《Ghost World Academia》5-Arkwet


Ryuga is running as fast as he can. He doesn’t have a choice but to run since he hasn’t unlocked his limiter neither does he have a vehicle he can ride.

(Ryan Arkwet, the step-father of the two Ogres, Alicia and Jau-Unfurn. He is also a foreigner here who has grown business at lightning pace. He was the one who gave Alicia her name. Alicia wasn’t born when he and Alicia’s mother got married. She was still in her mother’s womb. So Ryan gave Alicia the name Alicia as well as his last name Arkwet to her.

So, the answer I needed to know was why Ryan made sure that he would erase all of Alicia’s connections with him. I got the answer when I reached his place today in the morning. The reason for erasing his connections with Alicia was because it would cost him money.

If the community we lived in knew that a human and an Ogre had a thing going on, the deals he had made with a lot of huge companies, and the huge names supporting him, they would all cut their connections with him.

I came to know about it all today in the morning when Kirio and I went to The Printing Press. Actually, both of us knew what was going on. I and Kirio, we both met the owner of Arkwet’s Printing Press. It was a surprise for us. When we asked him to meet us, he met us with a happy face. It was as if nothing had happened.

I questioned him, I asked him about Alicia Arkwet and he kept on denying her existence. It was as if he wanted me to believe him that he didn’t know who she was. That’s when he slipped his tongue and said, “I never met that Ogre.”

I knew he screwed up and even he knew he screwed. That’s when he did something weird. It was almost as if he hypnotized me. He made me believe that Alicia Arkwet never existed in the first place and Kirio who was sitting with me also forgot everything about the whole incident.

Whatever that thing he did, whether it is magic, ability, or whatever that second key thing the Ghost call had. It was scary. Just the sheer fact that I can forget about something so important made me scared.

Honestly, even now, I am scared to death just because of that thing he did to me. If that Ogre didn’t come in my dreams...I don’t have any idea what would have happened.

Now that I think about it, who the hell is that Ogre? Is he someone I know? He did say that I saved his kind the first time and now he said that I saved his kindred. What the hell does that guy want to say to me? He isn’t even clear about that. Whatever the case be, I will have to reveal the truth as quickly as possible.)


On the other hand, Jau-Unfurn has entered the Printing Press already. The lights aren’t out and when Jau-Unfurn opened the door, the door wasn’t locked either. Jau-Unfurn found it quite strange.

The paper machines that are well-organized have all been turned off and yet the lights were all on. Since no one came or nothing happed, Jau-Unfurn looked around for a while trying to find any kind of clue but there wasn’t any luck.

“You know, sneaking into someone’s office place at night is burglary, right?” A figure walks behind Jau-Unfurn. Jau-Unfurn turned around and looked at the figure. It was a man who would be in his mid 40’s.


Even though the man definitely looked like he was in his 40’s he had a handsome face. It’s mostly because of the wrinkles he looked like he was in his 40’s. He had a decent healthy body and long messy long hairs which came down to his shoulders. He lights a cigar in his mouth using a gold lighter.

“Ryan Arkwet, why would you tarnish my sister’s name?” Jau-Unfurn questioned Ryan. She was clearly angry but she didn’t want to be reckless unless and until she got a clear answer.

“What are you talking about? Your sister worked with the Illuminati, I didn’t tarnish her name at all. Now you have come here to silence me because you are a part of the Illuminati too and your mother was part of it too. Who knows, maybe the whole Ogre race is a part of the Illuminati.” Ryan gave an evil smirk.

The words that Ryan said made Jau-Unfurn angry. Her switch flipped. She angrily rushed Ryan with a mace ready to strike his head. Even though Jau-Unfurn was coming towards Ryan, he didn’t move.

That’s because “STOP RIGHT THERE JAU-UNFURN! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR WORKING WITH THE ILLUMINATI!” The familiar order came from Ranger Chilli who came along with Mayumi and another Ghost who wore a yellow yukata and held a fan in her hand.

Her face was cover with a moss mask so no one was able to see her face. The only one whose face wasn’t covered was Mayumi.

Jau-Unfurn stopped right in her tracks. She couldn’t believe that the heroes of this world were also manipulated by Ryan Arkwet. “Yellow Paradox, be sure to take her alive. It will be a big catch if she is one of Ilumunati’s top dogs.” Ranger Chilli says to the woman in yellow Yukata.

“Understood!” The girl speaks as if she is obeying an order.

Jau-Unfurn raises her mace against the girl in yellow, “Since I promised Ryuga I won’t do anything reckless I don’t want to hurt any of you. Especially that girl Mayumi, since you and Ryuga are close to each other, I want to avoid hurting you.” Jau-Unfurn says. “But if you come between me and Ryan Arkwet, I will have to hurt you.” Jau-Unfurn makes a firm statement.

“I guess this Ryuga is your boss. Is he a human? Do you know that person, Miss Revons?” Ryan begins to question Mayumi. “I do indeed know, Ryuga Aragi. He isn’t anyone to worry about. He is just a normal human who hasn’t even broken his first limiter.”

Mayumi speaks about Ryuga. “Is that so? So why would an Ogre obey such a man’s order? By any chance, are you in love with that human?” Ryan keeps on questioning Jau-Unfurn.

There was hesitation on Jau-Unfurn’s face but she recovered herself and spoke, “You say and do whatever you want about me but don’t bring Ryuga into all this. He is an important person to me!” Jau-Unfurn says with sheer power in her words. “Oh? Is that so? So let’s find out how important this person is for you and for Illuminati.” Ryan smirks.

A sudden rage of dangerous aura spreads throughout the room from Mayumi, “JUST LIKE THE OGRE SAID KEEP RYUGA OUT OF THIS!” Mayumi angrily states.

Even with Mayumi’s anger, Ryan still tried to talk to her, “Miss Revons...He if he isn’t conspiring with the Illuminati, he wouldn’t have any problem whatsoever but we need to talk to him at least to know that. You have to know that it is just to be sure that my life isn’t in danger.” Ryan’s statement wins Ranger Chilli on his side.


“I do agree with Sir Ryan on this matter. I will personally be sure to take care of this Ryuga. So, if he is innocent he won’t have any problems but if he isn’t innocent, we will bring out every single torture tool in our pocket to make him spill the beans.” Ranger Chilli assures Ryuga’s safety to Mayumi but even Mayumi knew that he will still rough up Ryuga a bit if he ever showed up.

“For now, I shall take care of this Ogre.” Yellow Paradox said and walked in front of Jau-Unfurn. Jau-Unfurn spun her mace. “I seriously don’t want to hurt any of you.” Jau-Unfurn looked right at Yellow Paradox and spoke. She looked around to make sure that no one jumped on her.

“Don’t worry we won’t need to fight you. Yellow Paradox is strong enough on her own to take you down.” Ranger Chilli said as he took a seat and waited for Yellow Paradox to take on Jau-Unfurn.

Both Jau-Unfurn and Yellow Paradox had a staredown for a while. Jau-Unfurn readied her mace and Yellow Paradox opened her fan to cover her moss mask. Their showdown was about to begin.

On the other hand, Ryuga was still running. He removed his phone and looked for contacts. The contact he pressed on was the number of his father. Hiro picked up the phone, “What is it?” Hiro asked Ryuga.

“I need your help. Can you contact that person and tell him that Mayumi is in danger?” Ryuga requested help from his father. “Why do you ask for his help?” Hiro asked Ryuga. “Because if there is someone whose influence is greater than the person I am about to face, it’s him. So I want him to help me. Tell him, in exchange for helping me. I will never see Mayumi again...

”Ryuga’s face had turned blank. He stopped in the middle of the rain without any raincoat or umbrella, he was dripping wet. He knew that he still had some feelings for Mayumi but he still wanted to save Alicia’s tarnished name. He wanted to bring back Alicia’s glory and for that, he needed the help of that person. He knew, only that person could help him now.

“You know boy, this is the first time in 4 years you have asked me for something. I never thought that it would be such a bold request. Let me ask you this though, do you have any regrets?” Hiro knew, he knew that Ryuga would regret doing this but Ryuga smiled and answered, “No, I don’t have any regrets because that’s what my mother taught me.” This bought a smile on the old Hiro’s face, “Yes, Kaori has indeed taught you well, boy.” Hiro said with that smile on his face.

“I will contact that person, you be careful with whatever you are doing.” Ryuga cuts the call.

Ryuga knew that if he went to the Printing Press all alone, he would be surrounded by either cops or Ghosts. So, he wanted to make sure that this isn’t a situation where he gets into trouble and later on regrets that he didn’t contact that person but Ryuga didn’t know, that Jau-Unfurn was over there already fighting for her life.


A sudden *THUMP* to the wall and Jau-Unfurn bleeds out blood from her mouth. She tries to get back up but she is already pretty beat. “Here I thought that you were going to at least make me use my elemental ability but the only thing I need to use is pure physical strength to defeat you.” Yellow Paradox said to Jau-Unfurn who tried to get up with the support of her mace. Jau-Unfurn coughed up blood.

At this moment, Jau-Unfurn didn’t want to hurt anyone. Her true strength is much greater than this but she didn’t want to hurt anyone because she didn’t want to be reckless like Ryuga said. Unfortunately, this wasn’t helping her circumstances. An Ogre’s body is definitely strong but it isn’t strong enough to keep on defending forever. Just for how long could Jau-Unfurn keep on defending? At some point, even Jau-Unfurn knew that she would have needed to fight back. If she didn’t fight back, she will first be captured, tortured, and then killed off.

“Subdue her Yellow Paradox. Don’t kill her. We need her alive and make it quick. We don’t have all day.” Ranger Chilli ordered Yellow Paradox. “Understood!” Yellow Paradox obeyed as a subordinate would. Yellow Paradox quickly rushed and punched Jau-Unfurn her face sending her flying to another wall. The wall almost broke from Jau-Unfurn’s sheer body force.

“Let’s capture her Ranger Chilli, Sir!” Yellow Paradox said. Ranger Chilli summons a special handcuff that only he can create.

The handcuffs have a specialty. They can’t be broken by sheer force and they can’t be lockpicked either. They need special mana to unlock it and that special mana comes only from Chilli Ranger. That is the reason Chilli Ranger is one of the best Ghosts when it comes to capturing criminals because he can capture criminals alive pretty easily. No one can break his handcuffs whatsoever.

Jau-Unfurn was conscious. She was looking at Chilli Ranger’s feet which were right next to her eyes. She just couldn’t move whatsoever. She tried over and over again to move her body but it was already too damaged. Plus, her body hadn’t recovered from her fight against Mayumi since yesterday. Chilli Ranger handcuffed Jau-Unfurn and pulled her body with him.

“Thank you very much, Sir Chilli Ranger. You really helped out a lot.” Ryan made sure to thank Chilli Ranger for his efforts in capturing Jau-Unfurn. He started to walk Chilli Ranger and the other two Ghosts to the front door.

“Make sure that you get information out of her. I will make sure that you get a promotion, Chilli Ranger.” Ryan said and opened the front door that leads outside the printing press.

The door opened, the lightning thunder struck hard, and there he stood surprised to see Jau-Unfurn getting dragged out of the Printing Press. Ryuga quickly changed his expression and angrily expressed, “Get away from her!” This was a sudden moment since no one expected Ryuga to come here.

“My, who are you? Her collaborator? It seems we are getting big fishes one after another.” Ryan smirked as he spoke with a high tone. “Sure, you could say I am Jau-Unfurn’s collaborator. Ryan Arkwet, the stepfather of Alicia Arkwet.” Ryuga folded his hands and looked right at Ryan. “Who is this Alicia Arkwet? I have no idea what you are talking about. If you mean that Ogre who was mentioned in my papers then you should recheck. Her name isn’t Alicia Arkwet, it's Alicia Shiezel”

That sudden smile from Ryan made Ryuga take guard.

“That’s right, the person mentioned in the papers in Alicia-Unfurn, the sister of Jau-Unfurn.” Chilli Ranger sided with Ryan on the argument. Ryuga knew something was off. After all, Mayumi knew Alicia as Alicia Arkwet until today afternoon but she hasn’t stepped up yet. So Ryuga knew this was the work of none other than Ryan.

Ryuga soon said, “The second key...” Everyone including Chilli Ranger and Yellow Paradox to Ryan took guard. The only one who wasn’t taking guard was Mayumi. “Idiots! He hasn’t even broken the first limiter and you are thinking that he can use the second key.” Mayumi spoke in an annoyed tone. “Eh?!” Everyone looked confused. “That’s the Ryuga Aragi that Jau-Unfurn was talking about.” Mayumi said.

Ryuga found it strange that Jau-Unfurn mentioned him. He didn’t understand how his name came in a conversation about Alicia and Jau-Unfurn. “Anyways, he doesn’t have any specialties.” Mayumi speaks for Ryuga. “How dare you fool us, boy?!” Chilli Ranger was pissed off by the fact that Ryuga said Second Key but in defense, Ryuga said, “You are idiots for thinking that I would activate this second key or whatever you speak of. The reason I said the second key was because that’s what Ryan Arkwet says before activating his ability.” Ryuga pointed his finger right at Ryan.

“If I had to be correct, your ability had to do something with memory erasure. I couldn’t remember certain events after you used that second key of yours.” Ryuga pointed out. He looked right into Ryan’s eyes as he spoke.

Suddenly, Ryan began to sweat and tremble but there was a sudden smirk, “You really are something, aren’t you?” The smirk continued to stay on Ryan’s face. “Now, you do know about my second key, and let me guess, you are going to say that I erased your memory about Alicia and also your memory about our meeting today.” Ryan said with a sadistic smile. Ryuga looked confused yet angry. He didn’t know why Ryan said such things even though he was cornered.

“Ryuga Aragi, that was your name right?” Ryan asked Ryuga.

Ryuga replied with an angry tone, “Yes.” Ryan smirked and said, “You see, there are certain people who haven’t lost any memory of that night’s incident and those certain people are standing right in front of you.” As Ryan revealed this to Ryuga, Ryuga’s eyes widened with shock. He wasn’t sure about other Ghosts but he never thought that Mayumi would ever betray him like that.

Ryuga looked away from Mayumi, “Tsch! I should have expected this. After all, you are not only his daughter but her as well.” Mayumi looked surprised by Ryuga’s comment. “It’s just an Ogre Ryuga, let it go. I seriously don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Mayumi said.

“Let it go, huh?” A sudden aura started to flow from Ryuga’s body. “Let it go, huh?!” Even his voice started to grow bold. “Let it go?! Is it such a simple matter to you?!” The aura that Ryuga left made everyone around him sweat. True, Ryuga has no limiters or anything of that sort but his intentions were clear as day. They were filled with hatred. “I will tell you all this once and only once, let my friend go or else this won’t end well.” The sudden huge aura grew even stronger as Ryuga spoke his demand.

Chilli Ranger looked at Yellow Paradox, “Kill him. He will just get in the way.” Chilli Ranger commanded Yellow Paradox. “Yeah, just kill him off. Otherwise, he will just keep coming back.” Ryan said. “Stop! This isn’t what we agreed to!” Mayumi tries to stop Yellow Paradox but she already is on her way to kill Ryuga.

Yellow Paradox’s speed was unmatchable. Her fan was right at Ryuga’s throat before he knew it and she was ready to chop his head off but Ryuga bit his right thumb and created a small amount of blood just in time. That blood flew right at Yellow Paradox and trapped her legs. “Sorry, I am not here to die today.”

Mayumi’s eyes straight away widened. She knew what was coming. “Mayumi! Why did you do that?!” Chilli Ranger questioned Mayumi for that trap. “I didn’t do it!” Mayumi responded to Chilli Ranger. Annoyed by the fact that Ryuga survived, even Ryan questioned Mayumi, “Then who did it?! Is there anyone else who can control blood other than you here?!”

“Mayumi can control her own blood but not someone else’s. There is another person though, who can control both his and another person’s blood. All he needs is blood and he can easily control it.” A huge figure walked behind Ryuga. The figure was tall, well-built, and wore no mask. He came in his regular jacket, white shirt, and a pant. The man might be in his mid-40’s which can be said due to the hairs which are going grey.

“No way...That’s...” Chilli Ranger, Yellow Paradox, and Mayumi all straight away knew who that person was. “Who is it Ranger Chilli?!” The only person in dark was Ryan. “Sorry to call you at such a time but I needed your help. Blood Elementalist, Bleed. I appreciate your help.”


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