《Ghost World Academia》8-Akuma Jin


Just when one can think things couldn’t get worse, here comes the worst. First Ryuga is transferred to the lab department and secondly, the girl that Ryuga saw two days ago decided to transfer with him. Ryuga didn’t find it weird that someone would transfer to that department but rather he found it confusing as to why one would transfer there when there are a lot of opportunities to be a successful Ghost in the future.

Also, Alicia followed Ryuga and since she is a Ghost, no one noticed her.”That girl is weird Ryuga.” Alicia said to Ryuga. Ryuga looked at Alicia because of what she said and then towards the girl. “At least tell me your name.” Ryuga asked the girl to tell him her name. The girl replied, “Ellie, Ellie O. Norvich.” The first thing that came to Ryuga’s mind was, “Why does that name sound familiar?”

As Ryuga kept on walking, he realized, he realized why the name sounded familiar and he stopped, “You are a vampire, aren’t you?” Ryuga asked Ellie. Ellie who had walked a few steps ahead of Ryuga stopped and turned around, “Well genius, who hadn’t figured that out?” Ellie showed Ryuga her small fangs.

Ryuga wasn’t surprised. He knew that Ellie was a noble. He remembered that name because of a past incident when Ellie was lost in the human world and both Ryuga and Ellie spent a whole day together. More like it was Ryuga’s day out with a vampire.

Ryuga didn’t push Ellie since he didn’t know if she remembered that he is the lost childhood friend of his. “Anyways, I was frustrated by the fact that you out of all the people was selected to study at the lab department where even some of the S-Class Ghosts don’t get to go. I a noble can’t take that and that’s why I will join you on that journey.” Ellie gave out her noble thought to Ryuga.

Ryuga tried to hold in his laughter but Alicia who was a Ghost was laughing hard. “Don’t make me laugh...” Ryuga whispered. “I am sorry, the way she said it was too funny. I never heard nobles speak but when I hear that weird accent of theirs I can’t help but laugh.” Alicia kept on laughing.

“You do realize that if I fail, I get expelled, right?” Ryuga asked Ellie. Ellie nodded, “Yes I do and if I fail, I just go back to being a normal Ghost. It’s a win-win situation for me but for you, it’s a bad situation. So, you are totally screwed.” Ellie said with a smirk. Ryuga felt...Attacked.


In a dark room, a man wore glasses to look at a solution and mixed two different chemicals. “Sir, this Ryuga Aragi, he hasn’t broken his limiter yet and he barely passed his science exam on the entrance test. Yet, they are sending him here. Is there any particular reason for that?” A girl, specifically an Elven girl looked at a few of Ryuga’s papers and asked the man in the darkroom.

“Isn’t in the same year as you?” The man asked the Elven girl. “Yes, at least that’s what is written in his bio that we asked for.” The Elven girl replied. “If you are saying that, he hasn’t broken the limiter as well as barely passed in the science examination, they most probably want him to be expelled.” The man replied back. “So, are you going to go against the headmaster’s will and take him in or are you going to be on the expel train as well?” The Elven girl asked the man.


The man smiled, he continued mixing chemicals, “Do you know why selected you, Slips?” The man asked the Elven girl, “That’s because you saw talent in me, right?” The Elven girl asked the man. The man nodded, “Not only talent but also, I saw potential in you. I saw that you were passionate and you were able to come up with intricate formulas that even the world had never seen. I saw that you were lost and needed guidance. That is the reason, why I chose you to be my assistant.” The man kept down the chemical, removed his gloves as well as glasses.

“If that boy who will be coming to my lab has even a little bit of talent as well as passion, if he is lost, if he needs help to make his path, I will take him under my guidance and if he doesn’t have any talent, passion or motivation, I will have him expelled. It’s as simple as that. That is how things operate in the lab of Akuma Jin.” The man Akuma Jin awaits the arrival of Ryuga Aragi in the lab department.


Ryuga and Ellie both entered the lab department. The lab department was huge, it was divided into 5 huge rooms, the room Ryuga and Ellie entered was the hall room where the test is normally taken to work under Akuma Jin while the other 4 rooms are the chemical room, the space and quantum room, the smithing room and the bio-room. Each room is occupying a huge amount of place. One might say that this place might well hold up to 1000 people easily.

“Man, this place is huge.” Ryuga who had just entered the hall room said. “Yeah, I mean, this was supposed to be the department where all the geniuses were supposed to come.” Ellie said as she looked around the hall room inspecting various types of tubes and materials that were scattered around the room.

Ryuga looked around but he didn’t see anyone and asked the important question, “So, why is there no one here?” Ryuga asked and Ellie instantly replied like she knew that question was coming, “Well, you could say that the professor of this facility is more or less a person who doesn’t random people coming here.” Ellie quickly switched her eyesight to the door to the chemical room, “He only takes certain people who he calls geniuses like that Elf girl there who has been staring at us for quite some time now.”

The Elf comes out of the shadow and shows herself. Ryuga looked at the Elf and was surprised by a fact which he spits out, “I thought Elves had big tits.” This makes both Alicia who can’t be seen and Ellie laugh. The Elf looks angrily at Ryuga and leaves out a menacing aura, “Do you have a death wish, Mister Aragi?” The Elf asks Ryuga in a menacing tone. Ryuga looks away, “Nope, I wish to enter the lab department.” Ryuga says.

“I see, so you are the student with no limiters that the headmaster was talking about.” Even the Professor of the Lab Department, Akuma Jin comes out from the chemical lab behind the Elf. Though, this time he didn’t have any glasses on.

“I am guessing you are the professor here.” Ryuga points out. Professor nods. “You are correct. I am Professor Akuma Jin and that is my assistant, Slips Kilgor and as you can see she is indeed a flat-chested Elf. Quite a fascinating creature I must say.” The Professor points out. Slips covers her breast and with a red face she rebels, “Not you too, Professor!”


“Anyways, let’s not talk about someone’s chest and let’s talk about why the vampire is here?” Akuma looked quite annoyed as he stared at Ellie. “Sir, as of a noble birth, I can’t let just the commoner take the test you will give, that is why I wanted to take the test as well.” Ellie replied to Akuma’s question.

“I have already told you once and I will tell this to you again, you can only take my test once and only once. You have already taken the test so I won’t let you take the test again but the boy hasn’t taken my test and that is why I will let the boy take the test.” Akuma explained. Ellie gritted her teeth. She didn’t like the explanation that Akuma gave.

Ryuga raised his hand, “What is it, Mister Aragi?” Akuma asked Ryuga. Ryuga replies, “I am pretty sure by how she looks, that Elf is also around my age. So my question is, did she pass the test on her very first try?” Ryuga asked the Professor. “That is true. Slips passed the test on her very first try.” Akuma answered.

Alicia smirked as she looked at Slips, “That Elf and this vampire seem to have a history Ryuga. I mean just look at them. They are staring at each other like sword and dagger.” Alicia commented. Ryuga sighed, “What you say didn’t make any sense.” Ryuga whispered.

“Your question was an odd question, Mister Aragi. I didn’t think that you would have thought that I would be partial to anyone.” Akuma said. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. It’s just hard to believe. I mean looking at her character, she seems to be a tsundere or an airhead but far from intelligent I’d say.” Ryuga points at Slips.

“I AM NOT AN AIRHEAD! AND WHAT THE FUCK IS A TSUNDERE?!” Slips didn’t know what tsundere meant since she isn’t of the human world. In fact, Ryuga had to sigh and look at Slips with pity. “What’s that look suppose to mean?!” In Ryuga’s eyes, Slips was still not a grown woman not only by the brain but also in many certain areas.

“Well, it’s almost 9 am. You have only 7 more hours before you leave. You should take the test.” Akuma Jin looks at his watch as he speaks. Ryuga looked around trying to understand what the test is but in the end he just asks.

Ryuga asked Akuma, “What is this test you are talking about?” Akuma replied, “Build something that can be of use to the Ghosts from the items you see around you. You can use anything and everything but it has to be a thing from the hall room. That is your test.” Ryuga looked quite surprised by the reply that Akuma gave. It was almost as if he didn’t expect that.

Ryuga sighed again and this time it was a sigh of relief. “Alright, I can do that.” Ryuga smirked. “Just an item from one of the things in this room, right?” Ryuga gets close to Ellie. “I really like what you are thinking Ryuga.” Alicia smirks as she floats on the other side of Ellie.

Ryuga bows and presents Ellie like he is promoting something, “The item I will be using is her and a few types of equipment here and there that I see.” Ryuga said with a smirk. “Eh?” Everyone including Akuma was confused but it seemed that Ryuga had quite a plan to pass this test.

“I AM NOT AN ITEM!” Ellie Rebelled. “Indeed, I said that any item from the room, not anybody.” Akuma also sided with Ellie. “Yeah, this time I am also going to support that milk tank of a vampire.” Even Slips tried to argue. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MILK TANK YOU FLAT BOARD?!” The insult Flat Board was not very effective on Ellie since everyone calls her a flat board.

Ryuga got back on his feet and held a finger up to explain somewhat of his plan, “I never said that I am going to use Ellie herself but I am rather going to use something she is holding.” Ryuga explained. “Something that she is holding?” Akuma seemed quite confused. He tried to scan Ellie but there didn’t seem to be anything special about Ellie.

“Indeed, there is something special that Ellie holds other than her vampire fang and her big breasts.” Ryuga smirks. “Something that more special than a woman’s big breast, I am interested in hearing what it is.” Akuma also smirks along with Ryuga. Oddly enough, both Akuma and Ryuga are getting along with their menacing ‘Kukukuku’ laugh.

“Hey, we both know that Professor Akuma is a creepy pervert but that friend of yours is also quite a creep. I am already feeling chills in my bones just by hearing that conversation between them.” Slips says to Ellie. “Firstly, he isn’t my friend. Secondly, I didn’t know he was such a creep, or else I wouldn’t have come here with him.” Ellie points out.

“So, what is this thing on her that you are going to use boy?” Akuma asked Ryuga. Ryuga walked towards Ellie. He put his hand in front of her, “What are you doing?” Ellie asked Ryuga. “I ask you to assist me, Ellie Norvich. For I, Ryuga Aragi want the thing that you hold dear and precious to you.” Ryuga’s words were very effective.

Up until now, Ryuga looked like a creep, pervert and someone who had no potential but at that moment when Ryuga said those words, “For I, Ryuga Aragi want the thing that you hold dear and precious to you.” Ryuga looked like a nobleman. He looked more charming than anyone who saw him in that sight would fall in love with him. This different look of his not only caught Ellie but also Slips off-guard. It was a normal occasion but Ryuga’s way of speech was quite noble.

At this point, Ellie was too captivated by Ryuga that she just couldn’t help but give him her hand and Ryuga held it. That’s when Ellie realized, “Wait! I don’t have anything that’s precious to me. The only thing I have that is precious to me is...Is...” Ellie couldn’t say that she was a virgin because it was too embarrassing to say that in public.

Ryuga realized what Ellie was talking about. “Eh? No! That’s what I am asking for!” Ryuga said flustered by what Ellie said. “So what is it that you want?!” Ellie asked.

The next thing Ryuga was about to say was the biggest surprise to everyone. The thing that Ryuga wanted the most, was something that anyone could have but Ryuga realized that Ellie had the best of it. Ryuga knew that he had to rely on Ellie to get that thing and only she could be able to help her with that thing.

So when Ryuga said what he wanted from Ellie, everyone fell in shock, “The thing that I want from you is your magic.” It was quite a simple thing yet such an impactful one. No one expected Ryuga to ask Ellie to share her magic with Ryuga.

“Interesting, why do you want the vampire’s magic?” Akuma asked as put on his glasses again and smirked.

“The thing I am about to make needs magic and without the magic that thing will be useless. I believe that I will need someone’s magic and since I don’t know how to use any magic, I will have to rely on someone who does.” Ryuga explained.

“Why me? You could have chosen the Elf too.” Ellie says to Ryuga. Ryuga smiles and answers, “That’s because I want someone I can trust. If I gave my ideas to the Elf here, I believe that she would try to do her own thing and ruin my creation.” Ryuga said. “What?!” Slips looked quite annoyed by Ryuga’s comment on her.

Ryuga realized that Akuma was about to question him, “Since the magic cannot be described as a person, I might as well say that it is an item. I am not going to use her Professor, I will use her magic. I will handle every single item, the only thing she will do is use her magic and nothing else. I promise you that much.” Ryuga says to Akuma. Akuma sighs, “Fine, but does the vampire agree to this deal?” Akuma asks Ellie.

Ryuga puts forth his hand, “Let’s do this together, my cute assistant.” Ellie suddenly remembered something from her past, “Let’s do this together, my cute assistant.” Those were the lines said by Ryuga when he was a kid to Ellie when she was a kid.

Ryuga was the kid that Ellie spent her whole day with when she was lost in the human world and when she was going back to her home, Ryuga promised her something, “In the future, I will be strong enough to protect you, until then, please wait for me.”

At that moment, Ellie thought, “Is this fate or is it a coincidence? Are you the same person who I met all those years ago or are you someone else? I don’t know about anything but I know this much...You did promise you will protect me someday so I hope, you do because if you don’t...”

Ryuga snapped Ellie out of her wild thoughts by clapping his hands close to her face, “You good Ellie?” The shocked pulled back Ellie from her past, “Sorry...You said you needed my help, right?” Ellie asked Ryuga. Ryuga nodded, “I do need your magic.” Ryuga said. “I will help you but in return what do you give me?” Ellie asked Ryuga. “In return, whatever you want, if it’s within my power I will give it to you.” Ryuga said. Ellie nodded, “Alright, I will take this as your debt and help you. When the time comes, I will ask you to help.” Ellie said. Ryuga nodded, “Understood.”

“So, Professor Akuma, you heard her, right? You have any objections.” Ryuga asked Akuma. “I don’t.” Akuma said. Ryuga smirked. “Begin your test, Ryuga Aragi!” Akuma gave the signal.

The test where Ryuga’s school life is on line will be something that Ryuga will need to overcome with his great intelligence. But the real question is, does he really have great intelligence or is this some kind of fluke?

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