《Ghost World Academia》7-Alicia?
Shortly after Ryuga recovered both Ryuga and Jau-Unfurn took their leave. Since it was a Sunday, it was a holiday for Ryuga. He walked back home. There were bandages over bruises all over his body and his body was obviously in pain but he walked like there was no pain in his body.
(That Ryan surely beat me. I don’t exactly know what happened but someone saved me. Whoever did, I really want to thank them but I don’t know who it was. Maybe, it was one of the Ghosts? I am not sure but they really were kind enough to save me.)
Ryuga leaves a short sigh with a smile and only wishes that he would once meet the person who saved him.
On his way home, Ryuga stopped at the park. He saw the children play since it was morning already. “Depressed again?” A familiar voice asks Ryuga. He looked back to check who it was and without any surprise, it was Kirio.
“Hey Dakai, didn’t expect to see you here.” Ryuga greets Kirio with a smile. Kirio’s concern for Ryuga was clear. He asked Ryuga, “What the hell is with all those injuries? Did you like, get into a big fight or something?” Ryuga in response replied, “Something like that.”
Ryuga soon realized that he should trade numbers with Kirio. “Dakai, can we exchange contacts?!” Ryuga quickly asked Kirio. Kirio pulled out his phone, “Sure, I don’t mind.” Both Kirio and Ryuga exchanged their numbers with each other.
“Hey, feel free to call me Kirio if you want to. I don’t mind it.” Kirio says as he saves Ryuga’s number. Ryuga responds, “Sure and you can call me Ryuga instead of Aragi. How does that sound?” Ryuga asks Kirio. Kirio smiled and replied, “Sure thing, Ryuga.” After saving Ryuga’s number, Kirio turns off his phone and keeps it in his pocket.
“Anytime you need to talk or need help, feel free to call me. I will hang around here since I live around here. So if you want to meet me you know where to find me.” Kirio says and begins walking inside the park. “Sure thing! See you later, Kirio.” Ryuga says his goodbyes to Kirio and Kirio waves his hand back at him.
As Ryuga saw Kirio walk away, he thought only one thing, “He is always trying to act so cool but I guess that is his charm.” Ryuga begins to walk back to his house.
After meeting Kirio, Ryuga does stop at a place near his house where there is a vending machine. He gets himself a soft drink. “Things definitely haven’t been normal since the day I joined Ghost World Academy. It’s like problems popping out one after another. It feels like shit. Nah, like seriously, this problem, it feels like shit. Pretending like nothing happened even after you know everything happened. That’s pretty shit. I definitely have to break through my limiters or something, I don’t know. I somehow have to do it.” Ryuga throws the soft drink into the garbage bin.
“You do realize that once you are past 12, you can’t break your first limiter, right? The max you can go on for is 14 without a limiter but if you are past 12, you can never break limiters.” Ryuga was totally confused. He didn’t understand who was talking to him about limiters until he saw a familiar figure. Ryuga didn’t seem shocked but more like he had no expression on his face to see this figure.
Alicia Arkwet was sitting in front of Ryuga with both her hands and legs fold. All Ryuga could do is stare with a blank face without any answers and then look away. “HUH?! DID YOU JUST IGNORE ME?!” Alicia was surprised by Ryuga’s ignorance of her.
Ryuga again looked at Alicia with a blank face. He sighed, “Are you...A Ghost trying to follow me?” Ryuga asked Alicia. “Yip, yip, I am a ghost!” Alicia raised her hands. Ryuga was again confused by the way Alicia spoke. For him, Alicia is the Ghost that is said to be a hero, meaning someone is using her copycat or something to speak to him. For Alicia, Ghost means spirit. This miscommunication is causing problems for Ryuga and Alicia since they both don’t know much about each other’s worlds.
Ryuga continues to walk home to his house. He didn’t care even a second bit about someone trolling him with Alicia. He just wanted to get home and take a dip on his bed.
Annoyed by the fact that Ryuga is ignoring her, Alicia pouts and thinks of a way to deal with him. At the same time, Ryuga thought that the word of his humiliation has reached a point where some small-time Ghosts are also trolling him. Ryuga could only clench his fists inside his pocket and grit his teeth in anger.
Alicia flew over Ryuga as Ryuga kept on walking to his house. Ryuga used his key to enter his home and when he opened the door there was his mother waiting for him. “Hello Mister Ryuga Aragi, what were you doing yesterday night and how did you get those bandages may I ask?” Kaori smiled and she smiled viciously to a point where Ryuga began to sweat so hard that it might bring a tsunami in the house.
A few minutes later, Kaori was cleansing Ryuga’s wounds since they weren’t cleansed before being bandaged. Ryuga is only in his underwear since there are bruises pretty much everywhere on his body.
Kaori struck a question, “Who was that girl? After I called so many times, she was the one to finally pick my call. I know it definitely wasn’t Mayumi.” Ryuga clenched his fist because of the pain from his wounds, “It was your mistake to pick a fight, hotshot.” Kaori said to Ryuga as she continued to cleanse his wounds with cotton and anti-septic.
Ryuga replied to Kaori’s earlier question, “The one who picked your call, she was an Ogre. Her name is Jau-Unfurn.” Ryuga told Kaori. Kaori continued to cleanse Ryuga’s wounds. “Is that Ogre cute?” Kaori asked Ryuga. “Huh?!” Ryuga got confused by Kaori’s question.
“I mean...She is a little on the muscle side but she has a puffy and cute face.” Soon Ryuga smiles, “Yeah and her smile is the cutest.” Right after that, Kaori says, “I want to meet her, tomorrow!”
“HUH?! What are you on about? Meet her? Tomorrow? Mother, she stays in another world! Not the same as ours. We can’t just have her come here after class. What if she leaves at night and something bad happens?!” Ryuga tried to convince her mother to not meet Jau-Unfurn but Kaori wasn’t the one who would listen to Ryuga. She completed bandaging Ryuga and told him, “Just tell her to stay here tomorrow night. Actually, call her right now, you have her number right?” With the things Kaori was saying Ryuga begun to think this is some kind of girlfriend interview.
Ryuga sighed and dialed Jau-Unfurn’s number. He wasn’t concerned about what his mother was going to say to her but he was concerned about the outgoing when calling. That’s quite a huge amount of call money that’s wasted. After all, he is sending a call to another world.
“R-Ryuga?! What’s the matter?! Did something happen?! Did that Ryan try to harass you again?! I will kick his ass, just tell-“ Before Ryuga could even utter a word, Kaori takes his phone.
Kaori struck Jau-Unfurn a question, “Are you Jau-Unfurn?” On the other side of the call, Jau-Unfurn was confused, “Who is this?” Jau-Unfurn asked. Kaori answered, “Who am I? I am obviously one and only Ryuga’s beautiful mother.” At that moment, Ryuga thought, “She isn’t wrong. She is beautiful even in her early mid-forties.”
“Oh, auntie! I am sorry I didn’t know!” There was a sudden shift in tone in Jau-Unfurn’s voice. “I was the one who asked Ryuga to call you.” Kaori says to Jau-Unfurn. “Why is that auntie?” Jau-Unfurn asks Kaori. Kaori in response replied, “That’s because I want you to stay here tomorrow after school.” Ryuga still found it weird as he wore his clothes again.
“Y-you want me to stay at your house, auntie? But why?” Even Jau-Unfurn found it confusing. “My, isn’t simple?” The only one with a smile was Kaori. Ryuga and Jau-Unfurn both were confused. Ryuga at that time thought, “It really is not that simple to read a woman.”
That’s when lightning struck and Ryuga felt a shock throughout the body when Kaori said, “That’s because you are my future daughter-in-law.” For the first time in quite some time, Ryuga’s face became red from embarrassment, “Mother! What are you doing?!” Ryuga quickly took his phone and told Jau-Unfurn, “I am sorry, Jau-Unfurn! I really am-“
Ryuga heard Jau-Unfurn on the other side of the phone, “D-daughter...In-In...Law...I-I-Kya!” Ryuga heard a small kya on the other side of the phone as Jau-Unfurn exploded from embarrassment. “Jau-Unfurn?! Jau-Unfurn?! GOD DAMN IT! I NEED TO CALL 911!”
“What’s wrong with you, sweety? She is quite a lovely woman. It will be fine if you marry her.” Kaori said with a smile and Ryuga could only facepalm himself and say, “Why does my life have to be so weird?”
After the whole conversation between Ryuga, Kaori, and Jau-Unfurn, Ryuga returned to his room and sat calmly on his bed. He stared at Alicia who was already in his room. “Hey~” Alicia called out for Ryuga and Ryuga totally ignored her.
“Just get out of here, would you? You are really annoying. I seriously don’t want a Ghost spying on me.” Ryuga said as laid on his bed. “Spying? I am not spying on you. I am protecting you.” Alicia spoke with a finger on her chin. Ryuga saw her and asked her, “Protecting AND me?! You must be joking right? Like seriously. You are just annoying me.” Ryuga kept a leg over his other leg’s knee while lying on his bed.
“No, I am serious. I seriously want to protect you.” Alicia said with a smile. Ryuga sighs, “Were you the one who saved me yesterday?” Ryuga asked Alicia. Alicia replied with a shake of the head, “No, no, no, no, that was my father who saved you. Only he has that kind of power to actually save someone from such a long distance. It’s like that person is superrrr strong!” Alicia flexed her biceps which were non-existent.
Ryuga showed his biceps to Alicia, “Yeah no, you have nothing on me.” It is true that Ryuga is scrawny but because he trained with his father for at least 8 whole years, he has been able to get a tough body at the same time.
Looking at that bicep, Alicia could only get impressed by Ryuga. “Now that’s pretty strong!” Alicia pointed out as she stared at Ryuga’s bicep.”Yeah, yeah, you can say that but I am not strong. I am just a scrawny little brat. Nothing more, nothing less, I am not strong. I am quite weak. Everyone else around me...They are strong.” Ryuga said as he stared at the ceiling. As he kept on staring at the ceiling, he just fell asleep.
“What a sad boy. I wish I could help you, Ryuga. I wish there was a way to release your limiters but there really isn’t any way for you to release your limiters. The way you are...You will always be just like that and that is the sad truth.” Alicia looked at Ryuga with a sad face. She knew that what Ryuga had to go through yesterday and how much that must have hurt him. As a man, that had to be quite shameful for him.
At Revon’s High School, Bleed A.K.A. Yasaharu Revons the principal of the school is checking some paperwork of the students of the school. That’s when someone enters his office, “Yeah, who is it?” Bleed asks.
A man enters. He wears a silver vest, pants, a white shirt, and a red tie. He also has long bedded red hair and a really buff and tall body. The aura the man imitates is also quite strong. It’s almost as if a lion has entered the battlefield.
“Hello Kusanagi, what brings you here today?” Yasaharu asks Kusanagi the tall man. Kusanagi sits in the chair in front of Yasaharu’s desk. “Well, you know I am not much of a talker so I will get straight to the point. I want to know about Ryuga Aragi.” Kusanagi says to Yasaharu. Yasaharu smiles and leans back on his chair, “Let me ask you this then, have you come here as my friend Kusanagi or are you here as the hero, Chilli Ranger, which one is it?” Yasaharu asks with a sudden change of expression.
Kusanagi sighs and answers, “Neither, more like, I want to nurture that kid. He has the potential to be a great Ghost. His courage and the will to protect people, it’s something.” Kusanagi gave a sad smile. Yasaharu sighed because he already knew that Ryuga hadn’t broken any limiters, “The kid hasn’t broken any limiters Kusanagi, so he isn’t going to get any strong. Just leave him be. He is no good.” Bleed saw out of his window that is next to his seat. “I still want to nurture him. A person like him, I believe is someone we need in our community of heroes. Those kinds of people are very few in the world. Those with courage, those with the will to give oneself up for others, I believe he will be a great asset to us in the future.” Kusanagi tries to reason with Yasaharu. “If that’s how it is...Then will you believe me if I said that he is the son of The Madman?”
Suddenly, the atmosphere got heavy. Kusanagi’s expression turned pale after listening to Yasaharu. “He is...The son of The Madman...Are you fucking kidding me?” Kusanagi held his forehead because he never thought that he would have heard the name of The Madman.
No words were exchanged for quite some time and finally, Kusanagi got up and took his leave. There really wasn’t much talk remaining after hearing the name Madman. After all, at one point, Madman used to be a famous killer who killed famous celebrities.
“I am sorry Aragi, to keep your son safe I had to reveal one of your biggest secrets.” Yasaharu looked out the window and smiled, “But that will be, won’t it?”
The day passed by quickly and it was already the next day. Ryuga and Kirio met at the same station around the same time when they were going to school. They spoke a little about Jojo and left the train when it reached the destination.
“I still never understood the concept of that thing where you have to tell your name and they identify your shit from your voice and ID. What was that?” Ryuga questioned as he walked out of the train. “Well, that’s just so that we can be sure that no intruder comes into Ghost World Academy. It’s like a protector of Ghost World Academy so that we don’t get attacked or at least get notified if we get attacked.” Kirio explains the whole concept of the dark tunnel. “I see...”
Suddenly, in front of Ryuga, Jau-Unfurn appeared. Both Ryuga and Jau-Unfurn turn red. Jau-Unfurn looks the other way and walks past Ryuga. “Jau-“ Before Ryuga could say anything Jau-Unfurn misunderstood what he wanted to say, “Jau? Did you call me Jau? So, you really...” Jau-Unfurn was fuming from embarrassment. “What?” Kirio was the one who was the most confused here. He didn’t understand what was happening between Jau-Unfurn and Ryuga. Both their faces are red.
Putting two and two together, Kirio’s brain worked and he said, “I see, you two love each other and you don’t know how to say it. That’s it, right?” Kirio questioned them with a smile. “NO! NO! NO! NO! THAT’S NOT IT!” Ryuga tries to differ but Jau-Unfurn doesn’t say anything. Kirio looked at Jau-Unfurn and understood that it was Ryuga who didn’t understand Jau-Unfurn’s feelings yet.
Kirio sighed, “You seriously need to go to get the clue class’s dude.” Kirio said to Ryuga. Ryuga felt lost. He didn’t understand why Kirio said that to him. “I-I-I will go now...” Jau-Unfurn runs away from the whole conversation. “What the heck is wrong with her?” Ryuga questions, “That’s what I should be asking you.” Kirio said. “Eh?”
“Yes, I totally agree, Ryuga is a really insensitive person who doesn’t know how to talk to girls. Very rude indeed!” The Ghost of Alicia is still chasing Ryuga but Ryuga has been totally ignoring her since yesterday because the moment he mentioned about Alicia to his mother yesterday, he got a flying sandal to his face. His mother was like, “Do you seriously think that you can pull pranks on me, sweety?” It was definitely a scary scene for Ryuga.
Leaving aside the matter of Jau-Unfurn, Kirio and Ryuga start walking to their class. They walk together without knowing the consequences that were waiting for Ryuga once he entered the class. As soon as Ryuga entered the class with Kirio, the teacher, Freda Masters was waiting for them in the class or more like, she was waiting for Ryuga.
“Oh, Mister Aragi, I guess you didn’t get the notice.” Freda Masters spoke with a cunning tone. She gave a smirk and said, “You are moving to the lab department of the Ghost World Academia.”
Ryuga looked confused. He didn’t have any idea about what was happening, “What do you mean? Didn’t I register to attend normal classes?” Ryuga asked Freda but the answer he got was, “That is true but you don’t have a limiter and that is why you will leave for the lab department. At least you will be of use there with all the research and stuff. After all, the lab department has no students. You will be those two idiot’s first student.” Freda said as she folded her hands.
“Oh man...That’s gonna be rough.” The talks have begun, “I heard that you have to be a genius to go into a lab department.” Everyone in the class has started to talk. “Yeah, if you fail the test from the two geniuses of the lab department, they will permanently ban you from the lab department.” Everyone just kept on talking. “Yeah, lab department is not a place for someone who only slacks off.”
Ryuga sighed and accepted it, “Fine, can you lead me to the lab department?” Ryuga said with a bored tone. “Oi, you don’t seem concerned about the situation. You do realize that you will end up failing if you are banned from the lab department, right?” Kirio asked Ryuga. “I will be fine. Don’t worry. You take care of yourself. I will meet you after school.” Ryuga said with a smile. “Alright man...If a situation arises, we can go to the principal, alright?” Kirio said to Ryuga. “Yeah, I got it Kirio.” Ryuga said with a smile. “Good!” Kirio walked to his seat.
“Anyways, whose going to lead-“
Before Ryuga could say anything, he was interrupted by a girl, the same girl he saw the other day who vanished from he kept an eye on for quite some time. “I will be transferring to the lab department with Ryuga Aragi!” The girl stated as she stood up.
There was a brief moment of silence and then suddenly everyone went, “HUUUUUH?!!!!!!”
Confused by the whole situation, Ryuga could only tilt his head and say, “Eh?”
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