arrived at the party smash the two bodyguards into the ground. “You guys?!” Ryuga looked quite surprised by their arrival.” Mearid even took care of the archers that were ready to fly some arrows towards Ryuga. “Who the fuck said that, Ryuga is alone huh?! We are his friends and we are here!” Kirio said with a smirk.


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