《Ghost World Academia》24-A Day At Dakai's


“So…New powers huh? You increased your mana capacity and built a battle suit while I was away…YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE ALL THAT CRAP?!” It had been about 5 days since Akuma’s capture. The new vigilante Ghost had created quite a commotion. No one knew that Ghost’s name except for Ryuga because Ryuga himself was that Ghost. Also, Ellie gave Ryuga a ring to suppress his mana. It was leaking too much and everyone around him could sense that mana. When the ring is on Ryuga, he can only use up to 3000 mana at a time.

“Ryuga Aragi…The Ghost who bought down The Crazy Scientist. Like seriously, if someone told me a guy with no limiters was the one to take down The Crazy Scientist, I wouldn’t have believed it.” Alicia who was sitting in Ryuga’s room along with him stared at his body and said, “But after scanning that mana capacity, I would say, it’s almost nearing 10,000. If I had to say, you can learn a lot of advance level magic or even world level magic.”

“Advance level magic and world level magic? Oh right, you have ranks in magic as well, right?” Ryuga looks a little lost on the topic of magic. “Yeah, when it comes to magic it goes from Amateur Magic, Novice Magic, Professional/Pro Magic, Supreme Magic, Advance Magic, and finally World Magic. Each magic has a certain amount of mana capacity it uses.” Alicia explains the different ranks of magic. “We could only discover about mana capacity usage because of a device a young Elf made about 5 years ago at an age of 12. That helped us mages determine about the amount of magic each magic spell costs.” Alicia continues.

(I have an idea about which girl she is talking about…)

“Another thing Ryuga, you said that you fought a battle before making that battle suit. I am sure you must have been gravely wounded, so tell me, how are there no wounds on you?” Alicia asks Ryuga. “As I said, mother healed me.” Ryuga replied. Alicia kept on staring at Ryuga’s innocent-looking face. Alicia sighs, “You expect me to believe that your mother healed all your wounds? Even the world’s best healer can’t do it.” Alicia says to Ryuga. “I don’t know anything else but mother was the one to heal me.” Ryuga says to Alicia.

Ryuga gets a call on his phone, “Oh, it’s from the hospital.” Ryuga says. “Yes, this is Ryuga. Yeah, I am fine. Didn’t you already check me up twice this week? Didn’t the reports say that my body is totally fine?!” Ryuga looked quite angry. “Yes, yes! I told you I am fine and please refrain from calling me until and unless some messed up stuff pops up in my report, would you?!” Ryuga angrily requests and cuts the phone. “That was…Another call from the hospital, wasn’t it?” Alicia asks Ryuga. Ryuga sighs. “I gotcha, even the doctors can’t believe that your body got healed that quickly after falling from almost 12 floors.” Alicia says. “Yeah, even Jau, Kirio, and all those others are worried that someone experimented some shit on me.” Ryuga says. “I told them that mother healed me but no one believes me…Jau got angry because I left without her. She cried…I felt quite disappointed in myself to make her cry.” Ryuga told to Alicia.


“Of course, she would cry…Even I would have cried if someone close to me almost died…” Alicia said with a sad face. “You know…You fell from a height equivalent of 10 floors and still survived, Ryuga. Did you even think for once, what if something happened to you? Did you ever think that other people might be in pain because of you putting your life in danger?” Alicia continued to ask Ryuga questions. Ryuga didn’t have an answer for any of them. “I realized that only after I died…Even if the world forgot me, Mearid-Unfurn and Sis Jau both…Both looked in a lot of pain. So, when you met those two and told them both that you will bring justice for me, I was happy to see their faces sparkle once more.” Alicia said to Ryuga and all Ryuga could do was look at the ground with an upset face.

Alicia flicks Ryuga’s forehead, “Ouch! What was that for?!” Ryuga soothes the middle of his forehead. Alicia smiled and said, “Please, take care of yourself because you are an important person to me. Someone, who I don’t want to lose.” Alicia got up, “I got to watch that show your mother watches. So, let’s talk more about your powers and stuff next time, Ryuga.” Alicia walked out of the room with a smile. Ryuga smiled as he saw Alicia walkout. Ryuga sighs, “Right, I won’t worry anyone next time.” Ryuga says with a smile.


Ryuga walked out of his house along with Alicia or at least he thought. It was a Monday but Ryuga and a few other students had taken leave since that incident which occurred with Akuma. The leave was about a week long. So, everyone would return to their respective classes once the leave was over. It meant that Ryuga had two days to spend time.

Ryuga decided it would better to walk around the town, “Hey Ryuga, I didn’t expect to walk into you here, brother.” Kirio tapped on Ryuga’s back as he walked up behind him. He held a bag of veggies. “Oh hey, Kirio. What’s up?” Ryuga asks Kirio how he was doing and Kirio replied, “All fine, brother. What about you? Are your injuries really fine?” Kirio asks Ryuga. Ryuga nods. “Yeah, that’s what it seems like.” Ryuga says as he clenches his fists and checks. Kirio doesn’t question much on Ryuga’s health, instead, he says, “Next time, if there is a trip like this, let’s be on the same team. That way, there won’t be any danger to you.” Kirio says. “After all, you are my friend, my Jo-Bro. I can’t let anything happen to you.” Kirio says with a smile. Ryuga shows the side of his hand. Kirio taps the side of Ryuga’s hand with his own hand. This was a sign of trust that Ryuga showed Kirio.


“Anyways, why are you here?” Ryuga asks Kirio. “Well, it’s because of my sister. She wanted me to get some fucking veggies because she is making some kinda vegetable soup for an injured person.” Kirio says. “Eh? Did Amaya get a new boyfriend or something?” Ryuga asks Kirio. “Nah, if she did, she would have been way too excited but she looked quite concerned and also it felt like she was feeling bad.”

(This guy is seriously dumb…)

“Hey, since sis is making veggie soup, why don’t you come home? I am sure she will serve you that soup as well.” Kirio asks Ryuga to join him and Amaya for a little light breakfast. “If I won’t be a bother, sure.” Ryuga says. “Alright, just a right from here and we will reach at our house.” Kirio and Ryuga walk together gossiping about different things until they reach Kirio’s house.


The bell to Marie’s house rings, “Yeah, yeah, wait a minute weak-fish!” Marie says and walks to open up the door. She opens the door and Kirio walks in, “Yo sis, we got some guests!” Ryuga walks along with Kirio. “Eh?! Ryuga?! Wait, Ryuga?! I thought you were injured?! How are you totally fine?!!!” It seems that Marie hasn’t got news about Ryuga who has completely recovered. “Don’t tell me you were preparing this veggie soup for Ryuga.” Kirio gave Marie a stare with a smirk. “Of course I was, I heard he fell from like 10 floors. I was going to go to the hospital to give him this soup!” Marie looked quite frustrated. “Well, some circumstances changed, and…I am totally fine thanks to the healing magic that mother used.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Hmmm? Your mother healed you? That’s quite a strong healer if anything.” Marie says to Ryuga. She was quite surprised to hear that there is actually a healer capable of healing someone who was brutally injured.

“Anyways, are we going to drink soup or not?” Kirio asks Marie. “Sure thing!” Marie smiles and says. Marie walks to the kitchen. “I am surprised she can cook.” Ryuga says. “Well, sis might be a Gorilla but she had to take care of me, so she learned to cook different dishes since we were little kids. She definitely is the best cook in the town and her food tastes even better than a restaurant’s food.” Kirio seems to be quite happy that his sister is cooking. “Oh right, you can go talk to sis, I am gonna take a bath. I haven’t taken a bath since yesterday.” Kirio says as he goes to the bathroom. Ryuga sighs.


Ryuga walks inside the kitchen. He looks at Marie who is happily cooking some food along with the soup. “I heard you are a pretty good cook.” Ryuga says to Marie. Marie checks behind her to see Ryuga and smiles, “Is that so? That weakfish, blabbering all my secret talents.” Marie chuckles. “Thanks, Ryuga.” Marie thanks Ryuga. “What’s this about? You are thanking me?” Ryuga giggles. “Yeah, it’s thanks to you that I have so many people who are so kind to me. Including Chief Hiro. Also, it’s thanks to you that my brother is looking more and more lively day by day.” Marie says with a sad smile.

“We used to have Kirio’s friends hang out here at our place. They were an awesome bunch always talking about how they will the Ghosts of next-gen. But in the end, everyone left him…He was left alone with that dream and ambition to be a Ghost. It all happened because of me…Because of me, Kirio…He had to kill one of his friends…Right after that, they all went their separate ways.” Marie looked quite sad.

Ryuga starts arranging plates on the dining table along with some bowls. “Well, I don’t plan on leaving Kirio.” Ryuga says with a smile. “Thank you, Ryuga-“ Ryuga looks back at Marie with an annoyed face, “What are you thanking me for? I ain’t leaving you either. It’s because you saved my life all those years ago.” Ryuga says, “So thanks for saving me back then, Amaya.” with a smile. Marie smiled. It’s almost as if she wanted to hear those words from someone.

Outside the kitchen, Kirio heard everything, “Seriously, every time this guy says or does something that just makes me admire him even further.” Kirio started to deeply admire Ryuga.

Kirio enters the kitchen,

“Is the soup ready?!”


“I hope you will have lunch with us Ryuga.”

“Sure thing! I will let mother know I am having lunch with you guys.”


“Alright, see you guys later!” Ryuga says as he leaves Kirio and Marie’s house. He begins walking on the street when he realizes, “Wait…Where is Alicia?” Ryuga looks quite confused. He sighs. Ryuga goes back home to find her watching television with Kaori. “Fucking hell…What the heck is she doing watching shows with mother?!” Ryuga looked really annoyed.


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