《Ghost World Academia》19-Ryuga And Clayton Combo


“I don’t know why you are doing this Professor but I will make sure to bring back to your senses.” Ryuga says as he takes a fighting stance. “Ryuga, you know you don’t have a limiter, right?” Akuma asked Ryuga. “I know but I also am your student. So, if anyone would know how to defeat you, it’s me.” Ryuga makes it clear that he wants to defeat Akuma with his own hands. “Do you seriously think you can defeat something I created?” Akuma asks Ryuga. Ryuga sighs, “I also created the same robot Professor, but the only difference is, I didn’t know the Professor that has been helping me create this thing for almost 3 months already had made one.” Ryuga looks quite disappointed. “Ryuga, you are such a child. Just like the first time I saw you, you created something that caught my attention. This time you are doing something that is catching my attention.” Akuma says. “What are you talking about Professor?” Ryuga asks Akuma. “You are buying time for that demon to arrive, right?” Akuma asks Ryuga. Ryuga sighs, “You caught me there.” Ryuga says.

“I don’t have that kind of time, so say what, let’s get this over with.” Akuma commands his robot, “Don’t use much of your power Rina, just 5% will be enough to fight, Ryuga Aragi.” Akuma says to his robot. The robot smacks its palm towards Ryuga but Ryuga dodges it.

(I still have enough speed and power from Clayton’s spell to handle my own. Here’s a problem though, I don’t know how much longer the spell my last. Plus, attacking the robot is a no-good option. I need to attack Professor if I have to get out of this situation. I think so fighting the Professor in one vs one will be much easier than that robot but the problem is, I don’t know the Professor’s ability. So, I can’t be reckless there either. I have to look for an opening first though.)

Ryuga was calculating the situation while dodging the attacks that the robot was throwing at him. “What’s the matter, Ryuga?!” Ryuga kept on dodging and dodging. “I thought you were going to defeat me! How are you going to defeat me if you keep on dodging my attacks?!” Ryuga who kept on dodging the robot didn’t answer back and looked around for any kind of support to use for creating an opening. Ryuga quickly ran to the right using the speed enhancement magic that was cast by Clayton. He jumped onto the tree and started bouncing off the nearest possible tree using full speed. “What the-“

(This the only way, I have to go faster, faster, even faster, I have to become so fast that I can’t be seen by Professor and when the Professor is totally confused.)

Ryuga suddenly appears in front of Akuma and punches his face.

(That’s when I will strike!)

Ryuga jumps away from Akuma and pants heavily because of all the jumping he did.

“Hahahaha!” Akuma laughed. There was blood dripping from his nose but he laughed. “Amazing! Amazing! Even you can do it if you try! Even a weakling with no limiters can hit me if they try! Hahahahaha!” The excitement of getting hit by Ryuga was clearly on Akuma’s face. “Let’s get a little serious Rina or else Ryuga might actually win. Go 15% now!” Akuma commanded. Ryuga took a guarding stance. “Let’s see if you really are strong, Ryuga.” Akuma said with a grin on his face.



Clayton bought Mayumi to Mearid’s house, “What the heck?!” Mearid looked totally confused. “Yuri! I put you in charge of healing her!” Clayton commands Yuri who is sitting there as well. “What’s the matter, boy?!” Mearid asks Clayton. “I don’t have time to explain but Ryuga is in trouble. He is fighting a really strong guy all alone. I can’t leave him alone or else I will have to bring another injured person home and I don’t want that.” Clayton says and leaves. “Oh hey, Clayton, going out for a stroll?” Jau who just arrived asks Clayton. “I am sorry, once you go inside you will understand. I need to go right now.” Clayton says and leaves. “Hmm? What did that mean?” Jau looked confused as hell with Clayton’s statement.


Ryuga dodged another one of those robot’s punch but exhaustion was kicking in for him. After all, he was a normal human, not a human who could break his limiter. Even falling from great heights might have killed him if not for the enhancement spells from Clayton. “It seems you have slowed down a lot since that last hit you gave me, Ryuga.” Akuma said to Ryuga who was dodging and panting. Ryuga’s whole body was sweating. It looked like he had been working out all day and even though his body rejected his workout, he didn’t.

(Concentrate Ryuga, concentrate! You need to concentrate and find an opening or that robot thingy will surely kill you. Come do something, me! Don’t just keep on dodging! I am sure I know martial arts but I don’t know what type of fighting style will work here. Father used to say that there is a fighting style specifically used to fight huge people, but, this isn’t just someone huge, it’s a fucking or robot. How the hell am I supposed to use that style?!)

Ryuga kept on dodging as sweat dripped down his forehead to his chin to the ground.

(I can’t keep on dodging but I can’t use the same move twice or else he will expect me to come at him. If only I had some other of dealing with things.)

Ryuga realized that he had become slower. He realized that his speed enhancement has gone away and a hand was coming like a bullet train to crush him. “Shit!”

“Shield Magic, Wind Shield!” A shield suddenly appeared in front of Ryuga. The shield stopped the attack of the robot. “Fucking finally *Huff* You showed up.” Ryuga looked behind to find Clayton and swallowed his spit after panting.

“You seriously held your own against that huge thing, huh?” Clayton says to Ryuga. “Yeah…But I am done. Too exhausted to fight.” Ryuga says. “Restoration magic, Energy Charge!” Clayton uses magic from the restoration tree. A green light surrounded Ryuga, “Wait, what’s happening? I don’t feel exhausted anymore.” Ryuga says as he felt his hands had become light again.

“It’s magic from the Restoration Tree. It is used to bring someone’s stamina back. Imagine it being your stamina potion or something like that.” Akuma explains to Ryuga. “I will also give you speed and strength enhancing once again.” Clayton says to Ryuga. Ryuga nods.


“You are strong, demon. I might have to up my power a notch.” Akuma smirks. Clayton looks at Akuma with his expressionless face, “Ryuga, you will have to fight him with me. I don’t think that I can take him all alone.” Clayton says to Ryuga. “I can do that.” Ryuga says as he starts hopping from left to right.

“Ryuga hold this.” Clayton gives Ryuga a green orb. “What’s this?” Ryuga asks Clayton. “Just keep it anywhere on you.” Clayton says to Ryuga. “Alright, if you say so.” Ryuga says to Clayton. “Interesting, I wonder what kind of ability you might show me, demon.” Akuma grins, “I will go up to 25% just in case you are going to use a destructive ability.” Akuma says as he soothes his robot.

Without wasting any time, Clayton jumps to attack the robot, “Almighty lord of fire, give me the energy to create a fire round and curve it to my enemy…” Clayton started chanting a spell while he was heading towards the robot’s hand with that jump, “Huh? What are you suicidal or something?” Akuma looked quite confused. Even Ryuga didn’t understand a thing he was doing.

“Eh?” Suddenly, Ryuga was in front of the huge hand. “What the-“ Both Ryuga and Akuma looked confused. “Wah!!!! I am going to fall!” Ryuga was panicking mid-air. “FIREBOLT!” A red lightning fire curved at the robot’s face and suddenly, Clayton again appeared in front of Akuma, “What’s going on?!” Akuma looked confused but Ryuga had figured it out.

(I see…I see…That’s your plan, Clayton. You gave me this orb so that you can use your ability. Your limiter ability. That’s quite an annoying limiter ability not going to lie. The ability to switch your body with that orb. It’s your ability, isn’t it Clayton? You want to use that ability to confuse Akuma and then you want me to deal the final blow, don’t you?)

Once again, Ryuga switched out with Clayton, “Water Blaster!” More than 10 water balls simultaneously hit the robot but the robot absorbed it. Clayton switched with Ryuga again. Ryuga ran to the right. “Good job!” Clayton whispered and started chanting a spell again. Ryuga started to jump all around the trees once again.

“That trick again?! You will fail!” Akuma smirked. “That’s what you think! But didn’t I say that I will defeat you?!” Ryuga was about to get close to Akuma to hit him again but that’s when Akuma’s robot threw its hand in front of Ryuga. “That’s not going to stop us!” Clayton switched out with Ryuga once again and this time, “FIREBALL!” This time he uses a fireball which the robot has to parry up or else it won’t be able to stop it. This leaves Akuma vulnerable. “NOW!” Once again, Ryuga and Clayton switch and this time Ryuga punches Akuma off of the robot. Both Clayton and Ryuga stand on the ground over Akuma.

“I don’t know why you did this Professor…But please, stop your madness.” Ryuga says to Akuma who is on the ground. Akuma grins. Ryuga understood something. “THIS ISN’T THE PROFESSOR!” Ryuga screams and looks behind him as a hand was coming to crush him. “RYUGA!” Clayton pushes Ryuga away from the hand. “CLAYTON!” The hand crushes Clayton. That’s when Ryuga sees it, the body of Akuma was flickering almost as if it was an illusion made out of television shows. The hand raises as Ryuga sees Clayton, crushed right into the ground. “Hey, Clayton! Are you alright?! Are you fine?!” Ryuga goes to pick Clayton back up but it looked like Clayton had taken a lot of Damage but he was still breathing. “Shit!” Ryuga looks really pissed off.

“You were never outside Professor. You were inside all along.” Ryuga says to the robot. “Bravo! Bravo! You figured it out Ryuga. You should think yourself, Ryuga. Why would I ever be sitting on a robot’s shoulder? It’s the most unsafe place ever.” Akuma who was inside the robot was speaking with Ryuga. “What you saw was my limiter ability, it’s called flicker soul. Basically, everything you hit will feel real even the emotions that the soul illusion shows are real but, in the end, it’s just an illusion made out of my soul.” Akuma explains his ability. “Are you saying you make your own personality and you let them be killed?!” Ryuga looked surprised. “Aw, don’t put it like that Ryuga. They are just illusions.” Akuma grins evilly. Ryuga sighs. He gets back up ready to fight.

“Interesting, you still have the spirit to fight me.” Akuma looks quite excited inside the robot. “You should know by now that you are weak Ryuga. You can’t defeat me with your simple punches and kicks. You are a superhuman for a normal human but for Ghosts and many people with limiters, you are nothing but a small fry.” Akuma tells Ryuga. “You understand, Ryuga? You are a small fry to me.” Akuma continues to call Ryuga small fry. “Professor, please leave the small talks for later. Let’s just fight for now.” Ryuga says to Akuma. Akuma sighs. “As you wish. This time I will knock you unconscious and take Mayumi with me for sure.” Akuma smirks. “We will about that.”

Ryuga seems different than usual. With Clayton injured, Ryuga is the only person who is there to face the huge robot that is Akuma’s creation. Does Ryuga have a trick up his sleeve or is this going to be another humiliating defeat for him?

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